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Any one else find the character adventure guide irritating with level 80s? [Merged]

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I am sure I will appreciate the extra xp on my low level key farmers later this week but right now I am playing level 80 characters who don't need bonus exp - kind of the last thing they need.  And the constant pop-up notices of achievements that don't mean anything is really getting annoying.  And it is really frustrating to know that this will keep happening over and over again each time I play a different one of my level 80 character.  Once would be bearable but every time I load another of my toons?  yeech

Edited by Lamont.5973
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It is just for an hour or 2 the first time you open them. Once you finished them its done. Obviously the first achievements are done really quick. 

See it as a quick small spirit shards boost.

In a few months you would forget they were there in the first place 

Edited by Cronospere.8143
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I like to complete everything. And there is some stuff that I would not want to do: Chosing a crafting profession. (I keep the 8 main professions split on 4 chars having 2. Making no changes there.) But I can ignore that. For the popups they will disappear yes. But they might appear again. If you do not focus in finishing the achievements you might miss some stuff until you happen to do it later - for some other reason. Then only unlocking the next step later. They should have made it so that old level 80 chars have this maxed already. Would have been better.

There are some that have been awarded automatically: Crafting level and renown heart finihes for example. At least for chosing a crafting profession they should have made this account wide. For people that want to complete everything but that do not want to clutter the char selection screen with every char having a crafting profession icon. (Unless they are planning to make changes there - often requested but so far nothing happened.)

The scouts in tier 1 or tier 2 ... they do not have the mini map icon anymore. Should recognize that we completed all hearts ... and auto complete this as well.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Yeah. That was a surprise. I only remember char-bount progress for stuff like for example the SAB or other stuff that is not listed anywhere in the achievements or else in the UI windows.

I think this is the first time. An easy solution came to my mind: They could make an NPC where you can talk to with a level 80 char - that then auto completes the achievements. (With a warning for players that might not want this.) Could work for old and new players. (New players that get fastesr to level 80 by other means ... that have skipped something - then also could just get the exp. For then it might be a bigger thing - since they do not have many spirit shards yet.)

Edited by Luthan.5236
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Yep, as I stated in another thread, I wish there was a way to auto-complete them. And I will go even further and say even if it gave me no XP to do so, I couldn't care less about the XP ding, just let me stop these taking over my achievements UI.

I'm trying to be open-minded about it because it's new, but my instinct is telling me it's a round peg in a square hole design. That they are trying once more to stretch the capability of achievements instead of creating a separate system for something like this and it's making a mess. Like... is there even a single achievement in the game other than these that are character bound instead of account bound? And these are character bound just because it has to be so it can be an extra source of leveling XP for each character, not just one... as someone with some modding experience, it feels like the work of a modder who has to work with the system as it is, instead of someone who can ask a gameplay engineer to change it or add to it.

Like idk, just spitballing here, but they could have made a new system called "character progression goals" or something and this would be similar to what they came up with, but separate from achievements and could be opted out of (or opted out of notifs for at least).

Edited by Labjax.2465
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Doesn't bother me, I think it's kinda cute honestly, but then again I like quick little (mental) reward boosts that come with achievements completing (I like the sound effect). I haven't gotten far enough to have any problems, but also likely will not notice if my progress stops at some point lmao. 


I can see how it could be irritating to other people though, especially with stuff that doesn't auto-complete when it would make sense for it to do that.

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6 hours ago, Luthan.5236 said:

Yeah. That was a surprise. I only remember char-bount progress for stuff like for example the SAB or other stuff that is not listed anywhere in the achievements or else in the UI windows.

I think this is the first time. An easy solution came to my mind: They could make an NPC where you can talk to with a level 80 char - that then auto completes the achievements. (With a warning for players that might not want this.) Could work for old and new players. (New players that get fastesr to level 80 by other means ... that have skipped something - then also could just get the exp. For then it might be a bigger thing - since they do not have many spirit shards yet.)


I was surprised as well, but then when I looked at the achievements, I could see how doing (some of) them on each new toon for the profession, combos, even scouts, would be a useful guide to learn each option. Since they aren't designed for the old folks, I figure it's NBD if it's working for the new folks.

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7 minutes ago, kellin.7594 said:

Since they aren't designed for the old folks, I figure it's NBD if it's working for the new folks

I agree on the tutorial for new account, I would also see it once for every class, but repeat it for every char? (2nd as well as 64th)

Edited by Dayra.7405
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1 minute ago, Dayra.7405 said:

I agree on the tutorial for new account, but repeat for every char?

I might have done it differently, with only the profession and crafting ones repeated, but I don't know if there were any constraints on feasibly doing that.  Bothers me less than losing fishing stacks on a map change, but that's literally another thread. 😉

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For the love of mike, give us a toggle to shut this crocking thing off.  I have no intenion of doing this on my characters and am already sick of it popping up for every little thing that I do.  There must be a way to keep from seeing the pop-ups each time I use a waypoint or put something in the bank, etc.


I am talking about the pop-ups that show by default above the mini map.  Make it stop!

Edited by Booey Bubblehead.4890
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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to Any one else find the character adventure guide irritating with level 80s? [Merged]

The new Character Adventure Guide gives out WAY too much experience. My friends and I have been really enjoying slowly leveling up and getting strong enough to survive in higher level zones while we explore the game (currently around level 50).


With this new patch we're suddenly having levels thrown at us. It trivializes all other parts of the game, finish a good fun event get 1000xp, teleport to a new place and suddenly 9000 xp for just teleporting? (from an achievement). In 4 minutes of play I gained 1.5 levels from just 6 of the new Character Adventure Guide achievements. We're going to rapidly out-level the zones we are in and be over-leveled for the next zones we wanted to do. It completely throws off the fun we were having exploring the game and earning our own sense of achievements and growth.


I honestly think they are a terrible idea for players who want to explore the original Tyria zones. Make them an optional extra perhaps, something people can toggle on and off.

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VERY VERY IRRITATING! Constant AP pings distracting me and exciting me only to find out it’s yet another one of those, giving me absolutely nothing at all (tiny shreds of XP when I have eight thousand spirit shards is less than nothing, practically a joke)

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I absolutely detest the new Character Adventure Guide and how spammy it is.  I was so frustrated yesterday with them I actually logged off.  Furthermore, they removed the old Tutorial (Mastery) achievements so that is another 150 AP gone from the grand AP pool.   I just don't see why they couldn't have both the Character Achievement Guide and the collection up at the same time. It's a dumb decision to remove the tutorial collection with AP imo.

I think if they remove the achievements, they should remove the AP with it so there's no controversy like this. It further widen the AP gap and I feel that no matter what I do, I'll never catch up to those at 40k+ because I never even played when Monthly/Weekly AP was a thing. I value AP but with this inconsistent system, high AP simply means you've played longer and/or played at the right time.  In my experience, people with really high AP tends to not understand some basic concepts of the game.

Anet - please quit doing silly things like this and actually design a mentor system.  Add the old Tutorial achievements back and stop alienating people like me who has FOMO (fear of missing out).

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