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why are people hating on the patch?

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One could also mention the removal of class specific buffs to be rather detrimental to variety in party compositions as well. I wont deny it declutters the buffline, but whereas before those buffs could be used to give players an extra edge in challenging content, that will no longer be the case. 

In effect you'd say "Everyone's equal now" and you'll be judged only on your boon uptime, only to realise it is not really that hard to get topped up in buffs from 2 players. So everything else is going to be driven by DPS numbers, cold and factual numbers. And everyone will be underperforming due to buffs still being capped to what it was before the patch. For raiders in particular, this is likely going to be a mega nerf.

Edited by Naxos.2503
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3 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

They seem to be doing alot of good things in the patch, like updating the engineer rifle into a might monster and making aim assisted rocket actually useful again.


I don't know what people are complaining about.

Did you read the reasons and rationales provided by people who dislike the patch? What did they say?  Maybe that will answer your question.

Without even reading from those folks,  and just from the patch note, i dont know, things like dropping  critical chance in fricking condi  lines. 

Edited by quaniesan.8497
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4 minutes ago, quaniesan.8497 said:

Did you read the reasons and rationales provided by people who dislike the patch? What did they say?  Maybe that will answer your question.

Without even reading from those folks,  and just from the patch note, i dont know, things like dropping  critical chance in fricking condi  lines. 

whats so bad about that, we engineer players have had crit in our condi line since the release of the game basically

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3 hours ago, Veprovina.4876 said:

They're not hating on the patch, the patch is just "meh".

Unless you happen to be a Warrior playing more demanding content. In which case, well, you have a problem.

Considering the classes i currently play (and those i do not play), so far this patch was a significant loss for me, with no bright sides.

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Many changes were out of touch. Some classes got outright shafted. And even leaving that aside the scope of the patch was smaller then expected.

It took a very long time to happen, and yet the changes were relatively few and tended to be simplistic. Rather then the in-depth revamps that were expected.


Throw on top of that some leaked dev convos.... and yeah. People are frustrated.

Edited by Arewn.2368
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11 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

whats so bad about that, we engineer players have had crit in our condi line since the release of the game basically

Warriors were already struggling to keep up and heavily dependant on the unique banner buffs to remain desireable.

They removed those buffs and put the compensation for that in an unused trait line, not only killing any desirability for warriors in group play, but also nerfing their already middling damage in the process.


Removing unique banner buffs is a good idea. But they poorly executed it and completely shafted warriors in the process. The crit trait is just one element of that.

Edited by Arewn.2368
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For me personally, GW2's defining feature -- and the thing that sets it apart from other MMOs/RPGs -- is the dynamic and fluid combat design, with a focus on mechanics/reactions (timing dodges, blocks, CC, etc.) over pure rotations.  GW2 has been steadily throwing away the features that made it unique, and this latest patch really exemplifies that. 


Just look at the changes to Chrono Shield5.  Shield5 is a projectile block and CC -- it should be a skill used reactively to counter certain attacks, or to set up bursts.  The latest patch, however, re-designed Shield5 to be spammed off cooldown to maintain alac/quickness for the raid group. 


The steady trend away from rewarding counterplay and complex playstyles has made GW2 feel more and more like all the other generic MMOs, where you just mindlessly rotate through your skills. 


GW2 is a complex game with numerous different classes and traitlines.  You need a team that knows the classes, mechanics, and game modes well.  A.net hasn't invested into that and it shows.  Part of the decline we've been seeing is due to one of the current balance devs simply disliking complex classes/builds and favoring firebrand as his main (see the leaked dev chats), and then balancing around that.  He even mentioned having to rely on wikipedia to see what thief skills do.  That said - I don't agree with or support any of the hate / threats towards the devs - they're simply being put in a position to fail. 

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8 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

whats so bad about that, we engineer players have had crit in our condi line since the release of the game basically

man im sry if this sounds offensive but you shouldnt talk at all if youre gonna say things like these, right now engi is one of the strongest classes, mech and firebrand are ridiculously overpowered and braindead to use, that means any of the new alac or quick sources  are completely irrelevant and unless youre a main with experience and want to experiment noone will play them, the 4 dps changes are mostly irrelevant (like untamed changes) or plain nerfs (like soulbeast).

I can respect that you like rifle being buffed, i think its good too, but engi is one of the classes that didnt need a buff because it was already good, while other worse classes didnt get anything or worse, nerfed.

