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(UPDATED) February 14 WvW Rewards Update

Rubi Bayer.8493

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12 minutes ago, darksome.1697 said:

Are you saying that new players should be handed 10k+ gold like those who played the game since release have gathered through 10 years of playing? "Hello Elon, just joined your company! Ahh... I see you have 492 billion dollars. I can't even get close to that, can you give it to me?"

While you might view it as something bad, an equal distribution of wealth is actually a good thing and a big difference between rich and poor is generally a bad thing. For most people that is, except for the the very very few rich people keeping everyone else down. 

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1 hour ago, Gotejjeken.1267 said:


Oh, no we've been public testers since game launch.  

They really should put a sticky PSA on this, but probably bad PR to say there is no test server for WvW as all tests depend on live players to see if they work (for some reason).  

It's worse PR when you have to openly admit to your player base they are the lab rats for your product.  

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On 2/15/2023 at 12:58 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

As often happens with testing, things were NOT all working as intended! Due to some issues, rewards were being distributed in much higher quantity than we expected. Also, the bonus world experience was too high – especially for mid-tier rewards. 

hahaha I have to call BS on the above comment:  


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18 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

This really sucks. As a support player now I only get bronze reward for taking keeps and towers 

From reading comments here, it seems that if you are defending, repairing walls and using a siege, you get rewarded. But if you are fighting for content against enemy zergs and take a keep you get a bronze.  Right? 

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6 hours ago, nthmetal.9652 said:

While you might view it as something bad, an equal distribution of wealth is actually a good thing and a big difference between rich and poor is generally a bad thing. For most people that is, except for the the very very few rich people keeping everyone else down. 


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12 hours ago, Goglak.2591 said:

new system is trash, now more than ever people just stand or AFK on a wall in SMC for rewards, and repair bot standing around ready to fix walls so fast you cannot even build siege., just total garbage. Do way with rewards for fixing walls and fix the kitten AFK running into an object issue. 

Rewards should be for actually doing something, not just being there. 


I admit one of the first things I do when I show up for defense is repping the wall because if you are fighting a big zerg you are not killing that many players especially as a support and there are not enough siege weapons for everyone to (sometimes) get any participation. The whole participation calculation sucks! people rush (and fight) over killing npc’s in front of gates and on the wall and only after that start building siege that the commander has through a while ago in hope to somehow get silver participation. The problem is, that if there isn't an enemy zerg around, there is just not enough to kill to get Gold participation especially if you are in a group. 

I say it again if you want to reward the big fights, make them scaled events or special events. If x amount of players fight against each other over an objective (or even in open field) the event scales or becomes a special event and then you get the really really good rewards. And for an unscaled event you still get your Gold participation and the good rewards if you manage to get in that circle, because there is not enough to kill and not enough siege to man to even get silver participation for a group of players.

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The requirements for participation are set way too high right now.  It is a terrible idea to nerf base wxp for taking objuctives.  Leave those as they were and simply add incentive for participating in big fights.  We do not always have lots of players on maps.  After midnight... most enemy players are gone.  Dont bend everything toward one particular situation.  You need to accomodate the varied situations that arise in WvW.  Sure at prime time weekend we might get the right circumstances for this to work.  During the week and off peak times.. it is rare to have large groups of players defending objectives.  in these times our rewards and progression are actually being heavily nerfed.  Right now... its worth more to go around flipping camps than take the extra effort to take undefended towers.  they both give the same base xp and with the new participation system.. it is very difficult to get the extra reward so the whole thing feels pointless.  I know you are supposed to be balancing this right now... just know the current balance is all wrong.  Maybe things were OP on Tuesday... but they felt good.  Now its just feels like kitten.

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Ok as a more casual WvW player that got more into the game mode recently to get some lvl ups to finish those skirmish and reward tracks faster, my experience with the new system is as follows:

In general mostly getting bronze for capping towers and silver for keeps. Before I was getting decent level up progress, especially with the birthday bosters i have saved up. Even with those extra wxp vials you get here and there, I now get less wxp and karma overall than I did before going around capturing objectives.

It feels way to hard to get hier tier reward levels now and it's get worse and worse the more people you got in your group, which feels kind of counter intuitive that you want less people with you, because otherwhise they drain you of your rewards...

When it comes to defence, it is nice and all that you now get those equipment bags, but when it comes to wxp you need to get gold tier to get the big wxp boost.

