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Please don't add new events in central Tyria

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I've read that the new expansion will bring more activity (in form of rifts) in Tyria. Please don't add too much content in central Tyria. Both PoF and EoD have terrible maps (for me) to chill and enjoy the scenery. I went to the Crystal Desert only 3 times in the last 5 years: twice to help 2 players with the achievement of the 3 elites, and once to complete the fishing collection. And now I stopped to play in the EoD maps as well, after getting all the achievements and farming all the favours to buy 9 service chips. Central Tyria remains the best place to relax and do some light activity, while enjoying the game. Please don't transform it in one of the last 2 expansions' map, they are not fun.

We already have the awakened invasion, the Scarlet's invasion and those rifts (forgot the name) that were popular at the beginning and no one plays anymore. There's no need to fill even more the core maps with those kind of events. It's fine if they are limited to a very small area (like the current rifts) or if they are not too frequent (although in that case people will complain at the beginning because they'll need more time to complete the achievements). At some point these events will become unavoidably dead, and will remain there to annoy new players and people that just want to take a break from the overcrowded maps of the expansions.

Please leave some area where people can still chill around.

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1 hour ago, Urud.4925 said:

I've read that the new expansion will bring more activity (in form of rifts) in Tyria. Please don't add too much content in central Tyria. Both PoF and EoD have terrible maps (for me) to chill and enjoy the scenery. I went to the Crystal Desert only 3 times in the last 5 years: twice to help 2 players with the achievement of the 3 elites, and once to complete the fishing collection. And now I stopped to play in the EoD maps as well, after getting all the achievements and farming all the favours to buy 9 service chips. Central Tyria remains the best place to relax and do some light activity, while enjoying the game. Please don't transform it in one of the last 2 expansions' map, they are not fun.

We already have the awakened invasion, the Scarlet's invasion and those rifts (forgot the name) that were popular at the beginning and no one plays anymore. There's no need to fill even more the core maps with those kind of events. It's fine if they are limited to a very small area (like the current rifts) or if they are not too frequent (although in that case people will complain at the beginning because they'll need more time to complete the achievements). At some point these events will become unavoidably dead, and will remain there to annoy new players and people that just want to take a break from the overcrowded maps of the expansions.

Please leave some area where people can still chill around.

If you check the linked twitter video in other thread you would have seen you need to use a mastery to open these rift so they wont clutter up the maps at all.


Edited by Linken.6345
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3 hours ago, Myror.7521 said:

@Urud.4925 aside what OP Said. Bruh wtf you talking about. I feel like PoF and EoD Maps are totaly empty compared to letz say HoT ones. Aside this more Events = more things to do so im fine with it ^_^

Chill bruh. PoF maps became dead long time ago and EoD's ones will be soon, and we both agree on this. But while you think that the reason is the lack of events, for me it's because they are annoying to play in. PoF has mobs that shoot you from 1 km, and EoD is full of hazards and crammed with mobs. In both cases you can't stay 5 seconds still without being attacked. It's not fun (for me). But we'll never know what's the main reason for most of the players.

My point is: IN FUTURE (not in the next month, because the content has been already developed and ArenaNet won't change it because some random player complained), in future, like in the next update, in 6 months, please don't put too many events on a timer in central Tyria. If the reason why PoF and EoD are dead is the lack of events, as you say, then just add more events there, right? So we would be both happy: you can play on maps full of events, and I will keep to avoid them after getting my achievements.

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I actually disagree. Adding Kryptis invasions to Central Tyria would be a great idea. Imagine the idea as a new player, you're wandering Kryta in search of something to do, and suddenly demons break into Tyria and people show up to fight them. That's definitely something that's more intuitive and prone to hook a new player than stuff like the riftstalker rifts or green steampunk monsters that don't die when you kill them. 

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Yeah, they should consider adding events that blend into the settings of the maps better. Joko invasions are actually kind of fun for players, because people rally against them, but they feel out of place after Joko is out of the picture. Undead invasions are better themed on undead maps. Likewise, demon themed events would be better themed in maps with demonic presences. It's more or less a theming issue.

