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Power fresh air, should have the highest DPS in the game.


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This just ties back to my recurring problem that all four ele specs (three plus core) are undertuned due to having twice as many weapon skills available. As long as all four attunements are available all the time, Ele's damage is going to be garbage. And it is this balancing of unnecessary bloat ACROSS THE ENTIRE PROFESSION, not just a single espec, that prevents fresh air anything from being top DPS.


If, for sake of argument, core ele only had access to the elements it spec'd into, Tempest only had access to two elements, and Catalyst only had access to one, then weapon damage could be boosted across the board because only Weaver would be substantially affected by it, and Weaver is hard. But, as it stands, four-elements-all-the-time just guarantees that ALL Ele specs will be nerfed to hell to counterbalance the additional weapon cooldowns they have access to.


Also, as a matter of nuance, while I absolutely feel Weaver should be one of, if not the top DPS, I think there is room at the top for different kinds of DPS. Bladesworn should be top burst DPS. Deadeye should be top ST DPS. And mayyybe Untamed can fit up there too although I have not played it and am not sure how challenging it is compared to BS, DE, and Weaver. But overall I do agree that Weaver should be in the top 2-3 and rewarded for having the hardest rotation.


Edited by Batalix.2873
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1 hour ago, CourtJester.5908 said:

This just ties back to my recurring problem that all four ele specs (three plus core) are undertuned due to having twice as many weapon skills available. As long as all four attunements are available all the time, Ele's damage is going to be garbage. And it is this balancing of unnecessary bloat ACROSS THE ENTIRE PROFESSION, not just a single espec, that prevents fresh air anything from being top DPS.


If, for sake of argument, core ele only had access to the elements it spec'd into, Tempest only had access to two elements, and Catalyst only had access to one, then weapon damage could be boosted across the board because only Weaver would be substantially affected by it, and Weaver is hard. But, as it stands, four-elements-all-the-time just guarantees that ALL Ele specs will be nerfed to hell for the additional weapon cooldowns they have access to.


Also, as a matter of nuance, while I absolutely feel Weaver should be one of, if not the top DPS, I think there is room at the top for different kinds of DPS. Bladesworn should be top burst DPS. Deadeye should be top ST DPS. And mayyybe Untamed can fit up there too although I have not played it and am not sure how challenging it is compared to BS, DE, and Weaver. But overall I do agree that Weaver should be in the top 2-3 and rewarded for having the hardest rotation.


I sure hope they never make such dramatic changes to the way classes function.  First, it isn't true that elementalist needs to be undertuned for having so many skills.  If anything, the recent epiphany regarding ease vs. difficulty of play and the comically awful choice to overtune the easy specs rather than the difficult ones should result in a reconsidering of that logic in the other direction.  But more importantly, people who main elementalist do so because they like having access to all those skills.  They just want to feel rewarded for playing it like any other class.

The time to make drastic changes to the base functionality of a class is when introducing new elite specs.  They somehow missed the bus on that with catalyst and that's unfortunate.  Maybe the next ele spec will incorporate some method of paring down the massive skillset and simplifying the way the class is played?  But hands off my weaver, bud.  It's insane and I know it, but I love it anyway! 

Edited by AliamRationem.5172
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1 hour ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I sure hope they never make such dramatic changes to the way classes function.  First, it isn't true that elementalist needs to be undertuned for having so many skills.  If anything, the recent epiphany regarding ease vs. difficulty of play and the comically awful choice to overtune the easy specs rather than the difficult ones should result in a reconsidering of that logic in the other direction.  But more importantly, people who main elementalist do so because they like having access to all those skills.  They just want to feel rewarded for playing it like any other class.

The time to make drastic changes to the base functionality of a class is when introducing new elite specs.  They somehow missed the bus on that with catalyst and that's unfortunate.  Maybe the next ele spec will incorporate some method of paring down the massive skillset and simplifying the way the class is played?  But hands off my weaver, bud.  It's insane and I know it, but I love it anyway! 


