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What am i gonna do day 3?

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19 hours ago, Expertus.5746 said:

We already know what happens then. Exacly whats happening right now. Ppl who like endgame content, challenge, leave the game for another mmo. Lack of content leads to dead content.

As an exploration type player, I secretly hope that it will happen so that the studio, according to their in-game stats, stop the development of strikes and fractals to only focus on what they are good at and what it make Guild Wars 2 truly unique: the open world, the dialogs and ambiance and the dynamic events.

Expand the open world is the best way to continue to expand the Guild Wars' universe while making the casual segment to flourish which has a much greater earning potential, like the the players on mobile segment.

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11 hours ago, Kozumi.5816 said:

Just like FFXIV!

Not quite, the recent EX and Savages were release a week after the patch dropped iirc. That's hardly a delay.
It's definitely not couple months.

Edited by NotTooFoolish.7412
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20 hours ago, Tiamat.8254 said:

If had time I definitely would 😂

If they had the content to keep me interested i would.

4 minutes ago, vares.8457 said:

A movie in the cinema costs 13€, the new expansion costs 25€. 

Thats why i don't go to movies anymore to expensive for zero content, and in Australia double those prices if you are buying food and more if its a family.

Edited by Dante.1508
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Just now, Dante.1508 said:

You never know you might have even dodged a bullet not having the expac.

I have. But I'm probably what your consider a casual player. I go through the story, then go exploring, do meta events, grind for currencies etc... I also use achievements as a way to plan my time as most of them point me to content I would be unaware of otherwise. For example I barely payed EoD content. Not because I don't want to buy because I have so much else I want to do as well. For example grinding skirmish tickets for the legendary back piece on wvw, doing the quests for the legendary pistol hope, just to name a couple. For some these are probably pointless endeavours, but I enjoy these things. But like I said, I can't play 12 hours a day, not even close. 

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4 hours ago, vares.8457 said:

A movie in the cinema costs 13€, the new expansion costs 25€. 

A movie is actually good. 😛

I still preordered the xpack, but I'd rather keep my expectations very low this time.  I did the same for some of the latest content and I still ended up a bit disappointed. And I am extremely sad it happened, cuz I've invested over 5k hours into the game. I remember enjoying most of that time, it's just that lately I really struggle to find content for myself.

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1 hour ago, Ashen.2907 said:

What are you going to do day three?


Come to the forums and complain. You should consider yourself lucky if you make it past day one without feeling driven to do so.

Pfft...true progamers come to the forums to complain during loading screens and unskippable cutscenes. 😉

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On 8/9/2023 at 1:24 PM, Expertus.5746 said:

I started a few months before hot released, so i pretty much had vertical progression, since i was gearing all my characters. Thats over by now.
When pof released i was playing wow, and when came back, there was w5-6-7, and a bunch of new fractals, so i did them, progressed through the wings, catched up on lws, started doing vision, coalescence, did my skyscale, beetle, and started working on my journey to have all legendaries.
In IBS, there was some strikes, i did them daily, but near the end, when they started developing eod, and they did drms... oh god... i quit to play wow again.
In EoD i did the 4 strikes, and pretty much continnued my journey to full lege, started working on aurene leges aswell. There was progression on the strike cms, mai-trin, ankka was fun, ankka cm cm was great content, still my best memory of eod. KO fine, and HT too. Also there were elite specs, which made old content interesting again. I finished my lege journey here.
Then they started doing lws1, which is no content for me, i dont really care about the story in an mmo, and that was purely story. I went back to play wow. Came back for olc, and for the cm, but i pretty much just did weekly raid fc with the cms, 4 eod cms, then log off.
About 3-4 months ago i started playing wow, and bdo, and only came back when they announced the new expac. I also liked the new fractal, the cm too.
But in soto we ll get 3 boss in a room, elit spec weapons freely, some rifts which i expect to be super easy, and thats pretty much it, as for endgame content.
The game has a bunch of content, but we are doing them for years, and the only time it "changes" when we got elite specs. But its over. New content is like white crow, and we are not gonna get elite specs ever again. And this time, i cant even do the old content with new stuff, since the weapons are not coming with release.
I can imagine how awful this is for all pvp/wvw players. They literally dont get anything, not even the 3 bosses pve players get.
But tbh, "my kind" long ago quit gw2 completly. I just like the combat system a lot, and that pulls me back every time.
The answer to these promblems are easy, repeatebility.

I think you answered your original question here.  You'll go play something else until GW2 interests you again (assuming you are correct and you are able to locust all the content and achievements in two days, also assuming you have correctly predicted all the content based on the minimal info so far).

The repeatability you seek is in the eye of the beholder.  Clearly many people find something to do every day even in content droughts.  No problem if you don't, the game is designed as something you can walk away from for a while and not lose any progress beyond the chances of doing large scale events while the player base is concentrating on them.  Unlike some MMO's GW2 expressly does not require your full time commitment to it.  So it's not a bug, it's a feature 🙂

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45 minutes ago, babana.7521 said:

its still adds up to the same amount of time to achieve ....


OP asked about Day 3.  If one doesn't play 12 hours a day, there will be content to play on Day 3....and Day 4 and Day 5, etc.  🤷‍♀️

Also, I am skeptical that all collections completed, all achievements completed, etc. is done in the first 2 days.  

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1 hour ago, Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

Also, I am skeptical that all collections completed, all achievements completed, etc. is done in the first 2 days.  

Remember that it's half of an expansion so unless they go overboard on collections and very grindy, time-gated achievements then it should be doable within 2 days.

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9 hours ago, Batalix.2873 said:

It's important to have legendary armor in this game for when you want to change the color of your character. And also to change your skins.

Many people already have a full set tho. It will probably be worth it for the skins, but if most of the mats are sth we already have in game, this won't take as much time as ppl think it could. It's not like our material storages are all empty.

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On 8/10/2023 at 9:52 PM, Tiamat.8254 said:


I have. But I'm probably what your consider a casual player. I go through the story, then go exploring, do meta events, grind for currencies etc... I also use achievements as a way to plan my time as most of them point me to content I would be unaware of otherwise. For example I barely payed EoD content. Not because I don't want to buy because I have so much else I want to do as well. For example grinding skirmish tickets for the legendary back piece on wvw, doing the quests for the legendary pistol hope, just to name a couple. For some these are probably pointless endeavours, but I enjoy these things. But like I said, I can't play 12 hours a day, not even close. 

I'm the same and you didn't miss much by avoiding EoD.. It was a mess.

On 8/11/2023 at 6:07 PM, Ashantara.8731 said:

Woot?! 😱 Link, please!

Edit: Ahhh, this one? I guess I'll live.  😂

There are so many reused assets there..😔

Edited by Dante.1508
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