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Will Relics invalidate legendary runes? [Merged]

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7 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

Stop being so overly dramatic; you can still choose all the stat bonuses - AND, do I need to point out again, that Rubi on behalf of Anet, have already posted they are looking into how they will ensure those with legendary runes are taken care of.

I'm just getting kittening annoyed by the community being so toxic about this change when they don't have the full picture yet. It's a game for kitten's sake...

Yes, there was a response that they'll look into it, but it's almost as if that response was triggered by this thread you're complaining about "because there was a response" 🤔
And at this point the new posters probably didn't even get to see that response because it's already buried in the middle of the thread.


Everybody is jumping the "oh, my investment is devalued, legendary runes are COMPLETELY useless"

No; the set bonus gets moved, your legendary runes will still function for stats, just like before. And they will have a solution for the set bonus.

Legendary runes can pick runes according to their stats AND the bonus. Not including bonus on the runes that previously included said bonus IS devaluing them. You're saying "they'll have a solution", but that's really not so clear for now.

Edited by Sobx.1758
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3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

(I'm going to quote myself from another thread...)

Two things:

1. Everyone will be affected, not just us owners of Legendary Runes. So don't feel overly entitled for a "full compensation".
2. Ask yourself this: If the Relic system had been in place since release, wouldn't you still have acquired 7 Legendary Runes?

I, too, hope that the new system will allow for an equivalent of Legendary Relics, so that we can have our fully customizable functionality back... But I don't feel "betrayed" in any way. It's a change, that's all.

1. not asking for a "full compensation" , not interested in a "compensation".

I want to keep the same level of functionality, in other words keep an account wide feature to use any 6th level rune effect available on any alt at any time. That feature basically enables testing any build at any time. NOTHING can compensate for  losing that. I'm not interested in gold or any phoney compensation for my time or whatever.

I've done my share of grinding and calculating, I didn't mind going through this because I knew once I'd crafted these leg runes I'd be FREE OF THAT. This is one of the best features in this game. I spent time and gold to obtain it for this ultimate freedom and QoL.

The leg armory was perfect. Freedom for long-time players to enjoy the game and easily gear new alts...

To me it's the same as if they removed mounts. It's a dealkiller. Removing one of my favorites features, forcing me to farm again to re-obtain it. It's not fun, it's a chore. I have a job for this.

It's even worse if you have lots of alts. I have 40+ characters. If you have 3 or 4 char that change doesn't feel so bad... What, you're going to farm for 4 relics? maybe 8 or 10 for alternate builds? Not that bad. Try multiplying that farm by 10 or 15... Still feels fun? Right now all my alts are full leg except for aqua breather. The breather is easily bought from Bitterfrost vendor and its importance can't begin to compare with the 6th effect of runes. So I'm going to need what... 80 or 100 relics? Are you kidding me? Me buying character slots and other QoL in gems was a way of supporting the game, and now I'm getting punished for being supportive and playing a lot?

That's the main feature leg runes owners are going to lose. Classic runes owners are not concerned by this specific loss. They will be concerned by the change, but not to the same extent. If you start building characters right now a classic runes user is even going to benefit from this change, whereas when you have leg runes it's a massive loss of flexibility, freedom to play how you want and fun. It kills one of the most interesting part of the game: testing all the builds yourself instead of relying on a website to tell you what to equip.

2. Without a leg relic, no. With a leg relic, yes but only if the cost and time required was 25% what it is now. 6th effect of the set is the most important reason to craft leg runes.


On a side note, WvWers and pve - haters should start to worry about how they're going to obtain the relics they need...

Edited by Eclipsiste.3251
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I made the investment in Legendaries because I got tired of chasing meta builds with each balance patch...I do hope ANET will come up with a solution that will allow people like me, who have made significant investments in Legendaries to maintain that QOL functionality that we paid for in Time, in game resources and dollars. 

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On 6/28/2023 at 7:24 PM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

Hey all, I want to give you a quick response on this since it's of interest to so many of you! We're working on some more in-depth information to share with you, but in the meantime I can let you know that we are aware of your concerns that the Relics mechanic devalues Legendary Runes. We want to make sure we address those concerns, and we're finalizing a plan to compensate those of you who spent time and energy acquiring those Legendary Runes.

We'll be back with more details soon--thank you all for your feedback on Secrets of the Obscure and your excitement for Tuesday's announcement!

Re-pinging this reply from ANet as it's pretty buried in this thread. I think most people on this thread would welcome this change but just want to ensure that it does NOT diminish the value of legendary runes that they spent so much time and effort crafting.

Personally, I was so excited when the new expansion was announced but the new relic system just left a sour taste and is the only reason why I haven't pre-ordered SotO. 


