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THIS GAMES sPvP scene will be dead within a month!!!


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46 minutes ago, StarPT.7431 said:

Well of course, Minecraft is the game that sold the most out of every game. Minecraft is a game that my generation grew up with and the next one is growing up with it as well.

not the point.
the point is that in minecraft you swing and shoot and thats the depth of combat, and its already better then gw2 😄


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5 minutes ago, Leonidrex.5649 said:

not the point.
the point is that in minecraft you swing and shoot and thats the depth of combat, and its already better then gw2 😄


Minecraft doesn't have a bevy of toxic mechanics and oddly enough despite the huge amount of children that play that game and no possible regulation from game devs, there is overall less toxicity. 

I think this the case that minecraft attracts less toxic people than guild wars 2 does because it has very little that would be attractive to toxic people whereas guild wars 2 has a lot of things ripe for abuse in its pvp modes. Maybe even intentionally.


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4 hours ago, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Also, Starcraft.

No idea how thriving the scene is now, but it was a big competitive scene for nearly 2 decades.



It still is now. I occasionally see video commentary of competitive play every now and then on youtube. But more so in South Korea than here.

Edited by Dr Meta.3158
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You can get into top 250 with plat 1 ranking, that should tell you already that the sPvP is dead if we are talking about some kind of competition.

You either play it for rewards and once you get them you leave, or you play it for fun (which is the small minority).

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On 4/15/2023 at 11:03 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

Nah, this isn't the usual boy cries wolf about a dead game this time around.

We have another Blizzard Titan releasing on June 6th, Diablo 4. This isn't a normal arpg like its previous titles. Its pve is largely designed like the mmo that is GW2 and it's also going to have a dedicated open world pvp mode. It's going to suck the player base out of every other arpg and mmorpg on the market, and if Blizzard doesn't fail to entertain, it will keep that player base.

That same Blizzard that can barely keep WoW subscriptions up along with its historic Diablo failures is suddenly going to turn the action RPG market on this head? I'm skeptical. Also, don't forget: there is this entity called Activision that will have its mitts in whatever Blizzard does. (In other words, typical corporate America) Also, a copy of gw2 lmao? Pfft...ok whatever...It's just a typical mmo then, even if it is from the modern pioneers themselves. It's going to have all the typical bells-and-whistles (grinding, micro-transactions, etc) I've read this sales pitch before.

On 4/15/2023 at 11:03 AM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

A ridiculously large player base of people have rolled through GW2 and absolutely loved this game, many of them saying it was their favorite game due to the engine & mechanics both in pve and pvp. GW2 had the potential to become one of those classic go to games, where even a decade or more after release, it was fun enough to maintain playing even alongside of new titles. However, Arenanet allowed this competitive scene to fall into the absolute deepest levels of corruption possible, giving their player base absolutely no incentive to come back once they leave. If anything, they've given us incentive to never again trust their company to moderate a competitive scene.

June 6th will likely be a detrimental turning point for what's left of GW2's player base.

I was one of them. Then, I played other mmorpgs over the years and noticed that they are more alike then different. (aka designed to be grindy in an attempt to maintain players and the virtual world) 

Also, mmorpg communities need to wake up and smell the roses. mmopvp is over. Their era has ended. There is nothing they can do. There is no "WoW killer". There is no "make mmos great again". NONE. The experiment has already been done. mmorpgs, whether they chase that WoW money or not, are kaput. They'll never reach critical mass ever again. They'll just go back to being niche again, as they started. Studios have painfully figured out that mmos are expensive to make. mmorpgs, in particular, are not only expensive but also have complex mechanics and astronomically difficult(if not downright impossible) to balance competitively. This is why MOBAs, FPSs, RTSs, fighting games thrive. Their mechanics are simpler. Multiplayer rpgs(mmorpgs), on the other hand, have WAAAY too many variables to account for. (HP, attack, defense, vit, mobility, skills, skill trees). To me, this is why studios don't even bother. (To me, this is why RPGs are usually single-player!) Also, remember: western mmos are basically trying to keep up with the asian markets. That means, yup: micro-transactions, grinding, loot-boxes, skins, going all in on pve.

The era of open-world pvp, for instance, has been over for years. Nobody wants to play and build a character just to get jumped, looted and lose all their stuff. Those "good old days" need to STAY buried. There is a reason those 'old-school' mmos were niche. They deserve it...

