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PvP is a wreck

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Sad that mech engis, scrappers, and reapers are now just running a muck in pvp. maybe someday anet will get things right. Revenant is basically worthless now since they nerfed their meta build to the ground and made their primary role a healer with no useful buffing support. Elementalist has better sustain and damage then vindicator, literally a lost cause at this point. Thanks for the next living world chapter, im sure most of us will do it for completion and not pay attention to a word said, but we continue to scramble the balance and completely break some builds making a class literally able to provide everything themselves while others have no primary purpose and exist to do a little damage here and a little heal there. What a waste of time PvP has become.

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This is not supposed to be rude or anything.... but i am having no problems against Mech, Reaper, and most notably not against scrappers....

What is going on with this community? They nerfed 🍔, Willywonka🍫 and Bunkicator.... now people start crying about the next thing.... and this time its Scrapper???

When will this endless circle of  "nerf whatever i struggle against" end...   like..... those 3 are not even close to being the currently strongest specs...   I mean for example the reaper. Reaper is okayish... but only a shadow of its former self.

Member 9k Lich autos? i member!

when will we stop crying for "nerf this, nerf that" and instead ask for viable tactics to dealing with them or... buffs for underperforming specs?

I mean.... secretly, this post is trying to get scrapper nerfed.... like... WHAT!?

Personally speaking... this patch is pretty okay in terms of balance! it will never be perfect, cuz thats simply impossible. But we are a BIIIIG stop closer to it than we were 2 months ago!


Edited by Sahne.6950
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16 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

This is not supposed to be rude or anything.... but i am having no problems against Mech, Reaper, and most notably not against scrappers....

What is going on with this community? They nerfed 🍔, Willywonka🍫 and Bunkicator.... now people start crying about the next thing.... and this time its Scrapper???

When will this endless circle of  "nerf whatever i struggle against" end...   like..... those 3 are not even close to being the currently strongest specs...   I mean for example the reaper. Reaper is okayish... but only a shadow of its former self.

Member 9k Lich autos? i member!

when will we stop crying for "nerf this, nerf that" and instead ask for viable tactics to dealing with them or... buffs for underperforming specs?

I mean.... secretly, this post is trying to get scrapper nerfed.... like... WHAT!?

Personally speaking... this patch is pretty okay in terms of balance! it will never be perfect, cuz thats simply impossible. But we are a BIIIIG stop closer to it than we were 2 months ago!


If it's broken it should be fixed, no? Your claim be like: Hey, my car got impaled through by some tree, but it's fine since I can still drive it so why should I remove that chunk of wood and bother fixing it if it's working?
Scrapper was buffed into oblivion though for some unknown reasons, so yea, it is busted spec that was just overshadow by new powercreep like every expansion.
Doesn't matter if something is "TOPKEKMETASLAUGHTER", if it's broken it should be fixed, like come on...

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8 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

If it's broken it should be fixed, no? Your claim be like: Hey, my car got impaled through by some tree, but it's fine since I can still drive it so why should I remove that chunk of wood and bother fixing it if it's working?
Scrapper was buffed into oblivion though for some unknown reasons, so yea, it is busted spec that was just overshadow by new powercreep like every expansion.
Doesn't matter if something is "TOPKEKMETASLAUGHTER", if it's broken it should be fixed, like come on...

scrapper is broken? wut?

i am playing SLB,Specter,Tempest this season.... i am not struggling against scrappers at all :0

what exaclty is broken about them? share your wisdom i guess. i seriously have not seen any good scrappers lately.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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4 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

This is not supposed to be rude or anything.... but i am having no problems against Mech, Reaper, and most notably not against scrappers....

What is going on with this community? They nerfed 🍔, Willywonka🍫 and Bunkicator.... now people start crying about the next thing.... and this time its Scrapper???

When will this endless circle of  "nerf whatever i struggle against" end...   like..... those 3 are not even close to being the currently strongest specs...   I mean for example the reaper. Reaper is okayish... but only a shadow of its former self.