There are just as many people who don't play Ele at all, because every spec except Tempest not only allows but is heavily built around and constrained by spastic attunement-swapping and no one is allowed to specialize. There is no good reason why Ele is so deprived of variety across its especs, where every new espec is expected to play with the same mania as the specs before it. It is a golden cow that I do not subscribe to, because it is absolutely the reason why Ele is undertuned across the board and why it sees the lowest amount of play in group content. Eles like to whine about the maltreatment of their profession, but don't have the introspection to acknowledge that it is a cultish defense of the four-attunement system is what has dug Ele's grave.


Put another way: I am all for Ele players having access to that style of gameplay, but after ten years there is no excuse for all Ele especs having that same core feature. It's boring, it's repetitive, it lacks clear identity and delineation between especs, and it heavily cripples self expression.


And to take your comment, what I used for sake of argument was just an example, but honestly a lot less could still be done and achieve the same goal. Catalyst could still arguably be considered to be in beta, and other "new" especs have been modified within the 1-2 year window--it isn't too late to make substantial changes, especially if they make a better realized job fantasy.


Imo, only some small changes are needed:


* Decouple orbs from Catalyst hammer 3 and let players summon orbs of the same element with attunement. Add a couple extra incentives to camp elements and summon orbs of the same element instead of Weaving Self, but emphasize the modularity of the mechanic...you can weave or you can overload with tradeoffs.

* Only allow core Eles access to the elements they trait for their specs. Keep that limitation for Tempest (because they rarely have need to use more than two elements anyway), but otherwise open up all four elements to Weaver and Catalyst.


Boom. Now you have a framework with which you can substantially increase weaponskill DPS. Core Ele is an elemental specialist that can either go wide with a utility tax or narrow for more focus. Tempest doubles down on one or two elements for big bursty roles and finally halfway-decent DPS. Weaver gets all four weaponskill sets and is rewarded with top DPS for rapid swapping. And Catalyst gets to actually do things outside of hammer 3 and feel like a legit shaman/summoner/geomancer instead of Ele with a hammer.

Edited by CourtJester.5908
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20 hours ago, AliamRationem.5172 said:

I sure hope they never make such dramatic changes to the way classes function.  First, it isn't true that elementalist needs to be undertuned for having so many skills.  If anything, the recent epiphany regarding ease vs. difficulty of play and the comically awful choice to overtune the easy specs rather than the difficult ones should result in a reconsidering of that logic in the other direction.  But more importantly, people who main elementalist do so because they like having access to all those skills.  They just want to feel rewarded for playing it like any other class.

The time to make drastic changes to the base functionality of a class is when introducing new elite specs.  They somehow missed the bus on that with catalyst and that's unfortunate.  Maybe the next ele spec will incorporate some method of paring down the massive skillset and simplifying the way the class is played?  But hands off my weaver, bud.  It's insane and I know it, but I love it anyway! 


I'd prefer balancing of ceiling and floor of ele and figure out what each spec is allowed to succeed at weaver the power DPS?what about peeps who want to play power DPS tempest? 

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I don't think it's necessary and there are bigger problems with elementalist than attunement swapping, like most of our utility skills being garbage, traits only working in specific elements, lack of sustain and survivability, and a lack of proper ranged options, but if restricting our access to elements is what it takes to get some love for this profession -- fine, honestly? 

"You can do anything because of attunements" is the default excuse for why we can't have nice things.  That and the absolute panic over theoretical DPS benchmarks.  But a lot of builds camp one or two elements as it is, and I don't even want to have to swap to Water unless I'm running a support build.  Is it nice that I can?  Sure, I guess.  But I would prefer if we had abilities that worked well and covered the bases so we don't have to.

My class fantasy is not zipping through 20 mediocre abilities to accomplish what someone else can do with 10 or even just 5.  It's setting people on fire.  Preferably from over there.  But that's probably a minority view and I doubt the devs are motivated to do something that drastic for a profession they don't care about anyway.

Edited by Gwynnion.7364
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On 10/20/2022 at 12:45 PM, Gwynnion.7364 said:

My class fantasy is not zipping through 20 mediocre abilities to accomplish what someone else can do with 10 or even just 5.  It's setting people on fire.  Preferably from over there.  But that's probably a minority view and I doubt the devs are motivated to do something that drastic for a profession they don't care about anyway.


