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Stop rewarding afk players in pvp matches

Chaos God.1639

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  • Chaos God.1639 changed the title to Stop rewarding afk players in pvp matches

How hard is it? Not very, they just need to remove the participation award from Ranked and move it to Unranked where people don't care about AFK matches since they appear in about 1 in every 4 games played there. The pip-farmers would feel right at home.


As to how likely that is, also not very. There hasn't been a fundamental change to PvP in years, its just balance to string us along with highly controversial balance patches that don't really change anything in the grand scheme, and that people will get bored of after like a week.

But nah, forget all that. There will be no thinking while an absolute menace like dual dagger scourge still exists. This overpowered abomination has plagued ranked for too long, and if anyone disagrees I have 3.7 thousand words to back up that stance. I'll see you on the forums, kiddo.

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It's easy enough to tell someone is AFK when they don't leave the home base for over a minute etc


That said, if you are on a team with an AFK player or generally get a bad team there is very little reward for actually playing.
The best fix is to stop putting all League chest reward behind a team win and to start awarding progress based on personal contribution, how many points you've captured or defended, your damage output, heal output kills, bonuses for contributing towards map gimmicks like killing the lord in Legacy of the Foe Fire.


Right now even if the match making was perfect, there was enough players and you never got AFKs you should still be averaging around a 50% win rate overall because of how the system is designed.

And as far as telling people/wanting people to go play unranked, why would anybody do that?
If you only get League chest progress in ranked, you need to play ranked to get legendary armour why would anybody want to play unranked? Better losing in ranked and getting something then winning unranked and getting nothing.

I guess the issue is, if you gave the rewards to unranked, who would play ranked? Do we even need 2 separate queues? The only reason for unranked right now is to play that conquest map.

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On 2/5/2023 at 6:39 AM, ShadowInTheVoid.9183 said:


I guess the issue is, if you gave the rewards to unranked, who would play ranked? Do we even need 2 separate queues? The only reason for unranked right now is to play that conquest map.

If rewards were equalized between ranked and unranked, but nothing else changed, I'd still play ranked because of the duo-queue restriction. My son and I play together, and it is no fun to go up against all the 5-person teams in unranked.

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On 12/18/2022 at 1:15 AM, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

How hard is it? Not very, they just need to remove the participation award from Ranked and move it to Unranked where people don't care about AFK matches since they appear in about 1 in every 4 games played there. The pip-farmers would feel right at home.


Or the other way around: If players would get better rewards for losing matches where they keep playing to their best abilities, they may not feel so bad about losing and decide to keep active.

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2 hours ago, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

Or the other way around: If players would get better rewards for losing matches where they keep playing to their best abilities, they may not feel so bad about losing and decide to keep active.

I think it is safe to say that after 8 or 9 years; however long it's been, that merely presenting people with the option to try is not enough to combat human, and sPvP's indolence.


If someone needs a reward to compete, then they lack the conviction to compete, and just shouldn't. That which is given has no value.

More often than not this leads to 2 entirely different groups of people 'competing' under the same ladder; casual and competitive, and it leads to a lot of hate, aversion, flaming, that sort.


The competitive gamers are trying to compete and climb the (supposedly) competitive ladder, playing to improve.

The casuals are farming rewards and are generally just playing for fun, or with friends.

If the competitive guildie gamers are constantly having their progress set back by the casuals, and the casuals keep getting pushed into utterly hopeless matches where effort is optional, then do you really think these 2 entirely different groups of people are going to play nice, fair, or even at all? No, they're going to absolutely resent one and other by the end of it all.

I don't think there's any way to really make freebie Ranked rewards work. I think they should be for winning in Ranked and given regardless in Unranked as they are now in Ranked.


What else is Unranked anyway? A quick daily match? If Ranked has better matchmaking and better rewards with 0-effort required to get them, why would anyone and their mudda play Unranked?

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@Multicolorhipster.9751 I'm casual. I play for fun. For rewards. For achievements. I always do my best even if the game is hopeless. I could not care less about my rank as it will never go above Gold 3. Which is fine with me. I only play ranked because pip/gold rewards and many achievements are not in unranked. Unranked is just not worth it. I even advise bronze players to play ranked for this reason.


I would be happy to switch to unranked as soon as rewards and achievements are the same. Then the diehard PvP-ers can play ranked for their skill rating and get a team of players who have similar goals and then all reward farmers, pip collectors and achievement hunters can get what they need in unranked.

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On 2/9/2023 at 11:37 PM, swift shadow kuda.5981 said:

um spvp has always been conquest since the start  they added 2v2 and 3v3 which screwed conquest cause now ppl only want to kill and screw capping and holding a point  its too slow i dont wanna sit there blah blah blah 

Solo Arena

Greetings and salutations. It’s Evan Lesh again!

Rated PvP is being split into two new formats: Solo Arena and Team Arena.

Solo Arena will allow solo players to queue up to go into games against other solo players. Team sizes will still be five-on-five, but it now means that if you play as a solo player, you’re guaranteed to play against other teams that are totally composed of other solo-queued players. You will not be able to queue with a friend in Solo Arena; if you want to play with your friends, you’ll want to queue up for Team Arena instead.

Team Arena is our format for players who want to compete in organized teams, and will function much like the current rated play format, just without all of the solo players mixed in. Initially, we’ll continue to allow partial rosters of fewer than five players to queue for Team Arena, but once the Looking For Group system is live, we may change the Team Arena to require a five-person roster to enter.     That was from 2013   A Look at Upcoming PvP Changes – GuildWars2.com   there is link   all the new players that come from the fortnite generation seem to not to be able to grasp conquest isnt a kill based game mode  and u can just as easily get kill on point playing objective instead of running around like a headless chicken chasing ppl off point all game   congrats on ur 15 kills bruh we still lose cause well u refused to cap and play objective ur kills meant nothing as we still lose and when u get 3ppl doin that game is over

Actually they had a mode where you all were in this big multilevel cave and there were no points.  So it hasn’t always been conquest with points to capture 

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On 12/17/2022 at 7:38 AM, Chaos God.1639 said:

And don't punish the non afk players. How hard is it to achieve this?

It's very hard, been 10 years. U know how hard it is to invent code that doesn't exist? It takes real geniuses to get it done. 10 years. None has walked threw anet doors so far.

Except for the guy who made the combat system.

Edited by Eddbopkins.2630
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On 2/11/2023 at 4:56 AM, TheQuickFox.3826 said:

@Multicolorhipster.9751 I'm casual. I play for fun. For rewards. For achievements. I always do my best even if the game is hopeless. I could not care less about my rank as it will never go above Gold 3. Which is fine with me. I only play ranked because pip/gold rewards and many achievements are not in unranked. Unranked is just not worth it. I even advise bronze players to play ranked for this reason.


I would be happy to switch to unranked as soon as rewards and achievements are the same. Then the diehard PvP-ers can play ranked for their skill rating and get a team of players who have similar goals and then all reward farmers, pip collectors and achievement hunters can get what they need in unranked.

The day that Unranked will get rewards, is the day that ranked dies.

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