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Profession Balance: Next Steps and Preview of June 30 Balance Update

Josh Davis.7865

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25 minutes ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

Dagger (Off Hand) 

  • Crippling Talon: Damage multiplier increased from 0.75 to 0.9 in PvE only. 


Dagger (Main Hand) 

  • Crippling Talon: Damage multiplier increased from 0.75 to 0.9 in PvE only. 

Looks like dagger main hand changes weren't typed in correctly. Still not happy with the patch overall, but some steps in the right direction today.

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I take it you do step by step fixes in that case? That's great!

But please do NOT forget Power Holo. It is  underperforming too rn, lower than Mech without the benefits of pets / ranged etc. In general it might be an idea to reduce 5% crit chance and give us 5% dmg somewhere else as a buff (full berserk is at 106% crit chance by default).

Thank you!

Edited by Xyonon.3987
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These are not just good changes but reassuring changes. It's clear now that at least some of y'all actually know how your own game works!

Sardonic wisecracks aside, I'm really happy with these Ranger changes. I was devastated when OWP and LotP were nerfed, but these weapon buffs are great. Of course, it would have been much less distressing if the OWP and the LotP nerfs and weapon buffs had come simultaneously instead of piecemeal, and if there had been some prior explanation, but you know this already.

I'm also happy with these Mechanist changes. I'm glad you are tuning down the passive damage but keeping the new Rifle intact - it's great.

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35 minutes ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

We overshot here.

No you didn't and the fact that you think that in spite of the actual numbers showing otherwise is just further prove that you have no idea what impact your changes have. All you're doing here is just responding to outrage from people who can't even quitify the damage increase the previous change actually had.

Edited by Tails.9372
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I appreciate the willingness to amend mistakes through hotfixes and I hope you commit to the effort of amending this enormous mishap. 

What I am personally not happy about is the apparent direction the balance is taking, however.
Soulbeast having a high skill ceiling through burst was by no means a bad thing. Catering to people who do not wish to put the effort to learn something, despite the myriad of help sites like SC, LN, dT, is. I will await to see your post about balance to see if I wish to continue this game at all for that reason. Dumbing down to cater to a select crowd while hurting everyone who has been around a long time and has done the effort of learning gw2's combat system will not help your game.

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Honestly mech will probably still be op after this nerf, but that aside, most of these are good changes!

I do think that the change to slb to get rid of tiny burst window management lowers the skill ceiling which is really sad for high end players. Please don't do that.

Edited by Jokuc.3478
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I wish you guys did more with ele, and did something with warrior. These two are REALLY hurting at the moment. But I will give credit where credit is due, you actually nerfed mechanist, and gave buffs to some really poor performing specs, I am rather happy with this. And shows you guys do actually seem to realize how bad this patch was. But, I still don't really believe that I can trust the balance of the team, this is at least a start.

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2 minutes ago, ErisianMoon.1740 said:

Soulbeast having a high skill ceiling through burst was by no means a bad thing. 



They're addressing the high skill FLOOR, not the ceiling. The irony of you dissing players for not wanting to learn something new when you completely misinterpreted what the balance changed is palpable.

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Still will not support this game with purchases until I see actual improvement within the game and the dev team that supports it. This is a small gesture of goodwill - I think sweeping changes are in order. We will see what develops in the next few months.

'Cautiously optimistic'... Josh, you've really put upon yourself an uphill climb on re-establishing the faith of the players. Here's hoping you can do that.


Edited by pallas.8150
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Just remove the chronomancer changes. Negligible boonrip after 3 seconds is useless -especially considering how much boonrip mesmer has-, superspeed after 3 seconds is useless, losing quickness on shield5 removes every opportunity to combo out of that short stun.
Not "tweak here and there", not "change some numbers and see what happens".


