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Shouldn't we have another set of legendary armor available?

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3 hours ago, Solvar.7953 said:


As the OP referenced in the other thread, I'd certainly like PvE legendary armor.  I'm not looking for a quick or easy path, I'm just looking for a way to get it playing content I enjoy.


Assuming content you enjoy is OW, tell me, where in the OW having legendary armor is relevant? If OW only people got their lege armors they would still be doing their 4k dps at OW metas... Why having exotic isnt enough for OW people? The OW content is trivial and there is no difference what gear u have -.-.... 

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The game just doesnt have ANY solo content where having legendary armor is relevant.. so OPs wish is just unrealistic. In fact all solo content in this game is trivial.. and the only way to get a challange by soloing things in this game is just to solo group content. And i doubt devs intended for a group content to be soloed but thanks to the powercreep anything is possible in this game rn.

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26 minutes ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

why the heck do you even need legendary armor in the first place? Exotics will do you just fine in openworld.


For convenience is pragmatic answer. For perceived status is cynical answer. 

And while I don't agree with OP about easy access to legendary gear, I do hate how people are underselling it. So just hear me out. 


In a horizontal gear progression game ability to easily access width of stat blocks is power. 

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It’s not even about legendary armor. There are some very few open world players that can’t accept that there is something in the game that can’t be earned by playing only open world. 
If Anet would implement an open world legendary armor, they will be the first to complain that it’s too difficult. 

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44 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

It’s not even about legendary armor. There are some very few open world players that can’t accept that there is something in the game that can’t be earned by playing only open world. 
If Anet would implement an open world legendary armor, they will be the first to complain that it’s too difficult. 

"Why does it have time gates so unfair"

"Why do I need to do jumping puzzles "

"What's the point if you just ad an item for gold to let me skip just remove it"

"Too many collections to get this item what's the point"

"I am not good at doing adventures and can't get the score needed. Why does Anet hate me and not want me to get the armour"

"I didn't look up what I needed to do to get the armour and now I am half way through I have to do something I don't want and it'd not fair'

"Why does this involve doing this part of open world I don't like instead of the parts I do?!"




It will end up just like how people complain about the sky scale to this day. 

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21 minutes ago, Sigmoid.7082 said:

"Why does it have time gates so unfair"

"Why do I need to do jumping puzzles "

"What's the point if you just ad an item for gold to let me skip just remove it"

"Too many collections to get this item what's the point"

"I am not good at doing adventures and can't get the score needed. Why does Anet hate me and not want me to get the armour"

"I didn't look up what I needed to do to get the armour and now I am half way through I have to do something I don't want and it'd not fair'

"Why does this involve doing this part of open world I don't like instead of the parts I do?!"




It will end up just like how people complain about the sky scale to this day. 

Casual and open world players are just not the right audience for legendary armor. 
We all remember their complete meltdown because of the DE meta. 

Edited by vares.8457
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3 hours ago, Caitmonster.9036 said:

So let's make a PVE set that involves Fractals.

"BuT i HaTe dOiNG fRacTalS!!!1"

So then let's make a set that requires doing dungeons.

"BuT I HaTe DuNgEoNs!11!"

So then let's make it require map comp/openworld metas.

"BUt I hAtE MeTaS!1!"

It will literally never stop, and by your logic it'll keep going until eventually someone can just pick up legendary gear for free. And that just cheapens / trivializes Legendary Armor over all. It's legendary for a reason. If it's too much work or you do not want to try a game mode outside your 'comfort zone', there's Ascended. Same stats, rerollable, and probably cheaper in the long run.

And if you aren't wanting to do any of the instanced content that might require ascended level stats, why the heck do you even need legendary armor in the first place? Exotics will do you just fine in openworld.

 What a strawman argument.

WvW do what you do.
PvP do what you do.
PvE, do this stuff only a tiny percentage do.

