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Do we want Duo q, Solo q or 5v5?


Duo q, Solo q or 5v5?  

55 members have voted

  1. 1. Duo q, Solo q or 5v5?

    • Duo q
    • Solo q
    • Team v Team (5v5)
    • Actually also interesting how about Team v Team and Solo q seperate?

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Yep here is the Poll cause i want to See it. If we would be able to sweap how ranked Work? What would u just go for?



I myself would vote for Solo q cause its better to Balance out and fair for everyone. But I also miss the Team v Team time so I also vote for the Last one.

Edited by Pati.2438
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I was just about to create a post about this but i will write what i wanted to say here.


Hello guys,

So as our friend said, it would be a game changing expirance to have a team-q on ranked PVP. My reason to say this is quite simple tbh. Because of many trolls and abusers in ranked PVP, many of us have to suffer. 1st reason would be not having a team to match skilled players playstyle.

I want us to have a option to queue in ranked PVP with team with ONE condition. A team must not have more then 1 same elite spec. Example: No one should be allowed to queue in ranked with 2 troll core necro builds with lots of minions or something simler. 

When queing in team, if a team has more then 1 same elite spec then that team should not be allowed to queue. When in waiting room in PVP, those who quened with teams should not be allowed to change specs in the waiting area(1min waiting time). Having this kind of option will let us strategies our team formation to be effective in ranked PVP and this will make the ranked a real PVP where randome players & afk'ers will have to think twice before queing to a PVP. This option will also make sure that if player complains about a AFk'er then that complainer's objection will be invalid as he/she has an option to join & form a better team to PVP with.

I would also like to suggest to have 2v2 & 3v3 Ranked PVP available all the time so those who prefer 2v2 or 3v3 can enjoy the game according to their playstyle preferance. This will not kill any mode, but yes many may stop queing for 5v5 and queue for 2v2 & 3v3 for more intense pvp battle where they are totally focused on not capturing point but dealing heavy damage on enemy team.

This is all i wanted to say & make a post about.

Thank you for your time guys.

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SoloQ or Separate Queues just to satisfy the 10 very unique and brave people that think TeamQ Ranked will work.

Or at the very least to to make the argument bullkitten proof when the fake top players inevitably go to complain about how they are "unable to play with friends" again. Because that's what DuoQ was ever about. Playing with friends. :classic_rolleyes:

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2 hours ago, August.5934 said:

I was just about to create a post about this but i will write what i wanted to say here.


Hello guys,

So as our friend said, it would be a game changing expirance to have a team-q on ranked PVP. My reason to say this is quite simple tbh. Because of many trolls and abusers in ranked PVP, many of us have to suffer. 1st reason would be not having a team to match skilled players playstyle.

I want us to have a option to queue in ranked PVP with team with ONE condition. A team must not have more then 1 same elite spec. Example: No one should be allowed to queue in ranked with 2 troll core necro builds with lots of minions or something simler. 

When queing in team, if a team has more then 1 same elite spec then that team should not be allowed to queue. When in waiting room in PVP, those who quened with teams should not be allowed to change specs in the waiting area(1min waiting time). Having this kind of option will let us strategies our team formation to be effective in ranked PVP and this will make the ranked a real PVP where randome players & afk'ers will have to think twice before queing to a PVP. This option will also make sure that if player complains about a AFk'er then that complainer's objection will be invalid as he/she has an option to join & form a better team to PVP with.

I would also like to suggest to have 2v2 & 3v3 Ranked PVP available all the time so those who prefer 2v2 or 3v3 can enjoy the game according to their playstyle preferance. This will not kill any mode, but yes many may stop queing for 5v5 and queue for 2v2 & 3v3 for more intense pvp battle where they are totally focused on not capturing point but dealing heavy damage on enemy team.

This is all i wanted to say & make a post about.

Thank you for your time guys.

no to 2s and 3s all the time, at least, ranked versions....simply no

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It's a placebo effect guys.

No matter what you do, people will still multibox synch, classic win trade synch, smurf, run 15 alt accounts, 5v5 is ruined.

I for one am absolutely disgusted with the ranked mode and how it is overran with by far the most match manipulation I've ever seen in any game. If they don't change 5v5 win trade wars to something else, this will be the last season I ever touch a ranked game. And not because out of some petty reluctance but because the mode is full-ruined. It makes their company look bad tbh.

