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There is no "Healthy" build for catalyst with it's current design CMC!


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17 hours ago, Ovark.2514 said:

The visual noise makes this spec worse than scourge at it's peak. Plus all the skill stacking with auras. Makes me sick thinking about it.

Its more like Renegade, lightshow skills that actually do not do much damage(some do but not all, since kitten consistency ) but what kills you are skills that you don't see from the visual Clutter. 
Kinda wish the Effectiveness of the skill corresponded somewhat to the animations, also I don't see why support skills need Explosive animations that cover everything at all and even if they need some cools stuff it sure doesn't need to summon a volcano large as the screen to fart out 5 might stacks.

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4 hours ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

Ele's been capable of winning 1v3 for years, catalyst just made it so silver players can too.

The vast majority of you lot had the chance of leaving bronze or even get the chance to win at all against far better players..

While being carried by braindead builds that still require 2 braincells to use effectively, starting with HoT : dragonhunter, reaper of all sorts, bunker chronomancer, druid immobilize with smokescale,  daredevil....a bunch of pve heroes nobody knew about the day before....those same pve heroes becoming platinum tier over night while playing a reaper for example....when they literally tried a necro for the first time...for few hours the day before and today they were winning all matches, with 4-5 reapers per match rushing mid like a mindless zerg spamming aoe shouts all around...then F1 and go super sayan mode...same thing with trapper dragonhunters...a bunch of nobodies reaching platinum years ago...while playing yet another braindead build, a trained monkey could play well. Then we had PoF and you lot again abused the hell out of another round of monkey brain specs...condi mirage, scourge, holosmith....

But now the same bunch dare to cry that ele has a spec, players of all level can play effectively without being forced to master a piano.....you are all a bunch of kittening hypocrites, I wish they made all specs to require the same level of effort to play as a weaver after the atrocious nerfs....if so most of you would have never left bronze...

Unfortunately Anet gave you specs where you press F1 , 2 and 3 ....and do a gazillion of insta aoe dmg/condi fart...thx to those specs you lot managed to leave that hellhole of the bottom bronze after 1st league tournament 


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5 hours ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

Ele's been capable of winning 1v3 for years, catalyst just made it so silver players can too.

An ele who could win 1vs3 years ago....could have won 1vs10 playing a condi mirage or scrapper...anything else and he would have been the same. Years ago I tried core necro for exactly 10 hours...the day after I was tanking 5 people. The reason you can 1vs X at all in this game....it's because otherwise awful players had been give the ability  to win thx to specs that play themselves..so much they would not evem need to dodge anymore...fast forward to now and you can 1vsX in gw2

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7 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

The vast majority of you lot had the chance of leaving bronze or even get the chance to win at all against far better players..

While being carried by braindead builds that still require 2 braincells to use effectively, starting with HoT : dragonhunter, reaper of all sorts, bunker chronomancer, druid immobilize with smokescale,  daredevil....a bunch of pve heroes nobody knew about the day before....those same pve heroes becoming platinum tier over night while playing a reaper for example....when they literally tried a necro for the first time...for few hours the day before and today they were winning all matches, with 4-5 reapers per match rushing mid like a mindless zerg spamming aoe shouts all around...then F1 and go super sayan mode...same thing with trapper dragonhunters...a bunch of nobodies reaching platinum years ago...while playing yet another braindead build, a trained monkey could play well. Then we had PoF and you lot again abused the hell out of another round of monkey brain specs...condi mirage, scourge, holosmith....

But now the same bunch dare to cry that ele has a spec, players of all level can play effectively without being forced to master a piano.....you are all a bunch of kittening hypocrites, I wish they made all specs to require the same level of effort to play as a weaver after the atrocious nerfs....if so most of you would have never left bronze...

Unfortunately Anet gave you specs where you press F1 , 2 and 3 ....and do a gazillion of insta aoe dmg/condi fart...thx to those specs you lot managed to leave that hellhole of the bottom bronze after 1st league tournament 


Hooo boy, theres a superiority complex on this one.