I like how they handled the bandit boss events! They put bandits at places where bandits are. Probably the best example of them adding events with matching themes of a content patch.

Edited by Quench.7091
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7 hours ago, Urud.4925 said:

Chill bruh. PoF maps became dead long time ago and EoD's ones will be soon, and we both agree on this. But while you think that the reason is the lack of events, for me it's because they are annoying to play in. PoF has mobs that shoot you from 1 km, and EoD is full of hazards and crammed with mobs. In both cases you can't stay 5 seconds still without being attacked. It's not fun (for me). But we'll never know what's the main reason for most of the players.

My point is: IN FUTURE (not in the next month, because the content has been already developed and ArenaNet won't change it because some random player complained), in future, like in the next update, in 6 months, please don't put too many events on a timer in central Tyria. If the reason why PoF and EoD are dead is the lack of events, as you say, then just add more events there, right? So we would be both happy: you can play on maps full of events, and I will keep to avoid them after getting my achievements.

pof definitely the mob range is a deterrent to go there.

second no meaningfull rewards or metas

event wise there are endless bounties which are just so so since they are kinda very similar.

to the topic 

i agree no rifts in core maps needed or under 80level maps. since gear scaling is broken in low level maps how would a rift work anyway? 

I have a really bad feeling about this expansion

they advertising stuff as main gimmick which would be a footnote in HOT or POF

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i am all for making new events on all maps. however there is something else i would add. i would make the main boss on maps stronger and if you fail the quests the hearts give will change has well has the normal events and a lot   more enemy's. ill give an example lets say we fail the boss in qweensdale instead of hearts telling us to kill spiders and worms we are told to pick up bodys  an putting out  fires because tons more pirates are all over the place killing npcs  so we hold  them off while gathering bobys and an escort mission goes from guarding food to guarding bodys on the way to the cemetery and stays that way tell the map boss shows up again and hearts quests will go back to normal if  we win. so in a failed state a new player will not show up in this bright sunny day but a smoke-filled map with fires and enemy's all over the place. thats the stick the carrot would be that if you win magic find/xp/karma gain goes up 5-10% tell boss shows up again

Edited by trunks.5249
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Pretty certain that no existing content will be affected by the rifts at all. 

The rift will spawn one or more enemies that will stand around waiting to be attacked like other rift/portal events in the game already. The rift and creatures will just despawn after a certain time if a group fails to take down a rift.

No new events will be added to maps beyond the rifts themselves. The expansion is pretty threadbare and they don't have the resources to add them.

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It is all about rewards. Scarlet's invasions was good idea, but as many others was left to die. Rifts across core maps is good idea since you show new ppl some activity. Evertime I go to core maps it is empty.

I even think that adding new maps would be not good at end of development of game. In general you have too many areas in game and no reason to go there. So adding new feature to existing maps is great idea and also cost a lot less.

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In terms of events added to core maps:

We already have scarlet invasions, awakened invasions, map events from whatever festival is going on at the time, skyscale rifts, riftstalker rifts, molten alliance portals, those rifts from the living story that you had to use the Rift Stabilizer to interact with (Auris Weirdbringer - sounds awfully similar to the Heart of the Obscure), the ley energy coalescence events, and the anomaly events;  all very reminiscent of rifts. So, hey, what the hell is one more rift event, right?


Edited by Tom.8029
Forgot a rift or two.
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On 8/6/2023 at 1:08 AM, GeraldBC.4927 said:

Joko says hi

... and no one replies.

The problem with most of the end game contents is that people do them at the beginning, for the achievements and because they are new. Once they get what they want, they shift to something else. The awakened invasion are a good example: they give juicy exp if you are playing with a new character and definitely worth doing them, but as lv80, you don't go to central Tyria for that (not anymore). If it happens that you are already there, you might want to do it, but most likely just skip it. The good thing is that the awakened remains more or less around the rift, so they don't bother too much new players trying to kill them on an empty map. Riftstalker rifts are also fine, as you must open the rift to participate and the champion can be soloed by anyone, since you are upscaled. I'm fine with this kind of content, limited in space.

