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Legendary variants cost is unacceptable

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10 hours ago, soulknight.9620 said:

This topic has been already discussed and Anet gave us the best response to our concerns that it could give: raised the cost on gen3 skins. Im not joking, just look at what it was initially and after the research notes got lowered/gold cost been added. It literary costs us more now than when the issue with high price was raised. 

Ive stated it multiple times, Anet misslead us with gen3 promotions minimum two times, first in their blogpost when the "tons of resources" things was said. And second time when they announced gen3 legendaries in general saying "oh look they are all aurene themed, but dont worry you will have additional varians of these legendary skins" which implied that gen3 major selling point was its multiple skins. If you compare gen1/gen2 with gen3 aestetically you will notice that gen3 is Black lion skin level of skins (just look at aurora ones etc). They even got the same animation for the whole set of skins, unlike gen1/gen2. So players assumed that "ok, skins are just overpriced BLC skins, but we will get more skins (reskins) for the same price" and that was the saving grace of the whole gen3 legendary series. Now we have to pay 1/3 the price of gen3 weap (or 1/2 of gen1 weap) to get a REskin of the same weapon. Imagine paying loads of gold for Halloween themed fire weapons (that are just Ascalon catacombs reskins). 

This kind of attitude towards their customers is manipulative. If they said it straight forward (during the announcements/promotions) that you will pay for the skins 1/3 of the lege price, it would be ok, but they didnt, they misslead us. 
To the guys that defend this kind of attitude of Anet: if you like these skins and are ok with paying loads of gold for a skin, good for you, you are totally allowed to. But just think about what will anet do next with this kind of attitude towards their customers. If they will get no backclash for missleading people - they will push this even further for future releases. Now answer me this - do you want to let gw2 fall into microtransaction hell eventually? Why microtransactions? Cause the sole purpose of this gold/resource sink to get those skins is purelly to get people to swipe their cards and get that shiny skin faster than it would take an active player to farm the gold for it. This behaviour is an effort to capitalise on the sole "i want that now" reflex of many people that are addicted to games.  

I followed these variants from the beginning. It was said that we wouldn’t have to create another precursor. We would go on a “journey” to make the variant. The details were scarce, but no where said we would be getting these for free. They didn’t tell us we would be paying gold for them either. With any type of reward/skin, it is expected that you put in some effort/game play time to create said skin. I just don’t see the justification for your reasoning. These skins if you got any of them are legendary quality. Being able to get any certain variant without making another full legendary is a great deal., especially for the nice effects you get from it. 

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15 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Way more flexible than straight up NOT having an alternative at all


If you dont like the look of a gen 1 or 2 legendary,  or it doesn't match with your outfit or your other legendarys, you have no options, you're stuck with that one skin

I may not like the look of torch, but like the focus. I may not like either, but think that sword is cool. In case of Aurene, either i like the whole set, or i don't like any of the weapons. And if i need to pay a ton of gold to get an additional option, i might as well buy a black lion skin i like (of which i have a much, much wider selection) for much cheaper. With many being of at least comparable quality with Aurene sets.

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27 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

Previous legendarys: "i want a legendary axe, hmm lets see, wow only 2 options and they both dont appeal to me aestheticly and severely limit me cosmetically if i want to change my outfit or dye my gear a different color. If only there was an axe with a similar theme to sunrise, because i really like sunrise, i could make sunrise but i dont use greatswords much so it would be a waste and i still wouldn't have a legendary axe, plus my legendarys wouldn'tmatch well togetheri f i made both, wow this sucks"

3rd gen legendarys: "i want a legendary axe, ok cool ill make this one and can change it to one of 6 variants depending on what im feeling, then i can make a second legendary of the same variety and have all my legendary weapons match one outfit and be cohesive,  how convenient"


3rd gen legendarys are MUCH more flexible for someone trying to customize their appearance than previous generations


If you are TP baron levels of gold rich in this game, then yeah, "depending on what I'm feeling" might be an accurate way to portray it. I am looking at how a player who doesn't have much (relative to cost of legendaries), which is most players, is likely going to interact with the system. And for a player who doesn't have much, a single legendary item is already a HUGE goal. A single one. For this setup, they are looking at a lot of extra cost for a single skin they want if it happens to belong to a variant instead of the base set. Their unluckiness for having the "wrong" taste in skins.

