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Thoughts on Emboldened Boon, and suggestions

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31 minutes ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

I never said people playing Emboldened will be exclusively that, or that they should do that.
I said Emboldened runs should be training wheels runs and not achievement clearing runs. Use the training wheels by all means. Then take them off and do achievements as someone that now knows mechanics, if you want the achievements at all.
I don't quite get the part about "achievements applying as the player enters the wing". Is it a technical issue?

The following is a direct quote from the June Studio Update that I think you might've missed:


Upon entry, raid members will gain their first stack of the Emboldened enhancement, which grants additional health, damage output, and improved healing to aid in their battle against each boss. 

This is not a situation like a CM where everyone walks in and opts in. It will be on in one wing a week whether you like it or not (from the information we have been provided thus far). There is no distinction between runs, and no opt in/out. Thereby penalizing people for just trying to do their normal clear, if you were to get your way with regard to the Envoy collections being gated. 


11 minutes ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

It's not the if, it's the how. "How" changes after the 28th, can we agree on that at least?
I will say that I don't care if people get leggy gear, I'm happy for them, it's nice to have. I've said it the last time, I'm fed up, every comment is like "you don't want people to get it?!"
Ideally, I'd like people to go through what I have gone through, which is challenging content that makes the achievement nicer to get, with the additional help of the emboldened runs to learn mechanics.

You're correct - this part not only sounds elitist but also sounds like "Well college was 10x more expensive when I went, why do they not have to pay as much???". The "how" isn't changing in a meaningful way. At the end of the day, people will do the same number of successful kills for LI. The difference is the first one or two times in a new encounter will be less painful to learn. 

You keep asking for an achievement - if you are actually proud of your accomplishment, why is it so important to you to get a (likely 0 AP) achievement that only you care about? You know what you went through to get it. And by the time everyone has their armor you're so hung up on they all will, too, because nobody is going to take 42 weeks. 

Edited by Jovan.1804
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3 minutes ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

does it sound so crazy to ask for an achievement to validate my efforts

Honestly, yeah it does. I didn't expect an achievement for buying GW2 before it became a free-to-play game, nor when they made a myriad of other changes across the game to increase QoL or make content more accessible to larger portions of the playerbase. Doing those things was good for the game and made it better for more people. Doing this will be good for the game too and help justify the resources that went into raids (despite how hard they flopped).

The benefit we get from doing/obtaining things early is being the first people to have those things and the memories of the journey. It's cool if the company decides they want to add an achievement or commemoration item if there are changes later on, but it does sound crazy to expect that or be annoyed when it doesn't materialize.

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5 hours ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

...I'm talking about the Envoy and Coalescence achievements, and how by the looks of it, they are not turned off during emboldened runs.
That in my opinion, invalidates the time and effort I have spent raiding the past few months, and I'm dead certain I'm not the only one feeling the same way...

...I think a valid option would be to add an achievement (to show yourself) or a title (to show others) that you've cleared raid bosses during a normal encounter...


38 minutes ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

What's so goddamn hard to understand holy kitten xD
I play raids to impress myself. I want an achievement to show it. To myself. I should've avoided the words prestige and titles, now everyone locks their brain into the "you don't have to impress anyone" argument.

Sorry but I'm not really sure what you are trying to say. It sounds like you don't want Anet to make easier to get raid armor because that would somehow invalidate the effort you've already put into getting that armor. If that is indeed what you are saying, I just don't agree with that sentiment. Take my WvW armor. After getting the exotic precursors to the ascended armor, it took me about a month to get each piece of ascended armor and turn it into a leggy. For all three sets of leggy armor, that's 18 months. During that time, Anet made changes to the pip system, making it faster to get your max pips per week. They are still making noises about changing the reward system in WvW, though there are no details about that yet. If they make it easier/faster for people to get the WvW leggy armor, I won't be upset about it. I enjoy playing WvW, like you've said you enjoy raids, so I'm not upset about those 18 months. Heck, if Anet makes it easier/faster to get WvW leggies, I'll be happy, since that will positively impact my getting the leggy backpack I am working on now and the two Confluxes that are next on my list after that. Besides, if leggys are easier to get in WvW, that might draw more people into a game mode I really like and that's a good thing.

