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Why Is the PvP Community the Worst Thing I Have Ever Experienced.

Mount Mazama.2917

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20 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

Well. Not a very good insight as the population is now you always gonna have gold players doing kitten. I see this a lot in low ranks, dude dies mid and afk base cuz his team is so bad theres no way he's gonna win. Fun thing is, this ppl play the most balanced matches rating wise. No matter tue reason report system should work and ppl get longer and longer dishonor times so they either quit the game for good or when they get back they get back with better behaviour

Not the first neither the second (and definitely not the last) an afk leaving when the match is still something like 100-200 an still has top damage with the rest of the team full tryharding without support all trying to do damage. So if afk is punishable being irrelevant to that point should also be.

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12 minutes ago, Nymthalas.4019 said:

Not the first neither the second (and definitely not the last) an afk leaving when the match is still something like 100-200 an still has top damage with the rest of the team full tryharding without support all trying to do damage. So if afk is punishable being irrelevant to that point should also be.

yes, let's ban the new player being thrown with ppl 300-400-500 rating higher than him

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5 minutes ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

yes, let's ban the new player being thrown with ppl 300-400-500 rating higher than him

Yeah... except is most new ppl 700 rating or below?( best case scenario 800 ). Because that afk hardly gets to 1100 (after 150+ has only been like a handful of times on top of that rate) . If ratings were true, it had to be throwing on purpose.

So if the match is clearly lost (and matchmaking is not working well) people should not be forced to waste their time.

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2 minutes ago, Nymthalas.4019 said:

Yeah... except is most new ppl 700 rating or below?( best case scenario 800 ). Because that afk hardly gets to 1100 (after 150+ has only been like a handful of times on top of that rate) . If ratings were true, it had to be throwing on purpose.

So if the match is clearly lost (and matchmaking is not working well) people should not be forced to waste their time.

Then you get new player join in -> get match with afker - > afker claims he's afking cuz matchmaking is bad -> matchmaking is bad cuz new players don't stick around 


but again, ban ppl would solve that, 1 day, 3 day, 7 days, 14 days, 1 month, 6 month, cuz the afkers wouldnt be around one way or another. They'd be back with better mindset or just get banned again.

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2 hours ago, Khalisto.5780 said:

Then you get new player join in -> get match with afker - > afker claims he's afking cuz matchmaking is bad -> matchmaking is bad cuz new players don't stick around 


but again, ban ppl would solve that, 1 day, 3 day, 7 days, 14 days, 1 month, 6 month, cuz the afkers wouldnt be around one way or another. They'd be back with better mindset or just get banned again.

Then instead of putting all the cons of the bad matchmaking situation in mid/low rating players. How about high ratings gets to wait 30 if needed to play just with high ratings, Disable duoQ for plat+, it is not done because is not fun, as it is not fun been in groundhog day, with people and new players not wanting to even do the minimal effort of ctrl+t or just t.

It's easy to propose a solution that doesnt affect you, the funny thing is that high ratings is the problem of this bad matchmaking,. So as you don't want to wait for your PvPs you are allowed to stomp on lower rating matches.

Because we all know new players love to be stomped by higher rating players, and its fun but following your assumption you lose the people that doesnt play stomped matches you most probably lose a good chunk of mid rating players, and what will happen when new players are more often placed against high rating players? 

Edited by Nymthalas.4019
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On 10/22/2022 at 11:32 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

He's absolutely right, there are games starting where it's throwing like all G3+ worthy players all on RED and then 1x P1 with a bunch of S2 to carry on BLUE. Clearly this results in 500 to 80 situations

This is happening. 100%. What I am surprised by is that its just now being talked about. This has been normal for me and my duo for over a year. We are between gold3 and plat 1 and we end up with 2 silvers and a bronze. Against what OP described. Every Match. Wild. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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12 hours ago, Nymthalas.4019 said:


Then instead of putting all the cons of the bad matchmaking situation in mid/low rating players. How about high ratings gets to wait 30 if needed to play just with high ratings, Disable duoQ for plat+, it is not done because is not fun, as it is not fun been in groundhog day, with people and new players not wanting to even do the minimal effort of ctrl+t or just t.


