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I think we are way overdue for new playable races [Merged]

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  • 1 month later...

I know there have been many posts over the years asking for a new playable race (Tengu for one).  I know the answer has usually revolved around the ability to integrate them into the personal story arc. 

Has any thought ever been given, you think, to how they added one particular faction in Star Trek Online?  In STO they added the Jem'Hadar basically already at nearly max level with a much smaller intro story for them. 

Perhaps this approach could be taken for an additional playable race.  You would not have the option of selecting the new race until you have fully completed the personal story on at least one character on that account.  Upon character creation you have a really small storyline to complete (maybe to select certain game choices retroactively), or if that is too resource intensive, just a cut scene explaining how you have come into the (playable) world.  

I think outfits and armor fitting new character models were also raised as a barrier to a new playable race.  In the interest of a new race, why not just hand wave that away by saying the new race can only use certain new outfits and armor?  I know this ruins the true Fashion Wars endgame, but could make it easier, in the future, to insert a new playable race into the game.

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2 hours ago, Kiof.5710 said:

In STO they added the Jem'Hadar basically already at nearly max level with a much smaller intro story for them. 

In GW1 although it wasn't races, they simply added a mini tutorial story to the 4 expansion classes.

If they were to add Tengu, I think they could play it similarly.

Edited by Deihnyx.6318
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Personal story is the least of the problems with a new race. 

11 years worth of voice acting needs to be done. 

All skins need to be reworked to fit the new race. Bare minimum every gemstone skin needs to be redone. 

All future work just got harder. More voice acting cost. Skins need more time. Etc. 

The insane time investment and increases time investment for every future patch is not something people would be willing to pay for. 

And IF they do a new race and people don't get everything mentioned above, they gonna hate it anyway. 


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I still think they could be able to add new races, indeed as you mentioned. 

- the new race starts their story after the dragon cycle. (For tengu this would fit into their story,because the dominion of winds is still closed off.)

- the new race doesnt have access to all the different armor sets in-game. 

At this point there are a lot of races with many skinmodels that could be used, Tengu had a lot added recently with EoD and now with SotO too. 

I think it could be done. But they already missed 2 opportunities to add Tengu that I doubt it would ever happen. 

Edited by Cronospere.8143
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Inb4 anyone comes into this thread to say this topic has been discussed and to look it up and bump a thread

*ahem*, Now for a proper reply.

I don't think locking a new race behind progression is a good idea, let's say Tengu because if a new race is added it's 100% Tengu.

it wouldn't feel as organic as starting as level 1, seeing no Tengu's in low level zones, it'd seem weird, they a have a presence in Tyria after all, so the cause is there for them to start at level one. I also think that just sounds kinda lame, what if you're a new player who likes birds and wants to play a Tengu? Only to realize it's locked behind having a max level char? I know it'd kill me inside cause Tengu would be the only race I'd play.

And limited armours is a TERRIBLE idea, coming up with transmogs is a huge part of the game, I regularly will go throw pieces of armour in the bank to see if I can come up with something cool, if I wanted to use a piece I knew looked good and would fit in a getup I had in mind, but saw it wasn't available, it'd kill my desire to even play that race. You'd end up with a half baked race, FF14 did it with it's latest two races and back there it was so lame not being able to use helms, they felt again, half baked. 

I think the best way is to have them start as a regular race at level one, the Dominion of Winds could open as a new zone for them to start in, every armour, nothing half baked, with a complete personal story. Tengu are more prevenient in the new SoTo maps and Cantha so they wouldn't seem too too out of place either. This would be the most accessible and organic start.
Also think it'd be a good idea if Anet could somehow figure out race change, I know I'd swap Tengu, if the race is well made people wouldn't have anything (anything reasonable mind you) to complain about, Anet could sell race changes for some Gems, we get a new, polished, well made race, Anet gets more money from gem sales, it'd be a win-win. 

And also, this is all wishful thinking, a new race and a race change, I doubt it'll ever happen for either of them.
Coming up with a new polished and complete race that isn't half baked would be a huge undertaking, even if Tengu already has some ground work done for it because of NPC's, imagine re fitting all the armours to Tengus, good god that'd probably take forever.
People say race change is impossible and I'm not be living that til a dev says so, and again, what's stopping someone from figuring it out at Anet? Though even if's technically not impossible, I doubt it'll happened, it'd probably be a lot of work.
TL:DR is we're probably not getting a new race, but if we did it'd be best to implement it like the original races.

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1 hour ago, Cronospere.8143 said:

I still think they could be able to add new races, indeed as you mentioned. 

- the new race starts their story after the dragon cycle. (For tengu this would fit into their story,because the dominion of winds is still closed off.)

- the new race doesnt have access to all the different armor sets in-game. 

At this point there are a lot of races with many skinmodels that could be used, Tengu had a lot added recently with EoD and now with SotO too. 

I think it could be done. But they already missed 2 opportunities to add Tengu that I doubt it would ever happen. 

Do you actually think people would not roit over your idea? 

You would see post after post how Anet half assed it again.

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5 hours ago, Kiof.5710 said:

Has any thought ever been given, you think, to how they added one particular faction in Star Trek Online?

Star Trek races are basicly humans, green humans, blue humans, humans that's not humans, humans with weird ears, humans with something on their face, humans with ridges, humans with different eyes, humans with fur, etc and so on.

So yeah I guess if you want a new race in GW2 that look exactly like human but maybe has two dragon scales above their eyes, fine 🤷‍♂️


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4 hours ago, DanAlcedo.3281 said:

Do you actually think people would not roit over your idea? 

You would see post after post how Anet half assed it again.

Oh reading this forum lately I think people will riot with any kind of change, even if they think things need to change. Oh they will riot for sure. I would not mind if Anet state from the beginning what the limitations are, but ofc i cant talk about the rest of the community. 

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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to I think we are way overdue for new playable races [Merged]

To be fair Dwarves have been removed from Tyria for years.. If they returned they would not need to do the origin story as they did not exist when that was done so they could be added as an after race, returning from where ever at any time period.. Same for any forgotten races they'd want to add..

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm not sure how so many people managed to miss all the times this is discussed in the story but Dagda is not a new race (definitely not an orc). She's a jotun, a race of giants that live in the Shiverpeaks. Apparently Dagda is how they used to look, before their civilisation collapsed during the last Elder Dragon cycle. Since then they've become bigger and more grey than blue as well as losing most of their knowledge of magic.

I think it's unlikely they'll make jotun playable. The modern jotun would need new professions since they can't use magic and bringing more of the ancient ones back would need a whole new storyline.

I've said it before but I think the most likely new races are the kodan and the tengu, but that's because I think before launch they were set up as potential playable races (they have homelands right next to existing maps but inaccessible, they can use the same armour and weapons as existing characters and they're known to be friendly to playable races) and it hasn't happened in all the time since then so I think it's unlikely to happen now, unfortunately.

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22 minutes ago, IAmNotMatthew.1058 said:

Anet not releasing Tengu with EoD should be enough proof that any hope of a new race in GW2 is in vain.

Yep, and Tengu apparently being pretty close to the Charr model/wireframe, so it would maybe not have been too much work. But hey, I will cling to a tiny shred of hope that someday we will indeed go to Dominion of Winds, and suddenly also get playable Tengu. 😄

Afaik there's still no other MMO with avian player race; so they could be a first and they already have so many NPC variations for faces, etc.

Anyway.... 😄 I promised myself not to reply to more 'new race' threads and dream of Tengu again haha

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