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How About Stopping the Hackers for Once?


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Some nice when ya beat the hackers tho. They really show why they cheat (cause they cant win otherwise). Had a reaper climb under the map in front of me and start attacking me. I was able to get away, used my warclaws shiff to follow them and wen they resurfaced, attacked them. less than 5% then went underground again and peaced out. Came back 2 mins later (sniff ftw) and I was able to interrupt them trying to go underground and bursted em hard. Satisfying win it was

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12 hours ago, Creativity.3816 said:


this guys reading skills are off the charts no way he dies in guild war 2



Gotta love the keyboard warriors. You go girl.  Show that power.


I've died twice in the last 4 months in 1v1 fights.  

(1) I was working 7 days a week zombie shift lomg hours. Logged in. Got in a fight with a specter and for the life of me I couldn't figure out what was going on.


After the fight was over I checked the combat logs.  I was so tired what i thought was a specter was not. It was a vindicator.


(2) Just the other day fighting a thief. I hit him with a target painter clean on amd could see he was marked, but he still was able to perma stealth. So I elite stealthed, blinked, used torch stealth to scoot away. He was no where near me... I left combat mounted... looked back and he was half a mile away... suddenly he was right on top of me and threw the spear. 


Seems pretty suspect.

Marked but still perma stealthing and teleporting right to me while he was mounted. 


Edited by Jitters.9401
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Yeah, I'm ready to leave a game I played for 0ver 20 years. I loved playing WvW. It was the closest thing to real combat in gaming. Now with the Hackers the game is no longer worth the time to play. Why play it if you are guaranted to lose when you enter it. Thanks Anet for all the Steam. It don't cost them anything to cheat and they do. As of now I advise that NO ONE play in GW2. It's the same old story, here in the good 'ol USA. Somebody makes some worthwhile. Sooner or later Some other money hungry fool gets involved and says "Lets do This and make more money!" I have seen more corperates and companies go into the dustbin of history for the money. Of course, when the golden goose dies where's the Money?


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4 hours ago, server st anne.8750 said:

Yeah, I'm ready to leave a game I played for 0ver 20 years. I loved playing WvW. It was the closest thing to real combat in gaming. Now with the Hackers the game is no longer worth the time to play. Why play it if you are guaranted to lose when you enter it. Thanks Anet for all the Steam. It don't cost them anything to cheat and they do. As of now I advise that NO ONE play in GW2. It's the same old story, here in the good 'ol USA. Somebody makes some worthwhile. Sooner or later Some other money hungry fool gets involved and says "Lets do This and make more money!" I have seen more corperates and companies go into the dustbin of history for the money. Of course, when the golden goose dies where's the Money?



If you let a few bad eggs ruin a game for you, is that on you or them? Are there hacks, yes. Is it a vast number of people, no. So why let a small group drive you from fun? Record, report and play on. Keep giving ANet ammo to address but don't punish yourself.

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7 minutes ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

You cant have had many more 1v1 fights than that then or this kind of unchallenging enviroment must be the most boring thing ever.


I always enjoy when people without wit try to be witty.  


But you are partially correct.  I do not have many 1v1 fights because I am more often than not,  1 person fighting multiple enemies. 


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25 minutes ago, Jitters.9401 said:


I always enjoy when people without wit try to be witty.  


But you are partially correct.  I do not have many 1v1 fights because I am more often than not,  1 person fighting multiple enemies. 


Sounds like someones proud of running cele. lol

Edited by Sahne.6950
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56 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Sounds like someones proud of running cele. lol

I'm currently at work doing nothing.  


But no. No cele.  I prefer assassin for the high crit. It matches what I need for my play style.

Sometimes I think I should make changes for more vitality but in the end I stick with assassin on my engineer.

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On 11/8/2022 at 11:08 PM, Ubi.4136 said:

Had a lovely 1v1 vs a core thief today, who "rallied" within a second every time he went down.  No one around, no trash mobs to leech a kill from, fight lasted 5 mins.

He's down, up before I could think it.

He's down, thief 2 to move body, up again.

He's down, up before I blinked.

Down again, this is interesting.  Up again.

He did this, over and over, until another player showed up.

Once the other player was there, he "rallied" 3 or 4 more times, and finally got shadowstep stomped.


Would be nice to get ANY software to prevent cheating.


I've encountered a group of few people who permastealthed and ran around doing weird stuff, like using cata to make it look like it was pulling itself 😄 They didn't fight anyone, they just did weird stuff like this.

Though on other hand I also encountered a bug where my pet was perma ressing me in water and 3 people couldn't put me down so you never know.


On 11/6/2022 at 10:53 PM, Jitters.9401 said:

On Eredon Terrace Alpine Borderlands and there is a red havok group all cheating.

Hacking in to towers is one. Immune to CC.

There is a weaver who is immune to all CC but also firing off 9 damage abilities at the same time. 3 are instant cast but he is bypassing cast times in the rest. So literally no cast time.