You're okay with it, so it's okay. 80% of the playerbase probably has never touched a raid. This is a business, not your personal playground. The community hasn't played enough raids for the company to continue making them. That's why there are no new raids. Do you want to know how I know this? Anet told us this. They designed strikes to try to get more people into raids.

If I ran a vegetarian restaurant, tried out a meat dish and no one ate it, I wouldn't keep adding meat dishes and I wouldn't hide rewards behind eating meat dishes, because it's bad business.

Your strawman here is that you think that it's about ME not liking raids, or anyone else not liking raids, when MOST players don't raid. Most. So you're saying appease the minority and kitten the majority.  It's just bad business.

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4 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

 What a strawman argument.

WvW do what you do.
PvP do what you do.
PvE, do this stuff only a tiny percentage do.

You're okay with it, so it's okay. 80% of the playerbase probably has never touched a raid. This is a business, not your personal playground. The community hasn't played enough raids for the company to continue making them. That's why there are no new raids. Do you want to know how I know this? Anet told us this. They designed strikes to try to get more people into raids.

If I ran a vegetarian restaurant, tried out a meat dish and no one ate it, I wouldn't keep adding meat dishes and I wouldn't hide rewards behind eating meat dishes, because it's bad business.

Your strawman here is that you think that it's about ME not liking raids, or anyone else not liking raids, when MOST players don't raid. Most. So you're saying appease the minority and kitten the majority.  It's just bad business.

The majority isn’t even interested in legendary armor. Everyone who is has three ways to get it. If you are a PvE player and you want the PvE armor you can do raids just fine, the LFG is full with groups and there are many raid training groups. 

Edited by vares.8457
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2 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

Casual and open world players are just not the right audience for legendary armor. 
We all remember their complete meltdown because of the DE meta. 

You among the rest of the raiders , hoping from thread to thread telling that it shouldn't be nerfed :PPP

While casuals where forced with bad RNG and had to face the 80% damage reduction mechanic from back to back

In the same time , the same people , inlucind you mister Raider ,  where hoping from thread to thread , where you where telling the casuals don't need the Turtle .



Well...after the "Solar incident" where people tried to fire him for nerfing the 52k ele, you are running out of "allies" :PPP


(one less heavy chain  around their necks , trying to blame the company for what bad happens in the game .There's no need to exploit their kindness and getting backed upall the time .(We have Twitch drops instead :PPP)



Edited by Killthehealersffs.8940
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WvW legendary armor is basically a participation reward. The more you play WvW, the faster you get the reward, and the quality of your server as well as your own play can somewhat influence this as well.

PvP legendary armor is, again, basically a participation reward. The quality of your team as well as your own play can have a somewhat bigger influence on the time it takes you to get the reward. (Or so I'm told - I have no personal experience of PvP...)

PvE legendary armor has two major components: First you need to complete two collections which requires a bit of raiding (you have to successfully clear wings 1-4 at least once each, you need to kill a certain boss at least 5 times, and then you need at least one more successful clear of wing 4), as well as a bit of other PvE. After this is completed, PvE legendary armor more or less becomes a participation reward as well - you can make progress in raids even by killing bosses which are quite trivial, but you actually don't even have to raid anymore, after you're done with the collections - legendary insights can be acquired from strikes as well. Of course, the more you play, the faster you get your reward, and your team's quality as well as your own can influence the time taken to get it.


Do we really need another armor set which is a open world participation reward? Personally I don't really have an opinion, but if it were to be, it would have to be a very long-term goal. I'm thinking things like "an item that only comes from daily meta chests and each armor piece would require 500-1000 of those" or maybe " a random drop from legendary foes in silverwastes and each armor piece requires 100 or those". Very long-term but still more or less a participation reward. And this legendary would of course have to have skins of the same quality and appeal as the PvP and WvW ones.

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Yes, we should obviously couple a free set of raid armor with every gemstore level 80 boost! And while we're at it, give out some Infusions and RaidSkins with it. Maybe drop a free Gen2 Leggy in as well. Imagine having to play the harder parts of the game to get your gear. Or a vendor, for 250Carrots, 250Copper Ingots and 250Legendary Fish you should be able to get a piece of leggy armor at least. There needs to be a Fishing-Only Leggy Armor!

