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Dropped a Hacker, Teammate Got Mad At Me For Doing It ??


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Some players are beyond me...

There I was in Eternal roaming, when I came across a teammate facing a Hacker.  How did I know it was a Hacker.  I have a thief...  Played every build and Spec; in fact, have done that for all classes/races and when you've done that, it's not hard to spot something you know a class does not do.

This Hacker thief went beyond the no cool down vanishing.  He was using the new hack I keep seeing a lot now, which makes a character....how should I put this....

"Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink!!!!!!"

That's what they do, they constantly blink without stopping and do it so fast, you see two of them, sometimes  three and no, it's NOT a mesmer, this was a deadeye!

So I click on my teammate's health and saw that he was below half way and the Hacker wasn't taking a scratch.  It was the perfect catch...  That's what a lot of Hackers like doing, catch you roaming with no one around and go to Hack-Town on you!

So I jump in the battle, expecting the hacker to take us both out since I was not on my Core set up and was running Scourge, which has no sustain and the "Devs" know this.  The Hacker was blinking and moving so fast, there was only one chance to stop him and I had to do it while my teammate was still able to drop some DPS, since I was pure Condi.

So I spammed the marks causing interrupts, exploded the Shroud, hit the trail for stability and conditional damage to help out the weak marks (Devs fault), hit spectral for life force gain.  Switch weapons, got speed and healing from the swarm, BOOM, dropped shroud again and that Hacker was finally on the ground reaching up as he took his last breath.  I didn't even do a finishing move because I get more pleasure out of just watching a Hacker slowly push up daisies.

Apparently all the conditions, boon stripping and interrupts proved too much that time but here's what gets me...

Instead of my teammate thanking me for helping him drop that Hacker, because nothing hurts a hacker more than cheating and still losing,  my boy got mad at me!  Seriously!  My own teammate called ME A HACKER!  I was thinking, OMG are you kidding me!  He went on to rant but I was leaving and not reading his madness on screen.

Because of that backlash for killing a Hacker, I will not stop to help out another teammate when I can clearly see  they're facing a Hacker.

Thieves don't "Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink Blink !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

It's HACKING!  A clear case of blatant cheating!  What the teammate don’t understand is, he was lucky...because some hackers will go into God Mode and stop taking damage altogether and it doesn’t matter what class/build they are.

Hell, I seen a mesmer who had all his clones spinning around him like a cyclone, at extreme movement speed all while blinking, so clearly this blink thing is a hack that can be applied to different classes and builds regardless.

I see Hackers still using the damage to heath hack a lot. That’s when an entire Zerg can’t kill a players because all the damage they do turns to health and the extra health from all the damage just turns into another health bar (yellow shield bar from extra health).  I know what they’re doing there...  It’s the Boons...  They have their Boons jacked up because the moment they get a regeneration Boon, their health fly up all the way to full.  They get every single Boon you can get at one time, with extreme effect and that turns them into running Gods no Zerg can take down.  In fact, the only time they die is like when a Zerg is REALY BIG and they're all casting some kind of Boon strips....  Yeah, you can see how that would do it.

I don’t think players bother reporting it because they know it can’t be stopped by now, which is true, they’re using decryption of the CGI.  I bet the one Hacker I came across online selling his/her cheat tool are making a killing in USD because it’s a undetectable decryption based hack tool.  I assume that’s what these Hackers are using because they’re not just doing basic hacks, they are clearly altering memory to do exactly what they want.



Anyways, no more saving anyone from a Hacker for me, lesson learned.


Edited by Horace.3184
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"i see thiefs doing their ussual thief things , they MUST be hacking"


"thief is extra blinky and takes no damage , he can't be using sword/pistol i-frames or rifle 4 , he MUST be hacking"


"i proceed to interupt what looks like a duel , i kill thief by spaming in his face and he looks like he is out of initiative spaming rifle 4"


"teamate trash talks me for ruining what must have been a duel"


" i ride in to the sunset to expose more hackers , who for some reason they must be playing thiefs"


" thiefs are god mode and they can get all boons from a zerg , aka steal on mesmer -> plasma"


"thiefs can die from blobs when blobs do their corrupting stuff, aka single target focus/multi spinal shiver to the face"


This post is like walking down the street , encouter the local crazy homeless guy and he talks about spaghetti moster invasion on earth.