Would be nice if anet showed some responsibility to the people who actually play fair without trying to ruin other peoples fun. 


I am heavily skeptical whenever someone says they saw a cheater in WvW because so far it has always been either bugs, people who never saw supports or people who think that creating a portal into a tower in which a mesmer (or any other portal count) has been camping for last 10 minutes is cheating.


If you see stuff like this, record it and provide proof.

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4 hours ago, BatelGeuce.3591 said:


I've encountered a group of few people who permastealthed and ran around doing weird stuff, like using cata to make it look like it was pulling itself 😄 They didn't fight anyone, they just did weird stuff like this.

Though on other hand I also encountered a bug where my pet was perma ressing me in water and 3 people couldn't put me down so you never know.



I am heavily skeptical whenever someone says they saw a cheater in WvW because so far it has always been either bugs, people who never saw supports or people who think that creating a portal into a tower in which a mesmer (or any other portal count) has been camping for last 10 minutes is cheating.


If you see stuff like this, record it and provide proof.

I had run away from them and fled inside a tower for refuge.  No walls down. Nothing inside but me, when suddenly they were right on top of me.  

I didn't release right away so I could see who and how many and I watched more pop their way inside. No portals nothing. Just pop and they were there. 

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8 hours ago, Jitters.9401 said:

I had run away from them and fled inside a tower for refuge.  No walls down. Nothing inside but me, when suddenly they were right on top of me.  

I didn't release right away so I could see who and how many and I watched more pop their way inside. No portals nothing. Just pop and they were there. 

Wait, we thought you were the best insividual WvW player in gw2 who never loses in 1v1 situations, how could this happen?

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On 11/8/2022 at 9:28 AM, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

I wonder which balance patch allowed engineer players to be permanently sit in stealth under the map and pewpew lords and cap the objectives. I wonder which balance patch allowed teefs to teleport through walls/gates inside closed structures that were held for straight 2h+ right after switching borders. I wonder which balance patch allowed players to outrun others that have superspeed without even swiftness. I wonder which balance patch allowed some classes to stun others when they have 3+ stacks of stability without removing/corrupting them beforehand. I wonder which balance patch allowed certain players to port all over the place even though their build has maximum 2 sources. I wonder which balance patch allowed teefs to sit 24/7 in stealth while also constantly attacking people. 
"I nEvEr MeT a ChEaTeR, sO tHeY dOn'T eXiSt!11!1!! ReEeEeEEEEEEEeEEEE"

Totally get that, but the person said the whole red zerg was hacking and cheating.
There will always be hackers and cheats but to say that about the whole group is meh.

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12 hours ago, Karagee.6830 said:

Wait, we thought you were the best insividual WvW player in gw2 who never loses in 1v1 situations, how could this happen?

Lololol  Epic fail


Trolls are getting  less witty and more stupid on these foruns. Everything I wrote was in plural on the hackers. 


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12 hours ago, Strider Pj.2193 said:

Well…. Obviously this was 1v3000.  So there were just a few too many.  🤷

You really are trying hard aren't you? 


It is hilarious.  Sad wanna-be troll isn't smart enough... well... maybe in your little mind you are but lol. No. You come across as the kakapo trying to imitate mental giants. 

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1 hour ago, Cardamon.5426 said:

Totally get that, but the person said the whole red zerg was hacking and cheating.
There will always be hackers and cheats but to say that about the whole group is meh.

You really keep trying and failing don't you. My guess is you hack in the game because outside you do not have the skills to compete physical or mentally.  But that is ok. You do you.

Just to refresh though. It was a full havoc group.


Wait... are you running all troll Accounts? 🤔   holy.  That would explain why they are so poor at wit and lacking in actual troll substance.  That really is funny as heck. Can't win with one so you fail with many? Haha

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Hey, just a quick note here because it looks like no one clarified how to read the combat log when a few others mentioned it some posts back.

The combat log does not show one line per skill.  It shows one line per damage.  So you will see multiple lines for some skills and conditions where it's multi-hit or pulsing.  You can also see secondary damage from traits and sigils that "proc'ed" and do damage too.  So it is entirely likely that a player can use one skill against you and you see way more lines in the combat log than you'd think.

Please see:


Edited by Chaba.5410
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the problems with these "hacker" claims are that many players wouldn't be capable to tell if its a hacker or not.

immune to cc ... can be just stab

engi oneshotting you? nothing special, many engi builds deal absurd amounts of damage if u don't counter then or dodge the main spike of it - dps engi in wvw is utterly broken if it doesn't hit a reflect and oneshots itself lol


but ye anet is horrible at understanding how wvw works therefore broken builds who feel like cheaters will co-exist beneath those who just really run a dozen of supportive hacks - speedhacks etc aren't uncommon afaik since years

and guys randomly teleporting to narnia or partially going invuln to selfres to 100% are also not uncommon. these things are in game since many years,,, anet rather "balances" groupcomps randomly instead of finding a way finally to deal with those other issues

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