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My Usual Feedback About Class/Build Performance In The Current Meta 8/25/2022

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Keep in mind that class/build performance varies from unrank/rank mixed queues to AT final round p2+ vs p2+. I'll try to explain why while keeping it short.

These are points of view, based off what I'm seeing lately in unranked/ranked, ATs, and even 1v1s.

The bolded are things that I feel are the priority problems that need attention before anything else.

I favor priority on nerfing what's OP before buffing what's weak:

  1. Core War - Bad in matches but can be a strangely potent duelist if a Chad is playing it.
  2. Berserker - Bad in matches, generally bad in duels, but can counter certain specs with virtue of mass CC and DPS burst.
  3. Spellbreaker - Bad in matches, still one of the best duelists when a Chad is playing it.
  4. Bladesworn - Now that EOD has progressed and people have really discovered BS, this class has proven to possess too much sheer attribute-tied power and many bugs. This specialization needs some real attention. Most complaints about Bladesworn come from mixed queue unrank/rank environment where players are often bad at calling targets and they don't attack the same target. In that environment, the Bladesworn's sustain seems overwhelming. However in say the final rounds of ATs with p2+ teams against p2+ teams or even just p1+ vs p1+, players are good at calling targets and attacking the same target, as well as rotating and +ing in general, Bladesworn's sustain isn't really a problem. In the higher tiers, Bladesworn's problem is the massive unblockable/unblindable AoE CC Dragon Trigger strikes with way too big a hitbox that deal really big damage, which is something other classes cannot do with CCs.
  5. Core Guard - Adequate Support. Not so good in unrank/rank because you can't rely on the team mates, but it still does its job in organized 5man AT play.
  6. Dragonhunter - It's still viable, but for any serious play, it needs to ride a support.
  7. Firebrand - Strong as hell in every other game mode but bad in pvp. It's time to unnerf Firebrand a bit for pvp. Those heavy skill splits need a review.
  8. Willbender - It's right where it needs to be now. This class is actually balanced. Leave it alone, don't touch it.
  9. Rev/Herald/Renegade/Vindicator - This is the weakest we've ever seen Revenant, right now in this current meta. We're back to Power Herald play again and for once it's actually kind of balanced due to the power creep of everything else. However every other Rev spec is feeling kind of weak at this point, and that goes for unrank/rank, ATs, and even 1v1s. They all get thrown into this one category like this because there isn't anything remarkable to mention about any of the Rev specs other than "Power Herald finally feels balanced".
  10. Core Engi - It's just bad.
  11. Scrapper - Rifle specs can generate fast kills and carry in unrank/rank mixed queues when there are low MMR opponents to target and snowball over, but it's just bad in organized 5man AT play. It's like you want it to be good, but it just isn't when it's focused.
  12. Holosmith - First time ever that Holosmith is just kind of "viable" rather than being a strong meta. Never thought I'd see the day tbh.
  13. Mechanist - It's deceiving. It can generate kills quickly in unrank/rank mixed queues by targeting & bullying low rated with rifle builds, but it's just not strong in organized 5man AT play.
  14. Core Thief/Daredevil/Deadeye/Specter - Gonna put this all into one category again because there are too many Thief builds to comment on so I'm going to generalize this. Every Thief build that is not a Specter, is now too strong in 1v1 but not so good in conquest matches. This happened after EOD release and the Shadow Arts buffs + the additional blind spam they received. The problem really is within the blind spam that makes them too strong in 1v1s, like overly dominantly strong for all the wrong reasons, namely that you can't hit them if a good player is behind it unless you're pumping out 100% resistance boon or are a build designed for perpetual constant pulsing forever condi cleanse. Seriously though, getting into 1v1s with these Thief builds is like standing under an actual waterfall of blind spam that never stops. It's just dumb at this point and it needs to be fixed. The reason why those non Specter builds are sort of bad in games now is because of the EOD power creep that changed many things, particularly the mobility creep, which has resulted in a team fight meta, and of course Thieves aren't good at team fighting. This is very lopsided attributes for these builds to have, being highly dominant in 1v1 duels but not so viable in matches. This needs to be tweaked differently. And no, Deadeye is not amazing in organized 5man AT play. It's only good in unrank/rank mixed queues where it has low rated targets to generate fast kills for snowball. It's still a liability in 5man AT play. Specter on the other hand, is straight up overperforming in every area, unrank/rank, ATs, duels, everything. Even if you laid a stat skew of attributes like "DPS" "Mobility" "Sustain" "CC" "Utility" ect ect, Specter has too much of everything and it's too good at everything. This specialization desperately needs to be balanced. Arenanet can start by removing some of its shroud. It tanks waaay too hard for the level of mobility & damage that it has. It could afford to lose about 1/4th of its maximum shroud pool.
  15. Core Ranger - Still a good 1v1er, not so good in games. Condi variants can still be useful in games in this meta.
  16. Druid - Secretly still one of the best 1v1 classes in the game vs. everything except Ele & Mes. Also secretly one of the best team fighters in this current meta. I'm not going to explain why in this thread. But I'm telling you Druid is sitting in a hot spot in this current meta, which could change very quickly when the meta flips, but it's strong right now, you just need to be running the right build based around condi, immob & CC spam.
