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A post from the heart - Massive Post

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2 minutes ago, Balsa.3951 said:

not a fan of underwater as well.

they made in my mind a mistake with breathing underwater.

a limited amount of air could create some fun mini games maybe.

they still could add deep diveing mini games.

also get rid of the breather and replace it with an outfit slot.

Abyss stalker already in game.

One of the few things I love is underwater combat here in gw2, if they took that away.. I would no longer play. I like the addition of the tridents, spears, and harpoon guns. The different types of gameplay underwater..

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Op, you need to realise that it’s not the same team. Not the same leadership. Not the same vision as 2012. I think they did a lot of great work post core with HoT and parts of PoF, LS3, LS4, IBS. But, you need to remember the game grew rapidly, the community devoured everything voraciously and there was far too much pressure for rapid fire release cadences.

The current team now have to mop up after all those decisions and changes, all the while it appears there was some secret project in the background potentially squeezing further and somewhere along the way the community/developer connection fractured and has never repaired fully.

MMOs change over time and become a different version of what they were. That’s a natural trade off with a long lasting game. Developers move onto to bigger things and newer pastures as in any job.

I’m not entirely sure what you blog post will achieve. It certainly won’t instigate change. As much as I understand and share some of the disappointments of the game recently, it’s just a game to play to relax and have a bit of fun. There will always be others.


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18 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Op, you need to realise that it’s not the same team. Not the same leadership. Not the same vision as 2012. I think they did a lot of great work post core with HoT and parts of PoF, LS3, LS4, IBS. But, you need to remember the game grew rapidly, the community devoured everything voraciously and there was far too much pressure for rapid fire release cadences.

The current team now have to mop up after all those decisions and changes, all the while it appears there was some secret project in the background potentially squeezing further and somewhere along the way the community/developer connection fractured and has never repaired fully.

MMOs change over time and become a different version of what they were. That’s a natural trade off with a long lasting game. Developers move onto to bigger things and newer pastures as in any job.

I’m not entirely sure what you blog post will achieve. It certainly won’t instigate change. As much as I understand and share some of the disappointments of the game recently, it’s just a game to play to relax and have a bit of fun. There will always be others.


nah the pressure of fast content dilivery at start came from Anet self. remember how all living world content was only temporary? 

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3 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

nah the pressure of fast content dilivery at start came from Anet self. remember how all living world content was only temporary? 

For two weeks*

Releasing new content patches every two weeks, that only lasted two weeks was a cool idea in theory but horrible for developers and new players.

Regarding GW2, I dunno pretty much every mmo I've played has drastically been reinvented at some point or another. Look at WoW classic that was a response to people disliking the changes to WoW. I've been playing since Prophecies and at this point I've probably played like four different interpretations on Guild Wars games lol.

The original team that had made the game was axed by NCSoft awhile back*, and that team mostly made GW2 in response to all the stuff people disliked about modern mmos. Some of that is still there today, but mmos from 2008-2012 are very different from those in 2023.

I do think GW2 is kind of all over the place right now though from years of things being started and dropped (Sunspear place in LWS4 was supposed to be a long-term hub like Arborstone). I'm going to ignore balance discussions because they're a hot topic but it does seem like the new team wants to go back and correct a lot of things that were left to the wayside. Development takes a lot of time and planned resources so it's probably too soon to tell (for instance, even FFXIV needs to save major class overhauls for expansions due to the time it takes). Maybe after the final patch of the upcoming expansion we'll have a better idea of the direction it's going.

