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Can we get back the old, bigger visual effects now? [Merged]

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Hello Anet!

Now that the new visual effect filtering tool is done, can we get back the original, bigger effects of some skills and spells please? Like NIMBUS cloud above tempest in AIR OVERLOAD, bigger fire tornado on fire or the original, proper ring of fire animation etc? It would mean alot to me, cause I am all about effects and feeling powerful! My suggestion would be to just add an option with "Improve your own effects!" Pretty please!

Edited by Caro.2730
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i do miss the big fireballs!

its mad that these changes weren't made optional.

if we have ultra PCs we shouldn't have to suffer visual downgrades to drag along the people trying to game on 2010 PCs.

Edited by Liewec.2896
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13 minutes ago, Thadeuz.5894 said:

Maybe this one of elementalist


Is that supposed to be a video trying to show off why GW2 looks bad? Large part of that coming from the overly bright on hit flashing. I've been playing since beta and I don't remember the game ever being that bad.

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Wow, you read my mind! I miss the old effects! I remember when they nerfed and it was so sad, but now they could bring them back with effect filtering. I must say that Elementalists suffered the most, I remember that fire skills took a big hit on their fire particles because of that. And I even feel that Catalysts' skills didn't get cool particle effects because of that.

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On 6/14/2023 at 2:52 AM, Arianth Moonlight.6453 said:

this is a 2010 game made with 2000's technology. Your meme build can't run it better than any 2010's pc.

check the video someone posted above of the old effects.

we lost these effects because of people playing on potato PCs.

and yes my "meme build" (is it meme to have a decent PC? O_o) played the game just fine,

we all didn't need to suffer a graphical downgrade for the potato people.

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Elementalist Overloads were a bit bigger and had more details in them, like Air Overload had a cloud hovering above your head. It was so epic! My heart broke when they toned that down. There really should be an option for those who want them back, to allow it with the new settings, especially that I am sure they have these animations stored, so it's not like it would be an extra work. Same with some mesmer and necromancer spells, or even guardians!

Edited by Caro.2730
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6 hours ago, Holo.2836 said:

I can't even remember what the spells used to look like, but I'm all up for more spell effects. They just make you feel so powerful.

Just look at the videos I posted... It shows how epic they used to look. Especially the Elementalist videos I posted.

Edited by DreamyAbaddon.3265
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