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Aviator Box Poll

Aviator Box  

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  • Poll closed on 11/03/2022 at 02:00 AM

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8 hours ago, SamuelW.2685 said:

Looks like someone pressed the aviator box when they meant to get a chest 😉

Funny.  But,  no.  Haven't used an aviator box since they first came out and I realized how annoying they are.  As for mistaking one for a loot chest, I haven't had that pleasure.  Auto loot pretty much prevents that from happening.

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Is this about the box in general? Or specifically about the possibility of accidentally clicking it (or any other placed item) instead of a chest or NPC or whatever when they're too close together?

My answer is different depending on what it is, but the topic doesn't have enough info for me to know.

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I laughed a lot at the original video of the bug.

I love that ANet ran with it for April Fools' Day.

I think it's cool that they created a box to make it perpetually available.

I don't own one. Don't want to. And have never accidentally clicked on one after the first time I got caught with one in Tarir.


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5 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Funny.  But,  no.  Haven't used an aviator box since they first came out and I realized how annoying they are.  As for mistaking one for a loot chest, I haven't had that pleasure.  Auto loot pretty much prevents that from happening.

Auto-loot doesn't work for exalted chests in Auric Basin, for example, since you have to open them with keys. And when someone puts an aviator box in the same spot as the chest (like the Grand Exalted Chest in particular), it can be near impossible to click the chest itself to open it.

Same with vendors and such.

Are you really telling me that that never happened to you? I'm impressed.

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52 minutes ago, Orion Templar.4589 said:

It's not only the aviator box that can be a problem. The other day someone had placed a black lion merchant right in the middle of the chest at the end of the KC jumping puzzle. No matter what I tried I couldn't click/target the chest so I could open it. I kept clicking other players, people's minis, etc.

Sometimes the BL Merchant will automatically spawn when a player's inventory is full so this may not have been as intentional as some believe.

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I don't like the aviator box.  I don't like when trolls put it in annoying places where one has to manually open a chest.  I have learned to always look before opening for aviator boxes, mesmer portals, bobble head laboratories, and any random food that I don't want replacing my current food buff.  It just becomes standard. 

Still think it's a stupid effect, visually and auditorily.  

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Though most instances of these interactable items on top of items are people being jerks, some are accidental. The permanent bank does not summon an actual banker, but the merchant does. I forget sometimes. I also once dropped some sort of interactable box on top of a chest when I double-clicked it in my inventory, thinking it was yet another reward box, when it was actually something like the box o fun.

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2 hours ago, Gehenna.3625 said:

Auto-loot doesn't work for exalted chests in Auric Basin, for example, since you have to open them with keys. And when someone puts an aviator box in the same spot as the chest (like the Grand Exalted Chest in particular), it can be near impossible to click the chest itself to open it.

Same with vendors and such.

Are you really telling me that that never happened to you? I'm impressed.

Hasnt happened to me (yet?) either but I have been hit by the mesmer portal variation.

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4 hours ago, Orion Templar.4589 said:

It's not only the aviator box that can be a problem. The other day someone had placed a black lion merchant right in the middle of the chest at the end of the KC jumping puzzle. No matter what I tried I couldn't click/target the chest so I could open it. I kept clicking other players, people's minis, etc.

Should you encounter this issue in the future, use the 'Next Ally' feature/keybind.

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