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An easy and fair solution to the "easier Skyscaler drama". [Merged]

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10 minutes ago, Dami.5046 said:

this annoys me more.

but anything arenanet needs to stop the nerfing and dumbing down. 

Be happy indeed. Yeah i'm happy that every time i work for something in this game it gets nerfed to hell.

Just give out free legendaires and have done. 

This is probably one of the games where this happens the least though.

Look at vertical progression games.

Usually there's catch up mechanics already later on in the expansion. Making newcomers having a much easier time.

When next expansion launches, the things people spent lots of time grinding will often be a walk in the park to obtain when you one shot stuff (non power releated stuff.  Like mounts/skins/achievements etc)

Edited by jokke.6239
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8 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

This is probably one of the game where this happens the least though.

Look at vertical progression games.

Usually there's catch up mechanics already later on in the expansion. Making newcomers having a much easier time.

When next expansion launches, the things people spent lots of time grinding will often be a walk in the park to obtain when you one shot stuff

Doesn't make it less annoying.

Enjoy buying all those lovely shop skins.

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2 hours ago, LordMadman.5812 said:

If you're adding a new collection to streamline the process of making skyscale more achievable then how are you going to compensate previous skyscale owners? It's not particularly fair that you making it easier to acquire the skyscale now when previous people had sunk a ton of resources and gold into acquiring it.

wow, you couldn't look at one of the other threads on this topic?

again - you've already enjoyed having it for a long time, plus now you will get to enjoy special features on the Skyscale because having both sets of masteries (from LS4 AND SotO) you will get extra abilities to use.

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3 hours ago, LordMadman.5812 said:

If you're adding a new collection to streamline the process of making skyscale more achievable then how are you going to compensate previous skyscale owners?

You are only getting the two bonus buffs when you have done the previous collection and - in addition - do the new Mastery track in SotO.

Isn't that good enough? 😉

Edited by Ashantara.8731
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  • Forum Moderator.3419 changed the title to An easy and fair solution to the "easier Skyscaler drama". [Merged]
3 hours ago, Ashantara.8731 said:

You are only getting the two bonus buffs when you have done the previous collection and - in addition - do the new Mastery track in SotO.

Isn't that good enough? 😉

Those 2 bonuses are pretty weak, and on top of that you don't have to do the old collection to get it, just spend the mastery points (aka just owning PoF and getting some exp from casino blitz is enough), so really everyone that did it the "expensive way" does have a reasonable claim to being annoyed by it. That being said I have no qualms making things easier/cheaper for everyone, even if I already did it. Is it a bummer that I spend a lot of gold on it? Yea sure. Did I use it every day for like 2 years now? Also yes.

Edited by Acheron.1580
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44 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

you don't have to do the old collection to get it, just spend the mastery points

Has this been confirmed? because i could not find anything, surely they wouldnt get rid of the entire collection path, basically retiring growing your skyscale? and then people could as you pointed out get xp in POF really quick? now that would be far too easy and obliterate the growing skyscale story which apart from some of the collections nightmare is actually fun.

Edited by Halcyon.8360
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1 minute ago, Halcyon.8360 said:

Has this been confirmed? because i could not find anything, surely they wouldnt get rid of the entire collection path, basically retiring growing your skyscale? and then people could as you pointed out get xp in POF really quick? now that would be far too easy and obliterate the growing skyscale story which apart from some of the collections nightmare is actually fun.

Just looking at the blogposts, it really seems like they won't require you to do both collections to unlock the masteries, just that you would need to do both masteries "we’re adding a parallel path for unlocking the skyscale and its masteries in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure."

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1 minute ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Just looking at the blogposts, it really seems like they won't require you to do both collections to unlock the masteries

Wasn't it mentioned on two occasions that you do have to do the old collection in order to get those special bonuses?

"As you can see in the chart below, players who have already trained certain Masteries (or who go back to unlock and train them later) will have additional benefits: their mounts’ Air Rescue and Wall Launch skill will be upgraded to reflect their dedication." (https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/soaring-with-the-skyscale/)

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19 minutes ago, Halcyon.8360 said:

Has this been confirmed? because i could not find anything, surely they wouldnt get rid of the entire collection path, basically retiring growing your skyscale? and then people could as you pointed out get xp in POF really quick? now that would be far too easy and obliterate the growing skyscale story which apart from some of the collections nightmare is actually fun.

Well they have done it before just look at  the Character Adventure Guide.

Where the old one was retired for no reason, people should still be able to complete that one imo.


Edited by Linken.6345
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2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

Well they have done it before just look at  the Character Adventure Guide.

Yes, I am still salty about that, and the old style tutorial may not have helped you as much to get used to various parts of the game but it gave good rewards ( boosters etc) achievement points and could have easily been kept alongside. You watch, I would not be surprised if they intend to gut log in's/dailies under the same approach while actually trying to sell it as one of the main 'we are improving systems in this expansion' 

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1 hour ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Those 2 bonuses are pretty weak, and on top of that you don't have to do the old collection to get it, just spend the mastery points (aka just owning PoF and getting some exp from casino blitz is enough), so really everyone that did it the "expensive way" does have a reasonable claim to being annoyed by it. That being said I have no qualms making things easier/cheaper for everyone, even if I already did it. Is it a bummer that I spend a lot of gold on it? Yea sure. Did I use it every day for like 2 years now? Also yes.

It's been a while, but don't you have to do the collection to unlock the skyscale mastery?

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On 7/7/2023 at 7:28 AM, AreohCobing.5092 said:

Is it me or are the Skyscale "I already have it through method 1 or 2" the whiniest drama induced people? ha-ha

"I suffered so you have to suffer too"

If those people had a say we'd never have any QoL like consume all, because back in their day they had to click each bag! Like really, if they took away the Skyscale from us and made us get it again, they'd be a slap in the face, but this is not the case. They're just acting like that.

The game moves, and as a result most things will get easier to get. Heck, mounts themselves make map compleition easier to get too in the old maps. We can't just let the game stagnate just to satisfy people's ego. People would rather be "on top" and destroy the game, instead of wanting it to grow? That's very short sighted.

I keep saying. As long as Skyscale is not accessible, then their ability to design maps that can take advantage of the Skyscale's abilities will be limited. Why have some fancy mount when you can't even use it to its fullest?

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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12 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

It's been a while, but don't you have to do the collection to unlock the skyscale mastery?

37 minutes ago, Acheron.1580 said:

Just looking at the blogposts, it really seems like they won't require you to do both collections to unlock the masteries, just that you would need to do both masteries "we’re adding a parallel path for unlocking the skyscale and its masteries in Guild Wars 2: Secrets of the Obscure."


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On 8/14/2023 at 6:20 AM, LordMadman.5812 said:

 It's not fair that I had to sink 100's of gold, time, and resources into getting the skyscale and now it's easier to get.

Thirty years ago, I had to pay for my college. Where I live, Gen Z can now get a free Associates degree through dual enrollment. 

I’m happy for them.

Edited by Gibson.4036
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Wait til they hear we paid for the core game which is basically free now, and like $50 for HoT too. Ascended gear was also 3x as expensive. Gimme back 500 gold per set of ascended I have!!!11111

Also how do you spend hundreds of gold on the Skyscale? The only way to do that is to use all the Skyscale treats and buy the quartz related stuff directly. Easily prevented with some patience and/or ability. I bought some skyscale treats and sold the ones I didn't use at a profit.

Unless you're counting it like "I'm worth 40 gold/hour and I would be grinding x, instead of doing this".

It's more like someone doesn't know how to do math, and that leads to a difficult life.

Edited by ArchonWing.9480
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