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Maguuma needs dealt with.


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28 minutes ago, ViperWire.4261 said:

This whole thread lmao


Don't worry, once Alliances are out we will get threads about we need to do something about the 'Shotgun Hitman Assault Quaggans' Alliance because they attack in packs of 50 all use the Quaggan finisher and Quaaggen transformation potions to dance after killing just one player. When in reality, should have just used another exit. Rule #1, never go out the front door. 

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They were throwing toilet paper at us yesterday while we waited in the spawn for them to leave us alone.  Why can't we turn pvp off so we can get our stuff back without them picking on us?  The tech is already in place, they just need to extend the safe area to our keep.

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10 minutes ago, Kiing.5618 said:

Why can't we turn pvp off so we can get our stuff back without them picking on us?

That's called PVE, feel free to turn off the pvp now.


Has it ever occurred to the complainers that the problem isn't Maguuma... but maybe it's their own server that's the problem?

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1 hour ago, Kiing.5618 said:

They were throwing toilet paper at us yesterday while we waited in the spawn for them to leave us alone.  Why can't we turn pvp off so we can get our stuff back without them picking on us?  The tech is already in place, they just need to extend the safe area to our keep.

Score for Troll post: 4/10.  Not bad but need to up your game.  Both here and in WvW.

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ITs not just MAG its these builds and I find the only way to deal with these servers like mag is not to play just do not play when they are link or you are up against them. Causes ARNET doesn't really care at all. But when its something that hurts the dev's ability to play on the MAG server. So they can always win or when they get pound by a class that they do seem to nerf them very quickly. The thief is a prime example My FAV class has been nerf at every turn but classes like ranger have gotten buffs and rarely nerfed another example if I am correct was the skill to swap pets on the fly and what happened with that they reversed that. 

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Yep, fighting Mag is preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty bad, my server is against them and they've always been in 1st place, sometimes reaching 50% score, it's crazy, they're like lemmings with how hyper fixated they are on EBG.

Tbh, I'm not sure how the issue could be fixed, maybe remove their link? They seem to have plenty of people already, idk though, just throwing some stuff out there.

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27 minutes ago, SamuelW.2685 said:

Yep, fighting Mag is preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty bad, my server is against them and they've always been in 1st place, sometimes reaching 50% score, it's crazy, they're like lemmings with how hyper fixated they are on EBG.

Tbh, I'm not sure how the issue could be fixed, maybe remove their link? They seem to have plenty of people already, idk though, just throwing some stuff out there.

I said this back on page 1, if you take their link they will still camp out EBG because that is where all the Mag players are, which still changes nothing since that's where all the complaints stem from. All you will possibly do is move them from T1, but I suppose all the stacking ktrainers just want back their easy ride again.

There's a solution, but players are too scared and lazy to figure it out and automatically give up at seeing the name Maguuma.

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1 hour ago, SamuelW.2685 said:

Yep, fighting Mag is preeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeetty bad, my server is against them and they've always been in 1st place, sometimes reaching 50% score, it's crazy, they're like lemmings with how hyper fixated they are on EBG.

Tbh, I'm not sure how the issue could be fixed, maybe remove their link? They seem to have plenty of people already, idk though, just throwing some stuff out there.


No Mag needs their link. How not to make this into a matchup thread? What needs to be fixed exactly? Coverage is coverage and playing to your opponents is never a good idea. So consider this. Mag lost in T1 before the beta. So they should have been green in T2 after beta but they show as Red in T2 after beta. DH lost in T2 before the beta so should have been green in T3 after beta and they show blue in T2 after beta. Didn't check JQ before beta so I don't know there. So the matchup is already off after beta, that's not Mag's fault, its an issue in the reset. Have seen AR so far trying to spread thin on the borderlands to cover where Mag is on EB. Mag is playing the game they like which is EB. Solo players have taken down Mag's keep walls in their home BL to let people in and  they lost their keeps on their HBL without responding and  JQ/DH have had some serious dustups in the borderlands. No this is still an issue that there is no reason to win and no reason for 2&3 to attack the server on the top of the tier they are in. But that is not a fault with Mag. Been teamed with Mag in the past and the borderlands are rough since you might be fighting outnumbered on all the maps outside of EB, which after ANet removed outnumbered made it all the worse, if you cared to win while getting nothing anyway for doing so. One thing I will admit that Alliances might add is unpredictability even if I think it will mean that Alliances that consider coverage will be on the top tiers because they ensured they had the 24 hour clock covered. 

