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Give Meteor Shower Burning


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6 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

It's still is an amazing skill for zerg fights in WvW, tbh. The damage spikes an elementalist can hit with this skill are pretty ridiculous.

True, however look at all the setup needed to deliver that burst properly. Without proper CC and Aegis/Barrier removal there's no GG.

What bothers me (apart from projectile speed) is that outside of Weaver there's only one source of burning (?) - there's a freaking pool of lava (which sets me on fire if I walk through it everywhere in Tyria), meteors are falling from the sky (but do nothing other than pure damage) but I magically conjure some burning through flame burst, rather silly in my opinion.

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8 minutes ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

True, however look at all the setup needed to deliver that burst properly. Without proper CC and Aegis/Barrier removal there's no GG.

What bothers me (apart from projectile speed) is that outside of Weaver there's only one source of burning (?) - there's a freaking pool of lava (which sets me on fire if I walk through it everywhere in Tyria), meteors are falling from the sky (but do nothing other than pure damage) but I magically conjure some burning through flame burst, rather silly in my opinion.

I personally don't adhere to the idea that every skill in the game with a fire theme needs to apply burning. With that mindset, literally every attack in the elementalists fire attunement would have to cause burning....

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I think, meteor shower has far bigger problems than burning:

- The cast time is ridiculously high 

- The 1.200 range and the idea of having each meteor doing individual damage is making the skill mediocre against smaller groups, not to mention single target.

- That being said, it is a general problem of such skills, as with OL lightning, where they are only viable against big-hitbox-targets.

- The damage reduction is far beyond reasoning as well.


Instead, it should be revamped completely:

- Either put down the range to 600, or make it like ticking-damage, which applies to five targets each second, and make the meteor shower design-only. This isn't grim dawn or such an rpg where such a mechanic is even good to use.

- also, the casting time for the effect is far too high. 2 Seconds is more than sufficient.

- And finally: remove the stupid debuff with 10% damage reduction per consecutive hit, which has been based on a whole different scenario than now!

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Rework the skill , make it a 8 secs duration and every ennemy (max 5)  inside the aoe will receive a meteor strike every 1 or 2 secs , maybe add a stun on the initial meteor impact only and add some burn on each impact , that will solve the the rng problem either in wvw , pvp and pve.

could also add tiny 120 aoe to each impact , but that will feel kind off Op in wvw zerg .


Edited by zeyeti.8347
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Don't add burning to MS. That'll only give a reason to further Nerf the damage in a subsequent patch. This skill need a buff to it's power dmg. Maybe mak it do 20% more damage initially, change the damage dropoff from 10% to 5% and increase minimum damage from 10% to 30%. Now we have a proper zerg melter in WvW and a decent PvE dps skill.

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MS is already one of the best skills in WvW, so a buff for WvW is unnecessary. Greaving/Viper Weaver already has pretty good dps output, so they dont need much of a dmge boost. Adding more aoe will only result in less reliable dps output on ele since it will rely more on stationary targets with large hitboxes. 

Weaver/cata staff can sometimes be a struggle in WvW due to their natural squishiness and delay on impact&reliance on projectile to hit. Just reduce delay on lava font, ice spike and eruption and increase the velocity of your AA and the Weaver/cata will become alot more effective & reliable. 

For PvE (if they decide to give staff a small buff) it should be placed on anything but fire attunement. Its already incredibly overpowered compared to the other attunements. Apart from the dmge aspect, staff is in desperate need for some defiance break. The cc's on conjure & air elemental are not reliable enough and Gust & Pile driver are both hard to access; up to 6 seconds delay for a single CC is simply way to slow for most bosses. 

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58 minutes ago, TrollingDemigod.3041 said:

Change Meteor Shower into Noodle Shower, make it deal 100 damage and remove stability on enemy.
It now drops 24 noodles that each one affects 3 enemies. Enemies touched by noodles will forcibly kneel to collect noodles from the ground for 3s. Unblockable, 24s cd.

