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Unranked PvP rewards


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So, I think at this point it's not warranted to force people into ranked PvP if they want to actually achieve something in a meaningful time in this horizontal progression MMORPG.

In theory usually you will reward people the highest honors for doing ranked PvP in other games with gear/titles etc only achievable for the best of the best which is PARTLY true in GW2 and I wouldn't even complain if it weren't for the fact that you can literally afk-bot in ranked and still get the same rewards as somebody who's in the highest possible division albeit slower.

Meanwhile for doing unranked sPvP (I enjoy stronghold which doesn't even exist in ranked for some reason) you ONLY get the reward track and miss out on a kitten ton of gold and ascended gear through the ranked only chest.

Usually I wouldn't complain about this BUT why do I get rewarded more in WvW for escorting dolyaks than for playing unranked PvP?
Because unranked PvP would be even LESS popular when unranked gives the same reward?

Then the issue would be people not wanting to play ranked in the first place so in my eyes that is not even an issue, if the mode is ONLY fun because it's rewarded more then either merge the 2 modes or be okay with only playing against other likeminded people, some would probably even see this as a positive if bots/people like me who only play ranked for the legendaries disappeared.

TLDR; There's no reason aside from incentivizing people who don't want to play ranked in the first place to have unranked PvP not provide the rewards that ranked gives (aside from titles/tournament rewards etc) in a game where you can literally afk or play 1-5fps metatrains and get 10x higher rewards from that.


Give unranked PvP the reward chest

Edited by muffi.3964
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I don't understand much the point. If you want the reward, play ranked. If you don't care and are new to the game mode, play unranked to get familiar with the maps (I actually would completely remove any rewards in unranked for both for the losing and winning team, apart from the reward track, and leave it as friendly mode to attract new players). If there are afk players or bots, report them, in both ranked and unranked.

I agree that Stronghold should be added to ranked though, I also liked it. Also the other map with the orb (forgot the name) is missing in ranked.

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17 minutes ago, muffi.3964 said:

The point is why tie everything to ranked when it's less popular, if people don't want to play ranked then don't make them.

If you don't want to play ranked then just don't.

17 minutes ago, muffi.3964 said:

Currently I'm ONLY playing ranked for the rewards, I will not learn anything because it's not required nor should I have to learn.

So what you're saying is that increased rewards for ranked games did what they were supposed to do? Ok then.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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If the design intent is having 1-2 afks at lowranks with abysmal class-spam and people like me who haven't even read their abilities? Then yeah, that's really bad design then tho.


If you'd want ranked to actually make sense then it doesn't make sense to give people like me a legendary for basically existing in the match.

Edited by muffi.3964
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34 minutes ago, muffi.3964 said:

If the design intent is having 1-2 afks at lowranks with abysmal class-spam and people like me who haven't even read their abilities? Then yeah, that's really bad design then tho.

You keep bringing botting and afking problems here. The response to these problems is not what you're talking about here, but instead implementing/improving anti-afk/bot measures. If your problem is "people like me who haven't even read their abilities" then the problem isn't the game, but you. Start from reading your abilities.

34 minutes ago, muffi.3964 said:

If you'd want ranked to actually make sense then it doesn't make sense to give people like me a legendary for basically existing in the match.

Agreed! But that doesn't seem to align with what you wrote in this thread earlier, which is "give more rewards to that other mode" :classic_blink:

Edited by Sobx.1758
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1 hour ago, muffi.3964 said:

The point is why tie everything to ranked when it's less popular, if people don't want to play ranked then don't make them.

Currently I'm ONLY playing ranked for the rewards, I will not learn anything because it's not required nor should I have to learn.

Also raids are not very popular among the player-base (I remember someone said around 7-8% of the players), but no one asked to have their rewards added to normal dungeons or fractals. It wouldn't make any sense. I understand your frustration, but as you said, it's not required, you chose to play the game mode for the rewards.

The good thing is that after the first 10 matches you will be paired with people of your skill level, so you don't have to feel sorry for them, even if they complain or are toxic: they are at your same level (if you find a match in the first 10 minutes at least, usually it's the case). The qualification can be harsh, but after 10 matches the level of toxicity is basically the same, even less, in my experience.

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5 minutes ago, Urud.4925 said:

Also raids are not very popular among the player-base (I remember someone said around 7-8% of the players), but no one asked to have their rewards added to normal dungeons or fractals. It wouldn't make any sense. I understand your frustration, but as you said, it's not required, you chose to play the game mode for the rewards.

The good thing is that after the first 10 matches you will be paired with people of your skill level, so you don't have to feel sorry for them, even if they complain or are toxic: they are at your same level (if you find a match in the first 10 minutes at least, usually it's the case). The qualification can be harsh, but after 10 matches the level of toxicity is basically the same, even less, in my experience.