Member 9k Lich autos? i member!

when will we stop crying for "nerf this, nerf that" and instead ask for viable tactics to dealing with them or... buffs for underperforming specs?

I mean.... secretly, this post is trying to get scrapper nerfed.... like... WHAT!?

Personally speaking... this patch is pretty okay in terms of balance! it will never be perfect, cuz thats simply impossible. But we are a BIIIIG stop closer to it than we were 2 months ago!


This is precisely my point, there should not be a single class that is able to completely provide everything needed to a team and to itself. However, this is currently what is happening, especially in PvP. There are no roles anymore, since some builds have been made way too capable, while others are having things taken away from them, giving them overall less capability. Their way of going about balance doesnt make any sense, class diversity is less than ever because of recent changes as you only need a single spec to do anything. It is rare for anet to mention pvp in patches, its obvious they really dont want to touch it, more than likely, because they dont really know what to do with it. This especially applies to the revenant class in specific. They have slowly made this class more and more mediocre. It used to be a good duelist, and now its almost impossible to win a single fight due to the sustain and dps changes. 'But its more of a healer meta now' Except it lacks the buffing support of all other healer specs. It almost feels like they are rolling dice each time they push out balance changes, there is no real reason for any of it.

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8 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:


What is going on with this community? now people start crying about the next thing.... and this time its Scrapper???

When will this endless circle of  "nerf whatever i struggle against" end...  !


You think it'll end?


People are on a perpetual nerf crusade, that won't stop. 


The goal is to get balance to a state where we can giggle when people try to portray things with counterplay as overpowered when they clearly aren't.  

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41 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

You think it'll end?


People are on a perpetual nerf crusade, that won't stop. 


The goal is to get balance to a state where we can giggle when people try to portray things with counterplay as overpowered when they clearly aren't.  

No reason to nerf anything, they would just have to bring other classes up to speed. Let every class be able to self provide everything while also being able to push out huge damage and evade half way across the map to get out of combat if need be. Maybe if they do that and level the playing field, skill will actually become a deciding factor.

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7 hours ago, Bast.7253 said:

It's just a spamfest now with boons and passive traits or pets doing 90% of the work. 

Or it's cc-locking and condition overload. 

They should just delete the game mode entirely since resources are stretched so thin.

You can't have played PoF release if you think its worse now than then.

The state of FB, SpB, Holo, Scourge, Mirage, on release, makes EoD look like a chess game.

Edited by Ragnar.4257
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2 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

You can't have played PoF release if you think its worse now than then.

The state of FB, SpB, Holo, Scourge, Mirage, on release, makes EoD look like a chess game.

This is a super unproductive way of looking at the situation. 'it was worse in the past so lets leave things the way they are' That doesnt make any sense, if its still broken why not fix things? It literally has nothing to do with the past.

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2 hours ago, Ragnar.4257 said:

You can't have played PoF release if you think its worse now than then.

The state of FB, SpB, Holo, Scourge, Mirage, on release, makes EoD look like a chess game.

Out of the bunch Holo and SpB were ok on the mechanical side even though the numbers were insane, maybe cause you couldn't even get a proper hit when there were 4 players on the screen, conditions, circles the floor is lava. SpB was the king of the sidenode but mostly cause it couldn't do kitten vs FB Scourge stack that constantly rezed each other and could actually kill bunker builds. 
You also forget the other big ones DE two shoting people(that kinda got looked up quickly cause some PVE thing if I remember correctly), Weaver good luck with downing that one if it was water and Soulbeast which kept anything with block outside of FB out of play and got us the whole rework on unblockable and then removed the trait that caused the rework.
PoF was a shitshow on the "balance" side all around, even today scourge and fb are big deal in WvW and PVE. 

