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Weaponmaster Training Beta Feedback: Warrior

Rubi Bayer.8493

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My Point after patch and see what classes are able to do with e-spec weapons are baseline...... yea time to quit the game again and wait till something interesting.


For real Warriors used to be Weapon Masters with High Bursty skills that you need to fill with Adrenalin.


In reality Warrior got the worst of every weapon skills and its Burst skills are just Overnerfed not only this also its ccs are overnerfed too (PvP/WvW) ..... how the hell am i supposed to play this class when everyone get stability, Aegis, Blinds, Dodge spam heck it is even hard to land at least one single skill on some classes. This class will standing in complete trash tier again. You just hear it here first guys lol 😂😪



What we truely need to be not trash tier would be:


Better Burst skills:First off all Arc Divider this skill needs to deal at least 3.0 power scaling(PvE) (or just need to be sweaped to its old version) just to be rly usefull. Axe Burst (Core and Berserker) feel very unrewarding to hit something with please buff its dmg (at least in PvP/WvW). Mace Burst (Core) Its litterly not able to hit anything cause u just need to stay right in your enemy to hit it at all..... please rework it or something.  Dagger (Core/Berserker) Booth might need a dmg buff. Overall most Burst skills are overnerfed in terms of just numbers a Burst skill should feel rewarding if you hit it simply cause its fairly hard to hit one on enemy at all.


Let CC Skills do dmg again: Yet Shield and most cc skills are feeling pretty unrewarding to hit. Yes enemy is knocked but well most classes could simply port away or just blind you (or gain stabi this makes CC skills even more useless espacialy for warr cause this class need to knock players down for the shake of been able to hit the burst skills more safe)

Edited by Myror.7521
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On 6/28/2023 at 6:30 PM, Jzaku.9765 said:

[Slicing Maelstrom] (Berserker Dagger F1) isn't being reset by the Berserker heal [Blood Reckoning]. The copied animation from [Death Blossom] also means that it causes the player character's model animation to bug out and rubberband if you use it while moving. 

It must be nice for Anet to finally have someone to test bugs before patches (although we're unpaid).

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So... Warrior's getting Gunsabers right...? Right... ANet...?


Otherwise you're admitting that Gunsaber isn't actually "a super form" and Bladesworn's trade-offs are actually:

1) No Weapon Swap.

2) No Core Burst Skills.

3) No x4 On-Swap Sigils With Discipline Like Rev Can.

That seems like more than 1 trade-off to me. Just sayin.

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1 hour ago, Myror.7521 said:

My Point after patch and see what classes are able to do with e-spec weapons are baseline...... yea time to quit the game again and wait till something interesting.


For real Warriors used to be Weapon Masters with High Bursty skills that you need to fill with Adrenalin.


In reality Warrior got the worst of every weapon skills and its Burst skills are just Overnerfed not only this also its ccs are overnerfed too (PvP/WvW) ..... how the hell am i supposed to play this class when everyone get stability, Aegis, Blinds, Dodge spam heck it is even hard to land at least one single skill on some classes. This class will standing in complete trash tier again. You just hear it here first guys lol 😂😪



What we truely need to be not trash tier would be:


Better Burst skills:First off all Arc Divider this skill needs to deal at least 3.0 power scaling(PvE) (or just need to be sweaped to its old version) just to be rly usefull. Axe Burst (Core and Berserker) feel very unrewarding to hit something with please buff its dmg (at least in PvP/WvW). Mace Burst (Core) Its litterly not able to hit anything cause u just need to stay right in your enemy to hit it at all..... please rework it or something.  Dagger (Core/Berserker) Booth might need a dmg buff. Overall most Burst skills are overnerfed in terms of just numbers a Burst skill should feel rewarding if you hit it simply cause its fairly hard to hit one on enemy at all.


Let CC Skills do dmg again: Yet Shield and most cc skills are feeling pretty unrewarding to hit. Yes enemy is knocked but well most classes could simply port away or just blind you (or gain stabi this makes CC skills even more useless espacialy for warr cause this class need to knock players down for the shake of been able to hit the burst skills more safe)

I think to also clarify this sentiment more as well, just for the Warrior community at large, is that Warrior can win fights against other classes its just that the effort we have to put into it in comparison to other classes is a vastly different experience. To play well or do well with a Warrior against basically most anything other than itself its like you have to climb Everest without a Sherpa while other classes its more like trying to climb a mountain in your local area that has guides and paths.