In this matter we agree, duo q should be gone for good, cuz even if you lock in plat + the sweaty nerds will have gold accounts to duo and q snipe ppl high in the ranks


12 hours ago, Nymthalas.4019 said:

It's easy to propose a solution that doesnt affect you, the funny thing is that high ratings is the problem of this bad matchmaking,. So as you don't want to wait for your PvPs you are allowed to stomp on lower rating matches.

Still, lower rank games with all players s3 g1 are afk fest, 1 or 2 wipes mid ppl will afk and classic out the "gg no team afk" in map chat, like 50% of those games ppl afk


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What annoys me is the mentality by players that if they shout out "GG" first and AFK, then somehow it wasn't them that was the cause.   (just a side rant).   Like whoever gives up quickest "because of the other players on their team" is trying to absolve themselves of responsibility.

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50 minutes ago, shion.2084 said:

What annoys me is the mentality by players that if they shout out "GG" first and AFK, then somehow it wasn't them that was the cause.   (just a side rant).   Like whoever gives up quickest "because of the other players on their team" is trying to absolve themselves of responsibility.

I've got people ranting me because literally "why was I not fighting the enemy side noder catalyst with a support tempest", or because i was "fighting" off node (support tempest) because I was being HARD chased by 2/3 enemies and depending on the enemy skill I can not tank a group of them on node.

When is usual that you get the enemy focus (it also happens with dps), you give 3 chances and you see the team is not reacting, furthermore sometimes they rant you (because of course you have to carry them and kill everyone while getting the enemy focus)... Yeah it burns out,  so i prefer to avoid it.

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On 10/22/2022 at 12:52 AM, Makion.3457 said:

Bob the botbreaker, hes a bot user that spams two bots in the match and programs them to lose, aka Illusionary trap, report him when you see him, I actually made a post about that dude today, sent a ticket with screenshots of him admiting using bots, lets hope they do something about it.  

Best Dam Bot you ever saw 😄

Maybe read my post before you Judge and attack ?

Your time might be better spent learning how the pvp Mechanics work, instead of attacking folk Offering advice,

And pointing  out Obvious Match manipultion?

Instead of begging others To report me?

If you Really cred bout the quality of the PVP matches Report the THROWS n BOTS ?


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On 10/24/2022 at 9:05 AM, Nymthalas.4019 said:

I've got people ranting me because literally "why was I not fighting the enemy side noder catalyst with a support tempest", or because i was "fighting" off node (support tempest) because I was being HARD chased by 2/3 enemies and depending on the enemy skill I can not tank a group of them on node.

Kinda reminds me of one experience where one of my teammates was calling me a trash thief, for not being a pure side noder. Despite me warning them ahead of time that I wasn't very mobile. On top of that when I decided to help mid and down both their firebrand & drud. None of them capitalized on that, and the same ranger blamed me for the wipe before the mesmer that was just spamming auto on the ledge.


All while I was rezzing one of the players.

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On 10/22/2022 at 1:33 AM, Vancho.8750 said:

To Add to the points of other people.

The issue is not just GW2 related, it is somewhat of a generational shift in games. Once upon a time getting into a multiplayer game was annoying, you had to find a server, find a game , hope it starts, doesn't lag or disconnect and after managing to get on a game you just played to the end even if losing since you ain't getting another one soon so you pushed harder to learn the game so you can have more fun with it for longer.

GW2 at its core was designed as a Tryhard lobby pvp game for the older generation of gamers quake, CS, dota and yada yada and it clashes with the current mainstream gaming culture where people lack empathy for other peoples time since you get new batch of randoms next match or change the game since they are so many now. Anet and the lets say special people in PVP(trolls griefers, match manipulators etc) treat people as numbers which somewhat causes these numbers to drop out over time.