You already have both the sense of accomplishment and the fun that doing those raids gave you. So I don't know why making it easier for people to do those raids now invalidates what you've already done. Having said that, let me add that I'm fine with you getting a title if that helps shore up your sense of accomplishment. Heck, look at my signature. I've been asking for that title for quite a while now. Sadly, Anet has yet to give me one for that achievement.  😅

5 hours ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:


Edited by Chichimec.9364
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2 minutes ago, Jovan.1804 said:

You're correct - this part not only sounds elitist but also sounds like "Well college was 10x more expensive when I went, why do they not have to pay as much???

I'm not expecting ANET to backtrack on a decision they have made public 24 hours ago...
There's a difference between what I was initially annoyed about, and what I think can be done realistically.
What I'm saying is more along the lines of "If you're giving everyone the same badge I got back then for doing 50% less work in college, can I at least get a different one to keep, to remind myself I've done it the hard way?"

I'm not out to get anyone, jesus christ...but you're welcome to argue with your own narrative

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4 minutes ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

I'm not expecting ANET to backtrack on a decision they have made public 24 hours ago...
There's a difference between what I was initially annoyed about, and what I think can be done realistically.
What I'm saying is more along the lines of "If you're giving everyone the same badge I got back then for doing 50% less work in college, can I at least get a different one to keep, to remind myself I've done it the hard way?"

I'm not out to get anyone, jesus christ...but you're welcome to argue with your own narrative

In sticking with the college analogy, you do realize how ridiculous it would sound to go back to your alma mater and ask for an updated diploma that said "Learned to use a card catalog" just because students these days have computers to make their lives easier, right? Because if you're really just pressed about an achievement because you had it so much harder that's effectively what you're asking for. 

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7 minutes ago, Chichimec.9364 said:


Sorry but I'm not really sure what you are trying to say. It sounds like you don't want Anet to make easier to get raid armor because that would somehow invalidate the effort you've already put into getting that armor. If that is indeed what you are saying, I just don't agree with that sentiment. Take my WvW armor. After getting the exotic precursors to the ascended armor, it took me about a month to turn each piece of ascended armor into a leggy. For all three sets of leggy armor, that's 18 months. During that time, Anet made changes to the pip system, making it faster to get your max pips per week. They are still making noises about changing the reward system in WvW, though there are no details about that yet. If that makes it easier/faster for people to get the WvW leggy armor, I won't be upset about it. I enjoy playing WvW, like you've said you enjoy raids, so I'm not upset about those 18 months. Heck, if Anet makes it easier/faster to get WvW leggies, I'll be happy, since that will positively impact my getting the leggy backpack I am working on now and the two Confluxes that are next on my list after that. Besides, if leggys are easier to get in WvW, that might draw more people into a game mode I really like and that's a good thing.

You already have both the sense of accomplishment and the fun that doing those raids gave you. So I don't know why making it easier for people to do those raids now invalidates what you've already done. Having said that, let me add that I'm fine with you getting a title if that helps shore up your sense of accomplishment. Heck, look at my signature. I've been asking for that title for quite a while now. Sadly, Anet has yet to give me one for that achievement.  😅

Completely disregarding the fact that you disagree, I'm glad you seem to understand, as most people in this comment section appear to be convinced I don't want new people to raid, or get leggy armor, or thrive in general.
Considering raiding is harboring 5% of the playerbase, I'm happy to see this update is a very good way to address that.

Anet is making it easier to get raid armor, period. I wish they'd turn off achievements for envoy, but since wishing won't do much, my point is- at least add a new achievement to the game that demands clearing raid bosses in normal mode. I'm baffled at how many people are against that idea to be honest. Won't hurt anyone! If anything it will be an incentive to take off the training wheels.

I don't care much about titles either tbh, I run around as Archeologist 🙂


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7 hours ago, Nakasz.5471 said:

First of all, I'm not crying, I already have all the legendary armors and I don't need more LI.
I would like to know: Why does this invalidate the time you spent?