  17. Soulbeast - Having problems. Right now its only use are niche situations when the opponent team is full of too many Thieves, Mesmers, Necros, DHs, and in this case Sic Em Soulbeast is still a solid counter. In any other situation in this meta however, there is simply too much anti-projectile and too many other effects that give Soulbeast real problems. The power creep brought in from EOD has solidly set Soulbeast into a state of being underpar vs. most other build structures in use. Soulbeast CAN be useful with condi variants, but they aren't as solid as Core Ranger or Druid condi variants.
  18. Untamed - Overpowered as hell in unrank/rank mixed queues when you have low rated to target and generate fast kills, but it's only "viable" in organized 5man AT play. It's also sitting in a weird place for 1v1s where it ultimate hard counters certain things to the point they can't do anything about it, but it gets ultimate hard countered by other things where the Untamed can't do anything about it. This is mainly because its attribute skew is so marginally wonky. All its power is in its melee where its ranged is mediocre or worse, and it's very strong & sturdy vs. power damage but is extremely vulnerable to condition damage. The only thing that even makes this spec viable is the teleport Maul/TailSwipe burst. Everything about this specialization is that one gimmick. That one gimmick is so overpowered that it makes an otherwise "Core Ranger with bad condi cleanse" actually viable. TLDR - This class is way too strong in some situations, but way too weak in others, and this is why I don't like Untamed even as a Ranger main. In a nutshell, my suggestions for this class would be 1) to change the trait that grants barrier on cantrips so that the cantrips grant condi cleanse instead of the barrier. This way it losses some of its strength vs power damage and gains strength vs condi damage. 2) Spores are fine because they have an animation tell before detonation, but this skill Nature's Binding - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) has no tell whatsoever when the Untamed teleports in. If you don't have stability, you die. I"m not going to go into the full explanation of this, but this skill is way too overpowered. It lasts 4 seconds, grants 4s quickness. What it is doing is it creates a situation vs most builds where there is actually zero counterplay to this burst. If you don't have pre-applied stability before the binding lands, you just die. To put this into perspective, this is the equivalent of if a Berserker/Eagle DH could JI to you and instantly with no animation time drop a full stack of traps including dragon's maw that lasted 4 seconds while landing a quickness True Shot and it all happens in about .25 seconds. I mean, come on now. This is a bad design that is no fun to play against. Aside from what many people may argue or say, the problem here is not the Untamed's damage, it's this dumb skill that has no tell that lasts way too long that grants 4s of quickness. Nature's Binding needs to have a delay on the animation like Spores have, so there is counterplay. Nature's Binding also does not need to be 4 seconds long. It could afford to be 2s only in pvp. Furthermore, the anti-projectile unleashed pet bubble needs either a longer CD or the bubble shouldn't last as long as it does.
  19. Core Necro - It's still viable.
  20. Reaper - It's doing well lately. Surprisingly, Reaper is kind of tearing stuff up. Seems to be useful in unrank/ranked as well as ATs.
  21. Scourge - Just no good right now. Too many options removed.
  22. Harbinger - It actually fell out kind of hard after the ninja patch to Curses that made the trait to apply weakness on crits just not work at all. I think that trait needs to fixed. Harbinger lately is being outplayed by Reaper due to removing that weakness application. It's certainly not bad, it's still viable, just maybe a bit weaker than it should be in my opinion.
  23. Mes/Chrono/Mirage/Virtuoso - This is my least played class, so let me summarize it all in a nutshell, how I feel about these. Not sure what happened, but all mes builds are feeling a bit too strong vs. condi lately, whereas they are weak to power. They can be strong in 1v1s vs certain things but die nearly instantly to others. I feel like mes builds rely too much around this "timer" they have of front loaded damage mitigation effects, and when those run out, mes either runs or stays & dies. It's an obnoxious design because each time you engage it on a node you already know what's going to happen: "I have to kite and survive this front loaded defense it has where I can't deal any damage at all while he tries to burst me and when it runs out, then I can kill it real fast or he has to run if he wants to live" and this holds pretty true with about 90% of mes encounters you have. Their play style is too predictable with how the CDs cycle and what they have to do. They can still be one of the best 1v1 classes out of conquest, but in conquest, they will almost surely lose the node to something that doesn't need to dance to survive, and this is why Mes is viable, but not strong.
  24. Core Ele - It's like it's sort of viable but it's not viable.
  25. Tempest - The support rolling off of Tempest is too strong. Not so strong in unrank/rank when you can't rely on your team, but it is seriously overperforming in organized 5man AT play, especially when good players stack a couple Tempests in one spot. One Tempest is enough to be considered a necessary MVP for any serious team, but when two are stacked into the same spot, it essentially creates a zone of nearly complete damage mitigation effects. We aren't talking just cleansing & healing here, we are talking complete damage mitigation that nullifies everything before it even hits. Too much anti-projectile, too much shock aura, too much everything. This problem really began to surface when they buffed Elemental Bastion - Guild Wars 2 Wiki (GW2W) The coefficient went from .55 to .8 for pvp, you can read it at the bottom of the link. This put Tempest's raw heal factor on par with a Core Guard, when Tempest was already the stronger utility support. In my opinion that heal coefficient needs to go back down.
  26. Weaver - It's like it feels viable and then it isn't, not in unrank/ranked or ATs or even 1v1s lately.
  27. Catalyst - It's strong lately, in unrank/rank, ATs and 1v1s. Some people would say Cata is overpowered but that's mainly because the class/build they run is bad to play into Cata. I do have to say though, that Cata in general has way too much anti-projectile. It shouldn't be nigh invulnerable to all projectiles.

