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This is getting all over the internet now, just search for it. Players eyes are starting to open.


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VoidNard.7206 once wrote...

"PVP game mode is objectively bad. The people who defend the quality of this game mode are those who enjoy playing the most broken builds. Theres no point in playing structured pvp other than to farm the legendary armor. After im done that, im never touching that disgusting game mode again. Imagine being a new player and trying pvp for the first time. Part of the reason pvp is getting less popular is because the game mode sucks. The game was made around WvW and pvp but the devs are creating a different game. Before you say anything, yeah im bad at pvp, and that is not a valid point. Just because i suck at a game mode doesnt mean its not objectively bad.

For one thing, you can't suck at PvP in a game with pre-defined classes and stat based gear.  If you're on the 'OP' class, you win.  If you're stats have a slight edge on same 'OP' classes (ascension vs legendary), you win.  There has only been one mmorpg ever made that featured gear with no stats and a combat system that was entirely manual...in other words, truly skill based.  Man I wish a larger company with more money made that game over two decade ago...it was near perfect.  Glad I experienced it and so miss my Cutthroat Class.  That short dagger sword I had was pressed against a lot of player's throats for the kill.  Truly brilliant, skill based combat system.  Class unbalance didn’t really exists.

Anyway, agreed with VoidNard.7206, GW2 WvW/PvP is horrible and it's not hard to see why.  If you have multiple characters and all classes like I do, just take the time to look at their Specs/traits/action bar abilities and if you're a logical, thinking, mature mind, you should be asking yourself...how is any of this going to balance in Player vs Player.

It doesn't!

I just got sick of WvW again after seeing how ridiculous it is.  The new 'EOD' classes are most 'OP' but that's expected, got to sell the expansion, right?

I watched an 'EOD' Eng's Mech-Bot not only knock a player down, but the player couldn't even get up for like 10 seconds and the whole time he/she is down, the Eng is blasting rapid fire high DPS from ranged.  I don't understand it...  Why give a class that much DPS from range and give them super speed with healing/protection/regen traits/abilities....  ?  Common sense would tell anyone, if you do this, you're not giving a non-ranged targeted player a chance to fight back because the Mech-Bot alone is going to hold them down for 10 seconds.

All the Boons turning players into Gods...  You don't even have Player vs Player anymore.  It's None 'OP' Classes vs God Mode Classes...that's actually what it is.  I'm still trying to figure out how players are moving backwards and sideways (non-strife) with blazing speed because your character tends to walk when you move in those directions but these players look like their character is Flash's cousin or something, all the time.

Is it PvP or a foot race?

"Gawd"....the concepts in these 'WoW-like' games....  Guildwars 2 is a concept game, PEROID!  It's an outline for how to NOT design classes and PvP content.  All I see is Zergs being boon Gods or single players being 'OP' Boon Gods.  There's no real combat because it's all one sided.  You're either a God or your dead, period...that's the PvP in Gw2.  That's literally worst than World of Warcraft's PvP.

Traps that stumble you three slow times, roots that last forever, super long fear effects (non Necro), long range, knock downs, knock forwards, pulls, etc etc...  That's a big part of why PvP is so bad...horrible class design is the other.  It's almost laughable when a slow class gets hit with a slow/cripple effect because...well, they weren't slow enough...really?  On top of all that mess, you're action bar abilities keep refreshing while being attacked, so at times, you don't even get to perform an action or one or two, Especially if you're being attacked by a class that has long term immunity to everything right at the beginning of the encounter because they are free now to just spam everything and keep your action bar refreshing.