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12 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I have some news for you: the gameplay you like is not the only one around. The fact that vast majority of players prefer different ones than you do does not make the gameplay styles they like invalid or nonexistent. And yes, there's no point convincing those players, because they are as likely to change the gameplay they prefer as you are.

I've also have some news for you: Gameplay DO become invalid and non-existent when it comes to Botting.

And entitling to be representing the vast majority of players in this very diversed game - the tactic you've been constantly pulling for the past several years - is a deceptive one that have been repeatedly abused to disrespect the game and its varied communities.

Edited by Vilin.8056
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46 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

The majority isn’t even interested in legendary armor. Everyone who is has three ways to get it. If you are a PvE player and you want the PvE armor you can do raids just fine, the LFG is full with groups and there are many raid training groups. 

Why is it so hard to understand that making someone do something that don't enjoy for literally months is bad for the game.  It's only the best reward in the game for most people because of the way Anet put it in the game. You're buying into that, which you know, is okay. You can believe it. But this is pure human psychology. Lock a PvE reward behind specific content and people will want it, even if they don't need it.

I did it. I raided. I got it. But that doesn't mean it's good for the game.

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Anyone wanna take bets on how many pages it'll take before this thread gets locked?

I'm gonna bet 9 pages 

Legendary armor is suppose to be endgame content. If you can't learn how to do endgame content, find a group, or make friends in an MMO then that's on you. The game gives you problems to solve and doesn't cater to your needs. Get over it, it's meant for people who push themselves and if you can't accept that fact then stay in your ascended armor and stop cheapening the experience for those who have earned it. WvW and PvP legendary armor is a participation reward but it still requires people to put in effort to do it. If you want to flip camps for 5 min that's fine, but most people who do WvW actually enjoy doing it and it's a reward made for them for their participation, same goes for those who do sPvP. 

Legendary armor will never be available for open world, it might for strikes one day if Anet decides on it but in all honesty if it was available for strikes most of the people here would still complain about it because most of the whiners can't even do Harvest Temple on normal. 

Bottom line, if you can't do the content then you don't deserve the rewards it comes with, stop trying to beg for ways to make things easier for you. Get good. 

Edited by Zero.1028
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I might have been able to remotely sympathize with that PoV - before emboldened got introduced that is.

With emboldened it is no longer about the difficulty but only about playing with other people which as already mentioned is a pretty fair demand in an MMO.

Making PvE legy armor require raids is not more or less unfair than making PvE legy accessories require story meta achievements. Oh the audacity that I have to grind a living world map when I would rather do raids to get my legendary accessories! /s

Ultimately anet purposely spread out the acquisition methods for different legendaries.

Armor -> HoT and HoT Raids
Ring 1 -> WvW or PoF Raids
Ring 2 -> WvW
Accessories  -> Living World
Amulet -> Living World or PvP
Back -> Fractals, PvP or WvW

It's so you dabble in all types of content if you want complete legendary equipment.

If armor was available from Living World and accessories from raids instead, we would still have the same complaint but it's clearly meant to be spread out this way.

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

Why is it so hard to understand that making someone do something that don't enjoy for literally months is bad for the game.  It's only the best reward in the game for most people because of the way Anet put it in the game. You're buying into that, which you know, is okay. You can believe it. But this is pure human psychology. Lock a PvE reward behind specific content and people will want it, even if they don't need it.

I did it. I raided. I got it. But that doesn't mean it's good for the game.

No one has to do something they don’t want. No one is forced to get legendary gear. Ascended gear has the exact same stats as legendary gear. But if you want a reward then do what is required, just like everyone else. It’s bad for a game to change everything as soon as someone complains about it. 

Edited by vares.8457
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1 hour ago, Zero.1028 said:

Anyone wanna take bets on how many pages it'll take before this thread gets locked?