Good example of the generation difference is League of legends, it was always toxic place but the expression of it changed, before people would flame in chat but continue to play the game even if it turned vile, now since I have gotten older I had to kittening google what the kitten Inting means then you have people that just AFK cause it is not going their way so the toxicity has moved from Words to full time wasting peoples time with actions or more precisely inaction. So when gaming became mainstream it filled up with spoiled self important children or worse man children.

Arenanet on their side has similar issue but they are focusing in a lack of better words, In a really American way, Over Policing words and not actions. So if you blow a gasket and use some no no words and hurt someone fefies because they are being a little kitten since they are AFK or cheating you are gona get the ban. 

league has gotten so bad that I can play 100 games in a row and be reported every single game even if im 20/0.
Some people have ego so kittening huge they will refuse to win the game unless its them doing the carry ( kitten adc players )
I only play 5man flex and clashes and the game got so much better.
As I got older I started valuing my time more and more and I just cant be assed to spend 40minutes for 12yo kid to throw a tantrum. Im not his parent, I dont have to deal with this kitten.

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On 10/30/2022 at 3:47 PM, Forum Moderator.3074 said:

Hi ya'll just hidden some posts. Remember that name calling isn't allowed in the forums if you see any suspicious activities, please report it through the ingame report system.

Better Late then Never GJ

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overal gaming and education quality as well as population drove down over the years.

low population so the system needs to shuffle all sorts of different ranks together in matches to not have the queue too long.

that often leads to these situation where you either see your team roll everything and win 500:80 or you see how 2 of your teammates directly clap away on first engage pushing tunnel vision into the node where the enemies fullbomb already is at... and you directly know "ok kitten it, the next 10 minutes are a waste of lifetime cause this match wont be fun or in anyway a fight on eyesight and it will end 80:500 this time.

that leads to frustration because many matches are lost without you having it in your influence and about the way they are lost is under earth.

its in too many cases no fun anymore adn that brings saltyness, anger, frust and leads to these flames cause people would like to play it but cant cause the outcome as written above cant be influenced in too many ways. at least not if you play fair and not queue snipe with your friends to targetly manipulate the matches like we see strongly in NA ladder.  150 wins and 9 losses.. ofc buddy.

since anet dont cares about competitive anymore these 150:9 players arent even monitored or blocked. they can just sell their pvp title account for 350-500 dollars in blackmarket and anet accepts it.

thats why people are full of anger in pvp and it gets worse and worse.

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29 minutes ago, roederich.2716 said:

since anet dont cares about competitive anymore these 150:9 players arent even monitored or blocked. they can just sell their pvp title account for 350-500 dollars in blackmarket and anet accepts it.

thats why people are full of anger in pvp and it gets worse and worse.

For real, they must think we're content to be doormats.

A lot of anet's poster children are very blatant cheaters, anet does nothing about them, and we're somehow just expected to all be friendly.


Yeah, no. The cheaters are awful, actively breaking Anet's own TOS, yet they selectively only punish the people that finally crack and speak out against it.

Not about to bend over backwards for some egotistical sweaty cheat that gaslights and harasses people in game and then hides behind the verbal abuse rule/name shaming rules like they're biblical text outside of it.


A tip to our benefactors: If you want to make either side appear less repulsive to the other, trying to accomplish such with 0 equity is probably the worst way to go about it. It only gets worse if one side is spoiled.

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On 11/2/2022 at 1:53 AM, Tomo.8324 said:

Better Late then Never GJ


Hi not sure for certain if you were in my team but that very famous "Botb" was also in our team and we won. I was Internet Marketer, hammer scrapper. Mapchat tried to be toxic but ended up being hilarious. Our thief was good and so was our virtuoso. In fact, everyone did well. 

Edited by Pimsley.3681
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On 10/30/2022 at 11:47 AM, Forum Moderator.3074 said:

Hi ya'll just hidden some posts. Remember that name calling isn't allowed in the forums if you see any suspicious activities, please report it through the ingame report system.


Wait so if someone calls us a name on the forum we have to angrily log in to the client and submit a ticket-

Nah I'm just pulling your leg

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