Playing ele doesnt make you better than everyone else. Ele is one of the least reactive  classes out there. You can literally play a rotation and still do good.

The problem with catalyst is there is so much active defense built into that rotation that you dont need to make any damage trade offs like taking earth/water or something other than berserkers amulet.

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2 hours ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

Hooo boy, theres a superiority complex on this one.

Playing ele doesnt make you better than everyone else. Ele is one of the least reactive  classes out there. You can literally play a rotation and still do good.

The problem with catalyst is there is so much active defense built into that rotation that you dont need to make any damage trade offs like taking earth/water or something other than berserkers amulet.

And that's why you and the rest were playing ele before catalyst....I wonder where all of you "pro" were when @grimjack and another were literally the only ones daring to play ele at high level...meanwhile they were 0 eles during MAT....even less in ranked..

I dare you to tell us what you play....

Edited by Arheundel.6451
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6 minutes ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

And that's why you and the rest were playing ele before catalyst....I wonder where all of you "pro" were when @grimjack and another were literally the only ones daring to play ele at high level...meanwhile they were 0 eles during MAT....even less in ranked..

I dare you to tell us what you play....

They didn't have to "dare" to play ele at high level. It's no secret that ele is really good in the right hands. It has probably the highest skill ceiling out of all the classes.

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36 minutes ago, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

They didn't have to "dare" to play ele at high level. It's no secret that ele is really good in the right hands. It has probably the highest skill ceiling out of all the classes.

Indeed! And now eles have something that requires as much effort as the rest to play...people hate it...they call for balance and what balance that would it be...a balance were they press 2 buttons with specs that defend, attack and support all at yhe same time...meanwhile as @Grimjack once said: " to play ele, you need to look 30s in the future" and as I said to him that time: " kitten that! I don't want to put 10x more effort than the rest who literally facepalm on the keyboard". I don't want to put more effort! That's why I stopped playing ele in 2017 after they nuked weaver from orbit, you want me to dodge for my life while looking for a way to melee through aoe kitten....meanwhile a hamster on wheel camp the staff on a necro or mesmer...press 2 buttons and feel like god, that's sort of balance this community want...sadly for you all...the ele hate is finally over! I genuinely don't care how many times they nerf catalyst....as long as it remains as braindead as the rest of the specs in this game....it's all good, I want a spec for eles where they can switch off their brain too. Somebody playing a ranger( spent 6k hours playing one), a necro, a mesmer, engi etc etc shouldn't dare to come here at talk about balance. I always find it funny...Somebody playing a condi druid, or a condi mirage/virtuoso, a core necro, a tools holo or scrapper , a vindicator or pewpew renegade....come on the forum to whine. A complete lack of self-respect, integrity, honesty....shameful 

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1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Indeed! And now eles have something that requires as much effort as the rest to play...people hate it...they call for balance and what balance that would it be...a balance were they press 2 buttons with specs that defend, attack and support all at yhe same time...meanwhile as @Grimjack once said: " to play ele, you need to look 30s in the future" and as I said to him that time: " kitten that! I don't want to put 10x more effort than the rest who literally facepalm on the keyboard". I don't want to put more effort! That's why I stopped playing ele in 2017 after they nuked weaver from orbit, you want me to dodge for my life while looking for a way to melee through aoe kitten....meanwhile a hamster on wheel camp the staff on a necro or mesmer...press 2 buttons and feel like god, that's sort of balance this community want...sadly for you all...the ele hate is finally over! I genuinely don't care how many times they nerf catalyst....as long as it remains as braindead as the rest of the specs in this game....it's all good, I want a spec for eles where they can switch off their brain too. Somebody playing a ranger( spent 6k hours playing one), a necro, a mesmer, engi etc etc shouldn't dare to come here at talk about balance. I always find it funny...Somebody playing a condi druid, or a condi mirage/virtuoso, a core necro, a tools holo or scrapper , a vindicator or pewpew renegade....come on the forum to whine. A complete lack of self-respect, integrity, honesty....shameful 