You don't have the expertise to touch it in a sensible manner. Revert the changes, then think it through for some months (and use your brain to do it; superspeed on a well? I get to move, but I can't move for 3 seconds? Who the kitten comes up with these ideas?). If you really think providing both quickness and alac is so gamebreaking, nerf the duration on the wells to some 3s and call it a day; it's going to be bad, but it's not going to be REWORKED bad (as in: it gets borked and remains borked for the next X years).
I'll personally pay Solar one pizza of his choice to revert those changes. I'll add one additional pizza for every week he abstains from touching mesmer, to be paid on Friday. I'm not joking.

Edited by Terrorhuz.4695
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43 minutes ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

... it is adding a large amount of passive damage that does not require direct player input and has caused the mech pet to deal more damage than we’d like. 



Does this actually give hope to piano builds? Weaver? Catalyst? 

Will piano rotations actually be rewarding? 

Please confirm! 

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Thank you for taking some feedback-acknowledging steps regarding this, that's what I like to see. I will be properly optimistic when I see the changes laid out in the original posts nearing completion.

If you're looking for places to start for warrior, please take a look at this thread for PvP/wvw oriented suggestions that don't cause major balancing issues for PvE.

A list of easy things you can do to make warrior not suck in PvP specifically. Easy information access. - Warrior - Guild Wars 2 Forums


Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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@Josh Davis.7865 | Calm Warrior & Bladesworn Feedback in written & video form: Please skim these Grouch, even if you don't agree with all of it. It took a crap load of work and I feel reflects some (if not all) of the sentiments of the warrior community:

Bladesworn Post: 

Warrior Balance Video: 


& Genuinely Thank You for following up with the patch preview and continuing the communication with the community. It means a lot. ❤️

Edited by PseudoOAlias.4279
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3 minutes ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Just remove the chronomancer changes. Not "tweak here and there", not "change some numbers and see what happens".


You don't have the expertise to touch it in a sensible manner. The class was fine being dead without you jumping on its corpse for the sake of it. Revert the changes, then think it through for some months (and use your kittening brain to do it; superspeed on a well? I get to move, but first I must NOT MOVE for 3 seconds? Who the kitten comes up with these ideas?)
I'll personally pay Solar one pizza of his choice to revert those changes. I'll add one additional pizza for every week he abstains from touching mesmer, to be paid on Friday. I'm not joking.


Totally agree. I doubt anything gets reverted but the "new wells" are extremely bad. Superspeed after standing still? A second null field? Removing Quickness from wells and moving it to shield, our damage weakest weapon (we don't even cast phantasms in pve)? How was the outcome so unexpected? 😞

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51 minutes ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

Soulbeast's damage output previously relied on lining up a burst window while the skills “Sic ’Em!” and One Wolf Pack were active, paired with the damage from the off-hand axe skill Whirling Defense. Outside of this, soulbeasts have low sustained damage. This created a high skill floor for playing the specialization effectively, making it difficult to create strong baseline performance for players who did not execute on or were not aware of the mechanics to produce this damage window.

So "high skill floor" = knowing how to time a few dmg increasing skills?

And because this was too difficult for the masses, you nerfed Soulbeast? Because people wasted Sic 'Em on auto attacks?

... why are you mentioning this supposed skill floor? Does it justify the SB nerf? Lol, punish people who can time their burst skills? What are you trying to accomplish by saying this?

Nerf burst skills --> punish "high skill floor" players --> force "high skill floor" players to play with less overall DPS

This helps people below the "high skill floor" how?

You dropped the "high skill floor" players down to the DPS ground with the nerf. Now you want to sprinkle back a little weapon DPS to fix it? So SB players of all skill levels can do mediocre flatline DPS?

51 minutes ago, Josh Davis.7865 said:

Now that the obfuscating factor of this burst window has been reduced

LMAO is this a joke? This makes competent SB players sound like magician-gods.

This is right up there with calling the evade on GS chain "frustrating random dodges" back in 2019 when you removed it.

Anet, why shift the game away to punish players for improving their skills? People are free to play lower skill classes that can still deliver DPS. Why punish those who practice, improve, and master their class?

Edited by Saharo Gravewind.5120
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