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Why does every match feel like it’s SEAL team 6 vs a tribe of monkeys


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Red team: Top player, top player’s gf, plat 2 player, plat 1 player, plat 3 player. They’ve collectively taken out terrorist organizations and collect bounties for who should/shouldn’t climb the leaderboards. They secretly run all of the cartels in South America and single handedly control the drug trade.


 Blue team: Fredrick who just bought this game, some DE roleplayer who uses the wrong amulet and thinks tanking as a thief is smart, me, Someone who sits on treb the whole game while watching A Bugs Life, and someone who afks after 2 minutes of playing  because I didn’t get repair kit.

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2 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Red team: Top player, top player’s gf, plat 2 player, plat 1 player, plat 3 player. They’ve collectively taken out terrorist organizations and collect bounties for who should/shouldn’t climb the leaderboards. They secretly run all of the cartels in South America and single handedly control the drug trade.


 Blue team: Fredrick who just bought this game, some DE roleplayer who uses the wrong amulet and thinks tanking as a thief is smart, me, Someone who sits on treb the whole game while watching A Bugs Life, and someone who afks after 2 minutes of playing  because I didn’t get repair kit.

tbh if you didnt get repair kit you deserve the AFK

players like you are why im on a loose streak

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5 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Red team: Top player, top player’s gf, plat 2 player, plat 1 player, plat 3 player. They’ve collectively taken out terrorist organizations and collect bounties for who should/shouldn’t climb the leaderboards. They secretly run all of the cartels in South America and single handedly control the drug trade.


 Blue team: Fredrick who just bought this game, some DE roleplayer who uses the wrong amulet and thinks tanking as a thief is smart, me, Someone who sits on treb the whole game while watching A Bugs Life, and someone who afks after 2 minutes of playing  because I didn’t get repair kit.

This might be the best post I've ever read.


It's also a  painfully accurate representation of PvP matchmaking rn 

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1 hour ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Yet, don;t you support reward for losing?

Maybe you confused me with someone else? I've only really complained about the matchmaker and how games don't auto-end when the score is so out of balance that a team has no chance of recovery.


Btw, the reason you get rewarded for losing is because when players are only rewarded for winning, they immediately give up (even worse than now), and would just camp their home the whole game while flaming their team after the first misplay, if other PvP games are anything to go by at least. History has proven that players become even more salty when they get absolutely nothing out of their time, as not respecting player time is seen as the greatest offense, and something that relates to what I said above about matches not auto-ending when they're impossible odds.


This isn't the first PvP game in existence and it doesn't even define the common ruleset. Where this game gets it wrong is players aren't rewarded for their individual peformance in a game, lose or win.

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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What happened is that people defended predominantly overpowered mechanics in the game, this is what happens. one team is overpowered, the other team is not.

The term "meta" is simply a cover for things being overpowered, after all, if something was not drastically more powerful than the other options then it would not be meta.

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31 minutes ago, Stalima.5490 said:

What happened is that people defended predominantly overpowered mechanics in the game, this is what happens. one team is overpowered, the other team is not.

The term "meta" is simply a cover for things being overpowered, after all, if something was not drastically more powerful than the other options then it would not be meta.

Lol u can't think of it this way, only way true balance would exist is if every class had the exact same stats and skills and were the same in every way. Classes can have a meta build that's effective competitively but not be overperforming, with ur way of thinking any and every effective build would be overperforming and in need of nerfs. After of which the other builds become effective as others are nerf hammered making them meta of which then would be considered op and so on in a cycle of constant nerfing ultimately removing build diversity and fun from all the classes, we've actually started seeing that until recently. This games balance isn't great and has major mobility creep, at least recently most classes have at least one competitive build. nerfing a build because it works or is meta is no good lol.

Edited by Psycoprophet.8107
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1 hour ago, Psycoprophet.8107 said:

Lol u can't think of it this way, only way true balance would exist is if every class had the exact same stats and skills and were the same in every way. Classes can have a meta build that's effective competitively but not be overperforming, with ur way of thinking any and every effective build would be overperforming and in need of nerfs. After of which the other builds become effective as others are nerf hammered making them meta of which then would be considered op and so on in a cycle of constant nerfing ultimately removing build diversity and fun from all the classes, we've actually started seeing that until recently. This games balance isn't great and has major mobility creep, at least recently most classes have at least one competitive build. nerfing a build because it works or is meta is no good lol.

that would be the case if not for the "drastically more powerful" part, if the majority of ability sets are balanced then there is no discernable meta that can be formed classwise and thus the meta becomes the overall strategy to win rather than class balancing issues.


