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GW2 10th anniversary, please don't forget the solo players Anet

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Thankfully there is a wide variety of social play in this game, from RP, to goofing around in cities, to working by other people in the open world, to metas and WvW, to instanced group content.

There's a full spectrum between "single player MMO" and "group for an instance".

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10 hours ago, yoni.7015 said:

I don’t say they are narrow minded because they don’t agree with me. They are narrow minded because they refuse to try something new and widen their horizon. In the end they try to hold the whole community back.
Take the turtle and the strike missions for example. There are narrow minded casuals on this forum that advocate to change this. But the requirement to do a strike mission for the turtle is good because it motivates so many players to at least try strike missions. 

Ok.  Trying this quote thing for a second time.


Yoni, I sallied forth into PVP/WvW...forgot which to get my wolf pet.

I  got insulted!!!!

I got killed!!!!


All I wanted was the wolf...


Tell me again, why I should go somewhere where I get insulted, demoralized, and murdered?


PVP players going into PVE, might find it boring but they will not be jeered at as I was, and they will never, ever 

be killed by a fellow player.

Not the same.

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59 minutes ago, Coyote Trickster.7319 said:

I did the turtle required strike mission I haven't done any others cause the overlook strike was tedious imo and if anet wants to double down on strikes thats fine, I will just probably not do them. 

For what its worth, and I am not trying to push you into anything you dont want to do, that particular strike has pretty significan health pools for the various mobs and so can drag on without significant player dps. This is offset by the lack of a timer. The idea is to give a protracted series of fights where there is enough time to learn the mechanics. It can definitely be tedious under some circumstances. Many other strikes are much quicker intended to be beaten in very few minutes. They are not one size fits all so you might find that something like Junkyard, Fraenir, Bear Brothers, etc are more to your liking.

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1 hour ago, Coyote Trickster.7319 said:

So its the legendary amulet all over again really.  

Kind of, but more. I imagine it'll be a lot of the same achievements, minus the BS "gather x materials in map" stuff, but for core and expansions as well as the confirmed WvW and PvP stuff. So it's the Return To achievements ++.


Question is if they'll be replayable for Proofs of Legends like GW1's version, or if it's one-time like the Return To acheivements.

 The former would be better, as that means there'll be longer reason for vets to return to old content, rather than just another one-off reason.

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14 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Right because no one has ever complained or made a big deal when they've been "encouraged" to do harder content. 

And what does it changes about what I wrote in my post? People that are clearly wrong and get pointed out to them that they've clearly missed/misunderstood something choose to be entitled and that... makes them correct? Nope, still wrong and still not a justification for anything here. How is this even a point of discussion you try to keep going for?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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4 hours ago, Swagger.1459 said:

“It wouldn’t be a true celebration if we didn’t show some love to the community that’s supported us all these years. When you log in on August 23, you’ll find a new series of achievements waiting for you that will take you on a journey to experience the best of Guild Wars 2: world bosses, Guild Wars 2: Heart of Thorns, Guild Wars 2: Path of Fire, Guild Wars 2: End of Dragons, Living World, World vs. World, Player vs. Player, and more. As you complete these tasks, you’ll earn Proofs of Legend, which can be traded in for the new Decade armor set.”




We want to show our love and appreciation for the community that has stuck with us all these years by giving them a 50-100 hour list of chores and tasks that goes back through all the same content they have done repeatedly over 10 years. On top of that, our special gift, that acknowledges and celebrates your support, will take you through content you may dislike, or even hate, to varying degrees. Again, thank you and enjoy! 

…Anet seems to be choosing a very poorly thought-out way of saying thank you to the “community that’s supported us all these years”. And not a very classy form of appreciation to certain customers of the veteran variety. Least they could do would be to give a box of these skins to the players that have actually “supported us all these years”… Sad lol

I think you've accidentally missed a part there, but no worries, I'll help you with that:

"These achievements are permanent additions to the game, so our new friends joining us from Steam will be able to make progress on these achievements as they explore Tyria at their own pace."