Edited by Kalocin.5982
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Been playing games of various kinds since I was a kid in the 1950s. My first love was the board game, Candy Land.  As I got a bit older, I graduated to board games like Life, Careers, Monopoly, and Clue. By the time I got to college, I was playing a mean game of Risk. Video games were a joy and a delight when they finally came along. I loved the Shadowrun games on Super Nintendo and Sega Genesis. My first MMO was Urban Dead, back in 2005. It's still online and if you want a blast from the past, you should go check it out. The point of all this is that since the 1950s I've played a lot of different games and have moved on from them all after a time. That's just the nature of life - things change, including ourselves and the things in our lives. As for GW2, I hit my fifth birthday here last December. So far I am still playing this game and am still loving it. At some point though, my involvement with this game will come to an end. Maybe Anet will shut the game down. Maybe I'll finally out grow it. I have no idea right now what my GW2 endpoint will be but I know that sooner or later it will happen. That really is just the nature of things. OP, it will be a sad moment for me when I finally leave Tyria, so I can understand your sentiments. Only you can decide if this is your endpoint with this game though. If it is, I hope you find something else you will love as much as you did this one.

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On 7/12/2023 at 6:02 PM, Dravvi.3146 said:

The new legendary gear grind and exhausting amount of loot bags I have to open for things and stuff like that? Really makes me feel burnt out some times, like I just don't want to do much. I cannot speak for the vast majority, but that genuinely makes me feel like the game has turned into nothing but a grind fest.. Add atop of that masteries and it just doubles down on that.

Come on Anet, please.. just realize it isn't fun..

I'm glad I'm not the only one who noticed lol

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7 hours ago, Balsa.3951 said:

nah the pressure of fast content dilivery at start came from Anet self. remember how all living world content was only temporary? 

I remember calling it 'non-seasonal temporary content vanishware' on the old forums. Still hard to believe anyone thought that was a good idea.

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On 7/13/2023 at 4:02 AM, Dravvi.3146 said:

A post from the heart By Dravvi.3146, Aka Spirit Mender Vii

Greetings everyone, after nearly 11 years of gw2 being out and having played it for quite some time now. Hearing stories, being a part of some stories, participating in every aspect of the game from PvP to WvW, Raiding to Fractals, Dungeons to Open World PvE, and the Personal story. I'm going to share a great deal of experiences that have lead me to making this massive post, this may or maynot be the very last forums post I ever make and the last time I play this game. It really depends on how I feel going forwards

This isn't a "I'm quitting because ___" post, It's a deep dive into my perception of the Guild Wars 2 community. From the beginning to its very sharp decline not in player base but community feeling overall and why I believe it's far more toxic than it should have become.

The no-grind philosophy and expansive rich open world

As someone who fell madly in love with guild wars 2's initial pitch, seeing how the trailers made me get the chills, the musical score from Jeremy Soule, seeing asura for the first time, charr, the combat animations and combos, the massive world, everything. This was my dream MMORPG, the one to rival all the rest. A course correction, a passion project that I could see was made with love and affection.

The initial base game in 2012 was beautiful, honestly, I miss those days and compare Guild Wars 2's current state to it so often because of how new and amazing it was. Seeing the open world for the first time, creating an asura, and marveling at the golems in the game, what seems so trivial now once was made me connect to everything and perhaps that's part of the problem.. Through the years? Things have become trivial, there's no life in certain places like there once was.. nothing that makes me go "Wow..." and feel like it's all not "fresh" but vast.. rich feeling.

Perhaps that's part of my problem with the game as it is now, I look around and feel like things are rushed, you can't feel the passion behind the expansions like HoT or PoF or even EoD like you could in central tyria.. the feeling of the game has changed and I am not very fond of the new content. Often times I find myself going back to divinities reach, rata sum, staying out of the new lions arch, going to queensdale or metrica province.

That should tell you some of the things I value.. I don't care about big green vines or world-ending gods, those things make me roll my eyes. What doesn't is seeing beautiful zones that OBVIOUSLY had a ton of effort and love put into them, not rushed content riding on the idea of things being "epic" or "grungey" <-- however you spell that one.

Beyond that.. there was once very little if any grind to the game, you could spend hours playing, feeling like you were just doing things you enjoyed, and weirdly? things would unlock along the way, gear would drop, generally there wasn't a lot of "grindy" feeling to the game.