My guy, you're the only one crying and whining in this thread

Edited by Hellz.3058
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2 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Indeed! And now eles have something that requires as much effort as the rest to play...people hate it...they call for balance and what balance that would it be...a balance were they press 2 buttons with specs that defend, attack and support all at yhe same time...meanwhile as @Grimjack once said: " to play ele, you need to look 30s in the future" and as I said to him that time: " kitten that! I don't want to put 10x more effort than the rest who literally facepalm on the keyboard". I don't want to put more effort! That's why I stopped playing ele in 2017 after they nuked weaver from orbit, you want me to dodge for my life while looking for a way to melee through aoe kitten....meanwhile a hamster on wheel camp the staff on a necro or mesmer...press 2 buttons and feel like god, that's sort of balance this community want...sadly for you all...the ele hate is finally over! I genuinely don't care how many times they nerf catalyst....as long as it remains as braindead as the rest of the specs in this game....it's all good, I want a spec for eles where they can switch off their brain too. Somebody playing a ranger( spent 6k hours playing one), a necro, a mesmer, engi etc etc shouldn't dare to come here at talk about balance. I always find it funny...Somebody playing a condi druid, or a condi mirage/virtuoso, a core necro, a tools holo or scrapper , a vindicator or pewpew renegade....come on the forum to whine. A complete lack of self-respect, integrity, honesty....shameful 

How in the world is  a Scepter Catalyst "an effort to play class"?

The fact that Core Ele and Sword Weaver are def complex classes, doesn't automatically mean that all ele's builds are complex.

Both Scepter Catalyst and Support Tempest are almost braindead classes. Even Holosmith (the other class that should be nerfed asap) requires more effort to master than Scepter Catalyst; due to combos and heat management.


If you wanna have a complex class to be good, ask for Sword Weaver or Full Kit Engi buffs; don't cry about Auto Carry-list.

Edited by ZolracAtrox.2908
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6 hours ago, ZolracAtrox.2908 said:

How in the world is  a Scepter Catalyst "an effort to play class"?

The fact that Core Ele and Sword Weaver are def complex classes, doesn't automatically mean that all ele's builds are complex.

Both Scepter Catalyst and Support Tempest are almost braindead classes. Even Holosmith (the other class that should be nerfed asap) requires more effort to master than Scepter Catalyst; due to combos and heat management.


If you wanna have a complex class to be good, ask for Sword Weaver or Full Kit Engi buffs; don't cry about Auto Carry-list.

Can you read properly before commenting? I specifically stated that playing catalyst takes as much effort to play as what you lot have been using for the last 8 years since HoT: low effort braindead specs that play themselves! I know that because I have been using most of them also, tired of actually putting effort in a game...where a trained hamster on a wheel, can go and reach super sayan mode while using  any of the  0 IQ gw2 specs: druid, boonbeast, beastmaster, bunker chrono, perma distortion virtuouso, tools holo, condi spellbreaker, core necro, reaper, harbinger,  vindicator,  renegade blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Basically catalyst is as braindead easy as what you lot use and I find it insulting that people even dare to speak! Elementalists have been asking for "zero effort...all reward" gameplay option for years, asking for ranged combat so that us too could sit, fire and forget from 900/1200 range...exactly the same gameplay abused by you "pro" for all these years.

Does any you know what the word: balance mean? Balance: Equality.....braindead vs braindead gameplay...fun for all ...complex vs braindead is not balance...it's BS. 

Again as I said, I don't care about nerfs or buffs, I  want equality! As long as catalyst remains as braindead easy as the rest...I am happy , it's time for eles to switch off their brain too ..like the rest of you have been doing for years....

Just put as many emoji as you like, spend all day adding emoji to my posts....they make you lot mad AF, I am only stating the truth...