Thank you for understanding my point, truly. So many don't seem to understand that the reason why Ele's skills are so undertuned is because there are twice as many of them.


I am also in the camp of wanting some degree of self expression and being able to trust that you can camp one or two elements and know you don't NEED to have twice the apm to pull off DPS on a very DPS oriented profession. I want the elements that I don't need cut out of my build so that the elements I am using can be tuned up and be effective.


And yes, when I play a fire mage, I want to feel like I am *the* fire mage, not an impotent shadow of Firebrand, Scourge, or Condi Zerker. But that just doesn't seem to happen when you are toting around ten healing and protection skills that *no one would elect to take in a DPS build on any other profession*, but ANet and a lot of unimaginative Ele players insist on keeping.


Again, my problem is not that this kind of job design exists. Weaver makes extremely good use of the concept. My problem is that *every* Ele spec is shallowly riffing on this concept while other professions do much more to change up their formula. Scourge, conceptually, doesn't need a shroud with shade zoning, so instead of trying to undertune a bloated kit, it simply doesn't have one. Virtuoso doesn't need clones, so it doesn't have them. Bladesworn and a second weapon. Specter and steal. So why, after ten years and three especs, can I not just cut out the attunement fluff that I am not going to use for a particular build? Why am I always carrying dead weight when other professions have the courtesy to prune it away?


Edited by CourtJester.5908
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On 10/21/2022 at 8:36 AM, CourtJester.5908 said:


Thank you for understanding my point, truly. So many don't seem to understand that the reason why Ele's skills are so undertuned is because there are twice as many of them.


I am also in the camp of wanting some degree of self expression and being able to trust that you can camp one or two elements and know you don't NEED to have twice the apm to pull off DPS on a very DPS oriented profession. I want the elements that I don't need cut out of my build so that the elements I am using can be tuned up and be effective.


And yes, when I play a fire mage, I want to feel like I am *the* fire mage, not an impotent shadow of Firebrand, Scourge, or Condi Zerker. But that just doesn't seem to happen when you are toting around ten healing and protection skills that *no one would elect to take in a DPS build on any other profession*, but ANet and a lot of unimaginative Ele players insist on keeping.


Again, my problem is not that this kind of job design exists. Weaver makes extremely good use of the concept. My problem is that *every* Ele spec is shallowly riffing on this concept while other professions do much more to change up their formula. Scourge, conceptually, doesn't need a shroud with shade zoning, so instead of trying to undertuned a bloated kit, it simply doesn't have one. Virtuoso doesn't need clones, so it doesn't have them. Bladesworn and a second weapon. Specter and steal. So why, after ten years and three especs, can I just cut out the attunement fluff that I am not going to use for a particular build? Why am I always carrying dead weight when other professions have the courtesy to prune it away?


100% true . Another problem is the non weapon swap so you are stuck with your weapons skills , if somehow you want to go range or at least have the option , well too bad you cannot change your sword for a scepter in combat.

Anet tryed it with the hammer with half baked semi range skills , but half of the hammer skills are melee , again the ele is meh-good in any role , but doesnt perform in any of them . We should be able do disable some attunements and have the attunements chosen getting buffed per attunements we dont use , or make very specific weapons for very specific roles :

Look at staff for example , you have good healing skills in water , air is crap , earth is meh if you play condi hybrid , fire is good.

you want to play dps with staff , well nice for you , you have one damage skill in water attunement the rest is for healer , same if you want to play healer , what stuff do you use in air attunement ? none ! oh yes you can clean criplle with air 4 , kewl ... and blast in air 5 to give ... swiftness ... wooohooo , who cares ?

Engi at least have kits , so he can choose his swaps , attunements should have been like kits , utility you choose for swapping , but that will need an amazing rework that will never see the day , sob ....

Edited by zeyeti.8347
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On 10/18/2022 at 12:18 PM, Sunshine.5014 said:

Why should Power FreshAir Tempest be last? Overload, which is its main attack, is melee range.

In general high cleave damage builds cannot also have the top single target damage. Then you have no really to bring the single target damage builds. However power tempest does need some help (as do most power ele builds it seems).

