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GW2 10th anniversary, please don't forget the solo players Anet

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1 minute ago, Linken.6345 said:

So were in that post did Yoni bring up work hours mate?

Who was the one that put the work real life problems senario into the discussion to farm some sympathy points?

You deliberately cut away the start of the conversation in your sum up of the conversation because it did not help your case in any way.

You can disagree all you like bub.

I didn't bring it up for sympathy points, since I'm retired and don't work.  Why do I need sympathy?

I am however, empathic to people who work long hours, have to raise kids and then come into these forums and tell people that they're narrow-minded if they don't want to expand their boundaries in a game.

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4 hours ago, stormemperor.3745 said:

1- Talk to X1 Guy to start achievement

2- Collect Y1 material doing Z1

3- Collect Y2 material doing Z2

4- Collect Y3 material doing Z3

5- Collect Y4 material doing Z4

6- Collect Y5 material doing Z5

7- Collect Y6 material doing Z6

8- Collect Y7 material doing Z7

9- Collect Y8 material doing Z8

10- Talk to X1 Guy again to unlock X2 achievement

11- rinse & repeat 2 more times

12- Travel through entire tyria several times.

13- Come back tomorrow because you need time gated something

14- Another day to wait another tomorrow

15- But it is not this day

16- This day we wait

17- You finally got the amor piece you wanted grats !!!

18- Now do it again 17 times for remaining pieces.


There is a kind of sweet camaraderie in Draconis Mons, though.

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10 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I didn't bring it up for sympathy points, since I'm retired and don't work.  Why do I need sympathy?

I am however, empathic to people who work long hours, have to raise kids and then come into these forums and tell people that they're narrow-minded if they don't want to expand their boundaries in a game.

Yes and they did say that narow minded was probabely not the correct word for it but it was the best they had being a none native english speaker.

I would however say it fits quite good considering this from google.


What is the difference between narrow minded and broad minded?

When you are broad minded, your spread is more. You empathise and care about a lot of things; mainly because you have seen various aspects of life; Your acceptance levels are high, but depth falls short. When you are narrow minded, you are very particular about few things in life.


So yea only focusing on open world pve is narrow minded you focus on 1 thing out of the multitude of things we got in the game.

Ofcourse it is also the place that get the most resources so why would you complain if some reward make you dip your toe into the other things once in a while?


Minor correction this seem to be a better fit to be honest.

What is tunnel minded?

1 : constriction of the visual field resulting in loss of peripheral vision. 2 : extreme narrowness of viewpoint : narrow-mindedness also : single-minded concentration on one objective

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22 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

And the siege turtle caused conflicts and negativity on the forums and reddit which at the time of the steam launch is probably best avoided. You've actually made my point.

But I didn't. That's like saying that anyone who has a complaint about anything should just not play.


You might possibly be the most obtuse poster I've ever seen on here, to be honest.

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Just now, pallas.8150 said:

But I didn't. That's like saying that anyone who has a complaint about anything should just not play.


You might possibly be the most obtuse poster I've ever seen on here, to be honest.

I'm saying there are hills to die on and this shouldn't be one of them. We've just come off that conflict with the turtle, we have an influx of new players, is this really the time to divide the playerbase.; You could call that obtuse if you want. But I call it short-sighted to create a reward now that requires a strike mission or raid that should be available to all. And yeah I know raiders think everyone can raid, but not everyone agrees.

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As an anniversary, there should be:

1. Presents to all players.

2. Some extra pixels for long-time players, like 5 year, 10 year rewards. 

3. If they want some extra items to be earned - I think they should be on a point/currency system that is available on any playstyle, any map.  That way everyone can participate in whatever playstyle they enjoy, or any game level they are on. 

It is an anniversary, it should be a party. 😎

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9 minutes ago, Tukaram.8256 said:

As an anniversary, there should be:

1. Presents to all players.

2. Some extra pixels for long-time players, like 5 year, 10 year rewards. 

3. If they want some extra items to be earned - I think they should be on a point/currency system that is available on any playstyle, any map.  That way everyone can participate in whatever playstyle they enjoy, or any game level they are on. 

It is an anniversary, it should be a party. 😎

Yes and there are 

1 A +30% bonus to karma, magic find, and PvP and WvW reward-track progress will be active for one week starting on August 23.

2 As is traditional, we’ll also have a wide range of Gem Store sales to celebrate the anniversary, and maybe even a few freebies to collect (spoiler: mount skin).

