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I'm tired of extremely high level characters tearing through low level zones.

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23 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Man if only annecdotal evidence was all that was necessary for a problem to exist. I've talked to many people who have problems with something that simply didn't know how to handle stuff, they learned and the problem was solved. There are tons of things that seem like problems that really aren't. And there are tons of things that are problems for some people and not others. 

You need to see a significant percentage of the player base experiencing it, enough to spend resources on it. This thread doesn't show that, or rather, it's not evidence of that one way or another. It might or might not be true. But what you've seen in this thread is the experience of a handful of people who choose to share it. 

I once had a critique group comment on a short story I was writing. Three people said it was too short and needed a longer treatment to be effective. Three people said it was too long and needed to be paired down a couple of pages because the idea doesn't support a longer story.

I see people saying it's a problem and I know people who think it's not a problem , even new people just starting the game, and I interact with plenty of those. At the end of the day, nothing has been proven here. There are just opinions on both sides.

You can easily confirm its a problem within half an hour. Certain high level players deliberately Elite spec area of effecting/ mount slamming everything in one blow in front of low level newbies. Always the same names, always max level mastery points, same flash fluff glitter legendary skins etc. Mostly in Queendale, the spot they always hang out. Ignoring it does not mean it doesnt happen . I see it many times, for years. Not an assumption, a confirmable fact by practice.

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25 minutes ago, Bolbo Baggins.8594 said:

By deliberately making the life of new players miserable? The OP has a point about egocentric high level players area of effect/one shothing everything. You dont need to smash every enemy for dailies. Thats why i always shut of autotarget when new players are doing dynamic events in low level areas and use skill one. The type of players he is talking about are not normal civilised players. Its always the same Full elite, flash fluff glitter, full legendary, hyperactive on their mounts (mount smashing/elite spec killing everything in one blow) type of player. They are not entitled to anything, what they could learn is a little respect to the newbies, and grow up.

You don't need to be high level to one shot enemies in starter areas. New players may struggle, because they are new to the game. When someone decides to get their weekly BL key they'll blast through the place without issue even in starter gear. 

Besides, I'd love to know how they are making the lives of new players miserable. The only people I've seen complain about high levels in starter zones are other high levels.

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44 minutes ago, StuckHat.8061 said:

Funny, but also representative of a good point. You really don't wanna antagonize people who are just doing their collections or whatever, OP. I hang out in Caledon Province fairly often just to idle or do some events. Maybe my timing is just fortunate, but I'm usually the only one out of maybe three level 80s in it at any given time.

All of the cool level 80s hang out in Queensdale. 😆

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2 hours ago, Bolbo Baggins.8594 said:

By deliberately making the life of new players miserable? The OP has a point about egocentric high level players area of effect/one shothing everything. You dont need to smash every enemy for dailies. Thats why i always shut of autotarget when new players are doing dynamic events in low level areas and use skill one. The type of players he is talking about are not normal civilised players. Its always the same Full elite, flash fluff glitter, full legendary, hyperactive on their mounts (mount smashing/elite spec killing everything in one blow) type of player. They are not entitled to anything, what they could learn is a little respect to the newbies, and grow up.

Oh I see.  So if someone looks flashy and kills something before you can tag it they're blah blah whatever.   Like I said, they have every right to be there. 

I'm personally one of those that tries to be aware and considerate of other players, but you can be sure I'm not sitting out event credit and sometimes it happens where I get credit at the expense of someone else.  That's just how it goes sometimes.  And you can't tell the difference in that scenario.  So again, don't blame the player for the way the game is designed.

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On 5/29/2023 at 5:14 PM, drachehexe.6425 said:

Why is this behavior allowed?  Why aren't these super high leveled characters banned from starting areas, or at least unable to interfere with new players?  They're stealing all the fun out of the early stages.



the devs regularly make daily pve rewards appear in a low ranked map from time to time, this has happened for years. hasn't changed, and probably never will - thats some writing on the wall for you there.

you've just kind of used some niche isolated incidents to support a generalized untrue set of claims here. i've been playing this game since it launched. the only new player zone that was very populated was the queensland champ train, which was absolutely amazing. I regularly create new characters for map completions, and do not see this niche griefing the 2 or 3 people in this thread think is a wide spread epidemic lol

the other stuff you're talking about just sounds like you really can't stand other players having more power in the game than you or playing the same game as you.. maybe play single player games if it bothers you so much.

very cool you had to come to rant, but i don't think anything needs to change in the game itself. You might try using a personal diary or blog from here on out.