But from what I saw so far, to get gold and get the added big wxp, you have to wipe the enemy zerg and tag most of them.

Because if you just defend your tier 3 keep/tower kill like 5-15 players and drive the rest of them away, you just get bronze which doesn't give much wxp.

So in general in my experience it is kind of a frustrating experience so far, because you have to struggle to get the level of wxp you got before, as capturing and defending both are really hard to get the higer reward tiers, even as a dps, let alone as a supportive player.

The lucky servers are those that regularly whipe big enemy zergs who attack their high tier keeps or smc, because that gives quite nice level progress and rewards, but just regular successful attacking and defending  feels kind of lackluster to me even if you manage to defend and capture stuff. So far it doesn't really feel much like and improvement compared to the way it was before most of the time imo.

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The last two days, in my match up at least, people have been tunnel visioning to SM all the time. The rest of the map gets largely ignored. I find this problematic because it concentrates all action in and around SM only. Some may see this as an upside, and yeah, the action is great, but trust me, it WILL get stale after a while and people WILL burnout. I don't think this a good thing for the long term health of WvW.  Rewards need to be rebalanced across the board, especially for SM.

Edited by Eudaimonia.8695
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8 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

That's the price for increased rewards...

Everyone wants it...

Everyone wants the easiest farm...

Increased queues and hyper focus on the fastest method is what comes from it..

I haven't thought this through (kinda like Anet) and I'm at the point of suggesting something drastic.

Move Stone Mist Castle to EotM - enable some form of scaled down rewards, something like only reward track progress. People can circle jerk all day and work on their GoB and leave when done. If there are queues at least you can do something too.

Replace Stonemist with something else that is relevant to not only EB but the Borderlands too so we're not only fighting over broken rewards now. I have no suggestions. I'm not a lore expert. Help a brother out. Alternatively remove EB entirely since SMC is now in the reworked EotM, scale down DBL, simplify the mazes around the Keeps, scale down the Ruins area some what and replace every borderland with the the new map.

Finally increase map cap by 25 as a minimum and let those not chasing rewards in EotM fight it out with a little more space and map capacity.

Drastic yes, likely no, please do something new that will shake things up in a positive way.

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On 2/14/2023 at 5:58 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

For now, we’ll continue to monitor and adjust OSR. Also, we will be adjusting the WvW Weekly Tower and Keep achievements to progress for defense in addition to capture in our next release. Thank you for your patience and ongoing feedback as we continue iterating on the various WvW Rewards systems! 

Keep in mind that 2 days ago we took SMC from MAGUUMA with their usual friendly welcome to enemy servers in Shiny castle and we got bronze....
Btw my real question is why instead of "nerf" the rewards level you didn't just add something useful to the high level participation? WvW still it's so bad in rewards, more than a nerf i think it need a balance compared to the equal rewards over time you get in PVE, my2c

Edited by Selene.4072
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Could we please have WvW goals for vets players who have already completed ranks and achievs? Real goals, not something everybody can easily get?

All I see are "improvements" making WvW an easy mode for new players...

All achievs and the few side goals we had were made worthless and super easy to get. With the current wxp orgy everybody's going to be 10K by the end of the year. A still useless 10K by the way, how long since the last "new" WvW skill?

Remember WvWers kept the game alive when it was at its lowest? WvWers are amongts the most faithful to GW2, playing week after week since day one.  So why the disregard?

For every other aspects of GW2 (PVP, raids, fracs...) there are contents and rewards that are hard to get, and feel really rewarding at the end. A tangible way to show you're an endgame player in that particular part of the game.

WvW armor felt that way at first. Why do you think you can cheapen WvW contents and leave nothing for vets to show they invested a lot of time and effort?

If you divided by 4 or 5 the time and effort required for PVE legendary armor tomorrow, or if you made the God of Fractals achievable in less than a year by casual players, don't you think long time players would feel cheated?

We need to have long-term goals for WvW , like in every other part of GW2. We need them to stay long-term and not cheapened year after year because of frustrated forum whiners who don't have the motivation to practice, persevere and get better at WvW.

Please stop transposing PVE event-farming mechanics into WvW. We need mechanics specific to WvW instead of draining it of its nature. With the current path you're going to see the most patient and long time players leave, for good this time.

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Is there even a way to tell if a player has legendary armor if they don't keep the skin?  I certainly don't notice so I wonder whether the idea of legendary armor as a way of showing off your dedication is really a thing.  For me legendary armor is purely a QoL enhancement.  I don't pay much attention to them but the titles that come with ranks are the obvious way to show long term dedication so rewards that give out too much WXP do seem ill advised.