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On 2/5/2023 at 5:59 AM, Zex Anthon.8673 said:

Ele's been capable of winning 1v3 for years, catalyst just made it so silver players can too.

no clue why this is getting so many upvotes....  The downstate meme existed for a reason.

Btw guys... dont mix up "Easy to play" with "overperforming".   85% of people are a freekill on Sceptre Catalyst, and thats a solid fact. FACata lacks a sufficient cleanse, and that is something that not everyone can deal with. 

Hit me up with confused... i said what i said.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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Just wanted to point out that even with Cata nerfs I am still watching plat 1/plat 2 players crying about Ele. Just watched my friend farm folks with Scepter Weaver and the complaints that rolled in. At this point ele is a psychological warfare class because the amount of salt was just humorous.

But honestly at this point, I don't know what this forum wants. You got your wishes (rightfully so because Cata was over tuned obviously) and yet people that play Ele are still beating folks within plat rank with nerfed elite spec counterparts and people are still crying about it. What do you people even want at this point?

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7 minutes ago, Dreams.3128 said:

Just wanted to point out that even with Cata nerfs I am still watching plat 1/plat 2 players crying about Ele. Just watched my friend farm folks with Scepter Weaver and the complaints that rolled in. At this point ele is a psychological warfare class because the amount of salt was just humorous.

But honestly at this point, I don't know what this forum wants. You got your wishes (rightfully so because Cata was over tuned obviously) and yet people that play Ele are still beating folks within plat rank with nerfed elite spec counterparts and people are still crying about it. What do you people even want at this point?

you are aware that ele hasnt been nerfed yet?

Edited by Sahne.6950
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5 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

you are aware that ele hasnt been nerfed yet?

Quality post.

I'm very aware. And I meant what I said. There are Cata nerfs coming and people are still complaining. Weaver doesn't even range close to Cata and yet people are still being farmed in the supposed high leveled play and I guarantee you it's gonna be the same way afterwards. If someone is farming you on WEAVER of all things, something is wrong. Very wrong. There was one very easy thing Anet could have nerfed in order to avoid a lot of what was making Cata yuck in the first place, but they didn't hit it. 

So I'm gonna let people figure that out and see if it will click. 

Edited by Dreams.3128
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3 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

I'm very aware. And I meant what I said. There are Cata nerfs coming and people are still complaining. Weaver doesn't even range close to Cata and yet people are still being farmed in the supposed high leveled play and I guarantee you it's gonna be the same way afterwards. If someone is farming you on WEAVER of all things, something is wrong. Very wrong. There was one very easy thing Anet could have nerfed in order to avoid a lot of what was making Cata yuck in the first place, but they didn't hit it. 

So I'm gonna let people figure that out and see if it will click. 

 Coming cata nerfs arent enough, that's why people are still mad against anet. They are nerfing 3 skills, and buffing sustain by a lot.


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8 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Can you read properly before commenting? I specifically stated that playing catalyst takes as much effort to play as what you lot have been using for the last 8 years since HoT: low effort braindead specs that play themselves! I know that because I have been using most of them also, tired of actually putting effort in a game...where a trained hamster on a wheel, can go and reach super sayan mode while using  any of the  0 IQ gw2 specs: druid, boonbeast, beastmaster, bunker chrono, perma distortion virtuouso, tools holo, condi spellbreaker, core necro, reaper, harbinger,  vindicator,  renegade blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. Basically catalyst is as braindead easy as what you lot use and I find it insulting that people even dare to speak! Elementalists have been asking for "zero effort...all reward" gameplay option for years, asking for ranged combat so that us too could sit, fire and forget from 900/1200 range...exactly the same gameplay abused by you "pro" for all these years.

Does any you know what the word: balance mean? Balance: Equality.....braindead vs braindead gameplay...fun for all ...complex vs braindead is not balance...it's BS. 

