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About Those Tempests

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Anyone else feel like Tempest has way too much performance value lately?

Few main problems:

  1. Shock Aura
  2. Stone Heart
  3. Enhanced DPS and heals
  4. 28 seconds of Alacrity per full attunement cycle, for its whole party. Does it really need this? That's even boated for pve standards.
Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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When it's focused, not so much I would think but the fact that you need this much coordination to deal with one probably highlights the fact that Shock Aura and all the CC'd it provide needs to be looked at. Why is Shock Aura a full stun again? Why not daze? Earth shield pull range is still absurd, the CD changes did nothing as you'd expect.

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Seems like it does really well into the current meta. Especially double 🍔 comps. The recent buffs it got certainly help.

There's also the fact that other supports with the exception of core guard are underperforming by a wide margin. Firebrand, heal scrapper, heal scourge, heal mech, heal druid, healbreaker, are all overnerfed and/or underperforming. 

Not sure about Ventari rev, I still need to test out the changes it got. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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*Tiredly swirls coffee dregs in a mug* 


What I feel is that we should bring everything up to Tempest's level, if Tempest is performing in such a way as to draw complaint. Thats what, all three elite ele specs doing ok now? Can we do that for the rest before trying to feel out how good is too good for something that wasn't good like.. a month ago?

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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It doesn't feel like a traditional Support anymore though. It's more like a rolling defense point of invulnerability for its team nowadays, and it pushes out way too much offensive value for how strong the Support is.

Whenever something becomes so good that you have to have it on your team or you lose to other teams who do have it, and there is no downside to running it in any situation, it needs to be reviewed.

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Its the projectile denial uptime. It invalidates most ranged options.

That being said, the minute you force it out of earth its not hard to focus down. The best way to force it out of earth is removing its stab and giving it condis. Harb is actually good at it and a smart one would drop pistol for scepter if the enemy has a tempest.

Spectre is also good at forcing it out of earth by just spamming cc and putting a few condis on it.

May I ask what build you typically run in this meta?

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8 hours ago, FrownyClown.8402 said:

Its the projectile denial uptime. It invalidates most ranged options.

That being said, the minute you force it out of earth its not hard to focus down. The best way to force it out of earth is removing its stab and giving it condis. Harb is actually good at it and a smart one would drop pistol for scepter if the enemy has a tempest.

Spectre is also good at forcing it out of earth by just spamming cc and putting a few condis on it.

May I ask what build you typically run in this meta?

The OP can only run a pewpew druid, done so for years...this is his 1xxxx ele nerf thread...I'd imagine people would know the OP by now, 2/3 of the ele nerf threads are started by him

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Ah... The never ending flow of "nerf threads"...

People were complaining about Necromancer and Guardian. Now, they complain about Necromancer, Guardian, Engineer and Elementalist.

We just need for people to have reasons to complain about the 5 others and we will be able to say that the game is more or less balanced.

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It is extremly unfun and dictate too much for what you should take/play. Again soft counters are fine but hard counters are unfun aswell as all the passive and rotational trash he goes threw.


How to fix it ?

Give it 2x more active healing and nerf passive stuff so shock aura should be daze and activate once

Nerf the projectile hate because its too strong for years now. This is not only problem on temptest but its huge example of how hard it is to play projectiles. Even harbinger got nerf on corrosive poison cloud from 8 to 6 seconds (its still 6 seconds which is funny not 5 or 4) after being unsplited from pve for like eternity and somehow survived all the years. If its hard to nerf projectile hate than give projectile based builds more options for unblockables i mean way more cus it stupid right now. Not to mention everyone have ports etc so whats the point of playing range vs for example full meta comps.


So if you buff healing from water attunment like 2x or even 3x and buff healing from auras just go ham and nerf passives from auras so he is forced to go water to heal which makes risk vs reward justified.

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Biggest problem is current support in game are more like tanks and are extremly unfun to play against. 


1: Is it more fun to you when you hiting someone and droping him and see them healed back up or

2: you can t land a single hit than suddenly after 10sec you made your first hit without weaknes or blind and target has no shock aura, prot block and you don t eat random cc meanwhile.