Every class has a learning curve, but once they get over that hurdle they have the tools and effects (mainly boons) available to them to do what they seek out to do. Warrior is lacking in those areas, and the one class (Spellbreaker) that was literally designed to counter the boons in the game they continue to nerf its ability to do so when it wasn't even particularly over bearing to begin with outside of Winds.

Edited by KryTiKaL.3125
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This is gonna come off mad negative, so I'm gonna try to curb that. But I'ma just repost this here even though there are multiple threads going on about it, but I'm pretty done with this sh*t:

" The [Daring Dragon] alac change is another square-peg/round hole change that no one not working at ANet asked for. ANet, if you're going to brute-force overblown bandaid PvE boons, can you at least do it in a way that doesn't completely kill entire builds and playstyles that have been in the game for over a year?? Some of us have actually been playing Guild Wars 2, building muscle memory for it, and even actually enjoying it. Giving us 3 off-hand weapons, another melee weapon (support or not,) and a mediocore main-hand one changes none of this. & To all PvE players who don't know what we lost: Ofc 10s of unbuffed alacrity on Dragon Slash is "cool." You know what else would be cool? If it gave every boon for 30s, did every condition in the game, and gave free cake!!

When you do kitten like this without thinking twice or ever reverting/following it up in a way that demonstrates that you actually took a second look at it and understand now why changes like this reflect 0 understanding of the diverse player base and playstyles that you always preach that you supposedly want to cater to. It makes a lot of us "diverse" disposable wallets that have been playing your game, that you are blatantly shitting on not actually want to play your game, or for that matter buy your new expansion.

Stop alienating ~1/9 of your playerbase. Restore the old, fun[Daring Dragon] so people who want to enjoy and who were making it work can. Put alacrity on [Lush Forest] or literally anywhere else like it should be. Give us Gunsabers on core Warrior+. Or in some way SHOW THAT SOMEONE OVER THERE HAS IN ANY WAY TOUCHED A WARRIOR BEFORE AND HAS AT LEAST SOME SEMBLANCE OF HOW TO PLAY IT IN A FUN WAY. "


ANet I've been waiting for 10+ years through every iteration of "balance teams" that you have had. And I can tell you, unequivocally, that this is the most disrespected as a Warrior player I've felt. And that's saying a lot. Mostly because instead of usually getting ignored as we have been is alac changes and the proposed weapon demonstrates AN UNHOLY AMOUNT OF APATHY towards Warrior as a profession when it had the most potential.

I have literally no shortage of disposable income. Put alacrity on [Lush Forest], [Immortal Dragon], or literally anywhere else. Make staff the f-ing dopest thing I've ever touched in a video game, give us Gunsabers on core, update or revamp the ALL USELESS slew of core weapons' Warriors have. Or in some other way show that you want our money, or I'm just done man.

Edited by CornFarm.9260
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10 minutes ago, CornFarm.9260 said:

This is gonna come off mad negative, so I'm gonna try to curb that. But I'ma just repost this here even though there are multiple threads going on about it, but I'm pretty done with this sh*t:

" The [Daring Dragon] alac change is another square-peg/round hole change that no one not working at ANet asked for. ANet, if you're going to brute-force overblown bandaid PvE boons, can you at least do it in a way that doesn't completely kill entire builds and playstyles that have been in the game for over a year?? Some of us have actually been playing Guild Wars 2, building muscle memory for it, and even actually enjoying it. Giving us 3 off-hand weapons, another melee weapon (support or not,) and a mediocore main-hand one changes none of this. & To all PvE players who don't know what we lost: Ofc 10s of unbuffed alacrity on Dragon Slash is "cool." You know what else would be cool? If it gave every boon for 30s, did every condition in the game, and gave free cake!!