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1 hour ago, JTGuevara.9018 said:

historic Diablo failures


Didn't they profit hundreds of millions with Diablo Imortal? Sure the game is trash pay2win, but if people keep giving them money, I don't think it can be called a failure for the company

Edited by Edu.6984
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On 4/15/2023 at 5:03 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

We have another Blizzard Titan releasing on June 6th, Diablo 4. This isn't a normal arpg like its previous titles. Its pve is largely designed like the mmo that is GW2 and it's also going to have a dedicated open world pvp mode. It's going to suck the player base out of every other arpg and mmorpg on the market, and if Blizzard doesn't fail to entertain, it will keep that player base.

June 6th will likely be a detrimental turning point for what's left of GW2's player base.

   Sorry to kitten in your DIV parede but I have to; at the time DII LoD was one of my favorite games of all time, and along BF Bad Company 2 the game I spent more time playing (over 1k hours in each). When DIII was released bought the game, the art book and a guide totalling over 120 €, and as you can guess I was thirsty about the game. Less that 4 months after the release, I did leave the game (which was really mediocre) and focused on GW2. Almost two years later I bought Reaper of Souls, and albeit it improved the base game it fall far from what DII LoD offered, in both fun and adictiveness. So played it a bit, some seasons, in which usually the interest lasted 2-4 weeks and then turned into boredom. Didn't bought the Necro class, I kept stacking hours in GW2 (currently 10k and going).

   I tried the demo from Resurrected, felt like wasn't going to bring up anything new, and didn't even supported ultrawide screens, so ditched any interest in buying it. Never had any in Immortal (is a phone game, I never play in phones, another trash product, anyway).

  I refused to pre-purchase DIV, instead Idid wait to the open beta. Leveled a Rogue to 25 and a Necro to 18. When the Necro was around level 10 the game already seemed to me one of the most boring and empty products I've tested in my life. The "story mode" is a bunch of chained dungeons, the meta events will feel like garbage to anyone which saw the ones in GW2, and the "end game" of DIV is just doing dungons and then doing harder dungeons (as Diablo III with the Bounties/Rifts/Grand Rifts, only this time the rift mechanics are worse). The game is unbeliebvably BORING, and compared to other action MMOs which tries to imitate (as Lost Ark) lacks so much content that feels rushed...  Which is exactly what is happening.

   PoE dethroned DII LoD as king of action RPGs due deept of the systems, constant addition of content and delevopers which cared about the product; that's how GGG profits ~40 million $ a year whereas Diablo III is probably making Blizzard to lose money just  keep the lights running. Streaming/content creation in DIII has been so dead for years that some of the best Diablo players moved to PoE, and the most followed ones in the D IV beta (aside Asmongold) were PoE players.

   I won't buy D IV; is a unnapealing and unfinished product made by a company which has no relation with the creators of DII. I guess it will sell well the first months (as happened with Diablo III) and will be next to dead after 4-6 months, because has litearly NOTHING to retain its player base. I haven't spent a dime in an Activision game in 8 years and seems that it will last for time...

   Now, about MMOs: I think that the one from Riot based on League of Legends will be a large success; they have crushed DOTA 2 in popularity and Valorant became an instant classic (ever suprassing CS in Twitch). They have the financial muscle and human brain power to craft a very big MMO, which will be f2p as LoL/Valorant/PoE, and they do put a lot of effort in the patching, suppport and addition of content in their games. Their products are in a lucky streak, they are big and well known, their cinematics are amazing and their competitive divisions are thriving, whereas Blizzard is now the company which used to rip off Games Workshop franchises, but now tries to scam his customers with monetization ideas extracted from the worst of the asian game market while also let their competitive games to languishing to death.

    So good luck with DIV.  

Edited by Buran.3796
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1 hour ago, Edu.6984 said:


Didn't they profit hundreds of millions with Diablo Imortal? Sure the game is trash pay2win, but if people keep giving them money, I don't think it can be called a failure for the company

This is true. Good point.

From a business end, it is a monumental success! From the player and customer however...

Also, a disclaimer: (I've never played any Acti-Blizzard products.)

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@Trevor Boyer.6524@Macmoarning.3208

On 4/15/2023 at 4:33 PM, Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

In a time before streaming & esports, Diablo 2 was being played by millions of people around the world for its pvp.

This is facts. Hold up. 