You keep your armor and legendary achievements, basically what the buff really changes is the DPS check issue, it will be much easier to get a decent DPS with the buff. Which is very good as many people have trouble getting good numbers.

The mechanics will remain the same (including the one shot ones), what will be the difference between making cairn's Jade Heart with emboldened and without emboldened? The number of greens you need to stay, only, as in an emboldened run he will die more faster.

What's the difference between doing Demonic Heart (Deimos Envoy Achievement) with emboldened and without? You still have to go through ALL Deimos phases. You'll still get one shot if you stay out of the dome at mindcrush time, if you're out of some block/invuln source, etc. You will continue wiping on Deimos on you step on the oil non-stop. Dont you think you can survive Deimos Oil even with 50% healing buff, yeah? XD

Honestly, I think what you're raising is the detail of the detail. The positives of the new change are INFINITELY superior to the negatives.

We need more people raiding (it's been 3 years since the last one was released), more people getting legendary armor. As long as the mechanics are maintained, and have a certain challenge in making them.

There's another point you forgot: emboldened raids will be very interesting for training, since you have more healing and damage. That way you can focus more on LEARNING MECHANICS.

It would be SENSATIONAL to see many groups on lfg with the following description: "Weekly emboldened LF Role". It would be much better than the garbage that is raid lfg today, where every week you have to block new sellers just so you don't see their ads.

Best post ive read in quite some time, very objective. Ty

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I understand a lot of the sentiment of the OP, but realistically you could make a similar argument for different effort required balance patch to balance patch or pre POF vs post POF/EOD.


It would be impossible to maintain a notion of "equal" effort over the course of a game like this that is constantly being tweaked/updated over time.


While 50% damage and 100% health might seem like the most blatant advantage - chaos chrono could maintain permanent every boon in the game on 10 players, and from a mechanics perspective that was arguably more broken (consider that this meant permanent old resistance = zero condition damage taken, permanent stab, permanent aegis).






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13 hours ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

I think a valid option would be to add an achievement (to show yourself) or a title (to show others) that you've cleared raid bosses during a normal encounter.

Anet already did/adressed this. From Anet's statement: " Additionally, certain prestigious achievements are not obtainable when under the effects of the Emboldened enhancement: Undefeated,  Seimur Was WrongSlippery Slubling Down, Down, Downed"

So, players can not get "The Eternal" title, for example, if they are doing emboldened runs.

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10 hours ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

No, it's not at all about how long it takes them, it's about the effort I have put in in the past few months, compared to the effort people can put in now, for exactly the same results.

And? The effort you put in this is probably different than the one i have put in this, and also differs to a degree from the effort everyone else put into this. That's because both people and the circumstances around them are different.


Learning raids was really hard for me. I am not a fast learner, so learning the mechanics and "dance steps" for each encounter takes me a lot of time and effort. I have also been doing it in a group of friends that also started from the very beginning, so the learning effort was very slow (and very painful).

Now, i have two other friends. One looked at raids, watched a few guides, made a build, and was succesfully pugging full clears in like 2 weeks never having any issue with it at all. Another just happened to have a group of 9 veteran raider friends, and started getting carried the moment they voiced their interest in the content.

The effort put in all those 3 cases was not even close to being similar. And yet i never thought that the fact that those two friends who got fast-tracked invalidated the effort i've put into it at all. Nor did i think that they should have had it harder to equal the effort i had to put in.

10 hours ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

I've had a hard (but great) time through some achievements/bosses, and if ANET doesn't want it to be hard for everyone, I can understand why, but that doesn't have to invalidate my efforts like the efforts of many others who have been raiding the past few years.

It's a purely "you" issue. I, for one, do not feel my efforts to obtain my 3 sets were "invalidated" by this change.

