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WvW new rewards


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The new reward system is garbage, it encourages people to just sit on walls and wait for handouts, we now have even more AFK'ers just running into a wall (they really need to fix that) than ever. Right now the Queue is 32 and i can stand here and see 7 AFK in SMC running into a wall getting rewards. 

and STOP the rewards for fixing the wall, selfish scrub bots are just standing fixing SMC walls for rewards and no supplies to build anything else.

And we still want more tickets not Grand Master Shared, i have a bank full of those.

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24 minutes ago, Kite.5327 said:

also rewarded indefinitely if just defend, rewarded once for a capture. why push anything. just defend. seems like a terrible design. not to mention all the fights in the field that are not being rewarded

You read this part of the blog post, right?

"Additionally, we want failed assaults to be rewarded in this fashion. This is currently not functioning, and we are working on it for a future update."


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5 hours ago, Goglak.2591 said:

this is so sad people are standing fighting over supplies just to repair walls, that is the only thing they are doing, and the queue is now at 100 on reset night. You can't even build an arrow cart !!!!!! no supplies.

100 in queue on one map? What map, server and how many in the other maps? Details help define an issue.

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I disagree that the new system is garbage. The idea of scaling rewards for objective events is solid as it encourages fighting in and around objectives. The devil is in the details though and what's happening is likely unintended given that repairing was nerfed in the past.

I gained 18 ranks from a little less than 3 hours of play last night. Over half those ranks were gained from standing around in SMC and repairing walls only once I got through the EBG queue. How nice of the opponents to keep using their catas (which we left alone of course) on the outer walls to refresh the defend event.

Clearly this is going to need an adjustment as expected since the "breakpoints" are being tested apparently.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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4 minutes ago, Zikory.6871 said:

I dont really care but I was getting a rank every 6 minutes "defending" smc against zombies. Didn't seem to get that any where else. Doesn't seem balanced between objectives. 

You were getting gold level participation for SMC defense every 3 mins.  Killing players would be the preferable method they'd want to incentivize in my book over repairing though.

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Calling it right now:

This current design will lead to degenerate game-play. Once the novelty has worn off and players move back to maximizing WxP and reward gain, we will see where we stand.

Karma trains and server stacking also did not start over night. It evolved into what we see today.

This amount of essentially PvE event related rewards tilts the reward balance more towards PvE game-play. Meanwhile the increased tying of rewards to individual objectives and content will limit the sandbox nature even more.

Feels good though, getting all that epic loot. Almost like running Drizzlewood Coast or other PvE farms on loop.

Edited by Cyninja.2954
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I did a disgusting amount of wvw yesterday. Blacktide/FoW had over 100 person queue on reset and the fights in SMC were a lot of fun!

I didn't really experience the pre nerf rewards at all, but the ones now I am more than happy with. I do hope they get the rewards for assaulting working soon because it really is a sad feeling to be the assaulting side atm when they know what the enemy is getting. Fingers crossed that's done soon. 

It actually feels like within a reasonable amount of time I can unlock those extra pips now. It was really demotivating how slow I was leveling thanks to playing mostly support with my guild. Fewer tags on ppl, less rewards and little pips combined for a bad feeling knowing I was kinda trolling my account progression not only playing wvw instead of pve but being support too rather than just dps. 

Only wish now is tickets were less back loaded. I don't always want to put in the 20 ish hours a week to cap them out and I don't. But knowing I *should* be playing more makes it feel more like a job and kills the fun a bit. And I know I am not the only newer player with the same feeling. I'd like one hour in wvw to be worth the same from start to finish in terms of skirmish tickets. 

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1 hour ago, Chaba.5410 said:

You were getting gold level participation for SMC defense every 3 mins.  Killing players would be the preferable method they'd want to incentivize in my book over repairing though.

I know this is a petty stance to take but after all these years of gaining 2-4 ranks a night. Getting 20-30 in a couple hours of being a ape in SMC feels cheap. Especially since that doesn't seem to be the standard for the game mode.

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these event rewards, though incomplete, are a step in the right direction, they promote toxic behavior BECAUSE they are not complete. 