3 we know there will be stuff to be earned have no clue if there is a point system and if there were what is stoping people from map completing lets say bloodstone fen over and over and over and over to get it as quick as possible.

here is an example


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Im really excited to see when these Steam players hop into the game and find out that if Arenanet adds a minimum gameplay requirement to get something they are gonna get 100 posts of the same 30 guys about how bad thats it, and that this is their solo-casual game and nothing else.

They maybe start running away once they see this forum. It is already so tiring for the rest of us.

And also its really funny that this so well called "casual players" tends to be the more toxic ones when Arenanet add 5% of variety or engaging content to the game.

Edited by Izzy.2951
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34 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Im really excited to see when these Steam players hop into the game and find out that if Arenanet adds a minimum gameplay requirement to get something they are gonna get 100 posts of the same 30 guys about how bad thats it, and that this is their solo-casual game and nothing else.

They maybe start running away once they see this forum. It is already so tiring for the rest of us.

And also its really funny that this so well called "casual players" tends to be the more toxic ones when Arenanet add 5% of variety or engaging content to the game.

I find it pretty tiring watching the same people complain about "toxic casuals" over and over, when the game has always had elements of hardcore and lowkey and arguably a whole identity crisis over it since launch.

I was one of those people who left the game over HoT back in the day. Stuff like that gets skated over when people try to say the game is being dictated by casual players. I recall anet being pretty stubborn at the time about HoT being something you are expected to do as a group. Now all this time later with some nerfs and with mounts, it's easier than it was, but it's still the hardest open world content in the game to venture into casually.

It's wild how people just make up stuff about casuals because some people criticize elitism now and then. I've seen how people act about it on here time after time. The trying to reverse it and say casuals are the ones who are toxic because some people criticize elitism is basically gaslighting. There is no casual bogeyman. Some people want the game to be easier and some want it to be harder, and it's been like that since launch. So accept that's what this game is and deal with it, instead of pretending like casuals are ruining your game.

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3 hours ago, Linken.6345 said:

...and if there were what is stoping people from map completing lets say bloodstone fen over and over and over and over to get it as quick as possible.

Why would it matter to me how other people collect the required currency? That does not detract from my enjoyment at all.  I am going to do what I am going to do, I could not care less what other people do.   I just hope they keep it all light hearted, fun, and accessible to all, as a celebration. 😎

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6 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I disagree. You saying I 'm wrong doesn't make me wrong. 

But you are wrong, several people now have pointed it out to you. I was writing about the narrow minded part of the community before you came up with tired, hard working parents. I know it is not always easy to admit that you are wrong, but you are a grown up and should be able to do that. Otherwise I must assume that you are acting in bad faith. 

Edited by yoni.7015
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17 minutes ago, yoni.7015 said:

But you are wrong, several people now have pointed it out to you. I was writing about the narrow minded part of the community before you came up with tired, hard working parents. I know it is not always easy to admit that you are wrong, but you are a grown up and should be able to do that. Otherwise I must assume that you are acting in bad faith. 

I may be wrong, it's still the only way I can see to take what you said.  I'm done with this argument.

As for the three people that said I was wrong, a whole lot more people have told me I was wrong a lot more often, and I turned out to be right.  In this particular case, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in hindsight, but really, saying people are narrow-minded would generally be considered an insult by most people, and you probably shouldn't use the word in talking about other players.

As for the original discussion, I feel like we're done here. You think these casuals are holding you back and I think they're in greater number than you and therefore, you're trying to pull them forward, but this is a game, not a life choice.  It's not a job. It's not some responsibility that has to be done.


Maybe, just maybe, there are enough casuals that what they think does matter.


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33 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

I may be wrong, it's still the only way I can see to take what you said.  I'm done with this argument.

As for the three people that said I was wrong, a whole lot more people have told me I was wrong a lot more often, and I turned out to be right.  In this particular case, I'll give you the benefit of the doubt in hindsight, but really, saying people are narrow-minded would generally be considered an insult by most people, and you probably shouldn't use the word in talking about other players.

As for the original discussion, I feel like we're done here. You think these casuals are holding you back and I think they're in greater number than you and therefore, you're trying to pull them forward, but this is a game, not a life choice.  It's not a job. It's not some responsibility that has to be done.


Maybe, just maybe, there are enough casuals that what they think does matter.


Well, for some people it certainly is difficult to admit that they are wrong and made a mistake. But yeah, we are done here. 

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3 hours ago, Labjax.2465 said:

I find it pretty tiring watching the same people complain about "toxic casuals" over and over, when the game has always had elements of hardcore and lowkey and arguably a whole identity crisis over it since launch.