Translation: you can join the game at any point now and have the exact same way/progress to go through as anyone playing since the start of the game. That's because this reward isn't "a reward for playing for 10 years", it's a bonus event tied to the "game existing for 10 years". Which is also what I've already said before -because that's what it is.

Sure, at this point the news article is written to the people that are currently reading it, which are people that are currently playing the game. But this is still NOT a "reward for playing for 10 years".

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1 hour ago, Konig Des Todes.2086 said:

Kind of, but more. I imagine it'll be a lot of the same achievements, minus the BS "gather x materials in map" stuff, but for core and expansions as well as the confirmed WvW and PvP stuff. So it's the Return To achievements ++.

I guess it depends on what rarity the set ends up being, unless it's legendary I wouldn't expect to see the effort required to obtain it to be anywhere near the level of the "return to" achievements. It's probably on the same level as the Requiem / Runic set + 25-50 gold per piece if it's ascended.

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7 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Video games are accomplishment simulators. They’re designed to give the illusion of achievement, without really taking people through the tests of patience, self doubt, persistence, and faith one encounters pursuing real accomplishment. When done well, they give just enough difficulty followed by regular dopamine hits to fool us into thinking we’ve achieved something.

This means there will always be people with a righteous conviction that there is a moral element to a game’s task/reward structure and defend it tooth and nail. It’s not really the game they’re defending, it’s the illusion they need to maintain.

Often this illusion has sent down roots into their identity. Any threat to the illusion is a threat to the person as an accomplished gamer, someone who has achieved something meaningful, rather than someone who has just enjoyed hours of an entertainment.

That is insightfully said, wow. I guess this is why I have a hard time "getting" the mentality, is because regardless of how I felt in the past (I don't remember real well tbh) at this point in my life, I see video game "accomplishments" in a very tenuous way, as something I can enjoy now but that I will lose one day (especially MMOs which are subject to shutdown at any time without recourse). So much of my bigger "goals" in this game, for example, is oriented toward increasing my fun down the road, provided I can do it without ruining the experience now; pursuing legendaries for the convenience being one way. Or just unlocking cosmetics I want to use.

The prestige stuff can motivate me a little, I'm not immune to it, but if the game stops being fun, no amount of carrot on the stick is gonna get me to continue.

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34 minutes ago, Labjax.2465 said:

That is insightfully said, wow. I guess this is why I have a hard time "getting" the mentality, is because regardless of how I felt in the past (I don't remember real well tbh) at this point in my life, I see video game "accomplishments" in a very tenuous way, as something I can enjoy now but that I will lose one day (especially MMOs which are subject to shutdown at any time without recourse). So much of my bigger "goals" in this game, for example, is oriented toward increasing my fun down the road, provided I can do it without ruining the experience now; pursuing legendaries for the convenience being one way. Or just unlocking cosmetics I want to use.

The prestige stuff can motivate me a little, I'm not immune to it, but if the game stops being fun, no amount of carrot on the stick is gonna get me to continue.

I have hard time getting the mentality where someone writes what you/Gibson just did, where you understand (at least from what you're saying here?) "it's just a game and so you just play it for fun", but then consistently try to bait for easier/faster or sometimes even free-ier rewards.  I mean, if you just want to play however you play because it's fun for you and nothing matters then just do exactly that. But nope, "gief!" or bad design, because apparently these meaningless rewards mean more to you than having fun 🙃 

Personally, what I see in posts like that are some bad efforts to justify ones entitlement, as well as weird attempts to throw insults at people since apparentlyt if they like playing more demanding content, it somehow makes it "their identity". 🤦‍♂️

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8 hours ago, Gibson.4036 said:

Video games are accomplishment simulators. They’re designed to give the illusion of achievement, without really taking people through the tests of patience, self doubt, persistence, and faith one encounters pursuing real accomplishment. When done well, they give just enough difficulty followed by regular dopamine hits to fool us into thinking we’ve achieved something.