The new legendary gear grind and exhausting amount of loot bags I have to open for things and stuff like that? Really makes me feel burnt out some times, like I just don't want to do much. I cannot speak for the vast majority, but that genuinely makes me feel like the game has turned into nothing but a grind fest.. Add atop of that masteries and it just doubles down on that.

Come on Anet, please.. just realize it isn't fun..

Incentive vs lack of incentive, old content and why it needs love.

This is a big one to me.. something that makes me look back at all the years we didn't have LS1 and ask "But why?", something that makes me look back at dungeons that are more or less dead and ask "But why?", something that generally makes me feel like anet.. doesn't care about those who initially played their game anymore.

One of my favorite things to do back in core tyria was run Citadel of Flame Path 1 for gold, I know that kinda defeats the "grind" thing I said earlier but hold on! Put the pitch forks away, because it wasn't the gold that made me run it primarily. It was the amusing line:

  Reveal hidden contents

"Shh, I think we have more spies!"

If you remember that.. lol I died laughing the first time I heard it said like 10x in a row, so much so that I can't help but repeat it for certain meme-worthy scenarios even to this day.

But anyways, over the years.. anet has largely degraded the experience for dungeons, making it feel like there is little to no point in running them anymore beyond the initial time doing them, there's been no expanding on them.. they're just one and done with no love shown to them.

Living world season 1: This was up until recently a big thing to me, the battle for lions arch? Why was this so hard to implement? Why would this be taken away for all these years with nothing but a weird cutscene that you watch once to unlock an achievement to remember it by?

I don't understand why it seems like you hate your original work, Anet.. I really don't. It was some of your best effort, some of the most personality you put into the game, some of the best content. Please work on going back and giving us more to do with things like this, personally it drove me away for a time because I wanted to play the game but didn't feel like you cared about players who enjoyed your initial creation.. I'm repeating myself, but I hope my point is clear here.

Old content needs a revitalization for more than one reason, you have new players coming in.. They deserve more than "Oop heres a level boost as an apology for sparsely run content." no.. they need to be shown what drew us here in the first place. Not left till level 80 to go back and ask "what made all this so special?"

^ That I feel degrades the community a great deal, it makes things from back then feel unimportant and that's not something nice to feel.

The Trait System and Elite Specializations

So.. This one.. Yeah.. I'm going here, I've mentioned it before in passing I believe in other posts that I've made. But let's go a bit further into things here for a moment.

Story time:
Once upon a time guild wars 2 had a trait system with one minor trait and one major trait per trait line tier and had 5 trait lines available to pick from. The tiers were Adept, Master, and Grandmaster.

These traits had two ways to obtain them, gold and skill points which have been renamed to hero points.. Or my personal favorite way, going out into the open world and completing certain objectives to obtain them. Such as killing the bosses at the temple of orr, killing the ogre in queensdale, taking down the fire elemental, etc. All of this was a system that coulda been fantastic if they kept it..

But instead.. During the 2014 NPE [New Player Experience] they wiped it all away and brought it into what it is today, if you wish to see what it looked like.. go google "gw2 old trait system." in the images tab, you'll see it was vastly different and sure.. It may have had uneeded stats.. But compared to what it is now? that was a lot more diverse and this system feels dumbed down.

Add to that elite specializations that kill base classes? it all feels like they just want to forget about it all.

PvE & PvP vs WvW

The title of this segment of the post.. pretty well explains the entire situation here in my eyes. PvE keeps getting new maps, new content, new ways of playing, etc. Same with PvP getting new game modes, new maps, new mechanics, etc.. But WvW has been ignored for 10 years.

..I don't even know where to begin, why oh why is this such a controversial subject? WvW was one of the original selling points of guild wars 2 but yet it has been treated like an afterthought.. It's depressing, and saddening, I can understand why people are upset with Anet over WvW. I feel it too.. I want them to focus more on it, my last post about delaying the new expansion was evident in how desperate I am to see things change.