I was one of those people who left the game over HoT back in the day. Stuff like that gets skated over when people try to say the game is being dictated by casual players. I recall anet being pretty stubborn at the time about HoT being something you are expected to do as a group. Now all this time later with some nerfs and with mounts, it's easier than it was, but it's still the hardest open world content in the game to venture into casually.

and the game would not have survived if every player had reacted the way you did. You came back to a game where a more hardcore demographic of players held on, or just players in general who decided to improve and overcome the challenge HoT posed.

By now HoT is considered by many some of the content with the most longevity ever. It did need some fixing, which the developers did in the months after release. All the while PoF, which released with a far lower difficulty level and far more "solo friendly" approach is about as forgettable as can be (if you omit mounts for a moment, which basically saved that expansion).

Does all content need to be like HoT? Absolutely not, but there is nothing wrong with having some content cater to a more engaged demographic, which is pretty much the only thing some players ask for while getting drowned out by the noise of players who want 0 challenge what so ever in their game.


It's wild how people just make up stuff about casuals because some people criticize elitism now and then. I've seen how people act about it on here time after time. The trying to reverse it and say casuals are the ones who are toxic because some people criticize elitism is basically gaslighting. There is no casual bogeyman.

Just as there is no elitist boogeyman in this game. Yet the forum is full of certain posters, yourself included, who love to divide the players into just that, casual and elitist while being VERY hung up on being on the "right" side of things (not realizing that most players are both or rather incorporate a varying degree of qualities of either, depending on when or what content they are engaging at a point in time).

You even felt it necessary to make an entire thread about how some player who initiated a toxic exchange was to be associated with 1 group over the other. In how much identity crisis, or rather "us versus them" identification, does one have to be to go to that extent?


Some people want the game to be easier and some want it to be harder, and it's been like that since launch. So accept that's what this game is and deal with it, instead of pretending like casuals are ruining your game.

Right, so do I get to quote you on this the next time you go on about how content is supposed to get changed in a way YOU see fit? Or will you remember your own words and actually act by them?

Casuals are "ruining" the game just as much as "elitist" are, and that is to say neither have any effect on what the developers do.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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16 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

What are you saying it clearly isn't. A reward for the 10th anniversary. If that's the case why is the reward called Decade Armor?

Don't you know what "decade" means? In what way exactly is this "not what I'm saying it clearly is"?

It's like you didn't even respond to anything I said, but just keep saying "nooo, it's not it! It's not 10 year existance of the game, it's DECADE of existance of the game!". That's... that's what "decade" means and no amount of you covering your ears while refusing to address what I said will change it.

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8 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Im really excited to see when these Steam players hop into the game and find out that if Arenanet adds a minimum gameplay requirement to get something they are gonna get 100 posts of the same 30 guys about how bad thats it, and that this is their solo-casual game and nothing else.

They maybe start running away once they see this forum. It is already so tiring for the rest of us.

And also its really funny that this so well called "casual players" tends to be the more toxic ones when Arenanet add 5% of variety or engaging content to the game.

It's funny how the same 30 guys  who post it are less than the five that support it. But more to the point, most of the playerbase will never post on the forums and you can bet most of that majority will more likely agree with those 30 guys.


In fact, there were a ton of posts for harder core content on the forums before HoT launched and HoT saw this game lose a decent amount of players, even though it's my personal favorite expansion.

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11 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

There is a kind of sweet camaraderie in Draconis Mons, though.

The way you keep trying to romanticize Draconic Mons lately -as if it's somehow played by different players altogether- borders on a parody. It's no different than most of the other zones in that regard, is this the first time you moved out of core zones or what is happening here? 😅

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Does all content need to be like HoT? Absolutely not, but there is nothing wrong with having some content cater to a more engaged demographic, which is pretty much the only thing some players ask for while getting drowned out by the noise of players who want 0 challenge what so ever in their game.

Theres CM Strikes and you have the support of the Cm Devs

Leave the open world alone (not timers , like HoT) , don't lock crusial things (mounts) behind Instance content .You can have all the fluff (auras-skins you want)


Just as there is no elitist boogeyman in this game. Yet the forum is full of certain posters, yourself included, who love to divide the players into just that, casual and elitist while being VERY hung up on being on the "right" side of things (not realizing that most players are both or rather incorporate a varying degree of qualities of either, depending on when or what content they are engaging at a point in time).