To give a general summary of this meta after EOD:

There is a great deal of mobility creep, which has altered how the game's dynamic feels and how it was played for a decade before EOD. We have lost classic job roles almost solely due to mobility creep. It turned "team fighter - support - roamer - side noder" into "supports and guys who deal damage". This is not only due to mobility creep but also the idea that every class should do everything. Now all team fighters and roamers do the same thing and have nearly the same mobility, with little variation. There is no reason to build a side noder because mobility is so high that people + too quickly for a dedicated side noder to capitalize on his role, and besides that, everyone is a side noder now because everyone does the same thing. Every build now is a team fighter/roamer/side noder hybrid, with small variations in what they're better or worse at. Classic job roles have turned from roles that required dedicated builds, into something more like "plays" or "actions" that can be taken in the match, which can be done by anyone on any build now because all builds do the same thing. It's debatable whether this is a good thing or a bad thing, I'm just pointing it out.

One other thing to point out is how everything is a tele-burst now in 2022. Again, it's debatable if some players like or dislike this. But one thing is certain, Guild Wars 2 is starting to feel something akin to a game like Diablo 2 where everyone is wearing Enigma armor so they can teleport around and tele-stomp other players for kills. The tele-bursting on almost every class now, along with the mobility creep, has resulted in a team fight meta. Players who try to go places alone at the wrong times are easily tele-bursted, which creates immediate snowball when the 5v4 happens. This forces players to have to stay tight together for most of the time before splitting off to other objectives. The forward aggressive mobility in GW2 with targeted teleport attacks has resulted in a game where forward aggression is twice the mobility of disengage factor. This is a problem for the dynamic of conquest. Back in say 2015, forward chase power was equal to disengage factor, so a team who full wiped and came off respawn, could run around & past the players trying to spawn camp them, and make a rotational play. However in 2022 with chase power being roughly double disengage factor, once a team goes on full wipe respawn, the winners of the team fight can just spawn camp them and there is no way for that losing team to run past or around to get out back to the nodes for any rotational plays. In 2015, a team who kept losing team fights could finish the match losing 300 to 500, because there was opportunity to juke & duck and run around a map without immediately dying again. But in 2022, those same losing players would lose 30 to 500 because the first time they lose, they aren't getting back to nodes. The chase power being much stronger than disengage factor is not a good feel for the game. Chase power should be roughly equivalent to disengage factor, for the best feel.

