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Ranger June 27th balance patch preview


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1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

On second thought...I had the time of digest the changes and....they completely gutted sword with asinine changes, they removed the evade from sword 2 just for a mere 1k base dmg...what the absolute kitten...

It was clearly a PvE change.

They completely gutted its niche in PvP and WvW which was mostly evading, kiting and repositioning (it was extremely good at that). As someone that makes heavy use of sword in both game modes. I'm sad. It has to do A LOT more damage to be even slightly considered taking instead of greatsword.

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1 hour ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

On second thought...I had the time of digest the changes and....they completely gutted sword with asinine changes, they removed the evade from sword 2 just for a mere 1k base dmg...what the absolute kitten...

Yea, but you do get some vigor as well. I also think I heard CMC saying it was gonna be a chain skill, although that isn't mentioned on the wiki

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1 hour ago, Sandzibar.5134 said:

MH dagger loses a 2 use mobility for only 1 use?

Sword is made into Dagger MH, but for power rather than condi? Loses an evade.

These dont look like good changes.

How is still having two leap skills, one with an evade, anywhere near the zero utility soulbeast dagger? 

Not to mention how the cast time of Hornet Sting makes it a terrible evade skill anyway.

Dagger #3 was never a good mobility skill. Double leap finisher was good, but as mobility it was worse than a single sword leap.


Edited by Lazze.9870
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10 minutes ago, Lazze.9870 said:

How is still having two leap skills, one with an evade, anywhere near the zero utility soulbeast dagger? 

Not to mention how the cast time of current version of Hornet Sting makes it a terrible evade skill.

Well dagger had 2 leaps before. Thats not zero utility. Technically. I guess.

It wasnt good, but this seems even worse. 2 sheety leaps to 1 sheety leap is sheet.

Making sword go from 2 evades and a leap with (leap CD reset mechanic), to just leap and an evade (no CD reset) is what I meant by making it like Dagger MH.

Ie Both have just had what little util they had stripped EVEN further back. 

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38 minutes ago, Sandzibar.5134 said:

Well dagger had 2 leaps before. Thats not zero utility. Technically. I guess.

It wasnt good, but this seems even worse. 2 sheety leaps to 1 sheety leap is sheet.

Making sword go from 2 evades and a leap with (leap CD reset mechanic), to just leap and an evade (no CD reset) is what I meant by making it like Dagger MH.

Ie Both have just had what little util they had stripped EVEN further back. 

I haven't looked at the live stream.

Did they shorten the distance for sword leap? Cuz you really shouldn't compare it to dagger leap, dagger leap range is so trash its actually faster to hold the W key.

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2 hours ago, BadSanta.6527 said:

i dont get why alac is of GOL ,  when they nerf druid first with the claim that druid only take GOL 

You already took GotL in PvE, cause Seeds was useless and LL was an overkill.
Now there is an option to play dps with the condi trait instead of just support, making 2 choices being picked by default.

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  • General update :

Flanking changed in PvE to work on defiant foes: Whhaaaattt??? I did not expect that.


  • Core ranger

Ranger sword : The new effects sound really good. When they showed them in game I found that the sword 2 has a weird warrior axe animation. It is great to have serpent strike on its own but was a bit surprised by the range / animation choice of the skill. I wonder on which part of the animation triggers the evade. I hope it does it immediately

Farsighted: still not going to use it

Strider’s strength; not bad

Spirits : seems okish but I am not sure how the boon upkeep works. I also wonder how the Nature Spirit and Water Spirits will behave / if they have value updates since they were supposed to be near permanent sources of healing.

Evasive Purity no longer has an icd: Thank you!!!!!! It was so hard to make it reliable.

Spirited arrival : I liked the vigor… I guess might is going to be needed and can be good too.

Windborn notes : Really cool change. I might try it in PvP since the main appeal of a druid support (ancient seeds) got hit.

Protective ward : Hum… I want to love Guard. I tried it in every game mode after the change. But outside of the river of souls I have not been able to make good use of a skill that can suicide my pet.

Invigorating bond :  sounds better but I am not sure it will be that good. Maybe it will replace Protective ward in PvP.

Shout cd reduction : Ok. 

-> In general good changes. I really want to try the Nature Magic and sword.

  • Druid :

Cosmic ray : Very nice

Grace of the land : I have a hard time guessing the amount of might and alacrity on the future druid. My guess is that it will still be ok as long as you do not get into downstate (energy loss).

Glyph of equality : nice

Lingering light : Since you lose energy you still have a “hidden cd”. Is it about the skills in CA? Or does it mean the 20s in PvP could go down to 10 if you heal allies? If it is the later I could try it in PvP but might not use it in PvE.

Blood moon : cool for duelist builds

Natural balance : the 10% shown during the stream looked too good to ignore on condi and still decent on power and healer (stealth is still a strong option)

Eclipse / ancient seed : really sad for PvP support druid as it was the only thing making it viable or countering builds like Vindicator. With resistance being handed to so many professions it would not even be a probIem (even considering 99% of the playerbase does not know how it works).  I still understand it for the general balance. Maybe the condition coverage will be good but I am not sold right now

-> I am curious to find out how it behaves in PvE. There are some interesting changes but I think it took some big hits for the other game modes.

  • Soulbeast :

Spiritual reprive : good

Instinctive engage:  Seems ok. Way more interesting but probably not great.

-> Still no nerf to other professions makes it feel like it underperforms a bit.

  • Untamed :

Let loose / fervent force :  Could go with some surprise burst builds in PvP but not as reliable as ferocious symbiosis. It is going to be a bit weird and I am not sure the damage is great for a PvE quickness support. You probably are going to do 2 ambushes in PvE before swapping and icd is still a bit hidden (rotations will probably take that into account)

F skill cd reduction : meh

Ambushes coeff increase : ok

Restorative strikes : That is really weird. If I get it this is a straight nerf? I only used it in open world and story.