For me 1 is way more fun and leads to more active gameplay than making the best rotation out of passive effects boons which is pve like but here we are.

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1 hour ago, CroTiger.7819 said:

It is extremly unfun and dictate too much for what you should take/play.

I couldn't quite place my finger on exactly what was annoying me about Tempest lately, but that is exactly what it is.

1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

The OP can only run a pewpew druid, done so for years...this is his 1xxxx ele nerf thread...I'd imagine people would know the OP by now, 2/3 of the ele nerf threads are started by him

This is quite seriously the first Ele nerf thread I've ever written. I normally vouch for Ele buffs, but Tempest is just disgusting right now, regardless of what class you play against it.

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A couple things need to happen to properly nerf tempest.

1. Earth shield-This is more of a conjure issue, but they should remove the drop another shield part and reduce the cd by 20%

2. Swirling winds-reduce uptime to 4s. Decrease cd to 25s.

3. Provide reliable stab outside of Harmonious conduit, most likely from buffing Rock solid. This allows ele to take invigoratting torrents again

4. Buff shouts.  Give flash freeze 2 charges. Increase rebound heal or give it 3s of no-death like untamed heal. 

5. Significant buffs to shouts could allow people to drop aura share for cleansing water.


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22 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Seems like it does really well into the current meta. Especially double 🍔 comps. The recent buffs it got certainly help.

There's also the fact that other supports with the exception of core guard are underperforming by a wide margin. Firebrand, heal scrapper, heal scourge, heal mech, heal druid, healbreaker, are all overnerfed and/or underperforming. 

Not sure about Ventari rev, I still need to test out the changes it got. 


Didn't do Ventari Rev, but for WvW, the Vindicator healing build is very fun there. I was able to make a wacky build setup where you pump barriers on yourself, which work through the effect of the floating box tradeoff, so I can just spam the box as a form of consistent healing, cleanse condi's on dodge, get endurance from cleanse and run that rotation with my box drops. It's a very fun build to play around on in small scale and zerg. 

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Imagine if weaver was this good.....


I faced off a weaver using scepter and he totally skunked me

Scepter is for weaver is underestimated


As for tempest.


Magnetic aura into overload earth is a very powerful combination.


I find that an easy way to counter is just to wait until they go into fire (the fire aura on switch is your cue) and then burst them down on any class capable of burst (not spellbreaker 😉).


The earth shield is powerful but I haven't come into contact with it as my enemies have almost the same amount of brain cells as me (not very many).


Fire aura counter: it doesn't protect them so why ask


Ice aura counter: (this one is annoying as it's the easiest one to get) persevere through the chill, chill isn't going to kill you. 


Shock aura counter: the stun is very short and the tempest feels over confident. A stun break can be used to catch them off guard


Magnetic aura counter: you know this one, go melee (if he pops an overload just run, this is surprisingly easy because overloads are mostly melee so you can use that to you advantage)


The only change that should be made is spellbreaker dagger 2 which should remove an aura on hit.


Its in the name.

Edited by Infinity.2876
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1 hour ago, Ptolomy.6984 said:

If auras are a problem then stop hitting into them without preparing for the consequences

Oh so you mean like "stop fighting entirely" so the auras can't effect me.

That or maybe make sure I have 100% uptime of at least about 5 stacks of Stability at all times.

Very feasible solutions my dude. Thanks for the advice.

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30 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Oh so you mean like "stop fighting entirely" so the auras can't effect me.

That or maybe make sure I have 100% uptime of at least about 5 stacks of Stability at all times.

Very feasible solutions my dude. Thanks for the advice.

i think what they mean is "just play necro or guard"

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Oh so you mean like "stop fighting entirely" so the auras can't effect me.

That or maybe make sure I have 100% uptime of at least about 5 stacks of Stability at all times.

Very feasible solutions my dude. Thanks for the advice.

Or swap weapon and hit the tempest from range so shocking doesnt proc. This just shows most people dont know how auras work, magnetic aura? Smack ele in melee, shocking aura? Go range him also auras have like a 4 sec duration if adapting for 4 sec is an issue you have bigger problems than the tempest.

Also shocking has an icd so you dont even need 5 stacks stab

Edited by Ptolomy.6984
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