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26 minutes ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

This is a super unproductive way of looking at the situation. 'it was worse in the past so lets leave things the way they are' That doesnt make any sense, if its still broken why not fix things? It literally has nothing to do with the past.

in the fear of repeating myself....

you seriously need to stop QQing. The PVP-balance currently is one of the best i have seen in the last few years of playing gw2. Sure its not perfect, because thats impossible. But we are one HECK of a step closer to it than we were lets say 3 or 4 months ago.

They are doing a fine job with their constant patches currently. Since, 3 weeks prior to EoD the ammount of "PVP RELATED BALANCE PATCHES" has skyrocketed. almost 2 years prior to that NOTHING has been balanced in pvp. but in the last 4 months or so we had almost 10 pvp balancepatches ( i did not actually count.... but for Anet standards there is a absurd ammount of pvp balancing happening atm).


people will forever be mad tho, and i firmly believe its because of the fact that they cant actually accept that they are loosing because they are playing bad... so they start  "buuhuu nurf scrappuur"-Threads.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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3 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

in the fear of repeating myself....

you seriously need to stop QQing. The PVP-balance currently is one of the best i have seen in the last few years of playing gw2. Sure its not perfect, because thats impossible. But we are one HECK of a step closer to it than we were lets say 3 or 4 months ago.

They are doing a fine job with their constant patches currently. Since, 3 weeks prior to EoD the ammount of "PVP RELATED BALANCE PATCHES" has skyrocketed. almost 2 years prior to that NOTHING has been balanced in pvp. but in the last 3-4 months alone we had almost 10 pvp balancepatches ( i did not actually count.... but for Anet standards there is a absurd ammount of pvp balancing happening atm).


people will forever be mad tho, and i firmly believe its because of the fact that they cant actually accept they are loosing because they are playing bad... so they start  "buuhuu nurf scrappuur"-Threads.

I find it interesting that everyone grabbed onto the scrapper comment, yet very little was said about mech engi in pvp. hmm

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3 minutes ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

I find it interesting that everyone grabbed onto the scrapper comment, yet very little was said about mech engi in pvp. hmm

Mechanist is quite literal garbage atm. Overnerfed AF. easily shutdown, easily countered. If you are dying to a mechanist, you do not know how to fight them yet.

I i am able to kill 2 of them at once with my tempest... they might actually be kitten 😉

The only thing i can get behind is reaper maybe... a Good reaper is like a solid rock. But a bad reapoer is a freekill.

we seriously can NOT nerf every strong build. If anything, every build should perform on the level that Reaper is performing atm!

constant nerfing will NOT improve the balance. We need more diversity. WE need to get more builds out of uselessness, instead of nerfing everything that you struglle against.

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1 minute ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Mechanist is quite literal garbage atm. Overnerfed AF. easily shutdown, easily countered. If you are dying to a mechanist, you do not know how to fight them yet.

I i am able to kill 2 of them at once with my tempest... they might actually be kitten 😉

so the class with arguably the best sustain in the game due to invincibility and stun stacks? which mind you other classes dont have. Got it.

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21 minutes ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

so the class with arguably the best sustain in the game due to invincibility and stun stacks? which mind you other classes dont have. Got it.

ahh yes! another "This class is braindead busted" comment. gotta love it. How about you play tempest then? i why are you complaining about mechanist then, if tempest is infinitely more broken in your books? 

what are you playing that you think everything besides what your playing is "overpowered" "best sustain ever" "invincible" yada yada.

If you playing anything other than core freshair i have to declare you "the biggest QQ baby of the day" for sure! ❤️

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23 minutes ago, SoulBlaze.3059 said:

I find it interesting that everyone grabbed onto the scrapper comment, yet very little was said about mech engi in pvp. hmm

Mind to tell us why you are struggling with mechanist? What is it about them that makes them too strong in your opinion?

The mechanists I encountered have been free food, basically. Alot of their damage is loaded on their mech, which is a weakness. The mech is AI. It is stupid and easily outplayed. You can either kite the mech for eternity or los it the entire fight (depending on if it's a melee or ranged variant of the mech).

The outplay potential is almost entirely on your side.

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