God Bless America. 🦅 (cause this sounds like NA talk)

Edited by MysteryDude.1572
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Thieves, can, in fact, teleport/evade almost indefinitely since they have several ways to refill initiative and all initiative-based skills have no cooldown. The player you faced was likely running a max initiative regeneration build, most likely because they have no skill.


As for damage to health, that's literally a thing that many classes do, and some can chain the effect back to back. On top of this, some classes like Engineer, Guardian and Warrior can give themselves and allies nearly all boons on certain builds, sometimes  permanently (though not as easily as in PvE).

Edited by Mariyuuna.6508
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1 hour ago, Horace.3184 said:

Instead of my teammate thanking me for helping him drop that Hacker, because nothing hurts a hacker more than cheating and still losing,  my boy got mad at me!  Seriously!  My own teammate called ME A HACKER!  I was thinking, OMG are you kidding me!  He went on to rant but I was leaving and not reading his madness on screen.

This shouldn't let you stop helping server mates. Instead engage them and ask them what they thought they saw. If in doubt just let them know you saw a teammate and leant a hand.

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14 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:

Fighting a DE on Scourge in EBG and calling hacks...yeah seems about right.  


12 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

The weird part of this tale is a scourge hitting a deadeye


Lol, so, let me spin this on you both. Have neither of you roamed on a Scourge? Is that where you are going? I roam on all my builds and if you don't attack everything how are you roaming? Not saying you will win but if you don't try how will you improve. So where do you find it odd that a roamer scourge would attack a DE? Not sure I see your points.

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1 minute ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:



Lol, so, let me spin this on you both. Have neither of you roamed on a Scourge? Is that where you are going? I roam on all my builds and if you don't attack everything how are you roaming? Not saying you will win but if you don't try how will you improve. So where do you find it odd that a roamer scourge would attack a DE? Not sure I see your points.


Yes, it's odd, as its utterly nonsensical.  You'd have zero chance to beat said DE even without claiming 'mad hax' like OP.

It is WvW, so 'attacking everything' not only gives that DE a free bag but also the enemy warscore provided you aren't roaming outnumbered.

You obviously would learn nothing in this situation as well because you are roaming on a group spec vs. one of the best 1v1 duel specs in the game; if you DID win, they probably should uninstall.  

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3 minutes ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Yes, it's odd, as its utterly nonsensical.  You'd have zero chance to beat said DE even without claiming 'mad hax' like OP.

It is WvW, so 'attacking everything' not only gives that DE a free bag but also the enemy warscore provided you aren't roaming outnumbered.

You obviously would learn nothing in this situation as well because you are roaming on a group spec vs. one of the best 1v1 duel specs in the game; if you DID win, they probably should uninstall.  


Then I guess they should uninstall since I have beat DE on a roamer Scourge. Your mileage will vary. 

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5 minutes ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:


Then I guess they should uninstall since I have beat DE on a roamer Scourge. Your mileage will vary. 

There is just no way this can happen if both players have similar skills, is probably the worst 1v1 in the game, hence my previous comment.

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7 minutes ago, Telgum.6071 said:

There is just no way this can happen if both players have similar skills, is probably the worst 1v1 in the game, hence my previous comment.


I don't know the skill level of any of the before mentioned, why assume on the OP? Have I killed DE while roaming on Scourge, yes. 

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1 hour ago, Dawdler.8521 said:

TL;DR by the description all thieves are hackers.

Seems about right.


On a more serious note, kinda with TheGrimm on this one, if you auto avoid every duel you are missing out on winning against weaker players or players new on a build.

That said, running into the same player again and again once you have noticed you are disadvantaged build wise (and similar skilled or out-skilled which makes the build disadvantage significant) is donating bags. Best adapt the build or avoid, unless it was a close fight (and even here you can adapt a bit if possible).

There are a TON of very bad thief players and you noticed immediately, even if you lose, which type you are up against.


Some of the things you mentioned aren't necessarily be hacks. Now there are hackers around, let's not pretend, but especially thief (and I can't believe I am defending this class) usually gets a ton of bad rep for things that are absolutely possible within the scope of the class.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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Accusing any player, guild, or game world/server of cheating, griefing, hacking, or exploiting is not allowed on the forums. If you witness any of these acts while playing, please submit an in-game report or a ticket to our Customer Support team, so they can properly investigate the matter. In the case of a potential exploit, please report them using the in-game report function or submit a Customer Support ticket to ensure the development team is aware of them.

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