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Make Ranked Require 5Man Premades


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Ranked is as much a game of playing the system as it is the other team. This needs to change.
Right now the RNG of your team comp is leading to uncertainty, which exacerbates people’s desire to play on off hours and win trade/ play on alts with lower mmr so they can get less trash teammates or easier teams to go up against.

This competitive game mode should just be that, competitive. Go back to the 5 man setups but this time require a full premade team to que. That way it’s only up to you and your comp on whether you win or not.


Casual players can play in unranked, and if they want to play ranked they can LFG or find a group/guild. It’s not that hard.


This would help unranked also because it would pull out a lot of the try hards so that the people who want to play casually can mess around without getting wrecked.


Also show the team’s k/d in ranked. I can’t believe I have to ask for this after 10 years of this game being out.

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The game has the least possible ways to have finger pointing at anyone and the typical daily players are still too afraid to touch the mode.

5v5 is only going to multiply the issue that nobody cares about PvP even when it is in a good state, they never knew it has ever been either.

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Ranked needs to definitely not be premade-exclusive. That's what the Automated Tournaments are for.

If anything somewhat similar ought to happen, it'd would be the removal of the duo queue.

Ranked only is competitive in the technical definition of the word anyway. The spirit is long gone.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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9 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

Ranked is as much a game of playing the system as it is the other team. This needs to change.
Right now the RNG of your team comp is leading to uncertainty, which exacerbates people’s desire to play on off hours and win trade/ play on alts with lower mmr so they can get less trash teammates or easier teams to go up against.

This competitive game mode should just be that, competitive. Go back to the 5 man setups but this time require a full premade team to que. That way it’s only up to you and your comp on whether you win or not.


Casual players can play in unranked, and if they want to play ranked they can LFG or find a group/guild. It’s not that hard.


This would help unranked also because it would pull out a lot of the try hards so that the people who want to play casually can mess around without getting wrecked.


Also show the team’s k/d in ranked. I can’t believe I have to ask for this after 10 years of this game being out.

Hard disagree.   I think that any size team should be able to join, BUT, each player should be able to select if they'd like to be in matches with pre-made of larger number than the group they are in.

So if I single man queue, I could check a box saying do not place me in a match where I am opposed by any duo or greater.

This would give you your option... folks who wanted to 5 man could do so... and folks who wanted to play against that (all other 5 man groups must) could do so.

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23 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Ranked needs to definitely not be premade-exclusive. That's what the Automated Tournaments are for.

If anything somewhat similar ought to happen, it'd would be the removal of the duo queue.

Ranked only is competitive in the technical definition of the word anyway. The spirit is long gone.

At's are once every 2 hours. Ain't nobody got time for that. Another solution honestly would be just upping the amount of At's to once every hour. Point being ranked is already dead and this is the only solution I can think of to get rid of the RNG that players abuse.

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59 minutes ago, gmmg.9210 said:

At's are once every 2 hours. Ain't nobody got time for that. Another solution honestly would be just upping the amount of At's to once every hour. Point being ranked is already dead and this is the only solution I can think of to get rid of the RNG that players abuse.

And how many people do you think will actually look for groups? I doubt they are going to be all that many. Not everyone wants to organize.

Nothing good comes out of a mandatory group requirement. All your idea would effectively end up doing (likely among other things) is:
1) substantially increasing queue times due to a lot less people playing ranked

2) indirectly increasing queue times even further due to having to spent time organizing the party first

3) likely neutering the amount of builds played, because people will end up wanting specific build types on their team and nothing else


Edited by Fueki.4753
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9 hours ago, gmmg.9210 said:

At's are once every 2 hours. Ain't nobody got time for that

It's actually every 3 hours.

It's too long to wait for GGs.

They just need to do something different in low population for every mentionable reason.

Either enable 5 man premade queue or just permanently set it to 3v3s or something. Either way, people are tired of the synch queue monkey**** show. And those who argue otherwise are not understanding the placebo they live in with 5v5 duo queue. Aint nothing fair about it or legit or clean.

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18 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

It's actually every 3 hours.

It's too long to wait for GGs.

They just need to do something different in low population for every mentionable reason.

Either enable 5 man premade queue or just permanently set it to 3v3s or something. Either way, people are tired of the synch queue monkey**** show. And those who argue otherwise are not understanding the placebo they live in with 5v5 duo queue. Aint nothing fair about it or legit or clean.

Yeah they need to just take out the RNG, or lessen it so that people can't take advantage of the low population. Ranked is already dead imo, and just doing literally anything at this point to help would be better than nothing.

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