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Just want to say congratulations to the skyscale whiners

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9 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

You complained and arenanet compitulated. You get your free skyscale now. Well done. 

It is more likely that when any MMO progress with more content that also expect players to be able those new maps, that devs need to add existing tools like Skyscale as both a catch up mechanism and to save work hours to design something that already exist in game.

Placing Mushrooms would force player either unlock HoT mastery (to get access to vertical placed objects) or work on getting Skyscale on PoF maps.

With Skyscale as part of this expansion devs don't have reinventing the wheel and new player will also faster get around on older expansion maps, then if they had start from scratch.

I don't know if Skyscale from Obscura expansion will also give accesss to the same feature you get from working on Crystal Champion or only a base version, so I wouldn't complain as there are still reason to work on your mastery in PoF to get those abilities from Crystal Champion Mastery unlocked.

Catch up mechanism and saving time from devs to create ways to get around for new player or player that don't own HoT or PoF is a good enough reason to add Skyscale for those who haven't unlocked Skyscale yet.

Edited by ShadowCatz.8437
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1 minute ago, ShadowCatz.8437 said:

It is more likely that when any MMO progress with more content that also expect players to be able those new maps, that devs need to add existing tools like Skyscale as both a catch up mechanism and to save work hours to design something that already exist in game.

Placing Mushrooms would force player either unlock HoT mastery (to get access to vertical placed objects) or work on getting Skyscale on PoF maps.

With Skyscale as part of this expansion devs don't have reinventing the wheel and new player will also faster get around on older expansion maps, then if they had start from scratch.

Your post begs the question... What's so bad about older content staying relevant?

Edited by Einsof.1457
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To be fair, the grind for the skyscale kinda sucked. It had some fun story points (and I hope those aren't going away), but it was a grind. It wasn't as bad as the gryphon (that grind REALLY sucked). I'm kind of glad people won't have to suffer, honestly. (And it wasn't nearly as bad a grind as pathfinder is in WoW.)

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Just now, garpu.6210 said:

To be fair, the grind for the skyscale kinda sucked. It had some fun story points (and I hope those aren't going away), but it was a grind. It wasn't as bad as the gryphon (that grind REALLY sucked). I'm kind of glad people won't have to suffer, honestly. (And it wasn't nearly as bad a grind as pathfinder is in WoW.)

It wasn't a grind..it was playing the game. Why do you complain about playing the game 

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5 minutes ago, Blindness.7215 said:

Skyscale is now a free ??? In the new expansion??

If yes you (ANET) or some tittle better give a skin too the people who had it before it was free for players to claim. What a Joke


They want to kill old zones even more apparently

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I doubt it will be free, I suspect the same as with gliding, raptor and bunny.

All 3 you can get "free" now.

Raptor: at level 10 if you own at least Path of FIre or End of Dragons
Springer: If you own End of Dragons, you can go directly to the grub lane heart NPC and unlock it for free/no effort/no gold
Gliding: When you own EoD you instantly unlock it upon entering an EoD map (regardless of level)


You can NOT train Raptor, Bunny or Gliding unless you play the accosiated content. 

Furthermore, what I read, you unlock a similar mastery track as the PoF one for the skyscale, but those that completed the PoF track + the new track, will have more usability. So there is still a sensitive to play that content as well.

Lastly, nowhere does it say you get the Skyscale for free. They talk about a different way of getting it. Not a free way. We know little to nothing.




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I do think an excsluive skyscale skin - even if it's a random one from the gemstore - should be an additional reward for legacy players on top of the masteries (which they will no doubt standardise for all players in a couple of years anyway).

It does sound the skyscale will be essential though. If that's the case, I don't really want anyone new to the game handicapped

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I actually liked a lot of the process of unlocking the skyscale and thought it wasn't that bad (even though it took me a couple of months) but I'm not surprised they're offering an easier version. It sounds like the skyscale is going to be pretty integral to the new expansion and it wouldn't be a good experience if someone who doesn't already have the skyscale buys it and then finds that they have to buy another expansion and a whole bunch of DLC and play through that first before they can do the part they've already paid for.

Also Anet have been using the skyscale to advertise GW2 for a while now. I've actually reported one of their social media adverts as false advertising because it says "unlock your skyscale today" and that's impossible. Even if someone was able to do everything required in under 24 hours from buying the game the collections are time-gated so it takes at least 3 days. I assume they want to keep using it to advertise the game and making it easier to get is a good compromise.

Having said that there's no guarentee it's going to be free or even easy to unlock. The SotO page calls it "a new, streamlined way to acquire the skyscale mount". That's very ambiguous and they may well be deliberately avoiding calling it quicker, easier or cheaper because it's not going to be any of those things and is just condensed down to 1 collection instead of needing several nested into each other.

1 minute ago, Randulf.7614 said:

I do think an excsluive skyscale skin - even if it's a random one from the gemstore - should be an additional reward for legacy players on top of the masteries (which they will no doubt standardise for all players in a couple of years anyway).

