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Thanks for the Daredevil Buffs, time to be gods again.

Crab Fear.8623

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5 hours ago, appelflap.8310 said:

How is losing insta unblockable daze and just getting more range a buff? Gl vs virtuoso, yes mesmer



Because the unblockable part comes up very little, and the range comes up a lot. When this change was first made, it was the reason why everyone switched to core thief and dropped Daredevil completely.

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6 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

Im not people, I played it before swipe. 

I KNOW it is a BUFF

as a matter of fact, you will be here soon, wanting it nerfed lol

Absolutely not, swipe was one of the tools I loved about daredevil (and I hate everything else about the class, everyone here can witness this). It's the one tool that daredevils can use to get kitten done instead of stalling forever with evades\blinds\stealth\weakness\resets; port in, interrupt a bunker blocking, actually converts into a kill, rather than making life miserable for anyone with endless resets.

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2 hours ago, Terrorhuz.4695 said:

Absolutely not, swipe was one of the tools I loved about daredevil (and I hate everything else about the class, everyone here can witness this). It's the one tool that daredevils can use to get kitten done instead of stalling forever with evades\blinds\stealth\weakness\resets; port in, interrupt a bunker blocking, actually converts into a kill, rather than making life miserable for anyone with endless resets.

You'll defintely be here asking for nerfs by then.

  • Haha 2
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1 hour ago, semak.7481 said:

Oh my sweet summer child... If you would be on EU, he would farm you and you would be the one asking for nerfs 😂

If I lose a duel as a thief against another thief it negates my point?

That's not how this works.

If I spec for dueling, the only farming will be for salt.

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I am stuck in this game for way to long m8.


based on the fact that terrorhuz is a flippin menace 😄 hes in the top 3 of players i have ever met. And i have battled every big name there is in EU.

No offense..... and Altho i have never met you.... i will bet all my money that he will completly wreck you in a matter of seconds... especially after the mesmer changes that will happen today.

And its not because your bad.... Its because Terrorhuz is probably one of, if not THE worlds best mesmer... and what makes matters worse is that thief is miles behind mesmer...

but again... i very much enjoy your hopium.

Edited by Sahne.6950
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13 hours ago, Crab Fear.8623 said:

I'm serious. 

I promise you that "they" will be on here asking to nerf the range or rework it, probably by the start of the next conquest season.

Any thief that played DD before swipe members.

problem was never steal, the stealth and blindness spam is the most annoying thing

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