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"gUiLD WaRs 2 iS a dEAd GAme"


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3 minutes ago, Arnox.5128 said:

Fine. Here's a much harsher source.


Current active daily count is 350,000.

"Source" doesn't mean you should keep posting another random site making up a different number, source is what those sites base those numbers on. Posting another random number -whether it's "harsher" or not- still doesn't make it anything more than just another guess.

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Monthly players (reported at 15 million) and daily players (reported at 350K) are also completely different measurements.  I suspect if someone finds a weekly player number, it will be somewhere between there.

I could envision a lot of people that don't play daily (commitments or other things).  I could also see a lot of monthly players who just log in occasionally, may not really play, but just want to keep an eye on things - some may not be players in any real sense.  For that matter, there could be people that log in daily just for the login rewards who otherwise don't really play - presumably they must be thinking they might come back at some point (as otherwise, why get those materials), but for right now, may log off of after getting the rewards.

So any reporting of 'players' needs a lot more context to be meaningful.


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1 hour ago, Arnox.5128 said:


Yep. 15 million plus monthly players. Very super dead, guys.

Looks at what they use as a source.  

44 minutes ago, Arnox.5128 said:

Fine. Here's a much harsher source.


Current active daily count is 350,000.

Another instance where you should look at what they use as a source.  I didn't know Reddit was a source for measuring MMO populations. 

Are you just posting random "sources" without even looking into them?

Edited by enigmatic.3576
Added link to MMO-population's about section to show how they estimate their data
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GuildWars2.com main page (on the carousel) currently boasts 16 million players, probably monthly. Even if they were completely talking out of their butts and it was only a third of that, that's still ~5 million players. Just to give some context for that, WoW reached an all-time peak of ~12 million players in 2010.

Now, you guys can argue all you want to about semantics, and I could be wrong about these numbers here, but judging from all this and also my years of playing this game, I believe it. You can decide what you want to believe and how pessimistic you're going to be.

Edited by Arnox.5128
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16 minutes ago, WeightTrainer.3219 said:

If you want to know how Anet is doing, go to NCsoft's website and look at their quarterly statements covering the games they own. GW2 is on it.


As of Q2 2023, GW2 is in the #3 spot out of 5 for total sales in their PC MMO lineup, making a total of ~$15 million, not far behind from the financial heavy-hitters Lineage and Lineage 2.

Edited by Arnox.5128
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3 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

also my years of playing this game, I believe it. You can decide what you want to believe and how pessimistic you're going to be.

I doubt you've come across even 50K unique players for however long you've been playing.  So unless you're keeping records, what you observed doesn't really lend any weight.

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8 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:


Yep. 15 million plus monthly players. Very super dead, guys.

Not recently. The last time it was over 15 million players was in March 2022 according to your source.

There are, however, multiple things wrong with this chart but let's focus on that number: it says it's the monthly average. But 10-15 million can't be the monthly average when the daily peak is less than 1 million (and that's assuming they calculated that correctly). That's just not possible. And indeed well below the charts they say that the average amount of players are between 350k - 500k players per day so the monthly average has to be within that range as well. So what I think this chart does is add the daily peaks together but an average is not adding them together but rather, well, averaging them out.

When doing maths or statistics you really have to understand the difference between the sum and the average of something and these people don't. So please never use this site again for statistics. I know the game isn't dead but using false statistics to prove your point isn't really helpful.

Edited by Gehenna.3625
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5 hours ago, Arnox.5128 said:

Now, you guys can argue all you want to about semantics, and I could be wrong about these numbers here, but judging from all this and also my years of playing this game, I believe it. You can decide what you want to believe and how pessimistic you're going to be.

Believe what you want. But knowing the difference between facts and beliefs/opinions has nothing to do with semantics.

The fact is: Only Anet knows the actual number of players, everyone else who pretends to know the numbers is just guessing.

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I can't find any info on how this site gets their data (the 'about' page is just the home page) and the page is a mess (a lot of it looks like it's written to increase the chances of appearing in Google searches) but I do know Anet doesn't share any info on active players, whether that's people currently online or daily, weekly, monthly or any other measure. They very occasionally (once every few years at most) include a single stat in one of their infographics, but that's it.

Since Anet are the only people who can get reliable data and they don't share it this must be an estimate. Some other sites do it by tracking search data and semi-arbitrarily classifying searches as positive or negative (e.g. '[game] news' is good '[game] down?' is bad) and using that to estimate how many people are playing, but that's obviously wildly inaccurate.

This one is marginally better than other sites I've seen in that it doesn't report current players for Wildstar or City of Heroes (both of which shut down years ago but still appear on several of these sites) but that might just mean it's a newer site that didn't include already closed games in it's list.

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1 minute ago, Danikat.8537 said:

I can't find any info on how this site gets their data (the 'about' page is just the home page) and the page is a mess (a lot of it looks like it's written to increase the chances of appearing in Google searches) but I do know Anet doesn't share any info on active players, whether that's people currently online or daily, weekly, monthly or any other measure. They very occasionally (once every few years at most) include a single stat in one of their infographics, but that's it.

Since Anet are the only people who can get reliable data and they don't share it this must be an estimate. Some other sites do it by tracking search data and semi-arbitrarily classifying searches as positive or negative (e.g. '[game] news' is good '[game] down?' is bad) and using that to estimate how many people are playing, but that's obviously wildly inaccurate.

This one is marginally better than other sites I've seen in that it doesn't report current players for Wildstar or City of Heroes (both of which shut down years ago but still appear on several of these sites) but that might just mean it's a newer site that didn't include already closed games in it's list.

Arena Net says "Join 15+ million players"

Seems like they just took that number

But that's accounts created

Not active players

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