It does sound the skyscale will be essential though. If that's the case, I don't really want anyone new to the game handicapped

There is a new skin. If I remember correctly you have to do both the old and new collections to get it, but I can't remember where I read that.

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I'm only worried how this will affect map design.

When I think of maps that make it feel like you need Skyscale to traverse it, I think of NKC and I hate NKC with a passion.

Previous maps were nicely balanced about springer and whatnot, just abandoning these notions of making maps springer and other-mount friendly seems like a huge red flag to me.

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Just now, Endaris.1452 said:

I'm only worried how this will affect map design.

When I think of maps that make it feel like you need Skyscale to traverse it, I think of NKC and I hate NKC with a passion.

Previous maps were nicely balanced about springer and whatnot, just abandoning these notions of making maps springer and other-mount friendly seems like a huge red flag to me.

I have to agree this is a bigger concern for me.

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Agree with Randulf & Endaris

They I hope its a grind tho for the new players. Skyscale is an OP mount too have if they will just start making everything super easy might aswell make it P2W. 


The stories when I hear people doing the quests for Skyscale is what add too the game community.  Its nice to remember these moments. I work full time took me almost a month too get it, felt amazing. Idk maybe im oldschool gamer in GW1 & GW2 used to feel diffrent.

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4 minutes ago, Danikat.8537 said:

IThere is a new skin. If I remember correctly you have to do both the old and new collections to get it, but I can't remember where I read that.

"Once you’ve unlocked the skyscale in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure, you’ll get access to a new skyscale skin collection. Completing that will award you a terrifying and beautiful Kryptis-themed skyscale skin."


Looks like it's accessed once you unlock the skyscale regardless

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3 minutes ago, Endaris.1452 said:

I'm only worried how this will affect map design.

When I think of maps that make it feel like you need Skyscale to traverse it, I think of NKC and I hate NKC with a passion.

Previous maps were nicely balanced about springer and whatnot, just abandoning these notions of making maps springer and other-mount friendly seems like a huge red flag to me.

Unfortunately Anet crossed that Rubicon by adding mounts.

Anyone who played WoW back in the day knows what was lost when flying mounts entered that game.

EoD should have been the flying mount expansion.  Im glad Anet has finally figure it out.

In fact, I'd make a map or xpac with no "core" ground.  Just and endless loop of space bent in on itself due to xyz plot device with various cloud city oasis scatterd about.   But my ideas take time to ripple through the matrix. So i take what I can get.

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1 minute ago, Treacy.4067 said:

I used to praise Arenanet for their design philosophy. They used to craft a game that focused on the journey, never discounting earlier content and allowing it to remain relevant.  It feels like there's a new crew steering the ship.

They're alienating old players but failing to bring in new. 

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2 minutes ago, Einsof.1457 said:

They're alienating old players but failing to bring in new. 

They certainly alienated me, I just retired my tag today lol. However, I do believe they are bringing in new players, the questions is, will they stick around? 

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29 minutes ago, America.9437 said:

Unfortunately Anet crossed that Rubicon by adding mounts.

Kind of true but also not. Personally I would have preferred if mounts were disabled in core tyria but alas, they decided otherwise and I definitely was happy about getting beetle races on old maps.

As long as mounts were grounded and hover ability couldn't be assumed, anet ultimately still had to keep map design grounded because the only flying mount in griffon was more for fast traversal and a better glider. That meant that a wall was a wall when it was high enough, a rift was a rift when it was wide enough.

These limits still held true until pretty much the skyscale came along and broke everything about it. LS5 maps still felt grounded and so does Seitung Province - other EoD maps to far lesser degrees imo.

35 minutes ago, America.9437 said:

In fact, I'd make a map or xpac with no "core" ground.  Just and endless loop of space bent in on itself due to xyz plot device with various cloud city oasis scatterd about.   But my ideas take time to ripple through the matrix. So i take what I can get.

Sounds like Bloodstone Fen v2. Honestly, the glider was just the best thing ever, a perfect middleground between vastly improving QoL and adding new tech and not breaking content.

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Why don't we actually see what the requirements for the alternative skyscale quest before starting on the elitist rants? Oh no, the unworthy are going to be not 15s late for the map bosses. The horror!

The original skyscale acquisition had its issues that made it not as palatable to some players but maybe they want it to play a bigger role in new content. And it's going to be the new content that drives the game forward.

Or they could just stick to more boring and flat maps. No point in a skyscale if there's nowhere interesting to use it.

I mean I personally got it for the AP; getting offended that people have some other way of getting it is pretty laughable.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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1 hour ago, Einsof.1457 said:

It wasn't a grind..it was playing the game. Why do you complain about playing the game 

When you want to and enjoy what you are doing in the game, that is playing the game.

When you are being forced to go something that takes many hours with a tedious process, that is a grind.

Do I have to explain everything here? 😶

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