At this point they just need to set ranked permanently to 3v3 arenas and leave 5v5 to ATs, where you can't match manipulate.

Seriously though, if you think solo queue vs. duo queue is going to make any difference whatsoever in the rating you are able to achieve by the end of a season, you are living in a placebo. The same exact people will cheat, taking the same exact positions, and anyone not participating in the ****show theater will do no better than they do now.

100% guarantee you.

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We should allow team queue in 2v2, 3v3 and 5v5, however team queue games should only contain teams on both sides. All solo queue players should be placed in their own matchmaking (guaranteed 2 solo players in 2v2, 3 solo in 3v3 and 5 solo in 5sv5 on each team), and duo queue should be removed entirely.


Maybe allow duo queue in a theoretical 4v4 mode but that's all.

Edited by SoftFootpaws.9134
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Purely selfishly, I like DuoQ. My son and I play.

We're not great players. We play for fun. We play to work toward leggies.

In 5v5 we get stomped by organized teams.

In SoloQ we can't play together.

In DuoQ we have stupid blowout matches, but we also have a bunch of 500-485 matches that are so much fun it's worth coming back for more.

Now, if Unranked went DuoQ and gave Ascended Shards and League Tickets, I'd be happy. I have no interest in leaderboards, and would bless your 5v5 or SoloQ in Ranked.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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We want players to choose how they want to do ranked.

You can have any size team you like, and you may configure that you are willing to take premades larger than you or not.

SO if you solo q, you may set that you do not wish to be matched against anyone who is in a larger group than solo.
IF you duo q, you may select that you wish not to be matched against premades bigger than duo (though that will limit your match making so you might want to click that you accept 3 man premades to be matched against).


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7 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:


It's a placebo effect guys.

No matter what you do, people will still multibox synch, classic win trade synch, smurf, run 15 alt accounts, 5v5 is ruined.

I for one am absolutely disgusted with the ranked mode and how it is overran with by far the most match manipulation I've ever seen in any game. If they don't change 5v5 win trade wars to something else, this will be the last season I ever touch a ranked game. And not because out of some petty reluctance but because the mode is full-ruined. It makes their company look bad tbh.

At this point they just need to set ranked permanently to 3v3 arenas and leave 5v5 to ATs, where you can't match manipulate.

Seriously though, if you think solo queue vs. duo queue is going to make any difference whatsoever in the rating you are able to achieve by the end of a season, you are living in a placebo. The same exact people will cheat, taking the same exact positions, and anyone not participating in the ****show theater will do no better than they do now.

100% guarantee you.

The only fair way for 5v5 is already in the game as tournaments, Winner takes all. People might not like the timer, but this makes it fair since this is the only way teams will have to queue into each other, in the normal ranked people will just asynchronously play for points on the Leaderboard dodging games. If Anet wanted they could make some kind of ranking system tied to tournaments and maybe something like On demand tournaments. 
Any other that just involves Leaderboard with just elo numbers will just end up like the 3v3 2v2 seasons with some team having 100 0 or some kitten like that. It also the current leaderboard doesn't work that well with 5v5 since only one gets the first slot, when you look at the 100 0 groups in the 3v3 you can notice that they don't have the same rating even if they did the 100 0 together so the whole thing is stupid. 

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45 minutes ago, Vancho.8750 said:

If Anet wanted they could make some kind of ranking system tied to tournaments

I've been saying this for a looooooooong time but for some reason no one ever pays attention.

If they lowered AT times down to 1 hour intervals and tied rating/badge icons to AT wins/losses, it would be perfect.

Let's imagine a mediocre team. With the way ATs seed, you may get a match against a P2+ team, probably gonna get matches against new player teams, but most of your matches will be against other mediocre teams. There would be no more gaming the leaderboards with synch queues, no queueing into the same people for 3 or 4 games in a row. The AT format would surprisingly work very well in conjunction with Glicko to represent a fair allocation of matches against strong players and weak players, to gauge actual skill rating. I don't see how no one else notices this.

There would still be a small amount of bull**** but it would effect us far far far less than how it effects us now. We'd still be looking at a certain level of queue dodging and alt teams, but in the absence of synch queue throw monkeying, any efforts to manipulate an AT would be so much less effective than how they can screw people now. If anyone was going to take rating from you, they would at least have to do it by actual beating you in a match, not just having a throw screw you over.

Edited by Trevor Boyer.6524
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40 minutes ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

I've been saying this for a looooooooong time but for some reason no one ever pays attention.