You even felt it necessary to make an entire thread about how some player who initiated a toxic exchange was to be associated with 1 group over the other. In how much identity crisis, or rather "us versus them" identification, does one have to be to go to that extent?

Do one group (raiders) tried to tell the person that there is not a need for an OW legendary and instead get the WvW ?

What about the mount ?

What about the timer on Soo-wON , when the majority didnt have problems with THE ACTUAL MECHANICS , that had hogomus HP and a strict Timer ?


Common , you are trying to force people on a dying mode(Raids) , rather to open your eyes and see that the CM Strike Guy is waiting for you (raiders).

If you want population , try to implant an auto-lfg. It will attract players from other games (a bit toxic - but OW wont get affected) .We will use our OW casuals to smooth the lfg-people , over time in the open events


Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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12 hours ago, Izzy.2951 said:

Im really excited to see when these Steam players hop into the game and find out that if Arenanet adds a minimum gameplay requirement to get something they are gonna get 100 posts of the same 30 guys about how bad thats it, and that this is their solo-casual game and nothing else.

They maybe start running away once they see this forum. It is already so tiring for the rest of us.

And also its really funny that this so well called "casual players" tends to be the more toxic ones when Arenanet add 5% of variety or engaging content to the game.

Most are not casual anyway. Its actually quite strange trend on these forums. Its quite obvious many spend way to much time on the game, quite hardcore and still call themselves casual when they want easier rewards. 

And naturally they are the majority because they say so. 

Hardcore entitled players would be better term for many. 

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2 hours ago, Killthehealersffs.8940 said:


Theres CM Strikes and you have the support of the Cm Devs

Leave the open world alone (not timers , like HoT) , don't lock crusial things (mounts) behind Instance content .You can have all the fluff (auras-skins you want)

Do one group (raiders) tried to tell the person that there is not a need for an OW legendary and instead get the WvW ?

What about the mount ?

What about the timer on Soo-wON , when the majority didnt have problems with THE ACTUAL MECHANICS , that had hogomus HP and a strict Timer ?


Common , you are trying to force people on a dying mode(Raids) , rather to open your eyes and see that the CM Strike Guy is waiting for you (raiders).

If you want population , try to implant an auto-lfg. It will attract players from other games (a bit toxic - but OW wont get affected) .We will use our OW casuals to smooth the lfg-people , over time in the open events


You dont know that like most of the ppl left this game in 2012/2013 cos there was no challenge, cos there were no healers etcetc. If HoT didnt landed this game would be shut down by now, and in fact is the most active content of Open World, so is the content people like more and you are just putting pressure constantly on Anet "dont do that" so the game dies or what?

In a moment when its to celebrate the 10th anniversary and have some stuff to hunt down, you are just crying so they dont make you do any content. While everyone here has to grind for thousands of things in the open world and dont say anything.

Again, play as u want and stop complaining how Arenanet should deliver their content. Because you are just ruining the game, if i was a new player i would just ran away from this community.

PD: You have 1.000 post in this forum and you are complaining to do one time a instance content (that is not hard) to get something. It is just hilarious

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14 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:

You dont know that like most of the ppl left this game in 2012/2013 cos there was no challenge, cos there were no healers etcetc. If HoT didnt landed this game would be shut down by now, and in fact is the most active content of Open World, so is the content people like more and you are just putting pressure constantly on Anet "dont do that" so the game dies or what?

In a moment when its to celebrate the 10th anniversary and have some stuff to hunt down, you are just crying so they dont make you do any content. While everyone here has to grind for thousands of things in the open world and dont say anything.

Again, play as u want and stop complaining how Arenanet should deliver their content. Because you are just ruining the game, if i was a new player i would just ran away from this community.

PD: You have 1.000 post in this forum and you are complaining to do one time a instance content (that is not hard) to get something. It is just hilarious


What ?

When HoT launched you had numerous ammount of people , asking the company to remove the need to do 1x Raid boss , when they maxxed out the Masteries (otherwise they wouldn't get Spirit Shard -you would stuck forever) .

They removed it , 2 years later (they didnt have the technology ( atleast they tried to support Raids))

That why if you checked the KP.me or whater 1 year ago , you will see that 22% of people did one boss and then it will drop to 14% for the next wing and even lower than that .

 Casuals hardcarry the game over the years 😛


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8 minutes ago, Izzy.2951 said:


PD: You have 1.000 post in this forum and you are complaining to do one time a instance content (that is not hard) to get something. It is just hilarious

For some complaining on the forum is the real endgame. 

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