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3 minutes ago, Infinity.1087 said:

Re-pinging this reply from ANet as it's pretty buried in this thread. I think most people on this thread would welcome this change but just want to ensure that it does NOT diminish the value of legendary runes that they spent so much time and effort crafting.

Personally, I was so excited when the new expansion was announced but the new relic system just left a sour taste and is the only reason why I haven't pre-ordered SotO. 


Same... Both my wife and I were happy to see it coming and ready to preorder 2 ultimate packs. Not any more. Putting it on hold as long as we don't have confirmation we'll keep the same freedom current leg runes provide us.

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17 hours ago, Dondarrion.2748 said:

I'm telling you... this tiny change, for that miniscule set bonus effect, seriously, people are brewing a kitten storm simply for the sake of it...

If it is so tiny, such a miniscule change....if it isn't significant enough to affect players....why do it? ANet thinks it is a significant change, with the potential to impact the customer base, or they wouldn't be spending resources developing it. So, you may disagree with ANet's opinion on the change, and more power to you for having an opinion, but then you turn around and throw shade at others for disagreeing with ANet (just in a different manner than you do) on this change as well.

Some people may be brewing a kitten storm, but at least they aren't being hypocrites (directed at no one in particular, just the mindset) about it.

Edited by Ashen.2907
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The main reason I made 6 legendary runes was cuz I got tired of carrying and juggling around 10-20 runes all the time on my characters, I don't want relics to clutter my inventory now or have to repair what Anet removes with more grind. Hopefully what's in store for us is jus' giving people with 6 leggy runes a legendary relic. ;u

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6 hours ago, The Boz.2038 said:

Current functionality: Choose rune.
Future functionality: Choose rune.

Sounds the same to me.

Now, okay, sure, runes change functionality to lose a tiny portion of their effect, in order to offload it to a separate slot, but that doesn't change the fact that your legendary rune still has the function of morphing into any rune at any time you want.

So then they can take the stats they give to the six slot to the relic instead of the effect and we are all good.

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a big ++ to people saying pls announce legendary relic

and for the love of god legendary aquabreather already? but that's after the relic

my main concern is i was full legendary and now i'm not, and i have this relic thing i have to slot exotics into - why the heck would i ever do that? i'll leave it empty until you give me a legendary, not too chuffed about dps loss or whatever

honestly surprised by how little thought (seemingly from the announcements) was put into this; usually Anet are very on the ball with thinking through how their changes affect existing legendary owners/edge cases/etc

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6 hours ago, Infinity.1087 said:

Personally, I was so excited when the new expansion was announced but the new relic system just left a sour taste and is the only reason why I haven't pre-ordered SotO.

This is where I'm at. I will likely end up ordering the expansion but I am waiting for clarification first. Knowing how they'll handle this will also give me a better idea on what I'm should expect from the company going forward, as well as what I will be working on to prepare in game.

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36 minutes ago, Gimli.9461 said:

honestly surprised by how little thought (seemingly from the announcements) was put into this;

I believe that they put plenty of thought into it....they just misjudged the blowback. They knew the impact it would have but figured that enough other stuff being announced and a new carrot in the form of potentially significant power creep in the form of vertical progression represented by the new system would be sufficient to distract or placate players.

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1 hour ago, Gimli.9461 said:

honestly surprised by how little thought (seemingly from the announcements) was put into this; usually Anet are very on the ball with thinking through how their changes affect existing legendary owners/edge cases/etc


I legitimately think they just forgot that legendary runes were a thing.

The system sort of makes sense if you assume everyone just slots 1 rune set per gear setup (or maybe you have 2 sets for your legendary gear), because thats all runes are going to be after this change in most cases, especially with the changes to confusion meaning that you dont need a perplexity setup and a non perplexity setup between bosses on a couple specs.   Relics are entirely 100% upside if they're easy to get and only 1 or 2 will be relevant for how you play every spec.

It stops making sense when you think people switch regularly, which, with legendary runes, you can/do.  The bag space alone is a significant issue (if it requires bag space and isnt just an unlock).

Edited by Barraind.7324
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13 hours ago, Eclipsiste.3251 said:

Same... Both my wife and I were happy to see it coming and ready to preorder 2 ultimate packs. Not any more. Putting it on hold as long as we don't have confirmation we'll keep the same freedom current leg runes provide us.

They have said the whole system will changed for everyone, not just to those who have the expansion. 