~ Just my observations



Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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That's an essay.  You say tempest is a problem when there are TWO other temps on a team. I don't think that's a tempest problem but a match maker problem for allowing 2 tempest on a team. YoU shouldnt want a nerf a single spec because it to strong if there was two of them. That will just make the one useless when there is only one on the team.  Or they need to code in restrictions on class stacking in ATs. Not nerf a class because 2 are to strong together.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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For the non BSW warrior specs:

There is a rather large amount of skills with cast times or after casts that are just too long, and CDs that are just too long. They play like there is a ball and chain strapped to one leg holding the warrior back just enough to keep it from performing at a high level while a True Chad can still wreck with them. Which would be fine if the other professions felt the same way, but they don't. To me anyway. Whenever I play my non warrior alts it feels like the ball and chain no longer exists. 

The change to Arcing Arrow's after cast is a pretty good example of what I'm talking about. @Azure The Heartless.3261 brings up the CDs on several stunbreaks often which is another good example. The damage numbers themselves are fine for the most part (not rifle). Condi on warrior could use some extra cover conditions, but not really much more condition damage itself. But some of the overly telegraphed attacks should have their telegraphs reduced *cough* Backbreaker *cough*

As to BSW... fix the bugs, make Tactical Reload only work on skills with the explosion tag. After that then see where it is. They made this spec it seems to address several longstanding issue with the class, so for once it feels like the ball and chain is gone.

I certainly want the bugs fixed and TR reworked, but beyond that I think allowing the rest of BSW to remain is needed until the rest of the Warrior specs are brought up in effectiveness. Reworking TR like I said would certainly curb its sustain in a meaningful way.

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4 hours ago, Eddbopkins.2630 said:

That's an essay.  You say tempest is a problem when there are TWO other temps on a team. I don't think that's a tempest problem but a match maker problem for allowing 2 tempest on a team. YoU shouldnt want a nerf a single spec because it to strong if there was two of them. That will just make the one useless when there is only one on the team.  Or they need to code in restrictions on class stacking in ATs. Not nerf a class because 2 are to strong together.

One Tempest by itself isn't necessarily overpowered, but it is too important, which is lowering the diversity of team comp selections. Lately Tempest Support in organized 5man AT play is mandatory. In equal skill p2+ vs p2+ games, nearly 90% of the time, the team who does not bring a Tempest loses. The presence of the Tempest shouldn't matter that much. But is this an indication of it being OP, just a state of current meta, or a bit of both? Well, a lot of things in this meta are projectile based for one thing, which makes Tempest anti-projectile spam very strong. Then of course we have this team fight meta in general, which makes a Support very strong. But then you also have to look at the kinds of effects & numbers it is pumping out vs. say Core Guard. Tempest right now is pumping numbers & effects way harder than Core Guard.

When 2x Tempests are stacked together though, and I'm talking p2+ teams vs p2+ teams, it actually is just broken. Their types of defensive tools stack too well to the point that it's just ridiculous. Have you ever seen 2x Tempest team play into 2x Tempest team? It's a throw back to Chronobunker meta where the first team to cap the nodes is the team that wins because generating kills takes waaay too long.

Debatable whether you want to call it OP or not, but the game dynamic always feels bad whenever we get bunker wars like this.

3 hours ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

There is a rather large amount of skills with cast times or after casts that are just too long, and CDs that are just too long. They play like there is a ball and chain strapped to one leg holding the warrior back just enough to keep it from performing at a high level while a True Chad can still wreck with them. Which would be fine if the other professions felt the same way, but they don't. To me anyway. Whenever I play my non warrior alts it feels like the ball and chain no longer exists. 

You're absolutely right. Just look at Untamed. No-tell instant tele-burst instant death combo that cycles every 20s, goes through walls, lays a CC at your feet that cannot be escaped or reacted to unless you have stab before it happens, and it happens in about .25 seconds. Compare this to what a Warrior would have to do to generate this kind of KO: Land Bull's Charge which has obvious tell and can be easily avoided, land an Arc Slice to proc Fury, go into 100blades and complete the full animation as you stand still and cannot move, land 1 other hard hitting attack like a GS#5 or an Eviscerate, has to do this in plain sight he can't go through walls. <- That War combo would take like 4s to 5s to complete, maybe 3s with quickness, and any class with a single stun break can easily avoid all of that damage.

They need to unnerf some of the things they did to Warrior long ago. Example, when they nerfed the animations of Headbutt & Skullgrinder on Berserker. Likewise, they need to speed up things like Earthshaker & Skull Crack. Some of this stuff is just too slow in 2022 compared to other things they've added to the game.