Condi damage only builds are busted because of all the cleansing.  All the developers had to do was give Condi Builds (that doesn't stack power), a base conditional damage percentage that always hits if it lands.  Seventy percent would have been great, with the last 30 percent coming in 'dot' ticks.  The last 30 percent most likely will never land because the cleansing and immunity will take it.  At least a true Condi Build can deals some damage like that but as it stands, Condi damage is all reduced and cleansed so you're on the chopping block, always with no damage.  One hundreds of damage in ticks can not compete with 5k, 7k+ damage from Power Builds.  Don’t mention a Necro’s Marks....they are useless!  The damage from Marks is TOO low!  Players run through Marks all the time only getting a tiny little scratch...like 100 damage.  “Phft!”  So if marks are dead, swapping weapons will only produce more of the same because you’re not power built, then you can’t fight back and that’s where it stands with Condi Necros to this day.  Other classes with less to no conditional damage can do WAY more damage than a Condi only Necro who stacks the condition attribute.  You’re marks do nothing but scratch but get a condition from a non Necro class as a Necro and after the first tick, your health is at 70 percent and these classes are stacking power....  Ridiculous!

I've seen players one hit kill all a Necro's minions....  Even with carapace set to the minions and extra damage trait, they all get destroyed with one hit.  Here's the thing "devs"...  Those minions take up a whole side of the action bar.  If you're not going to let them be as 'OP' as a Mech-Bot, then you need to remove the minions and give the Necro something A LOT better because as it stands, Necro minions are too easy to take out.  Do not want that walking ’kill yourself’ ’EOD’ Necro class either!  A single player...one hit minion kill...  I still can't wrap my head around that one.  It's lame.  Why are the minions so dumb?  There should be a way to call all minions back to you so they're out of combat but as it stands, you can be out of combat, standing far away from anyone but your minions will move way out from you just to stand there and get killed (and this forces the long cool-down before re-summon).  You shouldn't have to click on a Minion just to tell it to do a ability.  They should be smart and auto wait for an opening to land what they have.  No point in flesh golem charging if an enemy player is in immunity, right?  Necros have no immunity folks...  Necros don't have a lot of health regen traits either and what they do have is so weak on values, they basically contribute nothing to sustain.  That's probably why 'OP' classes will stop what they're doing and immediately go after a Necro the moment they see them.  Entire Zergs will stop doing what they're doing just to kill one Necro.  That's all thanks to the "devs" so thank you "devs" for keeping WvW six feet deep.  What’s up with the healing minion of a Necro (that’s slotted in the healing spot)?  The health transfer is so low, it’s non existent, which just further adds to why a Necro doesn’t have much sustain outside of Shroud.

For you players that think a Necro's shroud is two health bars, wake up already.  Shroud goes so fast when taking high damage and your real health bar isn't really recovering while you're in Shroud, nor do the trait for health recovery in Shroud helps because it's too weak.  Other classes sustain abilities will refresh way before a Necro can go into Shroud again and that's if the Necro even has any life force worth anything because of all the ’bullet proofing.’  Terrible concepts!

The classes in GW2 are so unbalanced...  My Healing Eng can do more damage than my Dragonhunter, even though my Eng has 2k power and my Dragonhunter has 3k+...  This alone proves that stats are also broken in GW2.  The concept of Armor doesn't even exists because Heavy Armor doesn't provide any more damage reduction that Light Armor.  Toughness is an illusion and I tested this by taking damage with 2k toughness and then took damage (similar damage) on the same class with 3.3+ toughness (+ boons increasing to almost 4k) and the results in damage reduction were exactly the same!  So basically you're better off stacking Vitality and drop the toughness.

The developers are clearly just doing anything.  As long as players are on the servers, they're satisfied...ArenaNet is satisfied.

Look at the buff values in GW2...  Necro class is the worst...  One second stability?  Ten ticks of 100+ healing (even though you're receiving 7k hits)?  One to three seconds of might (gone before you can doing anything)?  One of my favorites...  Necro's one second of fear...really....one second....  Well to be sarcastically fair, if you add the trait that extends fear effect, you can have two seconds!  LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

It's like a bunch of 10 year olds made Guildwars 2's classes up (holding kidney from laughter).  I don’t know which class has that, what seems like, 8 to 10 second fear effect because I mainly play one class and every now and then jump on the others.  It’s nice to master one class when it comes to PvP but if that class sucks by design, you’re done for.  Nope....  Not even going to get started on the Scourge.  Worst WvP/PvP survival class unless you’re going power and no staff in the weapon swap.  Your Boons will not last long enough though, so you’re dead.