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9 hours ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

Of 15+ answers it feels like maybe 3 understood what I'm trying to say and gave honest opinions, and it's tilting me so hard xD
Where did I say "I don't think CMs shouldn't be rewarded"?
I said ANET has a hard time increasing rewards.
And yes, we are talking about the kind of player that's interested in leggy gear, whether that's 1% of the playerbase or 30%, I think that's entirely beside the point. I'm not at all referring to the amount of people about to start that project, 'cause it has no impact on the points I'm trying to make...

Ultimately, I guess it's on me for having used the word prestige, it seems to rile people up easily.

I transmute my leggies too.

I am totally with you there. Started raiding few months ago, put mine time and effort to be able to do full clears, and since some other players seem to like good analogy than I'll throw in mine. It kinda feels like when you are in a job for many years, got nice salary and even salary raise few times, you put 100% effort in your work, and then your boss hire a totally new guy, without experience and gives him the same salary you have now after working hard for many years. 

I have written in other posts that I am against any kp's and achivs for Emboldend runs, but heck this since it probably won't happen, but as you said it would be really nice something that would distinguish you from this other players.

As opposed to other players that say they don't care about other players stuff, I am. It's always nice to see good ol fashion wars I can take inspiration from, or full lege players with nice titles that tells you "OMG this guy is so pro, I want to play like him, and get his stuff one day. He surely had fun time getting there and I can't wait to get there myself".

But, ppls are lazy this days, they want everything without any effort with the best argument ever "It's not your buisness what other players have". It is true, coz it is not my buisness if for example someone earns my year salary in a matter of days for doing 5min video for YouTube, but it is kinda saddening, but world is not a just place, so one would think that at least in fantasy world there would be some degree of justice.

And before first confused face will spawn, I am all about encouraging more players into raiding. These are just not the methods to do so in my opinion. I am more about making easy mode for them without kp's and achivs, pure mechanic and minimal damage from boss, but it's not popular opinion as far as I know. I say lat ANet throw resources on it for some times if it means more new raids in the future and more raiders to play with, just let this new raiders learn, don't give them free stuff.

Edited by Biziut.3594
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11 hours ago, Rogue.8235 said:

Why is it so important that other players don't have what you have (speaking to anyone that is advocating for positional goods).

It shouldn't matter what other players do or don't have, because it doesn't affect you.  That players can get legendary armor, at a much slower pace, with a bit of help from emboldened doesn't affect anyone that already has legendary armor.  The only reason to want to bar emboldened players from getting legendary armor is purely because you vale what you have based on the number of people who don't have it.  


As for equity,I do not see how it is unfair to players who already have legendaries from raids that others can get their legendaries after the patch.  What you have is yours, you've had it for a while, and no one can take it away from you.  Also, other people having legendaries has absolutely zero effect on you having legendaries. 

For those who want to argue equity in the context of cost equivalencies, there isn't an argument there either.  If a product becomes cheaper over time, it does not diminish what you already have.  The one exception to this isa positional good.  The value of positional goods is based on how many people don't have it.  To this, I ask: why should legendary armor be a positional good?  Why is it valued because others don't have it?  


In sum, the change with the embolden mechanic has zero effect on people who have all the shinies from raiding already.  


By making raid armor hard to come by Anet was making it rare and granting it a level of prestige associated with having completed (some of) the most difficult content in the game. By reducing the rarity and by reducing the prestige associated with the armor those who earned it before those elements are reduced have been impacted. You might not feel the impact, I certainly wont as I dont raid in GW2, but neither of us can accurately declare that someone else wont be.

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

By making raid armor hard to come by Anet was making it rare and granting it a level of prestige associated with having completed (some of) the most difficult content in the game. By reducing the rarity and by reducing the prestige associated with the armor those who earned it before those elements are reduced have been impacted. You might not feel the impact, I certainly wont as I dont raid in GW2, but neither of us can accurately declare that someone else wont be.

Notice, that the assumption that this change will let obtain the armor a significant amount of people that could not do it without it is also exactly that - an assumption. And a highly doubtful one, at that. The impact of this change is extremely unlikely to be as big as some people try to make it seem. As i see it, raid sells have a far bigger impact on this imagined prestige than this change will have.