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2 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

You're absolutely right. Just look at Untamed. No-tell instant tele-burst instant death combo that cycles every 20s, goes through walls, lays a CC at your feet that cannot be escaped or reacted to unless you have stab before it happens, and it happens in about .25 seconds. Compare this to what a Warrior would have to do to generate this kind of KO: Land Bull's Charge which has obvious tell and can be easily avoided, land an Arc Slice to proc Fury, go into 100blades and complete the full animation as you stand still and cannot move, land 1 other hard hitting attack like a GS#5 or an Eviscerate, has to do this in plain sight he can't go through walls. <- That War combo would take like 4s to 5s to complete, maybe 3s with quickness, and any class with a single stun break can easily avoid all of that damage.

They need to unnerf some of the things they did to Warrior long ago. Example, when they nerfed the animations of Headbutt & Skullgrinder on Berserker. Likewise, they need to speed up things like Earthshaker & Skull Crack. Some of this stuff is just too slow in 2022 compared to other things they've added to the game.



It's not like the warrior's on the forums haven't been advocating for all that. The whole premise of the Omnibus thread was how to make it easier to execute what warrior is good at rather than just inflating damage numbers.

Feels like I have to jump through 5 different hoops just to get damage on a target that I don't have to do with other professions.  

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1 hour ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

One Tempest by itself isn't necessarily overpowered, but it is too important, which is lowering the diversity of team comp selections. .




Lowering the diversity? Are you kidding me? For the longest time years and years its been guardian necro meta combo wombo...I don't want to hear how ele is killing diversity, when now it's meta for at most 3 months now.  

Moving away from the gaurdian necro combo in any fashion is a good thing in my book.

It's also great that the uniqueness of ele is finally shining. 


Has ele received a buff to make it such a power house? Or has the meta changed to something so projectile spammy and so forth that it's basic kit it has had for years is now effective enough to combat the meta on equal footing?

I'm not arguing that 2 tempest are to powerful I agree 2 are too powerful. The fix isn't to nerf the class so that it's a 1/2 of it self to become ineffective as one.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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@Trevor Boyer.6524Im pretty suprised that you just say that herald is actually balanced. Its Power creep is right now ridicolous. It is just that big that you die against 2 heralds just in seconds even while your block and evade every hard hit skills cause their side Utility aoe dps is also around 3k each. The only thing that could just hold herald in line is just tempest with its shocking aura. Soooo idk to me herald is actually too Power creep but so is untamed and the ccs by ele earth shield (untamed are able to deal like 30k dmg in 2 seks out of a port and well timed of course/ ele does per cc actually like 4-10k dps). All of those just need at least some nerfs. 


Then there are things like specter that just could spaming its 3 Button and Port around you plus facetank every dmg you deal to him per shroud (biggest Problem might be the Port CDs here but i might be wrong). Then there is de that punish ya 3k each aa chain on range with stealth and blinds that you also cant punish on full melee classes but i gues this is more an issue comes by cc dealing no dmg (besides ele of course).


Then there is bsw. This is actually correct it is simply carried by buggy things like dragonscale defence proc stabi per dragontrigger use and get like no icd. Dragontrigger 2 got a too big hitbox and also a reduced cd (4secs) when instant casted. Means its an unblockable/undodgeable/unblindable/Hard hit/CC/Movement skill and need just finaly to be fixed.


Then there is mechanist that could delete ya in like 2 seconds on range with like 2 sources of speed buffs and some stability. Thank god it is somewhat glassy and could just get killed a bit easier.


Now thats all issues i see in current meta i gues xd.

But i could be fairly wrong soo let me know

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every war spec are complete garbage and outdated with heavy after-cast that serve no purpose and feels like playing in 2015 other then bugsworn that is good because bugs.


also herald is not balanced, herald is busted as hell.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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On 8/25/2022 at 4:21 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


~ Just my observations

Correct take, no disagreements. However:


This is very lopsided attributes for these builds to have, being highly dominant in 1v1 duels but not so viable in matches. This needs to be tweaked differently. 

I'd like to point out that due to residual bitterness from having thief mobility consistently nerf- advocated by people who don't have the same energy for returning some mobility or damage now that everyone else has a mobility bump, I am totally fine with blindspamming people to death. Of course, I would be fine playing something else that has another strength, but if thief doing damage/moving fast is disallowed, and specter is too tanky, and yet people wanna 1v1 a thief in conquest without a counter (of which many are available~), they asked for it at that point. You're advocating for changes based on how it feels to fight the thief, but it will always feel like you're being cheesed to fight a thief. Been like that since launch.