Edited by SinisterSeven.2781
missed a phrase
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13 hours ago, Bolbo Baggins.8594 said:

You can easily confirm its a problem within half an hour. Certain high level players deliberately Elite spec area of effecting/ mount slamming everything in one blow in front of low level newbies. Always the same names, always max level mastery points, same flash fluff glitter legendary skins etc. Mostly in Queendale, the spot they always hang out. Ignoring it does not mean it doesnt happen . I see it many times, for years. Not an assumption, a confirmable fact by practice.

I've leveled new characters even recently, on a Steam account and rarely encountered the problem. There you go, my own personal observations don't bare it out.

Also a lot of people sit in Queensdale and don't do events. I go to Queensdale to mentor.  And it's a single zone,  and the most populated low level zone. There are four other starting zones that are less populated.

So, to prove a point, you choose the most populated low level zone, home to more mentors, say people are hanging out at a waypoint and use that as evidence of a wide spread problem.  Not so many people hanging out at Horncall Waypoint are there? 

It's nice when you think your annecdotal evidence or even your experience is the truth with a capital T, but it's not, almost ever. It's one truth out of many.

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15 hours ago, Bolbo Baggins.8594 said:

You can easily confirm its a problem within half an hour. Certain high level players deliberately Elite spec area of effecting/ mount slamming everything in one blow in front of low level newbies. Always the same names, always max level mastery points, same flash fluff glitter legendary skins etc. Mostly in Queendale, the spot they always hang out. Ignoring it does not mean it doesnt happen . I see it many times, for years. Not an assumption, a confirmable fact by practice.

Did a new keyfarming run yesterday. Used a naturally levelled ele with gear obtained from drops i got on the way. Haven't ran into an issue you spoke of even once. The only place where more higher-leveled players appeared was the Shadow Behemoth (and that was completely fine - in fact, without them this fight after recent reworks turns really nasty).

BTW: on that ele i was still mowing down enemies with no effort whatsoever. At range, and with AoE. It's not the level or endgame gear issue at all. The one thing that matters is a massive impact of experience and understanding of in-game mechanics on your effectiveness.

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On 5/30/2023 at 8:14 AM, Ronin.4501 said:

I can only speak for myself regarding this issue, but whenever I'm taking a level 80 character into a low-level zone, I 1) remove all my trinkets to bring my stat levels down a fair amount and 2) if I see other players engaging with the same group of npcs I am, I try to let them take the npcs down to 50-60% health before I join in on the attack so that we all get credit. I tend to avoid most PvE in general and am only in these areas because I'm working on yet another map completion and want to get through it as quickly as possible, but at the same time I try not to screw over everyone else in the area by nuking everything in my path.

That being said, if you do come across players who are clearing out all the npcs in an area, the best advice I can offer is to move somewhere else for 10-15 minutes and just come back when they're gone. In almost all cases the npcs will have respawned and those players will have moved on.

I'm similar too, although I don't remove my trinkets etc, and I also speak for myself too, I do still ensure other players taking part in an event or something are being included and not excluded, I do hold back to ensure these players get to participate as fully as possible with attacking an enemy target. Hope that helps.

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Something else that's quite relevant but doesn't seem to have been brought up is that most "basic" mobs aren't very important to kill. It can be good for doing hearts, but other than that, they aren't worth a lot of xp, and don't drop great loot on average. Mobs during events getting oneshot is frustrating, but much less common since they tend to scale.

On the flip side, the starter zone bosses are horrendously over-tanky and would probably be impossible without endgame players at this point, because they got scaled up massively when boss trains were more popular, and never adjusted back 😛

Edited by SolarDragon.7063
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1 hour ago, Treacy.4067 said:

Because they are playing in low level areas and see a problem in their opinion. You're making no sense.

Playing there,sure. Hanging out?  Why don't they simply do what they came to the zone to do and then move on to higher level zones instead of staying in the starter or lower level zones and complaining about level 80 characters?

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Hmmm....why are high level players in low level areas?  The biggest reason I can think of is map completion.

Normally, when I see low level players, I go to another heart and return after.