Again as I said, I don't care about nerfs or buffs, I  want equality! As long as catalyst remains as braindead easy as the rest...I am happy , it's time for eles to switch off their brain too ..like the rest of you have been doing for years....

Just put as many emoji as you like, spend all day adding emoji to my posts....they make you lot mad AF, I am only stating the truth...

Braindead not equal Overperforming (and in a whole dif level, not by a little)


So you can keep your almost braindead Cata (braindead ele class already existed, akka Support Tempest) but make them balanced, and even after this patch it gonna still broken.

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On 2/5/2023 at 3:24 PM, Arheundel.6451 said:

Indeed! And now eles have something that requires as much effort as the rest to play...people hate it...they call for balance and what balance that would it be...a balance were they press 2 buttons with specs that defend, attack and support all at yhe same time...meanwhile as @Grimjack once said: " to play ele, you need to look 30s in the future" and as I said to him that time: " kitten that! I don't want to put 10x more effort than the rest who literally facepalm on the keyboard". I don't want to put more effort! That's why I stopped playing ele in 2017 after they nuked weaver from orbit, you want me to dodge for my life while looking for a way to melee through aoe kitten....meanwhile a hamster on wheel camp the staff on a necro or mesmer...press 2 buttons and feel like god, that's sort of balance this community want...sadly for you all...the ele hate is finally over! I genuinely don't care how many times they nerf catalyst....as long as it remains as braindead as the rest of the specs in this game....it's all good, I want a spec for eles where they can switch off their brain too. Somebody playing a ranger( spent 6k hours playing one), a necro, a mesmer, engi etc etc shouldn't dare to come here at talk about balance. I always find it funny...Somebody playing a condi druid, or a condi mirage/virtuoso, a core necro, a tools holo or scrapper , a vindicator or pewpew renegade....come on the forum to whine. A complete lack of self-respect, integrity, honesty....shameful 

As someone with quadruple digit hours in Ele myself... This doesn't sound right. 

Ele does have a steep skill floor, especially if you're newer to the game. You've got a lot of skills to memorize, you need to know to combo them to achieve maximum value. On weaver, you need to think several steps in advance due to the nature of how dual attunements work. Over time you get used to how the class flows and you'll know instincitvely what sequence you want to go for at what time, but that takes time to learn. 

In the same vein though... 

There is a gaping chasm that seperates a bad thief from a good thief. Watching a good thief play is like art. The things that they manage to get away with makes the class look completely unfair. The bad thieves that try to emulate the good thieves usually end up dead on the floor long before the montage music can start playing (source: Am bad thief). 

Mesmer is also not easy to play. Chrono especially. Continuum Split is a headache in and of itself. It's got some pretty high APM combos that take practice to get down to muscle memory. It's defenses are active instead of passive, so you do have to pay attention to your surroundings or you get blown up. I've definitely had moments where I wish I had the re-sustain of an ele when playing mesmer.  Its very easy to end up being useless on mesmer. 

Engineer doesn't have as high of a skill floor, but it's also a contender for one of the highest skill cap classes in the game. Thousands of hours in and I'm still learning new things about it. 

Untamed is a hell beast in its own right. Pet swap. Unleashed swap. Hammer skill swap. Ambush abilities. Weapon swap. Combos with your pet. It's tanky so it can afford some errors, but I'm not going to pretend it doesn't take brain cells to play. 

Then there's warrior. Have their kit has been stuck in the last decade, and they've been figuring out how to make it work and sticking with it through thick and thin. 


Ele mains have this wierd mindset that they're playing dark souls when everyone else is playing cookie clicker. Everyone else is power crept to the moon, and they're busy playing Beethoven just to deal a fraction of what other classes do with one button. Maybe we should just accept that sometimes this game is hard, we mess up, or the enemy just plays better. 

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18 hours ago, Dreams.3128 said:

But honestly at this point, I don't know what this forum wants. You got your wishes (rightfully so because Cata was over tuned obviously) and yet people that play Ele are still beating folks within plat rank with nerfed elite spec counterparts and people are still crying about it. What do you people even want at this point?