1: SUGGESTION: there still needs to be MATCH and SKIRMISH rewards for victory.

a: there is a disconnect between PPTers and server "leaders" about whether to win the match or place 2nd or 3rd in the match

a1: server leaders decide to win or lose based on which servers they will face in the following week's matchup since:

a2: winners go up a tier and last place goes down a tier

b: the first hour or so of team chat after reset 17Feb2023 involved a LOT of toxicity where server "leaders" berated PPTers for causing a victory which resulted in moving up a tier to fight servers that the "leaders" didn't want to compete against.

c: victories should give better rewards to incentive victories instead of this toxicity


2: i personally think that matches are currently designed poorly in the 1up / 1 down functionality

a: it causes the above toxicity, because victory / lose pre-determines next matchup's opponents

b: SUGGESTION: matches should be designed more like professional sports seasons. not the current semi-tournaments

b1: since the season is basically 8 weeks (based on server links), the matchups should also be better randomized so that each team will play more variety of teams, instead of facing servers solely based on victory (1up)/ lose (1 down)

b2: even though weekly matchups are designed that way prevent burnout of playing every day, i wonder if it would be better for 3-day matchups instead

b3: skirmishes are nice 2 hour mini-matchups, but lack of rewards for winning a skirmish also leads to above toxicity, and i don't know how to offer rewards without resetting ownership every 2 hours, because it would directly conflict with objective holding and the current system of objectives tiering up.

b4: perhaps each weekly matchup should consist of 7 "games" which would include 12 skirmishes. where each skirmish would offer rewards, each game would offer rewards, and then the total record of the week would determine the final rewards for victory of the week. and then the total record for the season determines the overall winner of the season. (obviously, since there are 3 teams, each place would earn different tier of rewards) this would probably still be based on points earned per skirmish (determines who wins the game, as it currently determines who wins the weekly matchup), and then extended to points earned per game (to determine who wins the week) and then points earned per weekly matchup (to win the season)

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1 hour ago, Aelin.9317 said:

I did a disgusting amount of wvw yesterday. Blacktide/FoW had over 100 person queue on reset and the fights in SMC were a lot of fun!

I didn't really experience the pre nerf rewards at all, but the ones now I am more than happy with. I do hope they get the rewards for assaulting working soon because it really is a sad feeling to be the assaulting side atm when they know what the enemy is getting. Fingers crossed that's done soon. 

It actually feels like within a reasonable amount of time I can unlock those extra pips now. It was really demotivating how slow I was leveling thanks to playing mostly support with my guild. Fewer tags on ppl, less rewards and little pips combined for a bad feeling knowing I was kinda trolling my account progression not only playing wvw instead of pve but being support too rather than just dps. 

Only wish now is tickets were less back loaded. I don't always want to put in the 20 ish hours a week to cap them out and I don't. But knowing I *should* be playing more makes it feel more like a job and kills the fun a bit. And I know I am not the only newer player with the same feeling. I'd like one hour in wvw to be worth the same from start to finish in terms of skirmish tickets. 

Now try that attacking and/or defending a keep or tower on the Borderlands regardless of tier and tell me how you feel...

FoW are SMC campers and currently SMC is offering the only real Gold level rewards. Shits out of whack big time.

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13 hours ago, TheGrimm.5624 said:

100 in queue on one map? What map, server and how many in the other maps? Details help define an issue.

MAG, every map was queue with at least 20 and as high as 60 on another map, they are always queued now (full of PvE people looking for handout, AFK somewhere)

Edited by Goglak.2591
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4 hours ago, Zikory.6871 said:

I know this is a petty stance to take but after all these years of gaining 2-4 ranks a night. Getting 20-30 in a couple hours of being a ape in SMC feels cheap. Especially since that doesn't seem to be the standard for the game mode.

The amount of ranks does seem wild compared to what we're used to.  I suspect it will get reduced further as adjustments are made.

Edited by Chaba.5410
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3 hours ago, MarzAttakz.9608 said:

Now try that attacking and/or defending a keep or tower on the Borderlands regardless of tier and tell me how you feel...