Flexible would be more like if you could go after any variant as a base starting point, i.e. start with aurene or start with zhaitan or whatever for a particular weapon type and then go from there.

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29 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

If you are TP baron levels of gold rich in this game, then yeah, "depending on what I'm feeling" might be an accurate way to portray it. I am looking at how a player who doesn't have much (relative to cost of legendaries), which is most players, is likely going to interact with the system. And for a player who doesn't have much, a single legendary item is already a HUGE goal. A single one. For this setup, they are looking at a lot of extra cost for a single skin they want if it happens to belong to a variant instead of the base set. Their unluckiness for having the "wrong" taste in skins.

Flexible would be more like if you could go after any variant as a base starting point, i.e. start with aurene or start with zhaitan or whatever for a particular weapon type and then go from there.

You aren't entitled to "cheap" legendarys.  Period


If its too grindy, dont do it

Simple as that.

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33 minutes ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I may not like the look of torch, but like the focus. I may not like either, but think that sword is cool. In case of Aurene, either i like the whole set, or i don't like any of the weapons. And if i need to pay a ton of gold to get an additional option, i might as well buy a black lion skin i like (of which i have a much, much wider selection) for much cheaper. With many being of at least comparable quality with Aurene sets.

I may like the focus skin, but not use them

I may use axes but not like either of the 2 skins available 


If you want to make a legendary sword an Aurene legendary gives you 6 distinct themes to choose from 


Thats better than being hard locked to one theme per one weapon.


In either case you could just use a black lion skin, but with the Aurene legendarys you at least have 6 choices rather than none.

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17 minutes ago, Kayberz.5346 said:

In either case you could just use a black lion skin, but with the Aurene legendarys you at least have 6 choices rather than none.

No. Remember, that the choice starts before you pick the legendary. So, the other generations are also choices. You're not less likely to like them than one of Aurene's variants. Remember also, that the 6 "choices" are just different-colored versions of the base Aurene weapon. Which helps if your only problem is trying to color-match your legendary, but does not help at all if it's the weapon itself that you do not like. Because in that case the variants are not an option.

Additionally, Gen1 and gen2 legendaries all are unique creations, while Aurene's are a much more milder set. Someone having no issue with that is far more likely to be in favour of some black lion skins instead. You may say that gen3 are opening more choices, but that only makes them have a much, much greater competition. And a much more equal one.

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1 hour ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

 And if i need to pay a ton of gold to get an additional option, i might as well buy a black lion skin i like (of which i have a much, much wider selection) for much cheaper. With many being of at least comparable quality with Aurene sets.

And that's really it.

The way it was implemented, I'm only going to end up making an Aurene legendary at this point if I decide it's worth it for the legendary utility, because I can get reskins to something interesting much cheaper and easier than the variants.

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1 minute ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

No. Remember, that the choice starts before you pick the legendary. So, the other generations are also choices. You're not less likely to like them than one of Aurene's variants. Remember also, that the 6 "choices" are just different-colored versions of the base Aurene weapon. Which helps if your only problem is trying to color-match your legendary, but does not help at all if it's the weapon itself that you do not like. Because in that case the variants are not an option.

Additionally, Gen1 and gen2 legendaries all are unique creations, while Aurene's are a much more milder set. Someone having no issue with that is far more likely to be in favour of some black lion skins instead. You may say that gen3 are opening more choices, but that only makes them have a much, much greater competition. And a much more equal one.