This means there will always be people with a righteous conviction that there is a moral element to a game’s task/reward structure and defend it tooth and nail. It’s not really the game they’re defending, it’s the illusion they need to maintain.

Often this illusion has sent down roots into their identity. Any threat to the illusion is a threat to the person as an accomplished gamer, someone who has achieved something meaningful, rather than someone who has just enjoyed hours of an entertainment.

This is very well put. Thank you for sharing your insights.

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2 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Wow, now hardcore players are seeing casual players as a "disease that ruins the game and holds it back"? Guess that's a reason to stick to open world content. At least casual players are way more friendly.

You are basing the opinions of one person as the opinions of everyone?


Mmmm - ok. 🙄

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13 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Like 4 or 5 people in this thread said something along the lines, so it kinda seems like a lot of people think something like that.

Interesting, searched for "disease" in this thread and didn't find a single post, can you be more specific? 😄

Seems like a convenient way to pin someone's opinion onto the whole group of people for whatever (although rather obvious) reason you're trying to use it for. Also you're saying it's a reason to stick to OW now, so what was the reason before this revelation you've just made in this thread? Was it, perhaps, the fact you just didn't want to play something, but now you're looking for a cheap scapegoat to blame it on?

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5 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Neither of these support the level of toxicity you suggest they do in earlier posts.

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5 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Then you clearly read those two post wrong if what you got out of it was hardcore players calling casuals a "disease" mate read again and try to understand it.

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9 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

So it doesn't seem to be nearly as aggressive as you've tried to make it look with your "way of expressing it" -at least from how I understand these posts.

Do you not agree with the claim that people just wanting easy rewards are refusing to learn new -but still not exactly that complicated- mechanics and by doing it, don't want the game to move forward with its content, but instead play the same thing on repeat while getting more rewards?

Ok, you've pretty much already responded to that above, ty:

2 minutes ago, Caliboom.3218 said:

Turns out I was remembering wrong and misunderstood some stuff, my bad.



And then there's the second part of the previous post taht got me curious: Also you're saying it's a reason to stick to OW now, so what was the reason before this revelation you've just made in this thread? Was it, perhaps, the fact you just didn't want to play something, but now you're looking for a cheap scapegoat to blame it on?

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2 minutes ago, Sobx.1758 said:

So it doesn't seem to be nearly as aggressive as you've tried to make it look with your "way of expressing it" -at least from how I understand these posts.

Do you not agree with the claim that people just wanting easy rewards are refusing to learn new -but still not exactly that complicated- mechanics and by doing it, don't want the game to move forward with its content, but instead play the same thing on repeat while getting more rewards?

Ok, you've pretty much already responded to that above, ty:



And then there's the second part of the previous post taht got me curious: Also you're saying it's a reason to stick to OW now, so what was the reason before this revelation you've just made in this thread? Was it, perhaps, the fact you just didn't want to play something, but now you're looking for a cheap scapegoat to blame it on?

I just said I misunderstood it, I apologize, I'm not in a good mood today because of stuff that happened.

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1- Talk to X1 Guy to start achievement

2- Collect Y1 material doing Z1

3- Collect Y2 material doing Z2

4- Collect Y3 material doing Z3

5- Collect Y4 material doing Z4

6- Collect Y5 material doing Z5

7- Collect Y6 material doing Z6

8- Collect Y7 material doing Z7

9- Collect Y8 material doing Z8

10- Talk to X1 Guy again to unlock X2 achievement

11- rinse & repeat 2 more times

12- Travel through entire tyria several times.

13- Come back tomorrow because you need time gated something

14- Another day to wait another tomorrow

15- But it is not this day

16- This day we wait

17- You finally got the amor piece you wanted grats !!!

18- Now do it again 17 times for remaining pieces.


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