This is a problem area and to pretend it isn't will just make WvW players more distanced from you.. This is something that BADLY needs attention..

The Friendslist Stalking Problem

Now we're getting into some not often talked about issues, some of the darker sides of guild wars 2. I've taken you through the things I loved, the things I wish they would put more effort into, and some of the things I am not super fond of.. But now this is one of the things I really despise.

Having the friendslist be an account handle is a particularly dangerous tool in 2023, when anyone can add you with or without your permission across all characters? There is no way to escape harassment.. None at all. No way to prevent stalking you around the game, nothing.. it's just literally giving someone the ability to know where you are at any point in time without you even realizing it. The worst part is the paranoia that comes from looking at the "followers list" after having a minor dispute with some unhinged people. 9/10 times they add you to keep track of you in game no matter where you go.

Dumbing it down..

This is a tough one to explain for me and why I feel like this, so let me try my best.. Guild Wars 2 was never intended to be for the hardcore crowd, that is true.. I acknowledge that full well, knowing that the game was actually made with casual gameplay in mind and people could easily point to raids or challenge modes in fractals or things like that. But.. there's also something almost insulting about seeing content become more of a zerg-fest.

I'm going to use WvW as a prime example here because.. That fricken war claw killed roaming for the most part, when people can just hit V twice and zip away? theres very little incentive to meet people on the field and cause chaos rather than running with a big 50 person blob to trample over the enemy server using the boon sharing meta and capping objectives like SMC because.. wooo.. karma.. yey..

Like anet, this post isn't made to make you look at things and get discouraged. This is coming from the bottom of my heart when I say stuff like this, please encourage diversity in gameplay..

The Meta, The Overarching Major Problem That Needs Solving

This right here covers elite specializations, the trait system, gear system, WvW, PvE, PvP, classes, everything.

..What you need is to stop encouraging certain focuses on specific builds, there needs to be content that caters to different types of roles.. I hate going into WvW and seeing a necro spamming #1 on a scepter to dominate people or fractals full of only zerker classes. ..Just why? There's nothing fun about everyone doing the exact same thing in all bits of content..

We desperately need diversity, I mean shoot at this point there are so many gear types that are irrelevant that it's like.. ? why do they exist?

The Closing Statement

I love arenanet as they were.. Not what they had become over the years. I keep playing the game and criticizing it because I hope things will improve, I do like some of the content so I stick to that.. but I want a reason to enjoy the new stuff.. please do something.. 

- Love, Spirit Mender Vii

I feel you man. You,re awesome posting this on forum, thank you. MMOs are like vampire sucking out you time and joy /s

Tbh GW2 is awesome game, its rather chill but not. 

Good luck on finding your next landing zone 🙂 Ashes of Creation looks awesome but they are like Star citizen...for now....

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On 7/12/2023 at 8:02 PM, Dravvi.3146 said:

The Meta, The Overarching Major Problem That Needs Solving

This right here covers elite specializations, the trait system, gear system, WvW, PvE, PvP, classes, everything.

..What you need is to stop encouraging certain focuses on specific builds, there needs to be content that caters to different types of roles.. I hate going into WvW and seeing a necro spamming #1 on a scepter to dominate people or fractals full of only zerker classes. ..Just why? There's nothing fun about everyone doing the exact same thing in all bits of content..

We desperately need diversity, I mean shoot at this point there are so many gear types that are irrelevant that it's like.. ? why do they exist?

  Honestly the meta is the biggest issue I have with the game today, and probably the only major point I really agree with you on.

GW2's core mechanics had their problems (conditions sucked, signet Warrior was OP, etc.), but at the end of the day the core concept behind the game was that anyone could make a self-sustaining build and run with it, there was no reliance on others if you didn't want to have it. Everyone had healing, everyone had buffing, etc., and how they could contribute to a team was varied by class but ultimately there was no roles like we have today.