On 4/15/2023 at 4:51 PM, Macmoarning.3208 said:

Diablo is a pve game,

Wrong. Big Wrong. Diablo 2 was not a pve game. Diablo 2 was 100% a PvP endgame game. Theres no debating this. Diablo 1 Pve, Diablo 3 didnt even have pvp at the start. Let me tell you something though my dude, diablo 2 pvp was the best this world has ever seen. So much so that it is literally still happening right now. To this day, through JSP. I could literally write novels about this but ill keep it to this simple response: D2 pvp was a holy miracle accident of PvP. It was the Endgame no doubt, and carried Diablo 2 for 20+ years. PK1 - Pk12 Were the names of the games. You could type those games into the search bar and just enter into a game. PvP was active all the time everyday. Like I said it is still like this. Now the pop is so small though you have 1-3 games of PvP running instead of the literal thousands that ran. Clan Scrims, Contests, Tournements. Brother - Leme tell you. Diabo 2 PvP was the best PvP in any game. Those who were there during 0.08 Patch through 1.11. After 1.10 Patch my when nigma got introduced and gave casters access to tele. The game became literal PvP crack. Diablo 2s PvP was an accident, but it was 100 percent the whole point of that game. 

Edited by jdawgie.1835
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On 4/16/2023 at 10:23 AM, Dr Meta.3158 said:

Minecraft doesn't have a bevy of toxic mechanics and oddly enough despite the huge amount of children that play that game and no possible regulation from game devs, there is overall less toxicity. 

I think this the case that minecraft attracts less toxic people than guild wars 2 does because it has very little that would be attractive to toxic people whereas guild wars 2 has a lot of things ripe for abuse in its pvp modes. Maybe even intentionally.

Not true.

Destroying other people's creations is a pretty significant lure for people~

It's moreso the fact that most players of the game care about playing a certain way, the ways that the game can be played are separated from one another, people can choose what kinds of people they wish to play with, and people that break the rules in most cases get swiftly ejected from the community by moderators happy to do so, with the harm that they caused promptly undone.

Y'know. Good design. ♥

It's not that there aren't starving dogs, it's just that they're all outside, in the cold, Where they belong.

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1 hour ago, Luthan.5236 said:

I think that is one of these kind of threads ... that you can make every month. Then still people are playing (even the people complaining) ... and making another thread. 😄

that's right, pvp sucks (according to them) but people still play it and enjoy it. I, after years of trying different mmo, I still haven't found a pvp so beautiful and fun.
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My patience and time are way long overdue...I am running out of Patience, I am losing interest.. due to the Toxic state of the game direction, rewarding Toxic designs with giving it little to no punishments/consequences whatsoever.

There are so many potential healthy competitive challenging games arriving this year which, put Guild Wars 2 to shame (for a 11 years old game).

I asked myself, what has this game learned during its 11 years cycle compare to present and new games who has learned and who are in the process to showcase and demonstrate to the gaming industry that, they learned enough to not give their players. Toxic experiences and to not reward nor justified Toxic designs in their games


Afterall, it is the Customer Experiences that truly matters every business affairs.  Afterall, Customer Experience Is The Foundation In Business!!

These companies are investing time, communication, resource, time and are willing to invest in everything to give their player base/communit...exceptional experiences and Solve Their Concerns Without Having Bias, or Favoritism!!

Guild Wars 2 11 Years+ History,  Of Allowing... Repeatable, Endless, Continually Cycle, Of Toxic Experiences For Its Player base and Its  WvW and PvP Community.

Endless/Excessive- Stealth, Daze, Knockdowns, Immunity, +1 Shot, Invulnerability, Block, Teleport, Gimmick/Clown Fiasta Game Plays,

Endless Spamming, Endless 1 Key Button Does Everything, 

.The Thefts and Hijack of Professions Roles, The Thefts and Hijacks of Profession Identities, The Thefts and Hijacks Of Profession Designs, Endless Thefts and Hijacks of Profession Skills and Their Mechanics...

There has to be an end to the cycle and it has to be treated as an immediate threat. It is not even funny when treating the customer experiences like trash and feeding their experiences to Toxicity.

-By the looks in May Balance; Anet is going to unleash the first stages of Order... to counterattack Toxicity-

I expect June Balance to set the second stage....with furthermore, with more stages to surface.

In the end, I expect Anet to make it through the years with giving the Community the best experiences that we deserve.

Let Guild Wars 2 Past and Present Problems Die, Forever!!

(If there is a change of course... I will leave, walk away for good. I will have nothing to lose but to go elsewhere to where that serve my time, my happiness, my experience, my fulfillment, my care, my passion, my concerns and my joy)


Edited by Burnfall.9573
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