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Iron Hide Abuse


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We've been seeing fully built flame rams in the strangest places and finally found out why.  Apparently people are building these open field or behind a door, using Iron Will to get a 50% Damage Reduction for 10 seconds before pushing out.  It's kind of adorable, as degenerate gameplay goes, but this certainly isn't what was intended.

What I'm really curious to see is the first time someone builds 6 of these things in the SMC Lord Room and holds indefinitely. 

I'm not 100% sure how to fix this other than limiting ram placement to be within striking distance of an enemy door.

Edited by Xzygy.1452
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I am a bit surprised by peoples reactions.


Building rams for iron hide buff, especially in lord rooms, has seen use in the past. It's nothing new (maybe new to NA?).


Sure, the 5 second extension of the buff makes it more useable now, but the act of building flame rams for damage reduction is years old.


The benefits and detriments remain the same: damage reduction at the cost of mobility. 

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But nobody is defending anything now anyway, since the weekly achievement doodad, right?


Pretty sure I read that on the forums, so that's confirmed.

Seems nobody is playing the game the way it was designed.

Or maybe nobody is designing the game the way it was meant to be played.

I dunno anymore.

Or care, really, now I think about it.

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27 minutes ago, Morden Kain.3489 said:

They have already been doing this ... Seem more prevalent now.  I would see it every now and again, now it seems to be every SMC/Garri/Keep lord room fight (Hills and Bay so far are an exception).

Well you would mostly do it on the lords in keeps or smc for the fear cc to break their bar.


Now iron hide is extended to 10 sec, 600 radius, with it's 50 targets and 50% damage reduction is nothing to scoff at. Let's see how fast they nerf it, or add a condition it needs to be next to a gate. Frankly this should only apply to the user, not an entire blob, absolutely moronic, another win for the boon blobs.

P.S along with shield gen that can negate ac fire, they might as well add auto to ram 1 and let everyone afk under it. 🥴

Edited by Xenesis.6389
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11 minutes ago, oatsnjuices.1698 said:

You know what would be really cool? I'd like to see presence of the keep be nerfed to be only inside the tower or keep. 

Presence of the "keep" is a "keep" only upgrade

Interesting fact: It doesn't extended through the entire territory like the guild objective aura, only around the keep. If you want to get rid of the aura, then paper the keep or don't fight in it's area, simple.

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