If anet realy listened they would have buffed untamed, changed vindicator, made alac and quick sources much better than they did, but instead just buffed engi and left fb as the god it still is, thats favoritism and those mesages we saw just show some of them dont care about players at all, i wont say what should be done with that kind of people but, is anet realy gonna antagonize the playerbase because of a person like that? its a bit sad id say

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1 hour ago, ResJudicator.7916 said:

For me personally, GW2's defining feature -- and the thing that sets it apart from other MMOs/RPGs -- is the dynamic and fluid combat design, with a focus on mechanics/reactions (timing dodges, blocks, CC, etc.) over pure rotations.  GW2 has been steadily throwing away the features that made it unique, and this latest patch really exemplifies that.

So true, also movement! But it is understandable to forget how much Jumps and ports we have, when the meta way to do WvW, OW meta trains, Raids, Strikes and to a lesser extend fractals is to stay in the blob as long as possible. Small scale skirmishes like PvP and WvW roaming is the only mode in my opinion where you really can use most of your kit to the full extend. In theory you can use much of your kit in OW too, in praxis most OW content is just a spawm party.

1 hour ago, ResJudicator.7916 said:

The steady trend away from rewarding counterplay and complex playstyles has made GW2 feel more and more like all the other generic MMOs, where you just mindlessly rotate through your skills. 

While having mediocre PvE endgame content. I blame strikes. Reused asset became popular content thanks to accessibility and now serve as motivation for balancing around that kind of content.


Edit: The patch also cements the boon meta, which limits encounter design drastically.

Edited by Albi.7250
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2 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

well I used the rifle and the game seems fine, you get to machine gun so well with the scrapper quickness, I think the haters are just jealous that we got a cool new-old weapon.

Imagine for a second. If someone already benchmarked 36k with rifle mechanist. How miffed everyone would be. 

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The nerf on shadow arts was uncalled for, it just made a balanced trait line that could be used for everything become only for support working only for specter and even so it made it impossible for it to lose aggro from mobs and players and also made stealth attack traits in the specter line even more useless.

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6 minutes ago, Jaricko.6143 said:

Imagine for a second. If someone already benchmarked 36k with rifle mechanist. How miffed everyone would be. 

Actually saw something close to it. It's ridiculous and the animation looks janky. Most likely missing a frame, resulting in the quick firing result.

24k DPS. Not pressing a button Engie Rifle is a Perfectly Balanced Weapon With No Exploits - YouTube

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The only thing still worth something in that trait line is shadowsteps healing and even so it doesn't even heal that much. What use is there for barrier if for a good support build you need to use shadestep trait and it brakes the little barrier you get for friendly targets and removing it from you.

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I'm happy that they finally (from the sound of it?) have made checkpoints for the final battle instance in HoT.  If they're saying what I think they're saying, it shouldn't be a hell-gauntlet of wasted time anymore if you die from one little mistake, like accidentally gliding out of bounds during one of the phases and getting kicked, and having to start the whole darn thing over again.  That's happened to me more than once, and made me dread grinding out the story content for my chars who aren't there yet.  Maybe I'll stop putting it off now 😂

Re: the class changes, I'm still behind on a bunch of the elite specs, so I haven't gotten to test some of the altered skills yet, but I'm sorry to everyone whose existing builds got screwed up, I know that's a pain in the rear end.  I have trouble remembering the names of my thief skills, but I've actually been getting good on my thief lately, so I hope they didn't mess around with things so much that I have to completely scrap my build and start over.

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1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Nerf? What nerf? It'd doing only 36k, surely needs a buff. And while doing it, we should nerf Eles again, just to be sure.

Yeah it needs a buff in fact. It shouldn't need to use a kit to do these kinds of numbers. 

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6 hours ago, Stalima.5490 said:

I don't know what people are complaining about.

If they had nerfed the engi rifle instead of boosting it, your tone would be very different. Also the rifle was already a must have for all engi meta builds so the boost was not needed and wierd to make since Anet said they would be boosting unused weapons, like for example engi's one handed guns...

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1 hour ago, Jaricko.6143 said:

I will just... drop this here. Also Mechanist has a machine gun now. Adding to its tool belt on nonsense. 

I selected "laugh" but I kind of want to cry too. 

This is like 90% of the issue with the patch. The things they said they'd do sounded good, but the reality is just so far from it. I'm also giving the warrior and herald benefit of the doubt on their rotations as I use neither. 

And to fair, I'm less miffed about HB and Mech still being strong, but more miffed they're still treating certain classes like garbage (ele, warrior). Every class should feel as powerful as the meta classes. Pearl Abyss tries to avoid nerfing and focus on buffing. That should be anet's mantra. Also I'm very concerned about overall DPS output being nerfed due to the removal of the class-specific buffs. I don't really think the game needed that. I don't want every profession to be some colorless, boring thing to play, and the direction of nerfing everyone into the ground that's overperforming tends to have that effect. 

Edited by Firebeard.1746
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