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"A peak inside the Wizard's Vault"

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1 minute ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

So at the end, people who cant play every day will, in my opinion atleast

That's my fear too, which goes pretty much against the "anxiety free" narrative they've tried to frame.
Especially if SPVP, WvW or in general modes that players don't want to engage with are now forced upon them in order to maximize rewards.

I hope that's not the case, I really do. I liked how current dailies just gave gold and you could do whatever with it. but I guess it's not engaging enough to keep their metrics going...

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4 minutes ago, Deihnyx.6318 said:

That's my fear too, which goes pretty much against the "anxiety free" narrative they've tried to frame.
Especially if SPVP, WvW or in general modes that players don't want to engage with are now forced upon them in order to maximize rewards.

I hope that's not the case, I really do. I liked how current dailies just gave gold and you could do whatever with it. but I guess it's not engaging enough to keep their metrics going...

I hope so too. They usually let players skip something they don't like, even in annual achievs you don't have to do all of them to get the reward so I hope they will do it here aswell.

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36 minutes ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

So, atm it sounds better than any game with battle pass I played,  thats true, there is not paid version of the battle pass and you will be able to get rewards after the season ends for higher price (only some rewards I assume) so you will not be forced to play x hours a day like in other games that has battle pass. 

But I am sure some players only log in to get login rewards sometimes, now they get nothing for it and I  think that some rewards like mystic coins or laurels (if there are any in the "battle pass") will not be available AFTER the season. So at the end, people who cant play every day will, in my opinion atleast, miss more stuff than what they got for only login in now. 

Not to mention big impact on MC price and material price because having alt accounts is probably pointless now. 

You do get 5 astral currency just for login in.

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I think we're going to have to wait until we can see all the details before we can work out exactly how this system compares to what we have now.

I'm one of the people who can't play every day, and sometimes just has time to log in but not to do any dailies (although there's other days I can't even do that - tomorrow for example, I'm going straight from work to the train station and won't be home until late Thursday) so there's a chance I'll end up getting fewer rewards under the new system, but that might be balanced out by getting to choose what they are. There's stuff in the current login rewards I don't need, or need a lot less of like tomes of knowledge, luck and celebration boosters (yes the boosters are good, but I have loads of them in the bank). If I can prioritise the rewards I want that might work out as a net positive even if I'm getting less stuff in total.

We also don't know how many 'achievements' are required to buy rewards. The screenshot shows what appears to be a cap of 1,300 astral acclaim at a time, and weekly achievements giving 40 'points' each, but we don't know how many points the daily and special categories give or what any of the rewards cost, so we don't know how long it will take to get any of them.

At the moment it does sound like I'm going to end up getting less than I do now, but I was playing this game when there were no login rewards and dailies didn't give anything except achievement points (which had no rewards) so the worst case scenario is it goes back to how it used to be for me.

2 minutes ago, Linken.6345 said:

You do get 5 astral currency just for login in.

Where did you see that?

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The image used to show the weeklies only looks bad since most of them are competitive/jp related. Though there are four more not visible. And the bar on top shows 0/6 until you reach the cap. There are more weeklies than there is possible rewards, so you can avoid the ones in content you don't want to do.

RIP daily login rewards. You will have to decide if you want the new stuff or get laurels/mystic coins now.

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2 hours ago, XenesisII.1540 said:


/whistles 😏

It’s not a subscription.  I’m feeling me with only getting certain things with certain expansions.  I mean I don’t complain that they monetized scrapper by making ng me buy HOT, that’s perfectly reasonable to have benefits to having bought an expansion 

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2 minutes ago, Gravitron.7982 said:

I think he was actually being sarcastic, as access to the wizard vault requires you to pay for it. 

It says some rewards will be locked if you don't own SotO, but the system is available to everyone. And the article explained in the second paragraph that you don't need access to the in-world location to use it: "They’ve even set it up so that the exchange works whether you can physically reach their location in skies above Tyria or not!"

My guess is it will be like the Black Lion Company - which has an actual headquarters in Lion's Arch with some minor extra functions only available there (like being able to see the weapon sets available from black lion chests displayed in the world) but everyone can use the Trading Post and gem store from anywhere in the world.

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5 hours ago, Ariurotl.3718 said:

Just got this email and I sure am looking forward to this peak, i.e. a mountain of some description (how did the wizard even get an entire mountain into his vault, I guess that's magic for ya), and absolutely not a peek which would be a sneak preview. Cheers.

Glad I'm not the only one noticing this all-too-common error.

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2 hours ago, Cernoch.8524 said:

I think it is not what he meant. Lets say it is one time paid feature even though you will still be able to get some rewards even without buying any xpac.

In other games you basically have to buy battle pass every season to get those extra rewards. So lets say 10 euros every 2-3 months.

And in many other "battle pass" style systems, you're under a time crunch to complete all the tasks before it expires otherwise you miss out -- but you can swipe to earn progression, which is likely what they are hoping the more casual player will do. Even in WoW's trading post you can only Hold 1 item over to the next month, otherwise the items on the post go away until they cycle back in. I hate those fomo-style systems, so this sounds like a much better version of the system. 


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5 hours ago, Randulf.7614 said:

Sad to see the traditional/current daily system and login rewards go. Could really have sat alongside organically

The system otherwise sounds pretty good

I hate this, its just more funneling people to the shop for the little convenience  items you get from login rewards. Also new players get screwed no gold no items, just push them to the shop also.

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5 hours ago, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

I'm here and I've got an answer for you!

Gold, Laurels, and Mystic Coins can all be purchased in the Wizard's Vault for completing your daily objectives. Daily achievement points will still be available as well, you'll earn them by completing your Wizard's Vault daily objectives.


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