You "choose" to make the Aurene legendary with the knowledge it has a variant you want in the first place, thats 6 different potential looks you may be interested in rather than being hard locked to just 1 skin.

With gen 1 and 2 being unique that means if you dont like the ONE skin then you're completely out of luck. It doesn't matter if i like twilight. I cant make a twilight themed hammer if i want a legendary hammer, i have to make an entirely different skin aestheticly which i dont like, and in that case. I just wont make a legendary hammer period

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8 minutes ago, Gibson.4036 said:

And that's really it.

The way it was implemented, I'm only going to end up making an Aurene legendary at this point if I decide it's worth it for the legendary utility, because I can get reskins to something interesting much cheaper and easier than the variants.

I feel similar way. It's one of those things I file away as "if I happen to play the game long enough and somehow run out of interesting goals to pursue, maybe I'll do it, but otherwise nah."

I'm content working on gen 1s and 2s, which are more interesting and unique designs to me anyway, and that can easily take me years to get one for each weapon type. I like being able to match weapons in a set, but at the same time, I don't want all my characters to be dragon-themed either.

Most likely though, I will just not ever get legendaries for most slots, regardless. It's a huge amount to do every time, unless you are one of those people who games TP and can just buy a lot of the parts easy.

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I truly don't see why the cost is even an issue.

It is the players who dictate what the prices will be regardless of what mats or how much of each are required. If the variants require 200 copper, guess what the price of copper will be within hours? It is the player who are to blame for any price increases. Unless 0 mats are required, all new items will always be expensive at initial release.

It is just a skin. If it's too expensive for you, then wait. If you are unwilling to wait, then just look in the mirror and blame that person.

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4 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

Not to dismiss your concern because I kind of agree, but haven't legendaries always been ridiculous in this game? As much as 1-2 months of no-life play dedicated solely to one legendary with the most efficient farming methods, or months or years more casually (and that's based on my estimations this year, may have been worse earlier in the game). Multiply that by all the different gear slots you could want legendaries for and it's a massive time investment. But it kind of IS the end-game (fashion and gear convenience), so I kinda sorta get it even though I think the expectations are ridiculous.

Where other games do gear treadmill, this game does fashion treadmill. For those games, the goalposts for what is the best statted gear moves. For this game, the goalposts for what is the most shiny new fashion to get moves. In both cases, they want you to show up and chase what you don't have, even if it's kind of boring to do after a while. And in both cases, granted to your point, the degree of absurdity does vary sometimes with each iteration. But overall, the intent is more or less the same.

Edit: I think I've misunderstood your meaning, though some of what I said I think still applies about fashion and end-game. I take it you are talking about the variants? Personally, I'm probably never going to go for the variants because of having to go through the prismatic variation (unless I'm missing something?), which doesn't appeal to me at all. Like the Kralkatorrik purple looks kinda cool to me, but... to put it one way, if I had to make Kudzu to be able to make Bolt, I would never have made Bolt lol.

So in that way, I see it as a poor system, whereas the previous one allowed you to focus solely on the skins that most interested you. I would much rather you be able to start from any set, if it's going to be a variation-based setup, rather than being stuck with prismatic as the origin point.


That's what I was saying, yeah. 

I'm talking about the Variants, which Are getting closer and closer to , as another post put it , Literally Costing More than G1 Legendaries. 

I get it, it's a Journey. 

But this is 6 Times. For 1 set of SKINS FOR ONE SINGLE WEAPON. THAT IS A TOTAL OF 96 TIMES FOR AN ACHIEVEMENT THAT"S PRACTICALLY JUST ANOTHER [i'm rich you know] TITLE ON ROIDS  .. I'm going to keep emphasis on that point because some people are really in here like 

" Durhur Don't like it leave it's fine they're Skins gur they can cost more than actually useful Legendaries It's not necessary to remark on it guh " 

Edited by Witch of Steam.5138
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7 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

Without versions, we're talking about just a black lion weapon set

No, they're far from it. The only reason people initally started comparing them to "BL weapon sets" is because this gen is an actual matching set instead of having every legendary different, most of which didn't match the others.

