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trying to figure out how 12 seconds of CC every 20 seconds on hammer spb is balanced


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@Arheundel.6451 Well warr is not too strong since it relies complete into burst skills while litterly every Burst Skill (or at least nearly all) are pretty ezy to Dodge. Thats why it is called noob stomper. For real this classes burst skills are for self sustain, dmg modifier, condi cleanes. Litterly everything the class got is bound to it

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8 hours ago, Arheundel.6451 said:

Maybe noobs are those losing while using a warrior?

Eh, Bladesworn and condi zerker perhaps. I could definitely see an argument for either. 

Hammer Sp.B is literally a skill issue on legs. They give you all the time in the world to react before the pain train starts. If I see one walking towards me, you best believe i'm either doing my best octopus impression and expelling blinds from every oriface, or I'm about facing in the opposite direction. 


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9 hours ago, Barabbas.8715 said:

Wrong. My boy Sweet Eddie has humiliated you repeatedly because you have no argument. You literally had to make up something unrelated to even respond to me. And you clearly can't comprehend that this is a team game.

And yet here you are, making the same non-argument because you have nothing to give us. You literally can't address the points we're making so you go off topic and post something irrelevant. You're only winning in your mind, mate. We have destroyed everything you have thrown at the wall yet you won't give up.

Just lotg off, mate. You don't understand the concepts of critical thinking enough to participate in this discussion, lool. This is an EZ win for us. 🤣😂


I love it here


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1 hour ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Eh, Bladesworn and condi zerker perhaps. I could definitely see an argument for either. 

Hammer Sp.B is literally a skill issue on legs. They give you all the time in the world to react before the pain train starts. If I see one walking towards me, you best believe i'm either doing my best octopus impression and expelling blinds from every oriface, or I'm about facing in the opposite direction. 


All that happened is stalemate duels over and over, I could leave the duel whenever, but couldn't down the hammer spb between being cc'd and his defensives. 


Yes I'd sit cc and almost die to try and get a kill before disengaging. 

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2 hours ago, Eddie.9143 said:

All that happened is stalemate duels over and over, I could leave the duel whenever, but couldn't down the hammer spb between being cc'd and his defensives. 


Yes I'd sit cc and almost die to try and get a kill before disengaging. 

Ironically, what I find funny is the amount of warriors I catch with stun chains on SPB, while they tell everybody its so easily avoidable. The only ones I don't catch is litterally becuase they are chaining blocks, immunes or have stab. Take away that, they dodged nothing. But I don't suppose these are top level warriors.

Edited by Flowki.7194
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3 hours ago, Flowki.7194 said:

Ironically, what I find funny is the amount of warriors I catch with stun chains on SPB, while they tell everybody its so easily avoidable. The only ones I don't catch is litterally becuase they are chaining blocks, immunes or have stab. Take away that, they dodged nothing. But I don't suppose these are top level warriors.

The best spbs are ones who will duel other ones for hours. You can tell which warriors don't fight other warriors really quickly.

spb vs spb mirror duels are actually really fun and is a great way to judge skill imo, can't really win that duel by luck.

Edited by Eddie.9143
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1 hour ago, Eddie.9143 said:

Spb vs spb mirror duels are actually really fun and is a great way to judge skill imo, can't really win that duel by luck.

So, why are you complaining about this class? complaining about hammer, losing against a build that isn't even a duelist :classic_mellow:


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Some people here need to look at pictures of some quaggans or some sort to sooth their minds... the anger level is wayy to high xD


to add my 2 cts:

The ammount of CC coming from Warriors can be really annoying at times, and that is not just limited to hammer SPB.

But is it overpowered?  I dont think so.

But its also not as easy as saying: "use your defenses and actually dodge a skill, duh"

When you are not using a build that is considered meta or atleast great, there is very very very little room for an error... and even less so when you dont have 2 stunbreaks.

The sheer ammount of stuns paired with good sustain is gatekeeping alot of builds.... to a lesser extend, how Ele was gatekeeping literally anything that was using projectiles.


A semidecent Warrior has no problems winning against anything that is not a meta/great build.

A semi decent warrior has no problems winning against anyone that is low gold or below.