Now, people build into specific roles and they build so significantly into those roles that to lack the support roles means their death. Fractals are a good example when you do them with random people at T3 or higher. Most people fall over in an instant because they don't have their dedicated healer, but in the past the dedicated healer role was frankly unnecessary because each class could build ways to survive into their build while still maintaining good DPS. The only class that really had any true healing role potential was Elementalist, but even then their healing was limited to Water Attunement, which you shouldn't really keep up all the time in the first place so I'm not really sure it's really an exception.

But today...if you don't build PURE DPS, with no survivability whatsoever, others have a cow over it. Viper's is a good example. It has not a single stat of survivability, and you're expected to have an entire set of Viper's in every equipment slot for a condition-based build. That's awful. That mentality directly leads to comments like the one I saw just today a few hours ago during a meta, "This class is unplayable without Quickness." No, you just didn't build it to be able to be useful without Quickness, because the entire meta says don't do that. DPS and only DPS, it's someone else's problem to keep you alive and it's someone else's job to buff you in any way, all ten of your skills need to be DPS focused or bust.

In my opinion, that mentality is against the core spirit of what GW2 is, or at least what it used to be. The devs only support this mentality. I refuse to adhere to it, and as a result I sometimes get the boot from groups over it. So be it.

On 7/13/2023 at 5:43 AM, Ashen.2907 said:

They did want raids, they just wanted to call them by a different name. ANet described explorable dungeon paths as GW2's version of raids. Of course that didnt work out very well so they replaced them with Fractals, to serve the same role.

Except Fractals were released a month after GW2 base was released. They weren't intended to replace anything when they were originally added. There's no chance they developed the entire Fractal system in one month, along with the ~8 base Fractals the game had.

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12 minutes ago, Polantaris.9513 said:

  Honestly the meta is the biggest issue I have with the game today, and probably the only major point I really agree with you on.

GW2's core mechanics had their problems (conditions sucked, signet Warrior was OP, etc.), but at the end of the day the core concept behind the game was that anyone could make a self-sustaining build and run with it, there was no reliance on others if you didn't want to have it. Everyone had healing, everyone had buffing, etc., and how they could contribute to a team was varied by class but ultimately there was no roles like we have today.

Now, people build into specific roles and they build so significantly into those roles that to lack the support roles means their death. Fractals are a good example when you do them with random people at T3 or higher. Most people fall over in an instant because they don't have their dedicated healer, but in the past the dedicated healer role was frankly unnecessary because each class could build ways to survive into their build while still maintaining good DPS. The only class that really had any true healing role potential was Elementalist, but even then their healing was limited to Water Attunement, which you shouldn't really keep up all the time in the first place so I'm not really sure it's really an exception.

But today...if you don't build PURE DPS, with no survivability whatsoever, others have a cow over it. Viper's is a good example. It has not a single stat of survivability, and you're expected to have an entire set of Viper's in every equipment slot for a condition-based build. That's awful. That mentality directly leads to comments like the one I saw just today a few hours ago during a meta, "This class is unplayable without Quickness." No, you just didn't build it to be able to be useful without Quickness, because the entire meta says don't do that. DPS and only DPS, it's someone else's problem to keep you alive and it's someone else's job to buff you in any way, all ten of your skills need to be DPS focused or bust.

In my opinion, that mentality is against the core spirit of what GW2 is, or at least what it used to be. The devs only support this mentality. I refuse to adhere to it, and as a result I sometimes get the boot from groups over it. So be it.

Except Fractals were released a month after GW2 base was released. They weren't intended to replace anything when they were originally added. There's no chance they developed the entire Fractal system in one month, along with the ~8 base Fractals the game had.

Well not like it was not there from the start dont you remember the berserker meta from release?