When you do kitten like this without thinking twice or ever reverting/following it up in a way that demonstrates that you actually took a second look at it and understand now why changes like this reflect 0 understanding of the diverse player base and playstyles that you always preach that you supposedly want to cater to. It makes a lot of us "diverse" disposable wallets that have been playing your game, that you are blatantly shitting on not actually want to play your game, or for that matter buy your new expansion.

Stop alienating ~1/9 of your playerbase. Restore the old, fun[Daring Dragon] so people who want to enjoy and who were making it work can. Put alacrity on [Lush Forest] or literally anywhere else like it should be. Give us Gunsabers on core Warrior+. Or in some way SHOW THAT SOMEONE OVER THERE HAS IN ANY WAY TOUCHED A WARRIOR BEFORE AND HAS AT LEAST SOME SEMBLANCE OF HOW TO PLAY IT IN A FUN WAY. "


ANet I've been waiting for 10+ years through every iteration of "balance teams" that you have had. And I can tell you, unequivocally, that this is the most disrespected as a Warrior player I've felt. And that's saying a lot. Mostly because instead of usually getting ignored as we have been is alac changes and the proposed weapon demonstrates AN UNHOLY AMOUNT OF APATHY towards Warrior as a profession when it had the most potential.

I have literally no shortage of disposable income. Put alacrity on [Lush Forest], [Immortal Dragon], or literally anywhere else. Make staff the f-ing dopest thing I've ever touched in a video game, give us Gunsabers on core, update or revamp the ALL USELESS slew of core weapons' Warriors have. Or in some other way show that you want our money, or I'm just done man.

This is indeed kinda harsh ^ but I kinda agree... Even as a newer player I'm not super thrilled that my main DD playstyle got yoinked' with 0 warning. Especially when there seem pretty obvious other options. >< Pls change.

Also I'm not sure what, exactly the utility of giving a primarily an off-hand condi weapon like Torch is to other Specializations. Especially when most of those Specializations can't effectively use the good' condi gear like cele/have any condi builds or really skills or traits...

Edited by GigityCat.7529
spacing sorry ><
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8 hours ago, Jzaku.9765 said:
  • Pistol is really useless on all other Warrior specs because it was intentionally designed in an overcrowded space (Warrior Offhands) and needed [Overcharged Cartridges] and [Fierce As Fire] to force it to be playable on Bladesworn over Axe.
  • Dagger is really useless on Berserker because Power Berserker is designed to spam Decapitate, only have time to swap to another weapon with good burst for 5s when it runs out of Axe cooldowns, which Dagger does not have.
  • Bladesworn is designed to barely Autoattack with their regular weapon so Dagger doesnt make a difference on it either.
  • Dagger Offhand continues to be a terrible weapon in general, I hope Anet doesn't believe meme golem benchmarks involving it because Training Golems never attack.
  • I would say Torch is useful on other Warrior specs if any of them could slap together a condi build that competes with Berserker (which they cannot because they are all melee bruisers).

Basically Warrior barely (if at all) benefits from this Weapon Master Training thing.

The weapons are too one-dimensional, competing with each other just like Warrior's especs themselves.

Other classes have interesting options like having support-themed weapons suddenly available on their DPS specs, or having strong DPS weapons suddenly available on their support specs.

OH torch may be okay on spell. There may be some sort of condition build buried in there somewhere. That’s about it. It does kind of feel like other classes will benefit a lot more from getting their weapons expanded than Warrior since we have mostly off hands and our existing options are already  strong. 

Edited by oscuro.9720
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1 hour ago, oscuro.9720 said:

OH torch may be okay on spell. There may be some sort of condition build buried in there somewhere. That’s about it. It does kind of feel like other classes will benefit a lot more from getting their weapons expanded than Warrior since we have mostly off hands and our existing options are already  strong. 

I tried torch on condi spellbreaker - it feels better than sword offhand at least for condi spellbreaker which desperately needs the extra damage. But torch 5 radius is really small and easily kitable, which is the weakest part of the weapon. If the radius on torch 5 was 240, then we’d be cooking a little bit. Also need the weapon CDs reduced on torch.