Dude the entire first page of this subforum has like 20x Ele threads very specifically detailing exactly what the community wants to see done to Cata/Ele. The most frequently brought up suggestions are these:

  1. Nerf damage on Dragon Tooth ✔️They are actually doing this, but this is only the first step out of many required to bringing Cata/Ele back down to normal levels of performance with other classes.
  2. Do something to Water Trident ✔️They are at least lowering this skill from 2 ammo to 1, along with some other high DPS culprits. But the problem here is that Scepter's damage output is RIDICULOUSLY HIGH on these build structures. The above two nerfs, it'll eat and have absolutely no problems maintaining its stature as the highest most practical burst in the game on the lowest ICD. This won't falter up good Ele play at all.
  3. Too much blind They aren't doing anything about this.
  4. Too much reflect They aren't doing anything about this.
  5. Too much blocking They aren't doing anything about this.
  6. Too much invulnerability They aren't doing anything about this.
  7. Too much super speed They aren't doing anything about this.
  8. Too much aura play They aren't doing anything about this.
  9. Too much stability They aren't doing anything about this.

The biggest problems were never the DPS. The biggest problems are the amount of over-defensive value and ultra chase/kite ability due to super speed & lightning flash. Whether we are talking about Scepter Cata or H Cata or even base Ele in general, its pumping way too much defensive value & mobility for the level of damage it has, and nothing will change after this patch other than the random defensive buffs its getting. Why is that happening in light of this issue receiving an unprecedented amount of focus from the community? Absolutely no idea, but here's hoping that Arenanet reevaluates their actions and does the right thing for once.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:
  1. Nerf damage on Dragon Tooth ✔️They are actually doing this, but this is only the first step out of many required to bringing Cata/Ele back down to normal levels of performance with other classes.
  2. Do something to Water Trident ✔️They are at least lowering this skill from 2 ammo to 1, along with some other high DPS culprits. But the problem here is that Scepter's damage output is RIDICULOUSLY HIGH on these build structures. The above two nerfs, it'll eat and have absolutely no problems maintaining its stature as the highest most practical burst in the game on the lowest ICD. This won't falter up good Ele play at all.
  3. Too much blind They aren't doing anything about this.
  4. Too much reflect They aren't doing anything about this.
  5. Too much blocking They aren't doing anything about this.
  6. Too much invulnerability They aren't doing anything about this.
  7. Too much super speed They aren't doing anything about this.
  8. Too much aura play They aren't doing anything about this.
  9. Too much stability They aren't doing anything about this.

They don't need to nerf all of those things, as currently they are only a problem because they complement each other so well.


3 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

The biggest problems were never the DPS. The biggest problems are the amount of over-defensive value and ultra chase/kite ability due to super speed & lightning flash. Whether we are talking about Scepter Cata or H Cata or even base Ele in general, its pumping way too much defensive value & mobility for the level of damage it has, and nothing will change after this patch other than the random defensive buffs its getting. Why is that happening in light of this issue receiving an unprecedented amount of focus from the community? Absolutely no idea, but here's hoping that Arenanet reevaluates their actions and does the right thing for once.

Generally, someone chaining defenses isn't that problematic when they do a burst you can avoid, and you can keep your HP high enough (by blocking, dodging, healing, kiting) while they maintain their defenses. So they maybe get a chance for another burst after doing some damage, but you'll get your shot before then. Basically the counterplay there is to sustain as well for some time and get ahead of the next burst.

The problem starts when you avoid their burst and they can chain defensive CDs while continuing to take big chunks of your health. Avoidance isn't feasible because you can't maintain it, healing isn't because the damage is too high, and counterpressure / disruption runs into the defenses.

I think lightning flash / super speed is just the icing on the cake and ele should keep its mobility tools. But cata, especially with focus, has too many tools to mitigate, prevent and/or punish offensive counter play.

Edited by Silinsar.6298
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