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3 minutes ago, SFShinigami.1572 said:

The solution is some level of randomization of the player base.  People congregated in a few spots to carry each other and be lazy and farm everyone else.  It isn't that much different from autobalancing teams in other games, its just larger scale.


I don't think its an auto-balance issue as much as people are not encouraged to do what makes sense. So remove Mag for a second. Lets take EB and Stonemist. So if one side holds Stonemist shouldn't it make sense for the other two to hit the side that holds it? So why does that not happen as often? Instead more often you will see 2&3 jumping each other. That's why we have 3 sides, but it turns more into 1&someone against whoever else there is versus 1vs2&3. That's one of the items behind this whole World Restructuring coding.

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2 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


I don't think its an auto-balance issue as much as people are not encouraged to do what makes sense. So remove Mag for a second. Lets take EB and Stonemist. So if one side holds Stonemist shouldn't it make sense for the other two to hit the side that holds it? So why does that not happen as often? Instead more often you will see 2&3 jumping each other. That's why we have 3 sides, but it turns more into 1&someone against whoever else there is versus 1vs2&3. That's one of the items behind this whole World Restructuring coding.


To do anything that would alter the natural dynamics of that on EB you would require some sort of buff or debuff system.  Like if a team holds a T3 SM for so long, the chances of a random Kool Aid Man spawning and busting down all the walls and gates increases in likelihood.  Or to phrase it in a less awesome way, the longer you hold something, the harder it is to continue to hold it.

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8 hours ago, SFShinigami.1572 said:


To do anything that would alter the natural dynamics of that on EB you would require some sort of buff or debuff system.  


There is no reason to change the logic of EB, if a side or in this case 2 sides can't break out then they don't want to, don't have enough or are not drawing enough away to the other maps. Fight them off EB, if they want to PPT back up to T1, all good. If you want to fight them on EB and if they hold it all you need to play smarter and get to their back field. Make them run around versus giving them quick ports to the fights and a narrow field like a spawn to fight at where they're more than ready with handfuls of pulls. 

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Maguuma is just the end result of a poorly designed server vs. server setup that that allows for transfers. It was pretty obvious this is how it would end up, no sense complaining now. Just bite the bullet and spend that money to transfer on over to the HIGHLANDER server yourself McCloud......THERE CAN ONLY BE ONE.

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The way I see it as someone who both frequently fights mag and was matched with mag for the previous rotation, the hate for mag is just indicative of a bigger problem with the WvW playerbase: most people, both general players and commanders, don't bother learning to play in a way that works outside of zergs and gank situations. 


Mag is generally just a cloud of roamers looking for fights instead of a coordinated zerg trying to cap stuff, but their way works so well because they're literally the only server that consistently fights that way. Every other server tries to zerg up even when they don't have nearly enough people to be effective, so most groups end up with a group of 20 charging into a group of 30+ and, predictably, instantly dying. If the group of 20 was a bunch of skilled roamers on self sufficient classes that clouded the larger group instead, they would end up whittling the larger group down and driving it off or killing it since the zerg can only focus 1 or 2 people of the cloud at a time--and those people can then fall back/get to safety while everyone else pressures the tail. Due to target caps being so low there are a few exceptions with the unkillable 50+ superblobs that BG and Indo run, but even they take 15 minutes on lord to either get a keep or run away when against a cloud of half their numbers (and that's when they're trying to focus the lord and actually cap it, not when they're trying to farm kills).


Tbh I enjoy fighting mag because they don't run from even-numbered fights like the other mostly-T1 servers (granted, mag will absolutely gank you if you charge at a group of them alone), and I also enjoyed being matched with them because their server is pretty much a roamer paradise where you can count on most of the allies you run into to be effective in a smallscale fight. What really needs to be fixed in this game mode is population imbalance and raising target caps in general so that population imbalance isn't as impactful--it's not fun to be stuck in T1 where BG perpetually wins by simply outnumbering the other teams, and I can't imagine karma-training against groups half their size is particularly fun for BG either.


TL;DR: most people's problems with mag can be summed up as a skill issue

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