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2 hours ago, ProverbsofHell.2307 said:

I tried torch on condi spellbreaker - it feels better than sword offhand at least for condi spellbreaker which desperately needs the extra damage. But torch 5 radius is really small and easily kitable, which is the weakest part of the weapon. If the radius on torch 5 was 240, then we’d be cooking a little bit. Also need the weapon CDs reduced on torch.


it's trash, off hand sword skills are so much easier to hit. and pulsing condition is literally stronger and adding 2 extra condition type is crucial for condition build, while even if by some miracle you landed a big burning with off-hand torch, it will get cleansed instantly. not to mention having a full block at range.

Edited by Lighter.5631
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Feedback eh? Well then!

How about actually thinking about warriors for once? I don't suppose you all realize that warrior is supposed to be the 'weapon master' profession. This weapon system change, in practice, puts all other classes on the path to becoming warrior except for...warriors themselves. gw2 is blurring the warrior's identity. What is even the point of this class then? On top of that, non-warrior classes get enhanced functionality due to their elite weapons finally being opened up for general use and their unique class mechanics. Also , warriors get NOTHING out of this. Torch is a horrid mismatch for anything but berzerker. Pistol is just an atrocious weapon in general and can't see it working with any spec whatsoever. Dagger, regardless of spec, is but a copy of mace in practice. That is, short-range with hard to land skills. And oh yes, each class gets a new weapon at expansion day. And finally, no matter the weapon, warrior lives and dies on the F1 burst.

But I get it. Warrior neglect is just a daily occurrence. All I know is I strongly recommend a beta event with staff before the release of the 4th expansion or you WILL see an exodus of warriors finally kick this so-called "RPG" to the curb and leave this game and blast it on the internet. gw2's PR machine is going to have to work overtime! A McDonalds at 3am in a club night is managed better than gw2. (I used to work night shift in food service...I know)

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Slicing Maelstrom animation locks the player after the attack hits. The original animation, from thief dagger/dagger 3, is longer than what it's purposed for with Warrior. Even if you weapon swap to cancel the ending frames you'll stand there due to the "full animation" window still being active for a second. Warrior rifle 4 used to do the same thing after weapon swapping to cancel the evade. You couldn't attack. Just stand there. This longer than necessary animation window makes Berserker Dagger clunky and unfun to play.

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How about they restore all cc damage back to warrior that way it at least has something unique about it given that in order to land a lot of its attacks it needs to land cc anyway at least that way if we actually get close enough to land a cc on a enemy we would actually feel rewarded for it since out of all the classes we have the most telling animations to let them side step us or blink just out of range or crap out ageis  ,blind, or complete segments of invulnerability that cannot  be hit with either power damage nor conditions but only conditions if you get lucky enough with little counter ability.                       

Or given that we  can't even touch foes that have more then 3 stacks of stability at a Time Coupled with say if you choose to run hammer and mace/ shield or dual maces you literally can do nothing. Do any of the devs have a warrior created and tried playing one in wvw, just I am curious is all?  Shield skills are still missing the cooldown reduction even though you can't attack while blocking and you can be cced out of it anyways. What is it that makes warrior special compared to the other classes is what the devs truly need to think about. Why should I play a warrior what should warrior be decent at? I have  roughly close to 10,000 hours roughly on the same exact warrior I have played for 10 years after I had joined this game shortly after launch.

Before the cc blanket nerf I enjoyed playing mace and shield with hammer I couldn't defeat people easily with them because I chose to run a tanky setup to be more or less a distraction to get the enemy players to focus their attention on me and not my allies, warrior at one time even had a passive trait that would reduce damage take while rezzing fallen allies which felt amazing to get that rez off without  needing the banner and made the warrior at least in one way inspiring to play with allies due to being able to help turn the tide of battle  without needing to be forced into a healer/ boon role.