For all we know this might even result in some people trying raids for real instead of buying runs. And that would be just a terrible thing to happen, right? [/sarcasm]

Edited by Astralporing.1957
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11 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Notice, that the assumption that this change will let obtain the armor a significant amount of people that could not do it without it is also exactly that - an assumption. And a highly doubtful one, at that. The impact of this change is extremely unlikely to be as big as some people try to make it seem. As i see it, raid sells have a far bigger impact on this imagined prestige than this change will have.

For all we know this might even result in some people trying raids for real instead of buying runs. And that would be just a terrible thing to happen, right? [/sarcasm]

Notice that what is be8ng requested is that someone who earned the armor before the process is made easier be allowed a simple token (an achievement or title) to show for that effort, not that others be discouraged from trying raids.

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3 solution for the problem to profe your performance in Raids or endgame PvE content, without Arenanet implement new features in to the game to profe it for you.
Save our Arcdps Logs, without you cant prove if you get carried by friends or buy your kills and titles from a Raid Seller. Title or kp cant prove that.
Create a killproof.me account it will log your weekly kills. So you can prove you did wings on weeks there were not emboldened in this wing.
Go for the Raid and Strike Cm Title. If you are already proud about your
achievements, you proberly will even get a better feeling if you get all the CM title and save the logs of the kills.

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

Notice that what is be8ng requested is that someone who earned the armor before the process is made easier be allowed a simple token (an achievement or title) to show for that effort, not that others be discouraged from trying raids.

Following that train of thought, when Anet gets to removing the unique buff effects (from spirits and banners) and replace them with generic ones, resulting in a significant overall group dps loss, should everyone that earn the armor after those changes get a different "token" for doing it the harder way? Should we make those kinds of "tokens" everytime meta shifts or some major change is applied? Should we do the same for minor changes? In not, where would we put the division line between one and the other?

OP already had it massively easier than those doing it within first years of raiding, and yet i don't see anyone suggesting this cheapens or diminishes the efforts of those that got Envoy set before him. I'm also quite sure that such an idea never even crossed OPs mind.

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8 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Following that train of thought, when Anet gets to removing the unique buff effects (from spirits and banners) and replace them with generic ones, resulting in a significant overall group dps loss, should everyone that earn the armor after those changes get a different "token" for doing it the harder way? Should we make those kinds of "tokens" everytime meta shifts or some major change is applied? Should we do the same for minor changes? In not, where would we put the division line between one and the other?

If a reward is being removed I support the idea of compensating those from whom it was removed. None of the examples you give involve such.

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15 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

The example you were talking about didn't involve anything like that either.

It absolutely did. Part of the reward were rare, and prestigious, armor skin sets that symbolized completing the content at its normal difficulty. Removing that aspect of the reward is what could be readily replaced with a title that represents what the armor did.

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keep in mind that the effect will be up for one wing each week, from what was said in the blog. thats not gonna make ppl run in legendary armors in a few days. u would grow old trying to get the lege by farming emboldened. it will however help ppl get into raids and show that they're not impossible to beat, and make more ppl actually try out raids. ppl will still need to learn the mechs and do all wings if they want the get the armor in one lifetime. making the curve less steep does not invalidate your experience imo.

also i cant really find a way to exploit this in any meaningful way. even with those buffs, and even if u could stack the buff by simply pulling the boss and /gging u still need to defeat it, still do the mechs, and still keep it relatively short in order to make it worth it. so u still need a group, and ppl need to do the very minimum of at least not watching netflix on second screen. what this system will not do is allow ppl to get free money. what it will do is encourage ppl to try out raids and help them realise they're not impossible.

also the game gets easier with each patch pretty much. look at ppl who were the first to kill tequatl or whatnot. now its a joke. if your looking to show off your acomplishments in the game, gw2 just isnt designed to allow this really. all the christmas tree ppl using all the infusions just show off how rich they are, but its invalidated by the fact u can buy the infusions.

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15 hours ago, solvemprobler.4295 said:

It's not the if, it's the how.

Eh. I think the "if" and "how" are almost inseparable at this point.

