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"M A G" is not permitted in character name... what the Anet????

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create a new toon dedicated to fishing, "M A G I K A R P I T" contains character combination not permitted 🤨

okkay... maybe because it sniffed copyright?
let's try M A G I C F I S H Y"... surely it follows the Guild Wars 2 Naming Policy


"When creating a Guild Wars 2 display, character, guild, or pet name, you are encouraged to select a name that reflects the theme of the game."

....... NOPE! huh?!?!?!? what is it it doesn't like??? 😬




"M A G" contains character combination not permitted...
... really Anet⁉️ 😒

I know that most worlds on NA WvW hates Maguuma, but did you have to ban the use of "M A G" in every word that contains it?
you are literally banning the words you are encouraging people to use like MAGIC, MAGE,  MAGI, etc.


please please remove the restriction, not only it does not make sense to have a blanket ban, players are also losing out on the thousands of opportunities to create a desirable character names

PS: imaging the business opportunities you can generate from selling character slots, especially when it's on discount right now

Edited by crepuscular.9047
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I just created a character named Magalee Magpie. It was accepted.

Edit: I also tried M A G Alee. That didn't work. Then I tried Ma G Alee. That also didn't work. So there's something about the spaces in between that makes it something they don't accept. But writing it together definitely worked.

So it's not the combination of mag by itself but with the spaces between it that causes it to be inappropriate somehow.

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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Well I tried more combinations, they're weird names but just for testing:

  • Down A Hole - worked (to check if a single letter would work)
  • Room A Gentry - worked even though it as m A G consecutively in it
  • Ma Gold Is Gone - worked though it contains Ma G
  • V L A - is already in use, so that's accepted even though it has 3 consecutive separate letters
  • M Age Of Mages - worked though it contains M Ag
  • Ma G - is not permitted

In conclusion: M A G is not permitted and Ma G isn't permitted. Anything else with that letter combination works.

Edit: it gets weirder still. Just on a hunch I tried "Ma God" - it was accepted ... So the new conclusion is that you can't put Ma or M A before a single letter G. 

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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7 minutes ago, Funky.4861 said:

I think it's more to do with pre-banning all the MAGA names because we can't have that, can we...

That would be very ironic, given that they use that awful slogan in some of their achievement text.

If I had to guess, I'd say it's more likely the GM name prevention that others have mentioned, since that's been implemented since launch and I've seen some surprising things make it past the filter since then. I'd be curious to know how often it gets updated - if ever.

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8 hours ago, Schimmi.6872 said:

I tried some other combinations and it seems only the single letter G is the problem here, guess it's part of the naming rules against GM impersonators.

This is it. Standalone G (and maybe standalone M) are not allowed because of people impersonating GMs, particularly in other games when GW2 was in development.

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1 hour ago, Knote.2904 said:

Then why not just have a regex scrub anything with just GM why G? lmao

/^GM .*/i

Because scammers/phishers are resourceful and would find a way to get around that sort of thing, just like they have in other games. It's a shotgun approach, yes, but it does what it's meant to which is to reduce the number of people scammed by fake GMs and to reduce the load on support staff as they don't need to deal with a mountain of tickets from people who were scammed.

The number of people inconvenienced by G not being allowed as a standalone character name letter is less than the people—including children—such a rule would have saved from being scammed.

And it's an MMO. Being told a name isn't available and to pick something else is par for the course and shouldn't be a surprise to anyone used to MMOs or social media regardless of what restrictions on names exist. Sometimes you're told something isn't available and that's that, especially with meme-y names.

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10 hours ago, Funky.4861 said:

I think it's more to do with pre-banning all the MAGA names because we can't have that, can we...

There's been a MAGA guild literally run by Donald Trump on Fort Aspenwood forever.


This forum sure is full of conspiracy theories lately. It makes me worry for the mental health of some of its posters, how they can seem to see demons in everything. Especially after End of Dragons.


@ Thread:

This is caused by the way GM is written in different languages, because this game only allows Latin characters for the most part but the syntactical rules of non-English languages often still apply. For example Game Master would usually be written like "Master of Game" (MG, sometimes with letters inbetween).


"Ma" is an abbreviation for Master or the literal translation of Master (Maestro for Spanish).


This is actually the norm, English is the language thats backwards in alot of ways, since its hodgepodged from many other languages and tries to shorthand everything even when its unnecessary.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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4 hours ago, Zephire.8049 said:

Because scammers/phishers are resourceful and would find a way to get around that sort of thing, just like they have in other games. It's a shotgun approach, yes, but it does what it's meant to which is to reduce the number of people scammed by fake GMs and to reduce the load on support staff as they don't need to deal with a mountain of tickets from people who were scammed.

The number of people inconvenienced by G not being allowed as a standalone character name letter is less than the people—including children—such a rule would have saved from being scammed.

And it's an MMO. Being told a name isn't available and to pick something else is par for the course and shouldn't be a surprise to anyone used to MMOs or social media regardless of what restrictions on names exist. Sometimes you're told something isn't available and that's that, especially with meme-y names.

Not sure what you mean exactly. In this case it just seems like it matches G + space instead of just GM, people could still put alt characters for the G as it is?

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