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The rift trailer makes rifts look extremely boring

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2 minutes ago, jokke.6239 said:

Fantasy MMO's are all from the page of Tolkien in the first place.

"The Lord of the Rings" is high fantasy, but not the first high fantasy work. Tolkien was not the first, nor the only one, to write high-fantasy stories set in a fictional medieval world.

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11 minutes ago, Zok.4956 said:

"The Lord of the Rings" is high fantasy, but not the first high fantasy work. Tolkien was not the first, nor the only one, to write high-fantasy stories set in a fictional medieval world.

I didn't say it was the origin of the fantasy genre

Edited by jokke.6239
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I know the actual gameplay is going to be much more flashy. It's kind of hard to not have a scathing review when we're just seeing the basics. Still, I appreciate there being soloable rifts since the ones we have now aren't meant to be that way. That's even with nobody actively running them.

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1) Encounter looks boring. Sure it's the solo-able first tier, but will more boring mobs fought by more players feel a lot different?
2) The mob is reskinned forged, so much for "exciting new enemies"
3) It looks nothing different from the rifts/invasions we already have. ANet really put in all the effort for this """"""""""expansion"""""""""".

I know, I know, we'll see when we get there and sure, if it will be fun it will be fun and I hope that it will be. But having the feeling that people will have to grind hundreds of these events for rewards, as it has been custom since IBS, I'm not sure if they can be fun enough.

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8 hours ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

this is exactly what players asked for: no jade tech and a return to classical high fantasy. that also means its going to seem more generic, as literally the entire point of the expansion is to be generic and appealing to the masses who love this kind of thing.

EOD with its generic anime cyberpunk style was actualy, oh right, 'Generic'. Catering to the 2020's anime masses. Hot and Pof on the other hand had great unique creative design in maps creatures and gameplay. And are, oh yes in the line of classic fantasy.

So, what are you talking about? Anything actually to contibute? 

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4 minutes ago, Bolbo Baggins.8594 said:

EOD with its generic anime cyberpunk style was actualy, oh right, 'Generic'. Catering to the 2020's anime masses. Hot and Pof on the other hand had great unique creative design in maps creatures and gameplay. And are, oh yes in the line of classic fantasy.

So, what are you talking about? Anything actually to contibute? 

i'd say that cyberpunk settings, despite being a modern cliche, are still far less common than classical high fantasy. we're talking like maybe 1% in comparison, and are only really well known in the last decade from blade runner memes.

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5 minutes ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Does this video exist anywhere else? Apparently Tweets or X's or whatever they're called now are no longer viewable without an account, which I neither have nor want.

I also don't have an X(RAWR!!!) account and could watch the video here w/o problem.

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27 minutes ago, SoftFootpaws.9134 said:

i'd say that cyberpunk settings, despite being a modern cliche, are still far less common than classical high fantasy. we're talking like maybe 1% in comparison, and are only really well known in the last decade from blade runner memes.

1) I was talking about creative design/style, not genre. The comparison was to that. It has a generic last years scify cyberpunk anime style/design about it. Hot and Pof had a lot of unique creative design behind it (in creatures and maps), while technically classic fantasy. Eod did not have that. You tied the dissapointment of the Cryptic hunting from players to a genre, that did not make sence, so hence my post.

2) While not directly related to my point. Cyberpunk was already popular in earlier times (80's, 90's) in animation (for example Akira), games and movies (the Original Bladerunner). And invented long before that. So actually quite classic in itself. Long before the youtube meme or Tik tok generations walked on this world.

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My biggest problem with this is that the gameplay loop has been streamlined so much that it's just totally flat, removed of contours. Say what you will, but having things like bounty boards and cooldowns at least artificially maintain some downtime, some community-building, and some suspense/tension.

This is mostly just going to devolve rift maps into Mad King's Labyrinth. Sprinting endlessly from door to door. Which is fine for a seasonal bonus grind but imo doesn't make for super interesting gameplay loops. At least RIBA was fairly unique to Silverwastes, was not so heavily railroaded, and cycles through different map phases.

I really do not agree with the direction this game is going with SotO. Not only are they recycling a lot of past content, but they are doing so in ways that remove the inherent barriers of design that make gameplay feel weighty and worthwhile. The more the game just approaches "pick a color and join the zerg", the less legacy it will leave behind.

