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When someone doesn't understand what elitist and casual are

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40 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

Also, not auto LFG, it's just open instance, that anyone can join.


No, it's auto LFG. You have 0 control over which instance you get placed into (besides choosing the content type aka specific mission). You click a button, the system places you in an instance IT decides on and pairs you with random other players who also pushed that button. You can't get invited into it, you can't in any way affect placing besides trying to manipulate when a new instances get opened to then get placed with similar people (which becomes impossible if a sufficient amount of players were using the system).Try again.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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3 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

I see you haven't played GW2, or anything remotely more complex than the API-guided tank-and-spank WoW-clone.

My my, but he went to fractals more times than you. He have more GOLD coz raids are dead and gives nothing. He dominates you through and through. How are you still standing after that obliberating argument of power and knowledge.

2 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


No, it's auto LFG. You have 0 control over which instance you get placed into (besides choosing the content type aka specific mission). You click a button, the system places you in an instance IT decides on and pairs you with random other players who also pushed that button. You can't get invited into it, you can't in any way affect placing besides trying to manipulate when a new instances get opened to then get placed with similar people (which becomes impossible if a sufficient amount of players were using the system).Try again.

It's kinda like all of this ppls that thinks communism system is a good idea. Show them the liveng, breathing example it isn't and they still going "But this isn't the REAL communism or REAL Auto-LFG". I am dead. xd

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10 hours ago, Biziut.3594 said:

My my, but he went to fractals more times than you. He have more GOLD coz raids are dead and gives nothing. He dominates you through and through. How are you still standing after that obliberating argument of power and knowledge.

It's kinda like all of this ppls that thinks communism system is a good idea. Show them the liveng, breathing example it isn't and they still going "But this isn't the REAL communism or REAL Auto-LFG". I am dead. xd

Well to be fair, they could make a new icon next to tp and pvp window with public strikes. The experience would still have been terrible but maybe we could stop getting those... unique ... requests about auto lfg for pve content 😉

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Fair enough. To be honest, before someone first mentioned it here, I totally forgot that they already were a thing.

2 hours ago, Krzysztof.5973 said:

Well to be fair, they could make a new icon next to tp and pvp window with public strikes. The experience would still have been terrible but maybe we could stop getting those... unique ... requests about auto lfg for pve content 😉


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On 8/3/2022 at 4:53 AM, Shadowmoon.7986 said:

If this game had a proper inspect gear/build system, people would not have to rely on kp so often. 

I dont wanna share my pvp build and inspecting gear isnt always proof cuz someone can play classes with different armour types and not have full leggy armour yet or they can have a lot of li but not the gold to make the leggy armour yet

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1 hour ago, andreiblue.8231 said:

I dont wanna share my pvp build and inspecting gear isnt always proof cuz someone can play classes with different armour types and not have full leggy armour yet or they can have a lot of li but not the gold to make the leggy armour yet

If your playing a pvp build in pve your doing it wrong, same as playing a pve build in pvp. Issue is people saying they can play a build while having mismatched runes and weird stat lines. The game is easy enough as long as you have proper gear and traits, so filtering those who are too disfunctional to do that will make everyones time better. Li and titles are pseudo ways of doing this.

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12 hours ago, andreiblue.8231 said:

I dont wanna share my pvp build and inspecting gear isnt always proof cuz someone can play classes with different armour types and not have full leggy armour yet or they can have a lot of li but not the gold to make the leggy armour yet

Inspecting gear is to make sure your pro leet DPS isn't running Soldier + Divinity Virtuoso, not to see if they have legendary armor.

Edited by The Boz.2038
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Actually not a fan of gear inspection myself. Not because I care about others seeing my gear or build, but rather because it gives the possibility for toxicity, especially from less experienced players.


Some of the most toxic interactions are usually found with players who think they have a grasp of the game but actually don't or at least not to the extent they believe themselves to. Imagine such a player going on a tangent because someones build is not 100% meta but rather customized (maybe even in a beneficial way to the encounter). Let's not even mention LI builds and how a large part of this player base are better off running those in the first place. Don't need someone go off on such a build not being meta too.


On the other-hand I am absolutely in favor of using a dps meter (and honestly having one built in would help to some extent). I don't want to judge a player based around their gear. I want to be able to judge based on their performance on the role they are performing and if that means they did come up with some alteration to a build and it works for them, even better. If you can pull off great dps numbers on a Nomads Ventari/Dwarf Revenant, I really don't care what you are wearing or your build looks like. I don't need gear inspection to see that though.



Gear inspection is just another band-aid fix to a completely different issue: inability to judge another players experience without knowing them. If GW2 has taught us anything, then that gear alone will not help or make a good player.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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36 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:

Gear inspection is just another band-aid fix to a completely different issue: inability to judge another players experience without knowing them. If GW2 has taught us anything, then that gear alone will not help or make a good player.

Gear inspection is a double edged sword. You can make sure people run the correct gear and suggest changes if needed, but people are going to kick others simply based on their gear. 
Gear inspection could be added as something people can request, but at that point it'd make barely any sense.