-> Need to see in game but I think it will need more

Edited by aymnad.9023
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16 hours ago, Lazze.9870 said:

How is still having two leap skills, one with an evade, anywhere near the zero utility soulbeast dagger? 

Not to mention how the cast time of Hornet Sting makes it a terrible evade skill anyway.

Dagger #3 was never a good mobility skill. Double leap finisher was good, but as mobility it was worse than a single sword leap.


I think hornet sting being a leap away in conjunction to the reset is what made it so good as a kiting weapon. In the middle of hornet sting animation, you can deselect your target and pan your camera around to leap away with 2. It's a very strong disengage combo. Anet should have just solidified sword MH as a defensive/condi weapon. Power specs already have greatsword. 


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13 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

I think hornet sting being a leap away in conjunction to the reset is what made it so good as a kiting weapon. In the middle of hornet sting animation, you can deselect your target and pan your camera around to leap away with 2. It's a very strong disengage combo. Anet should have just solidified sword MH as a defensive/condi weapon. Power specs already have greatsword. 


Hell no give me that beautiful sword/axe combo back lol

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17 hours ago, WhoWantsAHug.3186 said:

I think hornet sting being a leap away in conjunction to the reset is what made it so good as a kiting weapon. In the middle of hornet sting animation, you can deselect your target and pan your camera around to leap away with 2. It's a very strong disengage combo. Anet should have just solidified sword MH as a defensive/condi weapon. Power specs already have greatsword. 


This. Absolutely this. It could have been a kiting/evasive condi or hybrid weapon. It would have had its specific niche and would have made an exceptional combo with the shortbow. Now if you want a condi focused build with some melee, you have to settle for being Soulbeast and use the kitten dagger, something much more restrictive. Power builds already have greatsword.


18 hours ago, PaulPottwal.7239 said:

I think it's sad, that they didn't make staff into a viable option for DPS druid. IMO staff is a huge part of the druid class fantasy. Playing a nature mage without a magical weapon feels weird to me

Also this. Crappy healing and negligible damage with some mobility and proyectile block. That's it. It's a half-assed weapon. As I already said in my thread, it should be able to do respectable damage.

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Eclipse adding condi to CA creates another problem which is Anet is once again making DPS builds that have lots of free party utility in them. Didn’t they learn their lesson with Firebrand tomes?

For the same reason I don’t agree with anyone asking for staff damage buffs. Staff is a support weapon. Ranger does not lack good condi options already. 

We will have to see how a DPS Druid manages their CA, but this sounds like yet another issue of a DPS build having too much support baked in at no additional cost. What would make sense is if Eclipse changed the CA skills from support to damage ones. You trade the regen, condi cleanse, and heals for damage. You could even give it a new aesthetic like red or a dark purple to spice it up a little.

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Is there a screenshot or any news on if the abilities for the spirits will change (ie, will the passive of the spirits and their active abilities be the safe for what they currently are?)

Just gotta mention, if Storm Spirit is still fury passive and damage + daze active, this will be the first time since traps were throwable that Ranger’s will have a ranged damaging utility skill!

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On 6/12/2023 at 2:38 AM, AlexndrTheGreat.8310 said:

Is there a screenshot or any news on if the abilities for the spirits will change (ie, will the passive of the spirits and their active abilities be the safe for what they currently are?)

Just gotta mention, if Storm Spirit is still fury passive and damage + daze active, this will be the first time since traps were throwable that Ranger’s will have a ranged damaging utility skill!

While we don't know for most of the actives (changes, duration, nothing), here are the passives (not including durations or stacks because it may vary in pve/pvp/wvw):

Water spirit: unknown initial, unknown active, vigor x4 pulses

Frost spirit: resistance initial, unknown active, resolution x4 pulses

Stone spirit: aegis initial, unknown active, protection x4 pulses

Sun spirit: unknown initial, unknown active, might x4 pulses

Storm spirit: fully unknown

Spirit of Nature Renewal: the order of these is unknown. It will convert 5 conditions to boons, revive 5 targets, and provide regeneration. My guess would be regen->condi conversion->revive, but it could be revive->conversion->regen. I don't think the revive will still be on the slam, as with new Natures Vengance that is 10 revives, but I could be wrong as we don't know the order of operations here.

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Druid is getting hit the worst of all the specs. Blood moon is garbage in conjuction with eclipse. Staff CD recharge not rolled into it, and no improvements to staff even though there is significant nerfs to druid. Can they just leave ancient Seeds in? Many of us have been playing ranger since launch and have been through its ups and downs. I would say this is the most destructive patch they are going to release. Untamed changes are confusing at best, but no matter what they do it will be a subpar spec. It needs a total rework from the ground up.

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6 hours ago, RainbowTurtle.3542 said:

It's also sort of unbalanced since you can somewhat easily outlast their cleanse and stunbreaks and just make them unable to play the game.

Not fun on either end imo.

So why deadeye can do the same thing but on the worst scale and much more quickly? 

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12 hours ago, Strider.7849 said:

Druid is getting hit the worst of all the specs. Blood moon is garbage in conjuction with eclipse. Staff CD recharge not rolled into it, and no improvements to staff even though there is significant nerfs to druid. Can they just leave ancient Seeds in? Many of us have been playing ranger since launch and have been through its ups and downs. I would say this is the most destructive patch they are going to release. Untamed changes are confusing at best, but no matter what they do it will be a subpar spec. It needs a total rework from the ground up.

Druid will be either 1-1-1 trait or you waste your kittening time while Untamed remains a PvE spec at best...or try hard mode PvP yolo build

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