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My logic is it could be the leggie quest vender in Lions Arch. Where we start our leggie weapons quests Kinda like they did with slumbering Conflux. He will take only one Leggie rune and in exchange give you a leggie relic. I made 7 leggie runes now if the Relic needs to be put in the helm make it two leggy relics can trade. Otherwise they can put the relic in the torso or something and give us that have 6 or 7 one for the set bonus. So we people know as well have the leggie vender send a mail saying something like come to lions arch we hear you have a full set of legendary runes we would like to trade for a one or two relics.

Not the first time we leggie crafters get a mail from that guy. This would also compensate the work we did to make all 7 runes or 6 runes. Also we wouldnt lose out on the work we did for making 6 or 7.

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I have multiple older Tyria only accounts (paid for, not free to play) that I still play and have worked for legendary runes for.  My impression on this "update" is that my runes that Ive worked for are going to be devalued and a relic introduced that my Tyria only accounts wont be able to get, therefore being perm. penalized.

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I legit just finished my full set of 7 Legendary Runes a few DAYS before this announcement came out 🤦‍♂️ (yeah, yeah... sucks to be me. I know)

But it's not like I got years of benefit from these things before they got gutted. When I think about the time and mats I poured into making them... <sigh>. It's just depressing.  I'm struggling to see what 'compensation' Anet can give that will offset the loss of the QoL benefit I was after, which was the whole point of making these things. The point was to be able to change a build in seconds while standing in the Aerodrome. So now I'll have to craft a full set of new relics to complete a build (or make a full set of legendary relics to replace the same QoL capability I have now).

I've been through rough changes with GW2 before, but this one feels different. Probably because this balance patch has been rough and it landed so close to the announced (controversial) changes that SOTO will bring . It's a LOT all at once. 50% of the friends I play(ed) with left the game after the balance patch dropped. Their beloved professions suddenly play like dirt, so they simply wandered off to play something else. No fuss. No drama. Just gone 😞

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I wanted those legendary runes for the QOL they offer. Taking this QOL feature away and replacing it with this relic system is somehow unpleasing. IDC about the costs of the dozens of relics to craft to make my characters playable again. As some already stated out, if you have 6 or even 7 legendary runes, you just don't care that much about spending some more gold. But the loss of this QOL (the reason why we built the runes) is not easily compensated by giving away some free relic vouchers or giving back the materials we spent on the then unusable legendary rune.

Please just give us an option to change one legendary rune into a legendary relic and give all the other players an option to craft one at an acceptable price.

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2 hours ago, NIGHTHUNTER.5139 said:

I wanted those legendary runes for the QOL they offer. Taking this QOL feature away and replacing it with this relic system is somehow unpleasing. IDC about the costs of the dozens of relics to craft to make my characters playable again. As some already stated out, if you have 6 or even 7 legendary runes, you just don't care that much about spending some more gold. But the loss of this QOL (the reason why we built the runes) is not easily compensated by giving away some free relic vouchers or giving back the materials we spent on the then unusable legendary rune.

Please just give us an option to change one legendary rune into a legendary relic and give all the other players an option to craft one at an acceptable price.

Same here i went through all the gold and work in hopes to never need to buy them again.

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3 hours ago, Lycan Nibbler.1567 said:

I have multiple older Tyria only accounts (paid for, not free to play) that I still play and have worked for legendary runes for.  My impression on this "update" is that my runes that Ive worked for are going to be devalued and a relic introduced that my Tyria only accounts wont be able to get, therefore being perm. penalized.

This is what it feels... Anet so obsessed with bringing newbies up to speed to keep them playing that they keep punishing those who played the most since day 1... The more characters or accounts you have, the more this change will punish you. The more you supported the game by spending gems / coins on alt accounts or character slots, the more this change will punish you. This is an aberration.

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A new thought for the Devs ... if runes in the new system are only bringing stats, please ensure that they add more stats than jewels. Otherwise the rage from legendary rune owners will be an order of magnitude or more worse than it already is.

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12 hours ago, Kaenaydar.5631 said:

My logic is it could be the leggie quest vender in Lions Arch. Where we start our leggie weapons quests Kinda like they did with slumbering Conflux. He will take only one Leggie rune and in exchange give you a leggie relic. I made 7 leggie runes now if the Relic needs to be put in the helm make it two leggy relics can trade. Otherwise they can put the relic in the torso or something and give us that have 6 or 7 one for the set bonus. So we people know as well have the leggie vender send a mail saying something like come to lions arch we hear you have a full set of legendary runes we would like to trade for a one or two relics.

Not the first time we leggie crafters get a mail from that guy. This would also compensate the work we did to make all 7 runes or 6 runes. Also we wouldnt lose out on the work we did for making 6 or 7.

Please don't reformate text and then copy it into your post. It makes it completely illegible in dark mode. :classic_rolleyes:

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