Heck even the fall.damage trait from many years ago was fun as heck to use since you would  face plant and send people flying. And that is just one example  which there are similar experiences for those that have used axes and greatswords and a few of the other weapons before as well and I can guarantee they at one time felt the enjoyment from using them as well. Before the cc nerf attack I felt that I could actually put pressure on my opponents and actually feel the power between each swing when using hammer and maces and the shield even if my numbers were on the low end but not as low as 15 hits at that point Hammers and maces become unwanted and undesired because even though their damage was boosted  with their burst skill a small amount their CC's still do not carry any weight in the current state of the game same with shield the adrenaline gain with shield isn't enough to really warrant even equipping it since we are pretty.much adrenaline starved either way and most players can figure out by the second hit hey I shouldn't be hitting them anymore since  they are channeling a block.

Idk perhaps adding a flip over skill to shield 5 after channeling a block and being hit you can gain access to a launch similar to the ranger's bleed trap as you hit you opponent tossing them into the air for  the same duration but in.order to do it you need to be close to the target.

Which this could also be something perhaps given to warrior offhand sword as well but being a counter attack double slice crossed ⚔️ attack that applies the bleed affect but keep the current block animation but make it a 2 and 1/2 second channeled block that is not cancelled when hit by a melee attack but can be activated to  do the bleed strike early after it blocks a attack. I'm probably just wasting my time posting though. And I would greatly advise if possible restoring the berserker greatsword burst unless you plan to bump up the current ones damage and make it unblockable and immune to blind the exact moment the adrenaline is spent before it hits the target making the blindness none effective which again would make the weapon feel like it actually has force behind the swing.

Given that it already has a slower cast animation and only hits once if  you somehow manage to land it  on your foe then your foe doesn't know how to dodge in that case with the newest internation which is often not the case.

Edited by prototypedragon.1406
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It's good to see that I am not the only one who see no sense for Warrior in all these weapon usabilities :))

To be a weapon master as a warrior is essential without a doubt but it  need a full rework at  all trait fronts because if I want to use  an elite spec weapon I need the elite spec trait line to maximize it's effect,otherwise is just for no to little use.

Other classes absorbs this weaponmaster training far more better but not many happy faces on a couple more fronts also,it was good this beta to point things out but this weapon master training need tons of rework to be competitive,at least in my opinion 🙂

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29 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

How about they restore all cc damage back to warrior that way it at least has something unique about it given that in order to land a lot of its attacks it needs to land cc anyway at least that way if we actually get close enough to land a cc on a enemy we would actually feel rewarded for it since out of all the classes we have the most telling animations to let them side step us or blink just out of range or crap out ageis  ,blind, or complete segments of invulnerability that cannot  be hit with either power damage nor conditions but only conditions if you get lucky enough with little counter ability. Or given that we  can't even touch foes that have more then 3 stacks of stability at a Time Coupled with say if you choose to run hammer and mace/ shield or dual maces you literally can do nothing. Do any of the devs have a warrior created and tried playing one in wvw, just I am curious is all?  Shield skills are still missing the cooldown reduction even though you can't attack while blocking and you can be cced out of it anyways. What is it that makes warrior special compared to the other classes is what the devs truly need to think about. Why should I play a warrior what should warrior be decent at? I have  roughly close to 10,000 hours roughly on the same exact warrior I have played for 10 years after I had joined this game shortly after launch. Before the cc blanket nerf I enjoyed playing mace and shield with hammer I couldn't defeat people easily with them because I chose to run a tanky setup to be more or less a distraction to get the enemy players to focus their attention on me and not my allies, warrior at one time even had a passive trait that would reduce damage take while rezzing fallen allies which felt amazing to get that rez off without  needing the banner and made the warrior at least in one way inspiring to play with allies due to being able to help turn the tide of battle  without needing to be forced into a healer/ boon role. Heck even the fall.damage trait from.mainy years ago was fun as heck to use since you would  face plant and send people flying. And that is just one example  which there are similar experiences for those that have used axes and greatswords and a few of the other weapons before as well and I can guarantee they at one time felt the enjoyment from using them as well. Before the cc nerf attack I felt that I could actually put pressure on my opponents and actually feel the power between each swing when using hammer and maces and the shield even if my numbers were on the low end but not as low as 15 hits at that point Hammers and maces become unwanted and undesired because even though their damage was boosted  with their burst skill a small amount their CC's still do not carry any weight in the current state of the game same with shield the adrenaline gain with shield isn't enough to really warrant even equipping it since we are pretty.much adrenaline starved either way and most players can figure out by the second hit hey I shouldn't be hitting them anymore since  they are channeling a block. Idk perhaps adding a flip over skill to shield 5 after channeling a block and being hit you can gain access to a launch similar to the ranger's bleed trap as you hit you opponent tossing them into the air for  the same duration but in.order to do it you need to be close to the target. Which this could also be something perhaps given to warrior offhand sword as well but being a counter attack double slice crossed ⚔️ attack that applies the bleed affect but keep the current block animation but make it a 2 and 1/2 second channeled block that is not cancelled when hit by a melee attack but can be activated to  do the bleed strike early after it blocks a attack. I'm probably just wasting my time posting though. And I would greatly advise if possible restoring the berserker greatsword burst unless you plan to bump up the current ones damage and make it unblockable and immune to blind the exact moment the adrenaline is spent before it hits the target making the blindness none effective which again would make the weapon feel like it actually has force behind the swing. Given that it already has a slower cast animation and only hits once if  you somehow manage to land it  on your foe then your foe doesn't know how to dodge in that case with the newest internation which is often not the case.