Oh plenty of people have asked to get the reward (legendary armor) from raid for open world even mate.

with or without the skin.

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I personally play ranked as if it were an unranked with rewards: I do not care much about rating/rank ... but the matches are similar/the same (even maybe better if there are some people that play more serious there) ... and I can get the rewards.

Actualyl we'd need only one mode. But then people would complain about "people testing builds in ranked" (which in fact ... is something I just do ... or trying another char there - since I do not care about my rank and it actually will make me lose more often ... so the system takes this already into account by lowering my rating).

There are also still the custom arenaes ... which they practitally killed by having an unranked/ranked and making the old glory ranking and reward system obsolete.

Edited by Luthan.5236
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49 minutes ago, Urud.4925 said:

Also raids are not very popular among the player-base (I remember someone said around 7-8% of the players), but no one asked to have their rewards added to normal dungeons or fractals. It wouldn't make any sense. I understand your frustration, but as you said, it's not required, you chose to play the game mode for the rewards.

The good thing is that after the first 10 matches you will be paired with people of your skill level, so you don't have to feel sorry for them, even if they complain or are toxic: they are at your same level (if you find a match in the first 10 minutes at least, usually it's the case). The qualification can be harsh, but after 10 matches the level of toxicity is basically the same, even less, in my experience.

The difference to raids tho is that you get bloody nothing for doing unranked matched PvP in this game, the rewards might as well not exist and it's especially baffling as the chest wouldn't be too much of a reward anyways compared to other similar activities.

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4 hours ago, muffi.3964 said:

The difference to raids tho is that you get bloody nothing for doing unranked matched PvP in this game, the rewards might as well not exist and it's especially baffling as the chest wouldn't be too much of a reward anyways compared to other similar activities.

You've already said you're playing ranked, so what are you even complaining about?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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Unranked should have much better rewards to encourage people to try. It's sad one can afk in Drizzlewood Coast after 15m of play (1 pvp game lengh) and get more stuff while watching movie...

Nobody should expect people to jump staight into Ranked before they get any experience, and they won't get any experience (in Unranked) if they don't feel rewarded by game. It's Fashion Wars after all, people want to get shinny stuff and goal should be to grow sPvP population.

Edited by Morwath.9817
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2 hours ago, Sobx.1758 said:

You've already said you're playing ranked, so what are you even complaining about?


From what I gather they don't want to learn how to play but want to be in competitive (for some reason), so they want unranked to yield rewards so they can 1-spam and still get some gold.

What they don't realize is this already exists--it's called WvW.  Just go there, cap a camp every 4 min and get rewards--sometimes you might run across some people you can 1-spam in a group, and all the boxes are ticked.  

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A sensible and reasonable change, so naturally there's a ton of pushback from the lamebrains. Seeing it, i'm reminded that this game deserves its failure, and so do some of these people.


Pips are a casual reward for playing the game. You couldn't argue otherwise since they're given for free, just for being there, even if you contribute 0 to a match, you still get pips.

They're a casual reward that only exists in the competitive mode. Doesn't make any sense from a design perspective until you realize that they're only there to bait people into playing ranked, because its otherwise a mess that isn't worth anyone's time.

People are so absorbed in the mindless farming at this point, that ideas like ranked being made slightly more competitive seem completely alien. As is adding a casual reward just for playing to the casual mode.

This would be a normal and reasonable change anywhere else, but you have to understand that after 30ish ranked seasons people have become conditioned to accept freebie rewards in ranked, and as their sole motivator to keep playing. The same people who would probably complain and whine about having do-nothing AFK pip-farmers on their teams in ranked, but at the same time would also quit if those same AFK pip-farmers didn't get paid for doing absolutely nothing.

My advice is don't play it. Let these zombies waste their lives away grinding it, all the while feeding free rating to the even worse top players who will insist that this all takes skill. No matter what they'll still be making about half the gold per hour as the 200 IQ Drizzlewood farmers anyway. Every person that quits ranked means giving these people even longer queue times, and slowing down their g per hr which is exactly what they deserve.

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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16 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


From what I gather they don't want to learn how to play but want to be in competitive (for some reason), so they want unranked to yield rewards so they can 1-spam and still get some gold.

What they don't realize is this already exists--it's called WvW.  Just go there, cap a camp every 4 min and get rewards--sometimes you might run across some people you can 1-spam in a group, and all the boxes are ticked.  

what a patronising comment.  Many play unranked instead of ranked (I play both) because of the map variety in the unranked format, or even to play with random builds.  Just like all other content in the game, the rewards should be reasonably aligned to play time, why wouldn't it be.



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16 hours ago, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

what a patronising comment.  Many play unranked instead of ranked (I play both) because of the map variety in the unranked format, or even to play with random builds.  Just like all other content in the game, the rewards should be reasonably aligned to play time, why wouldn't it be.