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8 hours ago, tykel.6073 said:

In general high cleave damage builds cannot also have the top single target damage. Then you have no really to bring the single target damage builds. However power tempest does need some help (as do most power ele builds it seems).

High cleave?

Overload Air has a kitten 3 targets limit. How is that cleave? Mechanist has 5 targets limit from range and deal more damage than FreshAir Power Tempest.

Let repeat it again: Overload Air has a kitten 3 targets limit, not 5.

Edit: also please feel free to tell me another class that has their main mechanics on 3 targets limit instead of 5.

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On 10/23/2022 at 3:20 AM, zeyeti.8347 said:

100% true . Another problem is the non weapon swap so you are stuck with your weapons skills , if somehow you want to go range or at least have the option , well too bad you cannot change your sword for a scepter in combat.

Anet tryed it with the hammer with half baked semi range skills , but half of the hammer skills are melee , again the ele is meh-good in any role , but doesnt perform in any of them . We should be able do disable some attunements and have the attunements chosen getting buffed per attunements we dont use , or make very specific weapons for very specific roles :

Look at staff for example , you have good healing skills in water , air is crap , earth is meh if you play condi hybrid , fire is good.

you want to play dps with staff , well nice for you , you have one damage skill in water attunement the rest is for healer , same if you want to play healer , what stuff do you use in air attunement ? none ! oh yes you can clean criplle with air 4 , kewl ... and blast in air 5 to give ... swiftness ... wooohooo , who cares ?

Engi at least have kits , so he can choose his swaps , attunements should have been like kits , utility you choose for swapping , but that will need an amazing rework that will never see the day , sob ....


I'm less concerned about the range of particular weapons because usually DPS builds are pretty cleanly compartmentalized into melee or ranged in group content. And I feel like an implication of Ele design is that one might be carrying around a second weapon set they can swap to out of combat anyway if they really need it (since most other professions would have the same amount of weapons anyway).


But I do still think that there is no point for a DPS mage to carry around the water attunement button and skills, or a healer to carry around fire.


Not to mention, it is a total flavor fail compared to GW1 Ele where you could specialize in elements.


I find it ironic that Weaver's spec gear has fire-and-ice hands, but fire-and-ice is not really a viable build on any Ele espec because it has half the DPS of a fire/air or fire/earth build, a shortcoming that would not exist if fire and water had 2x, or even 1.5x damage coefficients for a tradeoff of just removing the earth and air attunements. And the same applies to any permutation.


(As a tangent, in a similar vein I find Tempest and Catalyst surprising flavor fails. If Tempest is most aligned with a "weathermancer" or "air mage", why is it better suited for water healing or even fire/earth condition DPS than fresh air? If Catalyst is most aligned with "geomancer" or "earth mage", why is it a fresh air fire and air power mage, or occasionally a water healer, instead of a tank? Ele is just, from beginning to end, a massive WTF for me. It has three very good kernels of ideas for especs, all three of which took hard left turns into nonsense territory.)


ANet, please, just overhaul Ele completely. It's so far beneath the design and mechanical standards of the other eight professions. Replace fresh air with some sort of equivalent trigger for all four attunements, or eliminate it altogether. Focus on making air Tempest, fire/water Weaver, and earth Catalyst viable. Heavily consider if Tempest even needs access to more than two attunements for any single encounter. Make Catalyst have more depth than a one-trick, hammer-dependent, jankier version of Weave Self, there are so many directions to take orb augmentation. Maybe remove access to four attunements for core Ele so that you have a more balanced baseline to balance weaponskill coefficients on the especs. Do things, drastic things.

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On 10/23/2022 at 4:46 PM, Sunshine.5014 said:

High cleave?

Overload Air has a kitten 3 targets limit. How is that cleave? Mechanist has 5 targets limit from range and deal more damage than FreshAir Power Tempest.

Let repeat it again: Overload Air has a kitten 3 targets limit, not 5.

Edit: also please feel free to tell me another class that has their main mechanics on 3 targets limit instead of 5.

And I’d imagine it has that target limit as it still the highest damage overload in most cases. Now given the current balance state of tempest it could go up to five and not be an issue honestly but I doubt they will do that sadly.