But, on the topic of level 80s playing without curtesy in low level zones, as much as it absolutely pains me to say this, there are two hearts that turn me into the type of player OP is describing.

(1) Help Guard Barnaby-Queensdale.

(2) I am not sure what this heart from the darkside is called, but it is found at the Nolan Waypoint in Diessa. 

These two hearts can turn me into a SUPER BRAT!  I grit my teeth and proceed to get done as fast as possible no matter who is in the area...hating myself the whole time.  

There are three others I dislike intensely , but don't make me transform into the player OP described.

So, OP and others who have the bad fortune to encounter me on these hearts, I truly apologize.





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7 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

Playing there,sure. Hanging out?  Why don't they simply do what they came to the zone to do and then move on to higher level zones instead of staying in the starter or lower level zones and complaining about level 80 characters?

Are you really struggling to understand the concept of how the game works? There are a multitude of reason why someone would be in the lower zones.  You saying someone can't criticize something because it's a lower level area is very peculiar.

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1 hour ago, Treacy.4067 said:

Are you really struggling to understand the concept of how the game works? There are a multitude of reason why someone would be in the lower zones.  You saying someone can't criticize something because it's a lower level area is very peculiar.

No, I fail to see the OP's problem.  If the OP doesn't like high level characters interacting in lower level zones, then maybe the OP shouldn't play around in lower level zones. If the OP has specific goals to meet there, then sure, but don't stick around in the zones once those goals are met.

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33 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No, I fail to see the OP's problem.  If the OP doesn't like high level characters interacting in lower level zones, then maybe the OP shouldn't play around in lower level zones. If the OP has specific goals to meet there, then sure, but don't stick around in the zones once those goals are met.

The OP stated in their OP that they created new characters to start over.   If you searched that post maybe you would have seen that.   New characters often spend time in low level maps because, news here, they are low level.

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38 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No, I fail to see the OP's problem.  If the OP doesn't like high level characters interacting in lower level zones, then maybe the OP shouldn't play around in lower level zones. If the OP has specific goals to meet there, then sure, but don't stick around in the zones once those goals are met.

Did you actually read the full OP? And understand exactly what type/level character he is playing? I'm not saying other players of any/higher levels do not have a right to be there, but c'mon , man.

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10 minutes ago, kharmin.7683 said:

(sigh)  And once they complete the zone, they should move on.


Presumably, they'll experience the same issues in the next zone.  But so what?  This is a minor annoyance.  Get over it.  Everyone has every right to be in these zones doing what they want to do.  If there's an issue here it's that low level enemies die too quickly.

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7 hours ago, kharmin.7683 said:

No, I fail to see the OP's problem.  If the OP doesn't like high level characters interacting in lower level zones, then maybe the OP shouldn't play around in lower level zones. If the OP has specific goals to meet there, then sure, but don't stick around in the zones once those goals are met.

How do you know when their goals were met? Regardless your argument, again, makes absolutely no sense. That person had to have been playing to experience the problem as they perceive it. And let's say that person's "goals" were met and moves on, that doesn't somehow solve the problem they were complaining about in the first place.  And for your other solution, to not play in lower areas at all, well that is a ridiculous notion considering new players will literally need to level in them. 

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Very important topic that kills the enjoyment of new players. Anet should take this very seriously and go back to the drawing board to counter the growing power creep in the game. They should also consider the use of mounts in low-level zones. In most of these zones, new players do not have all their skills unlocked which puts them at a significant disadvantage, so even simple gear-and level- scaling will not help even things out. I think the only solution is to lock out certain skills in these zones which are meant for new players. The zones were made for their experience and not for a level 80 character to farm. 

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The stat reduction that Anet has in place was never enough to begin with, if you really want to make max level players scale properly would be to implement the same restrictions to them as a new player, which would be disabling the use of traits and the majority of the skills as well as keeping the lowered stats. So a level 80 character teleporting to Queensdale and standing outside of the tutorial spot will only have access to a couple of weapon skills and their healing skill, without access to any traits to buff them either. That would ensure complete equality, but I bet no one will actually enjoy that. 


Regarding maxed characters hanging around in low level zones being a problem, not really, most people I see that do it either don't engage in combat at all, or they try to not one shot everything. Unless they feel like having some fun by stealing a few kills, which is not the games fault. 

Edited by jason.1083
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