Edited by Batalix.2873
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19 minutes ago, Batalix.2873 said:

My biggest problem with this is that the gameplay loop has been streamlined so much that it's just totally flat, removed of contours. Say what you will, but having things like bounty boards and cooldowns at least artificially maintains some downtime, some community-building, and some suspense/tension.

This is mostly just going to devolve rift maps into Mad King's Labyrinth. Sprinting endlessly from door to door. Which is fine for a seasonal bonus grind but imo doesn't make for super interesting gameplay loops. At least RIBA was fairly unique to Silverwastes, was not so heavily railroaded, and cycles through different map phases.

I really do not agree with the direction this game is going with SotO. Not only are they recycling a lot of past content, but they are doing so in ways that remove the inherent barriers of design that make gameplay feel weighty and worthwhile. The more the game just approaches "pick a color and join the zerg", the less legacy it will leave behind.

Jup, I think you hit it spot on. This will become an open world lab farm with people spamming "let comm open rifts!!!" in /m. I mean what did they expect?

Again, I hope I'm wrong.

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1 hour ago, Omega.6801 said:

Jup, I think you hit it spot on. This will become an open world lab farm with people spamming "let comm open rifts!!!" in /m. I mean what did they expect?

Again, I hope I'm wrong.

Depending on how lengthy the respawn timer is, combined with the rewards supposedly scaling (presumably upwards) with the amount of people participating, I wouldn't be surprised if people start getting called out for griefing/trolling the map if they solo rifts as intended. Hopefully they come back fast enough and/or the rewards for the higher tier rifts are proportionate enough that we don't see that happening.

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1 hour ago, Batalix.2873 said:

I really do not agree with the direction this game is going with SotO. Not only are they recycling a lot of past content, but they are doing so in ways that remove the inherent barriers of design that make gameplay feel weighty and worthwhile. The more the game just approaches "pick a color and join the zerg", the less legacy it will leave behind.

This is what happens when you let FFXIV players design your MMO with no pushback from the producer.

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4 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

It isn't a very good video - for sure.

But basing your opinion on something you haven't tried for the way you assume it could be is intellectually incompetent. 

"This video makes rifts look boring" is not the same as "Rifts are boring"

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4 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

It isn't a very good video - for sure.

But basing your opinion on something you haven't tried for the way you assume it could be is intellectually incompetent. 

But judging the intellect someone whom you have never met or interacted with to any significant extent based on an opinion based on extrapolating from visual evidence is competent?

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8 minutes ago, Ashen.2907 said:

But judging the intellect someone whom you have never met or interacted with to any significant extent based on an opinion based on extrapolating from visual evidence is competent?

Not to mention that generating interest and hype through the formation of positive opinions is quite literally the entire purpose of a teaser trailer. Fortunately opinions aren't set in stone (for most people anyways) and can be swayed if the actual content is good. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't put off by the trailer though, and I feel less inclined to buy the expansion with each new piece of information we get.

At this point I'm just hoping that the Wizard's Vault is a really good addition to the game.

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5 hours ago, Jianyu.7065 said:

It isn't a very good video - for sure.

But basing your opinion on something you haven't tried for the way you assume it could be is intellectually incompetent. 

Players know exactly what they like or dislike in the first few seconds of watching stuff.. Its called past experiences.

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55 minutes ago, Kanaima.2546 said:

Not to mention that generating interest and hype through the formation of positive opinions is quite literally the entire purpose of a teaser trailer. Fortunately opinions aren't set in stone (for most people anyways) and can be swayed if the actual content is good. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't put off by the trailer though, and I feel less inclined to buy the expansion with each new piece of information we get.

At this point I'm just hoping that the Wizard's Vault is a really good addition to the game.

The video definitely seems very low-intensity for something that's usually intended to promote interest & excitement. This vid promotes a shrug, at best.

Also, wonder how long it will be before lawyers representing Tolkien's estate and/or Weta Workshop issue a cease-and-desist over that blatant Eye of Sauron ripoff. Even Amazon's TV series didn't get permission to use lots of stuff, ANet almost certainly didn't.

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20 hours ago, Szymon.5369 said:

The real problem is that people seem to expect cinematic quality, while GW2 never did actual cinematic trailers, it's always literal game content, with the fanciest thing maybe being free camera. Is that what is truły bothering OP?

HoT and IBS both had excellent cinematic trailers, though...

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