BUT!!!!   Against a good player on a good build.... its a fair fight.  Mostly dictated by skill. Just how it should be.


The problem is, that anything that is low gold and below, and or not running a metabuild... literally hits a brickwall when running into a semidecent warrior.

So you have people claiming that it has ungodly degenerate sustain and is also able to spam CC nonstop..... and you have the "just dodge"-faction.  


The people claiming its way to strong, mostly run offmeta builds, which is just pure blasphemy in the lands of spvp...  i mean.... how dare someone not run the FotM build!?!

Edited by Sahne.6950
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15 hours ago, Kuma.1503 said:

Hammer Sp.B is literally a skill issue on legs. They give you all the time in the world to react before the pain train starts. If I see one walking towards me, you best believe i'm either doing my best octopus impression and expelling blinds from every oriface, or I'm about facing in the opposite direction

As much as I hate to admit it (because I know the frustration of trying to scratch a halfway decent spb with a condi soulbeast), this is pretty much the right call. Spam the few things that can interfere with the warr, or move. 

Of course this doesn't help when there's really no better place on the map for you to be, but at that point your team is probably going to lose anyways.

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6 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Some people here need to look at pictures of some quaggans or some sort to sooth their minds... the anger level is wayy to high xD


to add my 2 cts:

The ammount of CC coming from Warriors can be really annoying at times, and that is not just limited to hammer SPB.

But is it overpowered?  I dont think so.

But its also not as easy as saying: "use your defenses and actually dodge a skill, duh"

When you are not using a build that is considered meta or atleast great, there is very very very little room for an error... and even less so when you dont have 2 stunbreaks.

The sheer ammount of stuns paired with good sustain is gatekeeping alot of builds.... to a lesser extend, how Ele was gatekeeping literally anything that was using projectiles.


A semidecent Warrior has no problems winning against anything that is not a meta/great build.

A semi decent warrior has no problems winning against anyone that is low gold or below.

BUT!!!!   Against a good player on a good build.... its a fair fight.  Mostly dictated by skill. Just how it should be.


The problem is, that anything that is low gold and below, and or not running a metabuild... literally hits a brickwall when running into a semidecent warrior.

So you have people claiming that it has ungodly degenerate sustain and is also able to spam CC nonstop..... and you have the "just dodge"-faction.  


The people claiming its way to strong, mostly run offmeta builds, which is just pure blasphemy in the lands of spvp...  i mean.... how dare someone not run the FotM build!?!

This take I agree with partially.

If this is the position you are in, attempting to balance your off-meta pet build by disassembling things that beat you, either by way of you not having utility space for a second stunbreak or through.... situational negligence ( 💀 ), when those things have fair or losing matchups  is not the way you should be directing your energy. You would be much more well received just arguing for buffs to the traits or utilities that would allow you to do your job better instead of trampling on builds with obvious counterplay by framing them as unbeatable monsters (especially, might I add, when the class you're framing has a playerbase that has consistently seen [redacted] balancing directions destroy their playability outright for years on end. They're gonna be a little touchy). 

Also, I run offmeta builds frequently. If I don't have stunbreak space, I just make sure the hammerbreaker is never put in a position where they are within 130 distance of me, of if they manage to bridge that gap that I reestablish it as soon as possible. I don't think "offmeta struggles" is the whole issue here but I can see an argument made in that direction, and would definitely not be as hostile towards such.

That's a "please buff this underused thing" though. not a "remove this build that already is at best a 50/50 against people that know what theyre doing and want to win this match". That's just another revolution on the nerf carousel that isn't even justified.


 the anger level is wayy to high

 I'm like a 50/50 split on 'entertained' and 'tired of seeing this suggestion for the 7 billionth time'. If I come across as angry to anyone in this thread, apologies; it's just me being really petty.

I'm still right though ❤️ 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
redacting in case forum mod decided to yeet me
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20 hours ago, Sahne.6950 said:

Some people here need to look at pictures of some quaggans or some sort to sooth their minds... the anger level is wayy to high xD


to add my 2 cts:

The ammount of CC coming from Warriors can be really annoying at times, and that is not just limited to hammer SPB.

But is it overpowered?  I dont think so.