As "gawd" awful as WvW/PvP already is, when you get those "ArenaNet Babies" or common hackers running around, it's time to just logout.  No point in watching some thief constantly blink in and out of vanishing and sometimes staying hidden for as long as they like and then appear only to be in God Mode taking zero damage or take a little damage blink vanish and be at full health again.  You players who are doing it...  You're just taking what's already broken and burying it six feet deep.  I’ve seen players explaining how to setup some of these client-side hacks online, so I know they exists and then you got the “babies” running around on ‘server-side’ power.  All it takes is for a new mmorpg to pop up that does it right and the GW2 servers will eventually go dead.  The developers have time right now to consider feed back and fix things but choose to just flow with the fan boys and girls and 'nerf' this and 'nerf' that, when the classes all need a total rebuild....builds with actually WvW in mind, not PvE, not running, not kill you from range, but actual face to face, toe to toe combat (without bullet proofing)!

As VoidNard.7206 stated, once legendary farming is complete, no point in ever stepping foot back into WvW again because it's NOT PvP!  It's just a farming ground for 'OP' classes, shooting range for long-range players and "Boon Party."  If the “devs” tie new content (armor) to WvW in the future, drop the game, period!

I think I'll spin the Mech-Bot and hold somebody down for 10 seconds and blast high DPS on them from range.....  ......  "Nah", I'll just become one of the players who support the brokenness of the game.  No point in one sided combat.

PS, stop with the Necro this and Necro that already.... The class is DEAD!!!  How much more easy do you ‘OP’ classes want it to be?  You don’t get bored of farming the dead classes?  I’ve seen ‘OP’ vs ‘OP’ in WvW and those one on one matches go on forever with neither player winning.  “OP” classes have to be happy with that....you never really get defeated unless an entire Zerg takes you down and even that could take minutes to do, but you get away with super speed 9.9 times out of 10.  Which makes no sense.

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@Horace.3184 oke long Text but i litterly stoped at the point where you said condition builds are Bad. Lets be just a bit real here. The only reason why condition builds are just "bad" is cause they are too good. Yes there are too many cleanses in zerks that made condi dmg in large scale fights more or less useless. But at the same time condition can actually oneshot you on most builds if you would not cleanes them fast enough or in right time. Then there is also the point that Power builds need 3 stats to deal dmg while conditions need only 2. In my opinion conditions are simply bad designed and this is also the reason why they are that broken but at the same time bad cause you need to cleanes them instantly other wise your simply dead in 2 seconds. Just in case condi meant to be DoT but actually the time they need to kill ya is too short so you get many cleanses to see a chance against them as a Power build. Hope u see my point here. xd


P.S: I actually do like necro just play that class sometimes (as most classes) myself. Back the i just "cry" over necro as well but it was never just the whole class. Last time i just "cry" about that class it was cause its elite elexier gain every boon and does every condition the game has to offer. Just simply bad game Design so it was indeed need of a fix. Now im "crying" against my own class (bsw) but also the Power creep of other classes. I want the game to be in a good balance thats all when im just "cry" against things xd.

Edited by Pati.2438
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The first half of @Horace.3184 post is pretty much spot on, though it only lists the surface level problems.


Power creep has ruined GW2 PvP. In core, it took coordinated team efforts or careful management of fields of finishers to get even 15 stacks of might. Now various builds get it almost instantly for free. This has significantly raised the level of damage. When players complained about dying too quickly, evades and damage reduction was handed out.  Similarly, condition application was raised and in an arms race, condition removal was given out more freely. This is why few condition builds can actually be successful, yet some can melt players.