5 hours ago, chronometria.3708 said:

Except its not seven legendaries, its one legendary that can look like seven things. To be fair, not even hugely good things as "fire", "cold" and "Kralkatorik" for example, all have some great skins already, often many to choose from.

Yeah, there's no actual reason to have 7 legendaries of the same type in the first place. Seven legendary skins with legendary particles. Whether or not they're "hugely good" in this case is subjective, so not much to discuss here. If you think "7 dragon themes" is nothing good then oh well, you're free to think that. Then again, if it's not even good then why would you want to craft it in the first place.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Welcome back to how legendary weapons started. Originally they were exotics (ascended didn't exist) with no extra functionality, they were literally just very expensive and fancy skins.

As other people have said if they're not worth the cost for you then you can simply ignore them. If enough people do that I suspect Anet would adjust the price.

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3 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

And if i need to pay a ton of gold to get an additional option, i might as well buy a black lion skin i like (of which i have a much, much wider selection) for much cheaper.

2 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

And that's really it.

The way it was implemented, I'm only going to end up making an Aurene legendary at this point if I decide it's worth it for the legendary utility, because I can get reskins to something interesting much cheaper and easier than the variants.

If you actually think these legendary skins are the same quality of bl sets and it's better/easier/cheaper to just buy bl skins then what are you even complaining about? Chances are, no matter what leggy skins you'd get -set or not- you'd still think bl skins are better(or same)/easier/cheaper to get. At that point you go for the cheapest leggy and a bl reskin anyways. So you're just complaining for the sake of complaining, while you're announcing you already have your go-to options for skins.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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16 hours ago, Cyninja.2954 said:


Nope, the subreddit pretty much agrees here and actually had topic creator backpedal on his stance: https://www.reddit.com/r/Guildwars2/comments/wdggh8/legendary_variants_are_overpriced/

Actually, the post has an upvote rate of 62% and you will find lots of comments both agreeing and disagreeing. I'd say the minds are pretty split. Also, I never backpadeled on my stance. The entire second half of my ~10 sentences post (excluding edit) explains that the presentation of gen 3 as accessible multi-skin legendaries is the reason why I feel the variants should be less than 400g. But yeah, apparently some people never bothered to read my post before commenting on my outrageous criticism...

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14 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

I’m rolling my eyes at people who feel there’s some sort of moral judgment to be made against customers telling a company they don’t like something about their product. That’s a particularly weird high horse to ride.

Right? Like, I get people disagreeing. I presented my my stance on the topic and why I interpreted things as I did, others may see it differently and that's to be expected. But the amount of people commenting without bothering to read and understand my post first, ignoring economic basics and straight up insulting me in various ways like I called for their pets to be murdered surprised me a little bit. Kinda funny for a community that prides itself to be the friendliest.

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12 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

This part is my favorite: "There are people who bought the expansion/made a gen3, believing we would get legendaries that are basically 7in1."

Some people really thought they should be getting 7 leggies for the price of one and now they're angry that's not the reality. 🤦‍♂️

Oversimplification and exaggeration. It's a stylistic device, you should look it up.

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12 minutes ago, Silverglance.5812 said:

Right? Like, I get people disagreeing. I presented my my stance on the topic and why I interpreted things as I did, others may see it differently and that's to be expected. But the amount of people commenting without bothering to read and understand my post first, ignoring economic basics and straight up insulting me in various ways like I called for their pets to be murdered surprised me a little bit. Kinda funny for a community that prides itself to be the friendliest.

It's a common experience here, unfortunately. The forum community, here and reddit, for the game is like a night and day difference compared to, say, the community in-game in open world. NA at least, my experience is one of people being overwhelmingly kind and helpful, with the occasional jerks who get twisted up about minor failures during a meta. Here, you get a constant stream of people who, I can best guess, operate on fear that some forum post is going to ruin their game and so attack it with rapid diligence.