Its power gamers like you parroting the same talking point about entitlement in various and rude iteration. Of course it gets locked if you actively contributing to it getting locked, so I don't see why are you complaining. I don't get why you felt compelled to be the 12th person to call op or person who shares the desire for PvE armor alternative lazy or entitled. Op didn't even bother to respond yet. We are already on page 3.

It would be nice if people on the forums could sometimes talk like normal people and remember they interact with human beings.

Edited by SlayerXX.7138
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46 minutes ago, SlayerXX.7138 said:

Its power gamers like you parroting the same talking point about entitlement in various and rude iteration. Of course it gets locked if you actively contributing to it getting locked, so I don't see why are you complaining. I don't get why you felt compelled to be the 12th person to call op or person who shares the desire for PvE armor alternative lazy or entitled. Op didn't even bother to respond yet. We are already on page 3.

It would be nice if people on the forums could sometimes talk like normal people and remember they interact with human beings.

OP will most likely never respond they have said what they want to say and dont want to hear a different oppinion.

And why we might be against this is Anet developing this and the implementation on how to earn it might take away something better like for example housing, airships battle in they skies or the opposite of that digging down to a new layer and exploring the inside of the planet  from the next expansion since Anets resources are not infinite

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1 hour ago, vares.8457 said:

No one has to do something they don’t want. No one is forced to get legendary gear. Ascended gear has the exact same stats as legendary gear. But if you want a reward then do what is required, just like everyone else. It’s bad for a game to change everything as soon as someone complains about it. 

When legendary armor came out, there was a precedent set.  It was hard to get, and you can't complain about that. The complaint is that WvWers and PvPers can get it easily. As someone else said, it's a participation reward in everything but PvE.  In PvE it requires jumping through hoops that neither WvWers and PvPers have to do. They can lose every match. They can follow a commander and leech, or even just take soft targets, because you're rewarded for keeping up participation, which counts even if events fail. If you try to defend something and the event fails it still adds to your participation and it should. But that means anyone can get WvW or PvP legendary armor, just by spending time there.

What you're saying is it's okay for PvE armor to be much harder and more annoying for a big percentage of the people, because you think it's okay. And that's your opinion so it's fine. It's unfair and wrong to think that, because the two other "pillars" of this game don't have that same disadvantage.

And it will affect how people feel about the game. You saying they don't need it doesn't change anything. You don't really need ascended either, but all an MMO is is a list of things to work towards and if you have everything you need, you don't need to work for anything any more. And then you leave the game, because there's nothing to work towards.

I won't do specific content I don't enjoy, because I don't enjoy it. You're saying no, you should do it anyway. Why the hell would I play a game I don't enjoy. I paid for this. Anet isn't paying me.

Why should I spend money in a cash shop for a game that doesn't cater to me? I'm not saying that from my point of view, but I can say that other people will feel that way.  Some of them. How many? No idea.

But once Anet made WvW and PvP armor a participation reward, they broke what they did with legendary armor in PvE. Frankly I think there will be a set of legendary armor coming out for either Fractals or maybe even open world PvE at some point, and it doesn't matter what any of us say.

But I think if you want people to keeping playing the game after they're geared, you have to give them something they'll want to do at least a little if you're going to make the process take a long time.

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11 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

When legendary armor came out, there was a precedent set.  It was hard to get, and you can't complain about that. The complaint is that WvWers and PvPers can get it easily. As someone else said, it's a participation reward in everything but PvE.  In PvE it requires jumping through hoops that neither WvWers and PvPers have to do. They can lose every match. They can follow a commander and leech, or even just take soft targets, because you're rewarded for keeping up participation, which counts even if events fail. If you try to defend something and the event fails it still adds to your participation and it should. But that means anyone can get WvW or PvP legendary armor, just by spending time there.

What you're saying is it's okay for PvE armor to be much harder and more annoying for a big percentage of the people, because you think it's okay. And that's your opinion so it's fine. It's unfair and wrong to think that, because the two other "pillars" of this game don't have that same disadvantage.