I play the game because I enjoy it, I don't think the game "owes me" for the amount of time I've played and therefore has to deny things to other players in order for my efforts to have been worthwhile.  For me, having fun is the best short term reward and becoming better at playing is my biggest long term reward.  The biggest attraction of WvW for me is that the opponents are unpredictable and challenging, plus the comradery, no matter how illusory it may be.

That said, receiving rewards along the way feels good and having things that take a long time to achieve does provide something to look forward to.  Rewards that become useless after some point are a bad thing, after reaching a certain rank you should get access to a vendor that allows you to convert otherwise useless rewards into something useful.

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22 hours ago, Chaba.5410 said:

I haven't seen that base WXP has been nerfed.  Can you elaborate?


It isn't, everyone here likes to yell stuff after 5 min of play.


The WXP is sometimes far more comparred to the old system. It's just difficult to see why you get so much or sometimes less then the other players. It even feels random or something lol.


The ferocity of fights is insanely fun atm. You never get the idea that you are safe to take an objective. The old system is very boring comparred to this new one, and with a few tweaks we can rejoice... because WvW is alive again. 🙂

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7 hours ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

I haven't thought this through (kinda like Anet) and I'm at the point of suggesting something drastic.

Move Stone Mist Castle to EotM - enable some form of scaled down rewards, something like only reward track progress. People can circle jerk all day and work on their GoB and leave when done. If there are queues at least you can do something too.

Replace Stonemist with something else that is relevant to not only EB but the Borderlands too so we're not only fighting over broken rewards now. I have no suggestions. I'm not a lore expert. Help a brother out. Alternatively remove EB entirely since SMC is now in the reworked EotM, scale down DBL, simplify the mazes around the Keeps, scale down the Ruins area some what and replace every borderland with the the new map.

Finally increase map cap by 25 as a minimum and let those not chasing rewards in EotM fight it out with a little more space and map capacity.

Drastic yes, likely no, please do something new that will shake things up in a positive way.

They just need to tweak the event participation at smc, as that seems to be easier to get a higher level of event credit than other objectives, not to mention under attack more frequently for events.

There's no reason to remove smc, in fact they should add a smc that doesn't upgrade to the borderland maps instead of ruins.

There's no reason to remove EBG, it's the most popular map, you don't remove your most popular map, you take what's popular about it and add it to the other maps.

I've suggested multiple times on having double reward track progress in eotm in order to have a place for the gob hunters, not much support for that here, so whatevs.

They won't increase map caps, that would produce lag, eotm can already operates on multiple instances, they need to add selectable instances (much like they are going to be adding to pve soon as per the spring roadmap).

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My God, stop always complaining about Anet. I'm glad that anet now wants to bring a better system. Let's first see what the new system brings. It is, if it should come, 416 g per year when it comes. That alone will bring the Pve people or even the newbies into WVW. I think it's great that Anet now wants to focus more on WVW. So just wait and see.

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I have learned to not bother upgrading anything on Mondays because it is one big long ktrain, ppl trying to get the weekly achievements.  


it does seem to help that ppl get credit for repairing walls/gates.  I am not the only one doing it now.


but with less supply in the keeps, we often run out of supply before all the repairs are finished


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18 hours ago, Xenesis.6389 said:

They just need to tweak the event participation at smc, as that seems to be easier to get a higher level of event credit than other objectives, not to mention under attack more frequently for events.

There's no reason to remove smc, in fact they should add a smc that doesn't upgrade to the borderland maps instead of ruins.

There's no reason to remove EBG, it's the most popular map, you don't remove your most popular map, you take what's popular about it and add it to the other maps.

I've suggested multiple times on having double reward track progress in eotm in order to have a place for the gob hunters, not much support for that here, so whatevs.

They won't increase map caps, that would produce lag, eotm can already operates on multiple instances, they need to add selectable instances (much like they are going to be adding to pve soon as per the spring roadmap).

Those are good suggestions!

Regarding increasing map population counts and the servers falling over, we definitely don't want a repeat of the early days. From a purely server side calculation perspective I would argue that boon vomiting is contributing the most to server overhead. Condi's did during Condi Meta and those were toned down. If they ever decide to tackle the Boon meta perhaps we could increase caps as well as target limits as a result and go back to a semblance of the fights we had in the past.

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