Tweak it or don't, either's fine. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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6 hours ago, Lighter.5631 said:

every war spec are complete garbage and outdated with heavy after-cast that serve no purpose and feels like playing in 2015 other then bugsworn that is good because bugs.


also herald is not balanced, herald is busted as hell.

I've been saying herald is pretty busted too. Hitting 10k with a skill that makes you completely invulnerable and hitting slow enough to not be able to dodge the attack with one dodge is a little bit ridic.

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When played semi decently an average ranger will have no troubles against average of everything else....except Thief with its stealth/teleport - Elementalist with projectile hate and condi output....on a side note, anything with teleport and CC will trouble average ranger, Willbender lacks that instant CC....while untamed...it's not super amazing but when played well can create troubles to certain specs, add the anti projectile set up of untamed and the CC utility.

Take all this into consideration and you describe any "balance" thread started by a ranger

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Just now, Ghos.1326 said:

I've been saying herald is pretty busted too. Hitting 10k with a skill that makes you completely invulnerable and hitting slow enough to not be able to dodge the attack with one dodge is a little bit ridic.

Average ranger can 1200/outsustain an average herald sword/sword + staff so......it will be deemed "balanced"

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26 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

The reality of GW2 is that you can read any "balance list" and correctly assume the main class played by who started the thread...without even knowing him/her

The flip side of that is that the mains know where their class is weakest and strongest, and while that has value it can quickly devolve into:
Rock: Paper is OP, scissors is balanced and okay though.


Dragon Slash - Boost go whoosh

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On 8/25/2022 at 10:21 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  1. Rev/Herald/Renegade/Vindicator - This is the weakest we've ever seen Revenant, right now in this current meta. We're back to Power Herald play again and for once it's actually kind of balanced due to the power creep of everything else. However every other Rev spec is feeling kind of weak at this point, and that goes for unrank/rank, ATs, and even 1v1s. They all get thrown into this one category like this because there isn't anything remarkable to mention about any of the Rev specs other than "Power Herald finally feels balanced".

  In overall I agree with all your post, but I don't see how "every other Rev spec is feeling kind of weak at this point", lol. ANet just deleted both Renegade and Vindi from the game (Core never was a thing). The other Rev builds doesn't exist in the same galaxy as Herald variants.

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51 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

The flip side of that is that the mains know where their class is weakest and strongest, and while that has value it can quickly devolve into:
Rock: Paper is OP, scissors is balanced and okay though.


Dragon Slash - Boost go whoosh

The sad part is that when the bugs are fixed and DT is nerfed, it will become another useless warrior spec that is worse than core, because its jank skill design. Strangely the messy design lets BS go into team fights as a damage dealing spec which hasn't happened since Berserker. BS takes the slot of Holo since it is just jank holo, while holo was upgraded berserker so we are at full circle. 

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Just now, Vancho.8750 said:

The sad part is that when the bugs are fixed and DT is nerfed, it will become another useless warrior spec that is worse than core, because its jank skill design. Strangely the messy design lets BS go into team fights as a damage dealing spec which hasn't happened since Berserker. BS takes the slot of Holo since it is just jank holo, while holo was upgraded berserker so we are at full circle. 

Watch the Hit Box on Boost be 100% intentional and never 'fixed'

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31 minutes ago, Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

*rubs temples*

Here we observe the warrior main in their natural habitat. 

Shaped by harsh selection pressures by the nerf father CMC, Warrior mains have developed unique adaptations navigate this harsh environment. 

Here we observe a Warrior main casting Endure Pain. The rubbing motion stimulates the temporal nerve, releasing adrenaline and endorphins. This prepares the Warrior main for their next move, the "Stunlock this noob until he stops speaking nonsense" maneuver. It is debatable whether or not this is effective, but it seems to give the Warrior main a brief catharsis. 

Edited by Kuma.1503
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36 minutes ago, Lan Deathrider.5910 said:

Watch the Hit Box on Boost be 100% intentional and never 'fixed'

Well they did leave the jumping over thing, the damage capping halfway, buffing Shout heal it all feels very intentional. Being very hp spongy in 1v1 but folding in a + since it doesn't have good active defensives vs that. I think CMC found his most "fair" bunker, strong enough to kill stuff but not strong enough to stall 1v2. The did try to give the slot to vindicator but it just ended up in rotating defensives and dodges while basically afking on a node. It just seems that they just don't have better answer for the position than buffing some warrior spec to prompt fights instead of propping the next "last son of Krypton" spec taking a dump at the sidenodes.

Edited by Vancho.8750
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