But in general, if I have maps where players like to come back from time to time (like central Tyria) and maps that became dead after 1 year (like in the last 2 expansions), I would try to understand why and design the end game maps more similar to the early ones, not the opposite. If I have 4 dead maps, I won't try to bring the same kind of contents that made these maps dead in maps that so far are still fine. You must leave some place where players can relax somewhere, feel overpowered and chill doing unimportant quests, just for the fun.

There is a reason why many people left a character in the pre-searing Ascalon in GW1, despite there's no end game content there. The maps are cozy. In PoF and EoD they are not, you must run, always.

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Skyscale is the solution to chill in any map

I probably wouldn't suggest that normally, but since the new expansion most likely will provide a much easier way of obtaining it, I thought it worth mentioning

Edited by jokke.6239
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1 hour ago, Urud.4925 said:

... and no one replies.

The problem with most of the end game contents is that people do them at the beginning, for the achievements and because they are new. Once they get what they want, they shift to something else. The awakened invasion are a good example: they give juicy exp if you are playing with a new character and definitely worth doing them, but as lv80, you don't go to central Tyria for that (not anymore). If it happens that you are already there, you might want to do it, but most likely just skip it. The good thing is that the awakened remains more or less around the rift, so they don't bother too much new players trying to kill them on an empty map. Riftstalker rifts are also fine, as you must open the rift to participate and the champion can be soloed by anyone, since you are upscaled. I'm fine with this kind of content, limited in space.

But in general, if I have maps where players like to come back from time to time (like central Tyria) and maps that became dead after 1 year (like in the last 2 expansions), I would try to understand why and design the end game maps more similar to the early ones, not the opposite. If I have 4 dead maps, I won't try to bring the same kind of contents that made these maps dead in maps that so far are still fine. You must leave some place where players can relax somewhere, feel overpowered and chill doing unimportant quests, just for the fun.

There is a reason why many people left a character in the pre-searing Ascalon in GW1, despite there's no end game content there. The maps are cozy. In PoF and EoD they are not, you must run, always.

I, and if the amount of other players there is any indication, always do the Awakened Invasions once a day during Festivals, as they fulfill one of the Festival Dailies and give a special reward that includes a chance for an Infusion, usually. 

Edited by Inculpatus cedo.9234
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On 8/4/2023 at 10:58 AM, GeraldBC.4927 said:

I actually disagree. Adding Kryptis invasions to Central Tyria would be a great idea. Imagine the idea as a new player, you're wandering Kryta in search of something to do, and suddenly demons break into Tyria and people show up to fight them. That's definitely something that's more intuitive and prone to hook a new player than stuff like the riftstalker rifts or green steampunk monsters that don't die when you kill them. 

If Anet mess up on this opportunity,  shame on them.

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On 8/7/2023 at 9:11 AM, jokke.6239 said:

Skyscale is the solution to chill in any map

I probably wouldn't suggest that normally, but since the new expansion most likely will provide a much easier way of obtaining it, I thought it worth mentioning

Skyscale is the solution to go afk, not to chill while playing. It's a bit different. I can also go to Arborstone if I want to park my character, or use a chair, but it's not what I meant.

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On 8/5/2023 at 7:40 PM, trunks.5249 said:

i agree i hang out on the central tyria maps a lot more. i will give EoD this though excellent maps to practice griffon/dragon scale flying

It just felt like a better mmo back then, less grind more stories and things to do.. Events were new and people seemed to find others to play with.. Dungeons were super popular but still a little toxic haha.. Can't win them all i guess. I miss old school Tyria leveling.. I know its still there but its been changed a lot over the years.

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On 8/5/2023 at 12:58 AM, GeraldBC.4927 said:

I actually disagree. Adding Kryptis invasions to Central Tyria would be a great idea. Imagine the idea as a new player, you're wandering Kryta in search of something to do, and suddenly demons break into Tyria and people show up to fight them. That's definitely something that's more intuitive and prone to hook a new player than stuff like the riftstalker rifts or green steampunk monsters that don't die when you kill them. 

Thats pretty much Rifts mmorpg content. It was fun.. when the game was popular and huge amounts of people came to defend them. As the game declined they became death traps for new players and anyone left.. The game became more and more hard to survive unless you were super high veteran.

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