But its also not as easy as saying: "use your defenses and actually dodge a skill, duh"

When you are not using a build that is considered meta or atleast great, there is very very very little room for an error... and even less so when you dont have 2 stunbreaks.

The sheer ammount of stuns paired with good sustain is gatekeeping alot of builds.... to a lesser extend, how Ele was gatekeeping literally anything that was using projectiles.


A semidecent Warrior has no problems winning against anything that is not a meta/great build.

A semi decent warrior has no problems winning against anyone that is low gold or below.

BUT!!!!   Against a good player on a good build.... its a fair fight.  Mostly dictated by skill. Just how it should be.


The problem is, that anything that is low gold and below, and or not running a metabuild... literally hits a brickwall when running into a semidecent warrior.

So you have people claiming that it has ungodly degenerate sustain and is also able to spam CC nonstop..... and you have the "just dodge"-faction.  


The people claiming its way to strong, mostly run offmeta builds, which is just pure blasphemy in the lands of spvp...  i mean.... how dare someone not run the FotM build!?!

Can we just sticky this post and close the thread already?

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So I Bull's Charge into you, and follow that up with a Shield Bash. I then hit you with a dagger 3, and weapon swap into a Hammer 5. 

Depending how I am feeling I might throw in a hammer 4 to show off.

200 damage. You get up and continue fighting. 

All of the other classes are capable of CC'ing a player for allied players. Ranged CC can also be chained by other classes, something Warrior cannot do.

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1 hour ago, sneakytails.5629 said:

So I Bull's Charge into you, and follow that up with a Shield Bash. I then hit you with a dagger 3, and weapon swap into a Hammer 5. 

Depending how I am feeling I might throw in a hammer 4 to show off.

200 damage. You get up and continue fighting. 

All of the other classes are capable of CC'ing a player for allied players. Ranged CC can also be chained by other classes, something Warrior cannot do.

And while this is happening a Chrono blow me tf up lol

No but seriously, now during the downtime of your cc you have enough defensives to survive just fine until your cc is off CD, which happens far earlier than the opponents stun break(s) coming off CD 

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16 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

Can we just sticky this post and close the thread already?

Nah let them cook, sticky the post and keep it open.

Like Bazi said, when you see thief threads and warrior threads about people getting annoyed to death you know the balance is approaching acceptable, because otherwise people would be too busy defending why they should be able to steamroll 2v1s with their flavor of the month bandwagon. 

I'd much rather people be vehemently upset at stunlocking than having a thousand threads about why ele is winning with flamestrike spam while being immovable or whatever else. 

Edited by Azure The Heartless.3261
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2 hours ago, sneakytails.5629 said:

So I Bull's Charge into you, and follow that up with a Shield Bash. I then hit you with a dagger 3, and weapon swap into a Hammer 5. 

Depending how I am feeling I might throw in a hammer 4 to show off.

200 damage. You get up and continue fighting. 

All of the other classes are capable of CC'ing a player for allied players. Ranged CC can also be chained by other classes, something Warrior cannot do.

yeah, when I take my shout guard and go press all my abilities in a corner I also feel like the spec is underperforming

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On 8/5/2023 at 7:48 PM, Eddie.9143 said:

I was dueling the hammer spb on condi SB and power druid so not engi.

So you basically want your Condi SB (doesn't carry as well as power sb and can get hard countered at times) and Power Druid (doesn't carry as well as power sb and can get hard countered at times) to be buffed so it can 1v1 a War? Why didn't you lead with that from the get-go?

Do you know how many classes in sPvP that's capable of winning 1v1's consistently on more than one spec in G3/Plat1+?? I can think of MAYBE 2 classes in the game and one of them is War.

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3 hours ago, Saiyan.1704 said:

So you basically want your Condi SB (doesn't carry as well as power sb and can get hard countered at times) and Power Druid (doesn't carry as well as power sb and can get hard countered at times) to be buffed so it can 1v1 a War? Why didn't you lead with that from the get-go?

Do you know how many classes in sPvP that's capable of winning 1v1's consistently on more than one spec in G3/Plat1+?? I can think of MAYBE 2 classes in the game and one of them is War.

Any spec with zerker that's traited for damage should be able to win a 1v1. 

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