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18 hours ago, Astralporing.1957 said:

I would. And i'm certain a lot more people would too, if Anet put any effort into actually finishing the underwater systems instead of leaving them in beta stage since launch.

The vast majority hates underwater combat, no matter what they do with it. So no, they should not focus on underwater content. 

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I just want to say op i completely agree with you.. 100% agree.

I played GW1 7 years straight and GW2 has been an on again off again broken relationship in my eyes.. For myself early Tyria was the pinnicle of GW2 for me and as the game and expansions progressed the more i felt like i was no longer the target audience..

Yes i bought the expacs mostly because i was already invested but honestly i never really enjoyed them especially HoT, i know others loved it but i left GW2 for two years after Hot. I will probably not be buying much GW2 after this latest expac it just seems more of the same.

Waffling on but i just wanted to echo a like minded response to your post op you aren't alone.

On 7/14/2023 at 10:24 PM, Astralporing.1957 said:

I would. And i'm certain a lot more people would too, if Anet put any effort into actually finishing the underwater systems instead of leaving them in beta stage since launch.

I want it as well. I never hated underwater.

Edited by Dante.1508
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I feel for you. Like others said tho, I think nostalgia and having done most things already are a large part of what is making you feel this way. As a newer player currently doing LWS1 with the expansion stories ahead of me the game still feels great and full of things to explore.

Everything gets stale eventually. Possibly a break and then trying the game again fresh in a while might give you back some of that freshness, or maybe role playing new rules/restrictions for your new characters, but it’s never going to be the same as the first time.

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On 7/14/2023 at 8:16 AM, Randulf.7614 said:

That in no way changes Kharmin’s question though

Half the studio got fired, most of the people that made the original game were already gone but the rest got let go due to having higher salaries. The people left are trying to pick up the pieces and trying their best. They rehired some of them, and then they quit after having too much put on them. Anet isn't an entity, it's a studio of a great and wonderful developers. I've known some of them, and my friends have too. As a person who started from Prophecies, it's hurt my soul what these guys have gone through.

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On 7/13/2023 at 3:02 AM, Dravvi.3146 said:

I miss those days and compare Guild Wars 2's current state to it so often because of how new and amazing it was. Seeing the open world for the first time, creating an asura, and marveling at the golems in the game, what seems so trivial now once was made me connect to everything and perhaps that's part of the problem.. Through the years? Things have become trivial, there's no life in certain places like there once was.. nothing that makes me go "Wow..." and feel like it's all not "fresh" but vast.. rich feeling.

You can only see and feel a game once for the first time.  That has nothing to do with GW2, that's how it is in every game.


On 7/13/2023 at 3:02 AM, Dravvi.3146 said:

Perhaps that's part of my problem with the game as it is now, I look around and feel like things are rushed, you can't feel the passion behind the expansions like HoT or PoF or even EoD like you could in central tyria..

Sure, EoD is a different story (EoD suffered from home office work and previous mass layoffs) but with HoT and PoF I see a lot of passion, creativity and artistic quality. And both gave me a sense of exploration, "fresh-ness" and in both I had a lot of  fun and lots of beautiful "Wow ...." moments.


On 7/13/2023 at 3:02 AM, Dravvi.3146 said:

Beyond that.. there was once very little if any grind to the game, you could spend hours playing, feeling like you were just doing things you enjoyed, and weirdly? things would unlock along the way, gear would drop, generally there wasn't a lot of "grindy" feeling to the game.

That's how I actually play the game.  You can still play the game this way, too. No one is stopping you.


On 7/13/2023 at 3:02 AM, Dravvi.3146 said:

The new legendary gear grind and exhausting amount of loot bags I have to open for things and stuff like that? Really makes me feel burnt out some times, like I just don't want to do much.

You can play and experience  all content in exotic gear (exception: higher level fractals). You don't need legendary gear as a gatekeeper to be able to experience content. Legendary has no better stats than ascended and is purely about skins and convenience. It is intentional that legy gear is grindy and takes time. If you don't want that, then don't do it.