As for high cleave, most build don’t have constant access to aoe damage fields or cleave damage beyond a minor splash around the primary target. The main exception out side of ele would be something like scourge which has constant aoe damage as it’s entire mechanic pretty much. Tempest overloads are fairly readily available, although the radius on fire could certainly be high than it is.

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On 10/17/2022 at 10:57 PM, Sunshine.5014 said:

You must be joking. When I'm on my Mechanist, I only need to walk away from wipe-mechanics (stress on walk away, since I still have range DPS). While when I'm on Weaver, I need to dodge even normal attacks. If I get hit once, I either pray that the healers heals me in time, or swap to water and lose DPS. Mechanist doesn't have any of that problem. Even the normal heal from Explosion + Signet can top off my HP.

As I said above, to make Ele Golem benchmark fair:
Like all Ele benchmark must use dodge whenever the energy bar is full. Then the DPS meter is more accurate.

Weaver doesnt have a heal skill? As for mechanist if i eat an attack that removes my scholar buff which hurts my dps alot  so if the dmg can be avoided i need to always avoid it.

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2 hours ago, zealex.9410 said:

Weaver doesnt have a heal skill? As for mechanist if i eat an attack that removes my scholar buff which hurts my dps alot  so if the dmg can be avoided i need to always avoid it.

Losing scholar buff is -5% DPS.

Dodging _once_ every 20 seconds is a 5% DPS loss. Not even count that it messes up Ele rotation, which leads to even bigger DPS loss.

Ele has to dodge constantly. Way more than once per 20 seconds. That's why real world DPS is way worse than benchmark on golem. They don't have to dodge on golem.

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2 hours ago, Sunshine.5014 said:

Losing scholar buff is -5% DPS.

Dodging _once_ every 20 seconds is a 5% DPS loss. Not even count that it messes up Ele rotation, which leads to even bigger DPS loss.

Ele has to dodge constantly. Way more than once per 20 seconds. That's why real world DPS is way worse than benchmark on golem. They don't have to dodge on golem.

Is there an ele traot that gives you more dmg when the endurance bar isnt full?

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  • 2 weeks later...
On 11/9/2022 at 6:45 PM, Thormagor.5418 said:

No, we have to dodge only to stay alive.

There is a trait wich cast spells when we dodge, but it is currently bugged.

Then i dont see the need for benchmarks to include dodging, benchmarks are supposed to present the peak dps in ideal (unrealistic even) conditions, the in encounter dps will always be different.

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That is not "Prohibited posts" or "Datamined or Leaked Content" or "Duplicate Posts"


I don't think fresh air, should have the highest DPS in the game.

It is elementalist must be the highest DPS in the game.

There has no fun when you got much effort and lower dps.

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On 10/21/2022 at 8:36 AM, Batalix.2873 said:


Thank you for understanding my point, truly. So many don't seem to understand that the reason why Ele's skills are so undertuned is because there are twice as many of them.


I am also in the camp of wanting some degree of self expression and being able to trust that you can camp one or two elements and know you don't NEED to have twice the apm to pull off DPS on a very DPS oriented profession. I want the elements that I don't need cut out of my build so that the elements I am using can be tuned up and be effective.


And yes, when I play a fire mage, I want to feel like I am *the* fire mage, not an impotent shadow of Firebrand, Scourge, or Condi Zerker. But that just doesn't seem to happen when you are toting around ten healing and protection skills that *no one would elect to take in a DPS build on any other profession*, but ANet and a lot of unimaginative Ele players insist on keeping.


Again, my problem is not that this kind of job design exists. Weaver makes extremely good use of the concept. My problem is that *every* Ele spec is shallowly riffing on this concept while other professions do much more to change up their formula. Scourge, conceptually, doesn't need a shroud with shade zoning, so instead of trying to undertune a bloated kit, it simply doesn't have one. Virtuoso doesn't need clones, so it doesn't have them. Bladesworn and a second weapon. Specter and steal. So why, after ten years and three especs, can I not just cut out the attunement fluff that I am not going to use for a particular build? Why am I always carrying dead weight when other professions have the courtesy to prune it away?