Add some spaces in please,it's criminal to eyes to read it,no offense meant


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2 minutes ago, Gerebos.1065 said:

Add some spaces in please,it's criminal to eyes to read it,no offense meant


Done, but if I don't have spaces maybe anet would actually read it though 🤔 I'm just a disgruntled old school warrior wishing for things to be better for my comrades and to actually feel useful while playing the class I had chosen many years ago. And for new upcoming warriors to at least have the chance and can see great things that the warrior use to be decent at and could become even better at. It pains me to not recommend warrior to people because of what the warrior class itself has to go through now a days.

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Hope your day is well,

   The protection given from "Soldier's Comfort" in Tactics needs to be longer lasting or have a secondary source to maintain. With 100% extra boon duration Herald Runes give 4secs on a 10sec ICD, and "Soldier's Comfort" gives 5secs on a 10sec ICD. Herald Runes don't give healing power yet, but the relic system is right around the corner to bump healing plus giving protection on heal skill. Heal warrior would be more appealing with less restrictive protection windows. 

   On topic of Heal warrior, might is getting more difficult to generate on other healing builds. This is the perfect time for Heal Warrior to fill the role. While Tactics itself is a mess forcing you to choose either "Vigorous Shouts" or "Phalanx Strength". "Mending Might" and "Empowered" can still assist in support. "Mending Might" should heal everyone you share might with instead of just yourself. "Empower" can increase healing power based on how many stacks of might you currently have. "Empower" shouldn't increase healing power based on how many boons you have due to warrior not generating a lot of different boons without hamstringing your build.

   As Tactics traits are configured now, the bottom row could be changed for greater healing support. Starting with "Roaring Reveille", move the Fury from "Charge" and Resistance from "Call of Valor" to proc on "Marching Orders". Have "Charge" give a unique boon that gives everyone a 100% chance to generate might on hit and generating might from "Charge" heals them for a small amount. Then move the ghost warrior blowing the horn on "Call of Valor" to Charge making it easier for others to know to attack for might healing. Visual cues are healthy for the game, and it's satisfying for the extra fanservice on impactful skills. For "Empower Allies" just reduce the might duration and application interval to 5 secs for more frequent value. "Phalanx Strength" and "Restorative Strength" could honestly just be combined into "Phalanx Strength". No one is using "Restorative Strength" in the Strength trait line anyway unless they're running a might stacking build. "Restorative Strength" could grant Vigor on heal skill use, and buff damage while you have Vigor to help it compete with "Peak Performance".


   Thank you so much for taking the time to read this if you did! Can't wait to see what staff has to offer ^^

Edited by someguy.4107
Grammar corrections
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Yes nice.. but i don't see any new fun builds with weaponmaster for warrior. I will rather check out vindi with shortbow herald with gs or willi with longbow.

Warrior has too many boring weapon sets so i would suggest delete some but give the rest an update for better design.

PS: Still sad that triple spin arc divider is gone:(

Edited by Shinichi Megure.8061
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