For example, it does not take a balancing genious to see that being to consistantly teleport or even traverse 1200 range instantly is overpowered because that is the entire range of the majority of ranged weapons and if ranged weapons cannot deal with enemies trying to make distance then what is the point in them?

Edited by Stalima.5490
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16 hours ago, Mariyuuna.6508 said:

Btw, the reason you get rewarded for losing is because when players are only rewarded for winning, they immediately give up (even worse than now), and would just camp their home the whole game while flaming their team after the first misplay, if other PvP games are anything to go by at least.

Everything you said made sense save for this.


"Alright team, the only way we get something out of this is if we win, so naturally lets all collectively give up at first chance to guarantee that we waste 10-15 minutes of our lives."


"Alright team, i'm getting pips either way so GG, afk."


Which of these sounds more like something that a human being, and not an alien from another planet would say?

Also what games are you playing? Names pls. Gw2 is the only game i've ever come across where the PvP is so bad that they have to bait casuals into playing with freebie rewards, freebie rewards that are exclusive to ranked of all 3 official PvP arenas.

Are you counting the little bits of universal 'xp' other games give you for finishing a match? Do people actually get excited for that?

And why not Unranked? Currently serves 0 real purpose outside dailies. 

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On 10/23/2022 at 2:13 PM, gmmg.9210 said:

Red team: Top player, top player’s gf, plat 2 player, plat 1 player, plat 3 player. They’ve collectively taken out terrorist organizations and collect bounties for who should/shouldn’t climb the leaderboards. They secretly run all of the cartels in South America and single handedly control the drug trade.


 Blue team: Fredrick who just bought this game, some DE roleplayer who uses the wrong amulet and thinks tanking as a thief is smart, me, Someone who sits on treb the whole game while watching A Bugs Life, and someone who afks after 2 minutes of playing  because I didn’t get repair kit.

Sounds like unranked.

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On 10/23/2022 at 5:13 PM, gmmg.9210 said:

Red team: Top player, top player’s gf, plat 2 player, plat 1 player, plat 3 player. They’ve collectively taken out terrorist organizations and collect bounties for who should/shouldn’t climb the leaderboards. They secretly run all of the cartels in South America and single handedly control the drug trade.


 Blue team: Fredrick who just bought this game, some DE roleplayer who uses the wrong amulet and thinks tanking as a thief is smart, me, Someone who sits on treb the whole game while watching A Bugs Life, and someone who afks after 2 minutes of playing  because I didn’t get repair kit.

It's more like MEAL team six. These match-fixers and win-traders got fat and happy while players and game mode starves since the supposed maintainers don't care enough to...well you know...maintain it!

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I posted this accidently in another thread but it belongs into every thread about the matchmaking.

What you guys think about this:

Due to the high difference in players real life education nowadays it would indeed be better to rework the queue system.

It would make sense to seperate the ratings in each an own league. Every league has a fix number of players who can take part.

Like: Platinum League, Gold League, Silver League, Bronze League.

Every Season the best 10 players from each league go one league up and the 10 losers go one league down for the next season.

Like it is in european sports competition.

Who wants to be in platinum matches needs to win the gold first etc.

This way its not possible to cheat with queue sniping anymore as if someone uses an account to lose on purpose this account is much likely to do down the league next season. etc.

And we can get rid of this absolutely unfun situation that bronze players get mixed with platinum etc.

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14 hours ago, Koensol.5860 said:

Honestly, apart from unbalanced matchmaking, there should be a 'vote to give up' button in the game, where if all 5 players accept, the match should auto end.

Tell me you never played League of Legend, without telling me you never play Leauge of Legends. I rather play 10 Minutes through a losing game, then deal with surrender Spawm/grieving every lost teamfight mid.

I had game who my teamate exlaimed "lost" while we had 90 Points. The other team had 100. While a lot of factors make game unbalanced, a major factor for lopsided Games is Player mentality. People fold quickly and tilt. Also I see a lot of people playing feast/famine playstyles who produce uneven score even if team were 100% balanced.

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