Isn't there some expression of this in someway or another? A example: for Power tempest you camp fire and air for DPS water for heals and earth protection.


I imagine weaver has some of this so in theory they just need to keep on focusing on fire and air for DPS for weaver too.

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On 10/19/2022 at 9:35 PM, Batalix.2873 said:

Eles like to whine about the maltreatment of their profession, but don't have the introspection to acknowledge that it is a cultish defense of the four-attunement system is what has dug Ele's grave.


The problem isn't the attunement system per se, but the very weird idea of giving it a jack-of-the-trade-design without thinking of the consequences of that. 

I mean, it makes sense, to give a class having way more skills than any other class. This design is good, if it would enable players for a very offensive playstyle. But the sad point is, out of all the builds that are out there, the only one being close to that design and being therefore extremely strong is the Celestial tempest variant. Others than that, you have some very-niche-like builds or PvP builds, which I don't want to comment on now, since it is almost dead anyways.


A good example of a very good design would be Necromancer, Scepter 3. It changes with the trait you picked and therefore gets a different behavior. Why don't we get something like that for Elementalist instead of this stupid idea of using traits to enhance certain attunements, which is just completely useless and outdated? Change the traits to affect damage, or give the elements conditions or different kind of healing/prot/boons, and give the traitlines much more meaningful and specialized traits instead of this kitten that we have now, mixing up offensive and defensive traits while not being able to specialize that good at all.

EDIT: Or take for example the Mech traits. All of them change the behavior of the mech drastically. Would it be too much having the same for elementalist?

With high cooldowns, it would still forcing to swap attunements and other combo-like effects, which could be implemented easily, would further award good playstyle and picking of skills and rotation while keeping the balance.


Edited by DaKillaOfHell.5907
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Pushing buttoms fast is fun. Problem just is that it's not fun spam skills in fields whole time and just wear enemy down while playing some lamer hybrid kitten. Ele was fun when combo like shatering stone + earthquake + lighting flash + lighting strike + ride the lightning destroyed light golem in spvp lobby. Nowadays combo like that doesn't do anything because some Einstein removed all damage from skills.

Edited by Junkpile.7439
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  • 2 weeks later...

I don't know about most damage but it sure should be in the top 3. It has no blocks, no invis, no detargeting abilities, and the one lone teleport just isn't enough to keep distance. It lacks everything when compaired to it counter parts like thf, mes and gaurd.

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Late response.


But as someone who enjoyed original scepter gameplay even before there was fresh air(although that trait opened up zerker scepter to new heights using blink and arcana) the earth 4, blink in for cc into earth 2 air 2 combo would basically one shot. Had thieves killed, mesmers crying, power guardians in a rage.

Yes with original zerker stats too being OP.

The old dragons tooth and a triple hit Phoenix was not only deadly but was winning WvW Zerg fights for the pure power it held in cleaving. AoE field blasts while critting disgustingly too like backstab?
One ability.

Scepter held a lot of strength in PvP as well. But as mentioned in a comment above. Combos doing this much damage doesn’t exist. Staff was obliterating whole zergs with one cast of meteor and elite to tornado…. Ele has had its moments and to me is complicated because you have to ask yourself should ele be doing this again? Or do we deal with a slower painful, all in your face fight with Melee Condi or cele ele?

and that’s where Ele’s kinda always been at. That crossroads and I don’t think scepter will ever be to where it was. It has potential, but it should be a threat… through usage of other abilities and opening traits and abilities we could see a comeback scepter ele, redefined? that would require buffs to the damage of blink.. and ratios being upped on things like lightening 2, fire 3. or things like bolt to the heart being added to to a minor trait or a moving it to master trait section.. or moving fresh air to the master section. Also giving ele more ways to obtain fury again? That’s a huge one.
and even if these were done, fire sigil  would be the goto in WvW. And not even available in pvp? 


There’s a lot wrong here but the trick with ele is kinda the same story with mesmer and necro. You give one thing to the class and every subclass within is now improved if opted into. Like cele ele for example which in itself when played right is fun but downright toxic. But again… I’m late 

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