Right now, the "how" has proven so far beyond the tolerance of so many players, it's almost meaningless to separate it from the "if." For 95% of players, the "if" choice (whether they are going to get Envoy or not) is entirely determined by the relatively high bar set by the "how" factors (all the overhead that goes into raiding, which is much more demanding than anything PvE demands). Compare this to more accessible content, where because the content is so easy to do, it really does come down to whether or not a player actually wants to do that content for X reward. I'm not saying that raiding should eventually match the ease of that kind of content, but just as a demonstration of what it takes to meaningfully separate the "how" from the "if."

This isn't to say that you don't have a point, a LOT of people share your general desire to (1) not deprive others of rewards, but instead to (2) simply boost your own rewards for having done it the "right/more challenging/more legitimate" way. I mean, there's even a parable from the Bible that covers this exact thing; it's an age-old issue, and you're far from alone in having that perspective. I don't personally share your position, but I at least recognize that you're not looking to shut anyone out - you merely want something extra in recognition for having done it a different way.

As for my own journey to full legendary armor for all three weights, I went the sPvP route. It's certainly the fastest, at the cost of being put behind the cesspool that is ranked sPvP. I've done some raids, killed some bosses, and have what I would consider close to 30 raid-ready characters... but I just hate raiding here. Which is a bit odd, considering that I've raided in other games, and arguably the process of learning, assembling a team, and clearing a raid was overall much more of a hassle than it is here. What I realized is that even the reasonable overhead required to raid in GW2 is just so alien to why I love GW2 in the first place - being able to do almost whatever I want with almost no overhead at all. I can do just about everything else in this game without any sort of static, and I can come and go as I please without impacting my own or others' experience. I consider that to be the greatest bit of magic about this game, and it's something few other multiplayer games can even come close to.


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4 hours ago, Ashen.2907 said:

By making raid armor hard to come by Anet was making it rare and granting it a level of prestige associated with having completed (some of) the most difficult content in the game. By reducing the rarity and by reducing the prestige associated with the armor those who earned it before those elements are reduced have been impacted. You might not feel the impact, I certainly wont as I dont raid in GW2, but neither of us can accurately declare that someone else wont be.

But the change won't make the legendary set like bloodstone dust. Simply because it will only be ONE wing per week. What's the problem with having only one wing per week with the buff? I think it could be at least two wings.
Do the math: for you to finish the first legendary set, it takes 150 LI (6 weeks of full raid clear, HOT + POF), with the buff, to get a full clear, it will take 7 weeks.
This means that to get your first legendary set by doing only emboldened raids, it will take 7 * 6 (42) weeks of emboldened raids.
Do you really think this will "lower prestige" or "make legendary set extremely common"?
Another point, why create a token to prove you made the set before? There are already CM titles for this.

I really don't understand what people who are against the idea of emboldened want after all.
I even think they could add some more ways (as long as they have some challenge) to get LI. An example could be adding a weekly LI for finishing all IBS strikes.

Edited by Nakasz.5471
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10 minutes ago, Nakasz.5471 said:

But the change won't make the legendary set like bloodstone dust. Simply because it will only be ONE wing per week. What's the problem with having only one wing per week with the buff? I think it could be at least two wings.
Do the math: for you to finish the first legendary set, it takes 150 LI (6 weeks of full raid clear, HOT + POF), with the buff, to get a full clear, it will take 7 weeks.
This means that to get your first legendary set by doing only emboldened raids, it will take 7 * 6 (42) weeks of emboldened raids.
Do you really think this will "lower prestige" or "make legendary set extremely common"?
Another point, why create a token to prove you made the set before? There are already CM titles for this.

I really don't understand what people who are against the idea of emboldened want after all.
I even think they could add some more ways (as long as they have some challenge) to get LI. An example could be adding a weekly LI for finishing all IBS strikes.

I never said I was against emboldened. I suppose I could turn that around and ask why you are opposed to someone receiving a title to compensate for having an aspect of the reward they already earned removed?

A title to show that one made their set without the emboldened buff is not the same as CM .

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