If they lowered AT times down to 1 hour intervals and tied rating/badge icons to AT wins/losses, it would be perfect.

Let's imagine a mediocre team. With the way ATs seed, you may get a match against a P2+ team, probably gonna get matches against new player teams, but most of your matches will be against other mediocre teams. There would be no more gaming the leaderboards with queue dodging, no more synch queues, no queueing into the same people for 3 or 4 games in a row. The AT format would surprisingly work very well in conjunction in Glicko to represent a fair allocation of matches against strong players and weak players, to gauge actual skill rating. I don't see how no one else notices this.

There would still be a small amount of bull**** but it would effect us far far far less than how it effects us now. We'd still be looking at a certain level of queue dodging and alt teams, but in the absence of synch queue throw monkeying, any efforts to manipulate an AT would be so much less effective than how they can screw people now. If anyone was going to take rating from you, they would at least have to do it by actual beating you in a match, not just having a throw screw you over.

One hour is too low, there needs to be some level of inconvenience to make it an event, if the call to action does not force the "pro teams" to fight one one another it still boils down to asynchronous gameplay.  Maybe prime time gets the most points and the dead hours get kitten tier points, idk it just needs something to force people to actually compete.

Edited by Vancho.8750
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1 hour ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

Nah. We need 2s and 3s all the time. More than anything else. It will bring more people not less. 

"War is peace.
Freedom is slavery.
Ignorance is strength.

Forced 2v2 and 3v3 are a fun and effective replacement for every other ranked gamemode."

1 hour ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

"At this point they just need to set ranked permanently to 3v3 arenas and leave 5v5 to ATs, where you can't match manipulate."


Its a highly radicalized and irrational way of thinking, assuming that playing in full premade teams each and every time you want to queue for something remotely like competitive in other games will magically boost the population just because it theoretically gets rid of wintrading.

And all that for what? To chase off like 15 wintraders? That shouldn't be the general population's responsibility to bear. Arenanet should enforce their own ToS, those wintraders should be banned, and people should be able to queue in the way they want to. The way that is convenient to them, rather than being restricted because of cheaters they very likely care & know very little about.

Edited by Multicolorhipster.9751
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1 minute ago, Multicolorhipster.9751 said:

Its a highly radicalized and irrational way of thinking, assuming that playing in full premade teams each and every time you want to queue for something remotely like competitive in other games will magically boost the population just because it theoretically gets rid of wintrading.

And all that for what? To chase off like 15 wintraders? That shouldn't be the general population's responsibility to bear. Arenanet should enforce their own ToS, those wintraders should be banned, and people should be able to queue in the way they want to. The way that is convenient to them, rather than being restricted because of cheaters they very likely care & know little about.

You and I have been down this path together - I am all for the compromise of permanent 3v3 and 2v2 team ques with 5v5 solo que. 


DUOQ is ridiculous and a half measure. Do full teams or dont for 5s. If not though, give the people who like to que up together a place to do so. Also keep solo ques out of 2v2 and 3v3. 

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3 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

You and I have been down this path together - I am all for the compromise of permanent 3v3 and 2v2 team ques with 5v5 solo que. 

I remembered that and saw "At this point they just need to set ranked permanently to 3v3 arenas and leave 5v5 to ATs"

And that quote comes from someone who openly considers anyone playing outside teams to be "antisocial mediocrities."

Being the resident patron saint of antisocial mediocrities, I had to intervene.

3 minutes ago, jdawgie.1835 said:

DUOQ is ridiculous and a half measure. Do full teams or dont for 5s. If not though, give the people who like to que up together a place to do so. Also keep solo ques out of 2v2 and 3v3. 

I agree, but if 2v2/3v3 are unfortunately made to be our only option, then SoloQ is going to have to be included in that to some capacity.
It would be pulling a fast one to say "SoloQ can exist in 5v5" but then also say "Ranked should be 2v2 and 3v3 only" which; after 10 years, is exactly the type of stunt I'd expect people in the wintrading cartel to try and pull; from experience.

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We need Trevor-Boyer-Queue:
1) Only 5 man Q, and you must prove you all are IRL friends for more than 5 years.

2) All projectile denial skills are disabled.

3) All elementalists are permanently in a downstate.

4) Trevor has personal protection from anet, his rating can't go down. Because the Cartel, u know.

5) Everyone forced to watch Trevor's stream when they are in Q.

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