Before power creep, careful use of abilities and cooldowns separated average players from good players. A great player knew how to bait dodges and wait to use key abilities until an opponent had expended their dodges or stun break.  With power creep, everyone is just using all their abilities anyway - especially with reduced cooldowns; the difference between average and good is almost non-existent.


Unfortunately, the power creep is here to stay. Rolling back 3 expansions of power creep will infuriate PvE players, and we can't have that.

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1 hour ago, Pati.2438 said:

@Horace.3184 oke long Text but i litterly stoped at the point where you said condition builds are Bad. Lets be just a bit real here. The only reason why condition builds are just "bad" is cause they are too good. Yes there are too many cleanses in zerks that made condi dmg in large scale fights more or less useless. But at the same time condition can actually oneshot you on most builds if you would not cleanes them fast enough or in right time. Then there is also the point that Power builds need 3 stats to deal dmg while conditions need only 2. In my opinion conditions are simply bad designed and this is also the reason why they are that broken but at the same time bad cause you need to cleanes them instantly other wise your simply dead in 2 seconds. Just in case condi meant to be DoT but actually the time they need to kill ya is too short so you get many cleanses to see a chance against them as a Power build. Hope u see my point here. xd

Condi is certainly bad if the person has poor planning... it's excellent when you swap to condi to specifically single out a class that you know has very poor cleanses. There certainly is a skill-factor to it but I wouldn't necessarily agree that it's of bad design.... if anything i would argue that Condi builds across the board needs to be more leveled amongst classes. This includes wars who have zero efficient condi builds.

The heart of condition gripe we hear on the forums is the whole, "condition builds are brain dead easy to play..." when in reality, it can be completely countered if played incorrectly.

Edited by Saiyan.1704
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@Saiyan.1704 tho condi warr isnt that Bad. But it is bound to a e-spec that is just more than overnerfed called berserker. That is litterly the reason why only a hand of peops play it. Berserker got simply no burst skill outside of zerk Mode so there is no way to stack up adrenalin heal (general defence traitline is too hard nerfed in my opinion). But there is also a e-spec traitlineskill that gain ya -300 thougness. Those ends up in a loose of defence straigth up for play this e-spec. Its a shame it doesnt get reworked for years now! But also in this case. A 1v1 against a condi Berserker is hard thx to conditions could end your life in about 5 seconds if you just do not cleanes them instantly. And as said above this is the reason why i say it is Bad designed. Cause that means the build could 100-0 you in just 5 seconds all 3 seconds. Now then there are just cleanes that grt 75 secs cd and 16 secs cd. I dont mind that condi should deal dmg but in my opinion it should be that conditions last longer but deal less dmg per second so it is rly DoT but then you also need to reduce the over all condi cleanes as well but that would mean some skills would get over 2 mins off cd this would be too mutch specialy if those said skill is also your stunbrake. This could go on and on like this. I do not hate conditions but i dont like how they are desinged cause they are designed to be not good in Group fights cause if they would be they would be absolute broken as well.

Edited by Pati.2438
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The game is dog. It was barely passable at launch but as that other user said - as soon as new classes were added that could stack might, conditions, spam invisibility and character-teleportation skills... any minor control they had at launch was completely lost.


There is no undoing this. There is no fixing PvP with a balance update. No significant group is going to suddenly start playing PvP when they can pick one of a half dozen MOBAs with a larger player population and simpler mechanics that allow for skill differentiation instead of "hurr durr I memorized my combo and if I'm WvW I have the right food applied". Some people want to mistake rotations for skill. Nope. It's not.


This is a casual PvE game and that's all it will ever be. And that's fine. The sooner everyone accepts that, the better.

Edit: I wanted to add I'm not trying to say people should quit GW2 PvP by any means but lets understand there is no path forward and there is no reason Arena Net should invest further resources into it. 

Edited by Leger.3724
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