On 7/13/2023 at 3:02 AM, Dravvi.3146 said:

Add atop of that masteries and it just doubles down on that.

Masteries, as invented and used in HoT (and later in PoF), are a better way to progress than a level cap increase that would devalue the player's gear. Masteries go hand in hand with metroidvania style map travel and map exploration. If you play the content they are intended for, you get them naturally. And they are not needed outside of that content. So, no need to grind.

But because of the success of some masteries (gliding o HoT, mounts in PoF/S4) a lot of players asked for a change of this concept, and that is why some HoT masteries also work outside of HoT maps and why some PoF masteries also work outside of PoF maps. And playing content players don't like "just for mounts" can feel grindy for players.


On 7/13/2023 at 3:02 AM, Dravvi.3146 said:

This isn't a "I'm quitting because ___" post

To me it seems so. With a lot of rationalized "because...".


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On 7/14/2023 at 11:58 AM, Kalocin.5982 said:

Releasing new content patches every two weeks, that only lasted two weeks was a cool idea in theory but horrible for developers and new players.

It was not horrible.

Sure, It was very expensive for Anet to create content that is used only for two weeks. And sure, some devs didn't like it that the content they created was not permanent in the game. And of course players that did miss the small release window of each episode had no chance to experience that content, because it was not repeatable.

And for these reasons, it wasn't feasible in the long run.

But the feeling that the persistent game world is really changing at its own pace, just like the real world, has brought a lot of gravity and immersiveness to the content and the world. I'm really glad that I was able to play during this time and that I experienced this.

Back then, GW2 did with good content (and with Lions Arch) what Game of Thrones did with beloved characters. For the same reasons. GoT inspired Anet back in the days and it seems GoT also inspired the naming scheme of the expansions HoT, PoF, EoD.

Probably neither GW2 nor any other game will ever do something like that again.

Edited by Zok.4956
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I don't understand people who claim "core was better", what:

- Should be stay farming silverwastes RIBA forever and sometimes Fractals as "extra" end game content? Orr temple runs trains?

- Stick with the era of toxic elitism in dungeons runs by the speed runners?

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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On 7/12/2023 at 10:02 PM, Dravvi.3146 said:

The Friendslist Stalking Problem

Having the friendslist be an account handle is a particularly dangerous tool in 2023, when anyone can add you with or without your permission across all characters? There is no way to escape harassment.. None at all. No way to prevent stalking you around the game, nothing.. it's just literally giving someone the ability to know where you are at any point in time without you even realizing it. The worst part is the paranoia that comes from looking at the "followers list" after having a minor dispute with some unhinged people. 9/10 times they add you to keep track of you in game no matter where you go.


This is just overly drama.

If someone stalkme what they can do?

be stomped by me in WvW? watching me farming Drizzledwood Coast becoming rich? following me in world boss trains?

Sry but the reality is no one is interested in your "particular world" whatever its called......, its seems people have too much free time on hands.

I command lots of open world events and trains, is natural people want follow me.

Someone long time suggested a mental exercise tho those who think are important on social network:

-  disappear for 1 month and come back, there won't be anyone in your inbox saying they miss you, except bots and spam.

Edited by ugrakarma.9416
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4 hours ago, Kalocin.5982 said:

Half the studio got fired, most of the people that made the original game were already gone but the rest got let go due to having higher salaries. The people left are trying to pick up the pieces and trying their best. They rehired some of them, and then they quit after having too much put on them. Anet isn't an entity, it's a studio of a great and wonderful developers. I've known some of them, and my friends have too. As a person who started from Prophecies, it's hurt my soul what these guys have gone through.

None of those who were laid off were working on GW2.  They were working on other projects.  True, some on the GW2 team did leave, but they weren't the target of the lay-offs.

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