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On 7/31/2022 at 5:05 AM, The Boz.2038 said:

I am.
It can go one of two ways:
1) Won't work, because we have several times more roles than "heal, spank, tank". We have hybrids, we have dual role builds, and then we have people handling special boss mechanics. This slot is for a healer, and this one for a tank? Can you make a tank heal slot? Can you set your build tags to satisfy the tank heal slot? How about chrono tower? How does the game check?
2) Will work, by virtue of changing the entire game, every encounter. Which is either an absolutely massive amount of work, or just a huge amount of work dumbing everything down. 

Sadly ANet pretty much announced that we're going route #2. My only remaining hope is that they insert a mechanist-level of faceroll spec into each class, rather than turning every spec into the faceroll mech.

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It's true though, after EOD power creep, GW2 end-game content is starting to feel not so much harder than killing random creatures in a Queensdale map clear like 6 years ago.

  1. DPS is b@tsh*t crazy too high to where you can actually get away with running a bad build and still deal adequate DPS.
  2. Mobility & general defensive CDs are insanely enhanced to where it's hard to die even while running class cannon DPS builds. Like you have to go AFK to die in GW2 lately.
  3. Party Support is bloated to the point where people can actually ignore mechanics in T4/CM Fractals as example, and stand still DPSing while not needing to worry about mentally stimulating themselves with the concern of knowing mechanics or dodge rolling or using any defensive utilities/play at all.

Old school elitism is just kind of not necessary at this point. I've had many instances while running all forms of end-game content, where I allow in rather novice players who are joining in on something for the first time, and it really is not difficult to carry these players through a completion without any problems at all.

Guild Wars 2 is seriously officially too easy after EOD release and the recent mega buff patch.

If you're aiming at a god tier speed clear, I get gating with KP check and w/e. But if you're goal is simply to "get through the content", stiff gating is kind of douchey in 2022. It's just unnecessary.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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25 minutes ago, Bakeneko.5826 said:

So... raid community in Gw2 😄


To be honest, the most amount of toxic interactions I've ever had was in fractals as far as PvE is concerned. That's at least what my blocklist says. Which says nothing about either mode since a lot more players play fractals I'd assume.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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36 minutes ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


To be honest, the most amount of toxic interactions I've ever had was in fractals as far as PvE is concerned. That's at least what my blocklist says. Which says nothing about either mode since a lot more players play fractals I'd assume.

In my experience Fractals and Raids are around the same level when it comes to toxicity, maybe if I did more pug CMs it would be higher in Fractals. 
Strikes are also a honorable mention, since EoD the toxicity seems to have dropped, could be because I'm not really doing much IBS Strikes anymore, but, whenever I do Boney or Whisper it seems more chill even in groups asking for ridiculous amounts of KP.

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16 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


To be honest, the most amount of toxic interactions I've ever had was in fractals as far as PvE is concerned. That's at least what my blocklist says. Which says nothing about either mode since a lot more players play fractals I'd assume.

Fractals are the wild west, tbh.

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So the other day, there was a player who wanted to do Cold War in chat, and myself and another player in the map helped guide them through what to do, how to list in LFG, etc., since we were in the middle of a thing in the map we were in (e.g. wouldn't be free to help do the strike with them). It was a great example of someone not knowing what they don't know, didn't even know where LFG tab was and was intimidated by all the chicken scratch they saw in listings. We had to reassure them it was ok and to just say they were new or something like all welcome in the listing.

Idk if they got the group they were looking for, but they did get it listed in the end. And someone even told them to add as friend, so they could help them out in the future if they needed it.

Meanwhile, in the GW2 subreddit, there's an upvoted meme post about "toxic casuals" and the steam release could be within weeks.

If you are among the type of people who would upvote posts like that, who are so bothered by people joining your chicken scratch groups unwanted, then please beg Anet to make a format that is less permissive, with role restrictions. Offloading the blame is not going to work when the reviews start being written. You are just going to embarrass the community, when it's got helpful encounters like the one I saw the other day where people guided an unfamiliar player into doing a strike mission they wanted to do. Don't let their first experience be getting intimidated and rejected instead.

Edited by Labjax.2465
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19 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Meanwhile, in the GW2 subreddit, there's an upvoted meme post about "toxic casuals" and the steam release could be within weeks.

When people say "toxic casual" they are not talking about players who are new and don't know things, they are talking about people who demand to be allowed to join any group even though they don't meet those requirements, demanding rewards from instanced content to be available outside said content and so on.

If you have Mike who is unsure how to navigate the mess that is known as the LFG window and can't read some of the hieroglyps people ASK how to use and read things there people will answer and try to help. Mike is not toxic.

If you have Joe, who is stomping their feet, pounding on their desk demanding rewards from Raids, Strikes, CM Strikes, etc. telling a W5 squad that they must be allowed in the squad, even though they don't meet their requirements people won't be nice in response. Those are the people referred to as "Toxic casuals".

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