FoW are SMC campers and currently SMC is offering the only real Gold level rewards. Shits out of whack big time.

We just defended our T3 keep and I got 2.5k exp and my 1 skirmish ticket. I mean it feels fine atm idk what else to say. I do guild runs still not just cloud in EB. 

SMC is flipping back and forth a good amount and the fights between all three groups has been fun. I will keep playing but I really am enjoying things atm ^^

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33 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

We just defended our T3 keep and I got 2.5k exp and my 1 skirmish ticket. I mean it feels fine atm idk what else to say. I do guild runs still not just cloud in EB. 

SMC is flipping back and forth a good amount and the fights between all three groups has been fun. I will keep playing but I really am enjoying things atm ^^

Was the T3 keep on EBG or a borderlands? Did you get a grandmaster mark shard?

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49 minutes ago, Aelin.9317 said:

We just defended our T3 keep and I got 2.5k exp and my 1 skirmish ticket. I mean it feels fine atm idk what else to say. I do guild runs still not just cloud in EB. 

SMC is flipping back and forth a good amount and the fights between all three groups has been fun. I will keep playing but I really am enjoying things atm ^^


So are the rewards on EB different from BLs?  Last night I got the same rewards for bronze defense of a t0 keep in a BL (Ascension Bay) as I did for gold defense of the same keep at t2 later (1x green "Bag of Gear", 1x "Heavy Supply Bag", 0 xp)

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For me and many others in the same boat, both the shards and tickets are equally worthless, I'm personally sitting on over 31k tickets and many others I know are sitting on even more. So anet deciding to throw tickets at people for trivial actions means virtually nothing to me as there is nothing to use said "rewards" on, as for the ranks it really boils down to an extra ~32s every 6 minutes during an active defense which is kinda terrible compared to earning 20-30g in ~45 minutes from fractals.

If they want to use skirmish tickets/shards as the bulk of the "rewards" (since they don't want to "damage" the economy) then we need better things to spend them on, armor is great, but once you have it you never need it again. Something like consumables, siege skins, trinkets etc... would give people something to look forward to, until then tickets will keep piling up along side badges and those useless emblems.

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21 hours ago, Nomad.4301 said:

For me and many others in the same boat, both the shards and tickets are equally worthless, I'm personally sitting on over 31k tickets and many others I know are sitting on even more. So anet deciding to throw tickets at people for trivial actions means virtually nothing to me as there is nothing to use said "rewards" on, as for the ranks it really boils down to an extra ~32s every 6 minutes during an active defense which is kinda terrible compared to earning 20-30g in ~45 minutes from fractals.

If they want to use skirmish tickets/shards as the bulk of the "rewards" (since they don't want to "damage" the economy) then we need better things to spend them on, armor is great, but once you have it you never need it again. Something like consumables, siege skins, trinkets etc... would give people something to look forward to, until then tickets will keep piling up along side badges and those useless emblems.

Did you finish mistforged weapons, mistforged obsidian and mist lord weapons? Out of curiosity.
IMO shards are fine, adding skirmish tickets everywhere was not a good idea.

Edited by Infusion.7149
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How does the reward system even work? How does it calculate who gets gold credit?

Because I noticed I can auto attack the Supervisor in a tower on Staff Elementalist while in a Squad and standing in the circle, literally doing nothing else, and get gold... but my Thief by himself in full DPS gear and traits + power infusions will get Silver credit when solo or in a squad subgroup by myself, despite him building and destroying walls with catapault, killing three or more players inside, killing multiple guard npcs, full melee DPS rotation on Supervisor and standing in circle to cap the whole time. It's been pretty consistantly bias and buggy with offense but not as much with defense. And I've played both chars a lot since the addition.

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You seem to get 5 bonus' per day.  And for once, people are actually fighting over more things, instead of just the poor guy who tried to stop a zerg by himself.

More things are flipping.  More skirmishes are taking place.  People are not just ktraining maps, that I've seen so far.  People are actually fighting, showing up to defend.

This is the healthiest wvw has looked in quite a while.

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