And it will affect how people feel about the game. You saying they don't need it doesn't change anything. You don't really need ascended either, but all an MMO is is a list of things to work towards and if you have everything you need, you don't need to work for anything any more. And then you leave the game, because there's nothing to work towards.

I won't do specific content I don't enjoy, because I don't enjoy it. You're saying no, you should do it anyway. Why the hell would I play a game I don't enjoy. I paid for this. Anet isn't paying me.

Why should I spend money in a cash shop for a game that doesn't cater to me? I'm not saying that from my point of view, but I can say that other people will feel that way.  Some of them. How many? No idea.

But once Anet made WvW and PvP armor a participation reward, they broke what they did with legendary armor in PvE. Frankly I think there will be a set of legendary armor coming out for either Fractals or maybe even open world PvE at some point, and it doesn't matter what any of us say.

But I think if you want people to keeping playing the game after they're geared, you have to give them something they'll want to do at least a little if you're going to make the process take a long time.

In PvE you can just get carried through raids, now with the emboldened mode it’s even easier. 
It’s much faster to get the PvE armor than the WvW or PvP armor. 

Edited by vares.8457
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7 hours ago, Bankrotas.8215 said:

In a horizontal gear progression game ability to easily access width of stat blocks is power. 

Is there somehow not enough ways to get gear in pve?

4 hours ago, Vayne.8563 said:

What a strawman argument.

WvW do what you do.
PvP do what you do.
PvE, do this stuff only a tiny percentage do.

Do you need the rather obvious reasons for that difference between competitive and cooperative reward systems explained (again)?

Edited by Sobx.1758
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59 minutes ago, Vayne.8563 said:

But I think if you want people to keeping playing the game after they're geared, you have to give them something they'll want to do at least a little if you're going to make the process take a long time.

Open world pve players get the most out of any group with rewards added so they are the last ones that should start complaining about nothing to play for,  how many new fractals, raids, spvp maps, wvw maps have we got as of late?

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1 hour ago, Vayne.8563 said:

When legendary armor came out, there was a precedent set.  It was hard to get, and you can't complain about that. The complaint is that WvWers and PvPers can get it easily. As someone else said, it's a participation reward in everything but PvE.  In PvE it requires jumping through hoops that neither WvWers and PvPers have to do. They can lose every match. They can follow a commander and leech, or even just take soft targets, because you're rewarded for keeping up participation, which counts even if events fail. If you try to defend something and the event fails it still adds to your participation and it should. But that means anyone can get WvW or PvP legendary armor, just by spending time there.

What you're saying is it's okay for PvE armor to be much harder and more annoying for a big percentage of the people, because you think it's okay. And that's your opinion so it's fine. It's unfair and wrong to think that, because the two other "pillars" of this game don't have that same disadvantage.

And it will affect how people feel about the game. You saying they don't need it doesn't change anything. You don't really need ascended either, but all an MMO is is a list of things to work towards and if you have everything you need, you don't need to work for anything any more. And then you leave the game, because there's nothing to work towards.

I won't do specific content I don't enjoy, because I don't enjoy it. You're saying no, you should do it anyway. Why the hell would I play a game I don't enjoy. I paid for this. Anet isn't paying me.

Why should I spend money in a cash shop for a game that doesn't cater to me? I'm not saying that from my point of view, but I can say that other people will feel that way.  Some of them. How many? No idea.

But once Anet made WvW and PvP armor a participation reward, they broke what they did with legendary armor in PvE. Frankly I think there will be a set of legendary armor coming out for either Fractals or maybe even open world PvE at some point, and it doesn't matter what any of us say.

But I think if you want people to keeping playing the game after they're geared, you have to give them something they'll want to do at least a little if you're going to make the process take a long time.

You can literally acquire legendary armor from WvW by exclusively escorting dolyaks. No build or gear needed. If that's not easy enough for you then I don't know what can Anet add to PvE to make you happy 😵

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