This is well and fine, but it doesn't mean unranked should yield rewards.  

To fix your issues, they could just add the maps to the ranked rotation and be done with it.  Most of them at least, probably all but the one mode where it's essentially a MOBA, that one is just too hard to balance around in ranked format.  

Also, people play with random builds in ranked all the time too because you need to play ranked for the legendaries, so it's kind of a null point.  

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5 hours ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


This is well and fine, but it doesn't mean unranked should yield rewards.  

To fix your issues, they could just add the maps to the ranked rotation and be done with it.  Most of them at least, probably all but the one mode where it's essentially a MOBA, that one is just too hard to balance around in ranked format.  

Also, people play with random builds in ranked all the time too because you need to play ranked for the legendaries, so it's kind of a null point.  

it is well and fine apart from a weak reward structure (note it doesn't have to match win rewards in ranked, but it can be close). 

There are many subtle differences between ranked and non ranked and your legendary chat is a strawman that's not one of them, i play random build for fun and variety that may be less competitive. You should ask yourself honestly why you think players in non ranked should get poor rewards, put it this way i can run about farming donkeys in a low level zone and get a better return on my time.

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On 11/25/2022 at 9:21 AM, muffi.3964 said:

So, I think at this point it's not warranted to force people into ranked PvP if they want to actually achieve something in a meaningful time in this horizontal progression MMORPG.

In theory usually you will reward people the highest honors for doing ranked PvP in other games with gear/titles etc only achievable for the best of the best which is PARTLY true in GW2 and I wouldn't even complain if it weren't for the fact that you can literally afk-bot in ranked and still get the same rewards as somebody who's in the highest possible division albeit slower.

Meanwhile for doing unranked sPvP (I enjoy stronghold which doesn't even exist in ranked for some reason) you ONLY get the reward track and miss out on a kitten ton of gold and ascended gear through the ranked only chest.

Usually I wouldn't complain about this BUT why do I get rewarded more in WvW for escorting dolyaks than for playing unranked PvP?
Because unranked PvP would be even LESS popular when unranked gives the same reward?

Then the issue would be people not wanting to play ranked in the first place so in my eyes that is not even an issue, if the mode is ONLY fun because it's rewarded more then either merge the 2 modes or be okay with only playing against other likeminded people, some would probably even see this as a positive if bots/people like me who only play ranked for the legendaries disappeared.

TLDR; There's no reason aside from incentivizing people who don't want to play ranked in the first place to have unranked PvP not provide the rewards that ranked gives (aside from titles/tournament rewards etc) in a game where you can literally afk or play 1-5fps metatrains and get 10x higher rewards from that.


Give unranked PvP the reward chest

What i am hearing is, that you secretly demand Stronghold ranked!


Count me in on that! ❤️

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7 hours ago, Hotride.2187 said:

My problem with rewards in unranked is, it will turn into the same games as ranked. Everyone will be bringing meta to be able to finish their chests faster... I prefer unranked as it is.

This is already the case. Unranked is already sweatier than Ranked.


Say you wanted to do dailies in PvP

If I go to Ranked to do them, I get gold passively even if i'm losing and the worst sweat stack i'd have to worry about is a DuoQ

If I go to Unranked to do them, if I don't win that Unranked match then I get nothing. And on top of that there's full 5-man sweat stacks to queue dodge there.

There's more incentive to try harder in the Unranked mode. 🤡PvP

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On 11/27/2022 at 12:30 PM, vesica tempestas.1563 said:

it is well and fine apart from a weak reward structure (note it doesn't have to match win rewards in ranked, but it can be close). 

There are many subtle differences between ranked and non ranked and your legendary chat is a strawman that's not one of them, i play random build for fun and variety that may be less competitive. You should ask yourself honestly why you think players in non ranked should get poor rewards, put it this way i can run about farming donkeys in a low level zone and get a better return on my time.


This is my whole issue, why do I get rewarded with basically nothing in unranked compared to even playing the game at the most basic level. It's just dumb. In ANY other game I'd say...okay....open world is worth nothing too....for example FF14 has a very unrewarding easy open world. GW2? Not so much.

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i think they should de-prestige pvp rewards, you can literally buy titles and gizmos with enough ranked wins


they're already de-prestiged cuz ppl are selling them with mat wintrade and account sharing, so just give the pve heroes a long run to get those things and maybe all this matchmaking exploits maybe gone from game.

Move legendary rewards to unranked, but make the ranked rewards faster if you actually trying to win, like double the pips from winning but 0 them when you lose in ranked, so pve players can 5 man q to get their stuff in unranked and if they going ranked they at least gonna try win, cuz being toxic and afk gonna give them 0 proggress towards their objective.

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