I'm not mad at this. 🍜

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I must say they need to add in burning to lava faunt and fire ball in wvw allready. It would be nice to see burning in MS but purly for the added abitly to apply blind in wvw. Though i would like to see GoEP work like the old version and not be a charge base effect it has now.

That is if staff is an pure utility wepon and only from an wvw point of view.

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On 2/11/2023 at 8:58 AM, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

What bothers me (apart from projectile speed) is that outside of Weaver there's only one source of burning (?) - there's a freaking pool of lava (which sets me on fire if I walk through it everywhere in Tyria), meteors are falling from the sky (but do nothing other than pure damage) but I magically conjure some burning through flame burst, rather silly in my opinion.

What do you mean theres only 1 source of burning? Are we talking about Staff? Every Staff fire skill has burning except meteorshower.

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1 hour ago, Markus.6415 said:

What do you mean theres only 1 source of burning? Are we talking about Staff? Every Staff fire skill has burning except meteorshower.

Yes talking Staff, in WvW and PvP the only source of weapon skill burning application (not counting Burning Retreat) is Fire 3 or a chance on Crit if running Burning Precision trait.

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On 2/11/2023 at 9:08 AM, Kodama.6453 said:

with that mindset, literally every attack in the elementalists fire attunement would have to cause burning....

well.... what if i told you that the only Elementalist Fire skills that are not applying burn.... are the Dagger AA, the dagger 4.... And Meteorshower. (in PvE)


Edited by Sahne.6950
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44 minutes ago, Sahne.6950 said:

well.... what if i told you that the only Elementalist Fire skills that are not applying burn.... are the Dagger AA, the dagger 4.... And Meteorshower. (in PvE)


You can add trident 3, warhorn 4, sword AA (first and second hit), hammer 5.

For weaver dual attacks, there are also staff fire/water, staff fire/air, dagger fire/water, scepter fire/air, trident fire/water.

Technically, we could also add fiery greatsword and flame axe skills, since they are also fire themed for elementalist:
FG AA, FG 3, FG 4, FG 5, FA AA, FA 2

But the point in the first place is: I don't think that literally every fire themed skill in the game has to cause burning.

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8 minutes ago, Kodama.6453 said:

You can add trident 3, warhorn 4, sword AA (first and second hit), hammer 5.

ohh okey...  

Sword AA indeed does burning^^ 

I thought hammer 5 does burn.... it doesnt?... does it get amplified when hitting a burning target? i remember there was something with burn on that skill...

I left Dualattacks and Waterweapons out of this.


I agree, there doesnt have to be burn on everything, But Staff 100% could use it! The damage is incredibly lackluster. For some odd reason, in pvp, almost all of the skills dont have burn on them, altho their PvE counterparts do have it.




It just feels weird.... are they afraid that it will overperform in pvp?! for real? whats the reason behind this.

If those two skills and meteor would have burn on them, the staff would be alot more useable.

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2 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

It just feels weird.... are they afraid that it will overperform in pvp?! for real? whats the reason behind this

My guess would be they wanted to keep the same skill design for pvp and WvW. AoE condis are already relatively powerful in WvW atm. The dmge increase isn't necessarily the biggest problem although this would probably push cele for staff ele even more and its already pretty powerful right now. The biggest issue would simply be an enormous amount of short duration condis that are continuously refreshed and taking priority over other more important condis such as cripple, chilled and immob. Just imagine casting your overload water only to remove 1 stack of 1s burn each tick. 

I do agree that staff is a very weak weapon in pvp right now, but it's be very difficult to change this. Abit of extra burning would help the staff in pvp, but the weapon would still feel pretty clunky due to the slow attack speed in combination with its focus on delayed aoe hits/aoe fields while lacking the CC to actually keep the enemy in these fields. Unless they will start to increase its attack speed & reduce the delay on impact on staff's aoe and CC it will remain an awkward weapon. Sure they could just increase the dmge coefficients, but with all the uproar about a skill that literally prepares you 2 sec in advance to Dodge its attack (DT) i don't think such massive dmge boosts would be welcomed by the pvp community. 

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