Anyway, I'm prob wasting my time writing this all out. Standard practice here seems to be to bury conflict (aka: delete it) rather than ever let anyone confront it, which clearly hasn't worked for the last 10 years and leads to people who become very good at taunting others without explicitly breaking any rules, but what do I know. I've only spent far too much time on a variety of forums for like a decade and a half and have seen varying levels of success in handling conflict depending on approach to it. I'm prob just a troublemaker or something.

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7 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

It's a common experience here, unfortunately. The forum community, here and reddit, for the game is like a night and day difference compared to, say, the community in-game in open world. NA at least, my experience is one of people being overwhelmingly kind and helpful, with the occasional jerks who get twisted up about minor failures during a meta. Here, you get a constant stream of people who, I can best guess, operate on fear that some forum post is going to ruin their game and so attack it with rapid diligence.

Anyway, I'm prob wasting my time writing this all out. Standard practice here seems to be to bury conflict (aka: delete it) rather than ever let anyone confront it, which clearly hasn't worked for the last 10 years and leads to people who become very good at taunting others without explicitly breaking any rules, but what do I know. I've only spent far too much time on a variety of forums for like a decade and a half and have seen varying levels of success in handling conflict depending on approach to it. I'm prob just a troublemaker or something.

Well, for what it's worth, I appreaciate you speaking out against this behavior. 🙂

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7 hours ago, Silverglance.5812 said:

Well, for what it's worth, I appreaciate you speaking out against this behavior. 🙂

FWIW, Anet did state in the beginning that all it would take is a journey without having to grind resources. 250 Memories of Aurene, 200 Jade Runestones, 2,500 Research Notes, 75g, 350,000 karma is a lot of resources for a single skin.

Will that stop me from collecting any of the skins? Nope. But it does run counter to what they said, and no one in this thread can refute that.

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i’m glad it takes a bit of effort  to get the variants.  i even wouldn’t mind if you needed all previous variants of a weapon type just to get the soo won variant.

We need an epic item to work towards and be really rare out there!

Edited by xan.8936
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1 hour ago, xan.8936 said:

i’m glad it takes a bit of effort and gold to get the variants.  i even wouldn’t mind if you needed all previous variants of a weapon type just to get the soo won variant.

We need an epic item to work towards and be really rare out there!

Cost does not make an item epic. It only makes it costly. And the grind more annoying.

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MMORPGs usually need gold sinks for someone to do to skim off the people with 1000s and 100,000s+++ of gold, while hopefully avoiding taxing the people with 1g-10g out of the game. 


Legendaries kinda seem to serve that purpose, kinda draining out 1000-2500++G per legendary out of pockets. They provide a market for extra cash while not being needed for raiding, just minor qol. I guess you could argue some are expensive and the research notes of others are huge time wastes, but they're purely optional content you do when you're too rich or probably gives whales with more $$$ than care something to spend money on. Even if they're so claimed "McDonalds Employee millionaires with 10M in bitcoin supporting their whaling habit. " Who'll flame the workers with how "rich" they are and go broke halfway through while having a mod and staff flaming spree about how throwing wallets = skill🙄


Man. meeting some of those people first hand kinda removes some of the sympathy for the ragey whales ones. I kinda feel bad for the innocent and still kinda feel like it's a predatory practice that eats away at the game's heart for monetization.


But if the 'poor whale' is the ones like the other ones i had to work with flaming 'YOU POOR PEOPLE COULDN'T UNDERSTAND ME, I CAN BUY AND SELL YOU, KNEEL BEFORE MY CASH SINCE MY SPENDING IS MORE THAN YOU'LL EVER HAVE "[Explicatives", etc. Gee. Im sure not the innocent lamb who's job it is to turn poor life choices away from a casino. 

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