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Let's Face Facts: Warrior is Getting Less This Xpac Than Other Classes (pvp/wvw)


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We have a ton of baseline weapons and now three extra ones aren't going to fill any niches. Dagger mainhand maybe for some specs and theory crafting but that's about it. Other than that we're just getting the same relics everyone else is getting. We're easily getting the short end of the stick here and it shows.

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4 minutes ago, Red Haired Savage.5430 said:

Yeah, the problem with the warrior elite spec weapons they aren't the most useful outside their elite spec. Then we have elite spec weapons like torch that condi warrior isn't very good outside berserker. 

Not to mention, torch is so bad that condi berserker doesnt even use torch in competitive modes.

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20 minutes ago, prototypedragon.1406 said:

Until we tickle someone with one of our weapons the wrong way.

Of course, we will lose something again in the future. But at least that wasn't the case today.

But there is a Fast Hands relic. Even if it's just 25% instead of half the CD, it still stings that one the last few things (formerly) unique to Warrior is being handed out like candy on Halloween to every profession.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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5 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

Of course, we will lose something again in the future. But at least that wasn't the case today.

But there is a Fast Hands relic. Even if it's just 25% instead of half the CD, it still stings that one the last few things (formerly) unique to Warrior is being handed out like candy on Halloween to every profession.


That runeset was around since 2012.

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13 hours ago, Fueki.4753 said:

But that came from a Rune effect that is now lost.

It wasn't something that was part of Warrior itself.

For sure, but the loss of something like that is going to exacerbate or at least make more apparent Warrior's issues with its lack of boon access.

For instance Relic of the Brawler has exceptionally good synergies with basically any Guardian build because of their access to both Protection and Resolution, most Engineer builds because of, again, their access to both Protection and Resolution (mostly Protection), practically any Elementalist build, then Soulbeast, Druid, Herald, some Vindicator builds, basically anything that currently has adequate enough access to these boons on a consistent enough basis will benefit from it on a consistent basis.

Then you look at Warrior...how much access to Protection or Resolution do we have? Not a lot. Specifically we would be getting this Relic to proc in situations where we might be setting up a bigger hit but therein lies Warrior's perpetual issue again; people have blinds, dodges, evades, blocks, invulns in copious amounts...

We'd also be setting up for a burst that likely still wouldn't be as significant and they would still probably avoid the hit with any number of those effects listed previously.

That being said, I'm having decent luck using Relic of the Thief because of its consistency of being active alongside Scholar Rune stats.

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7 hours ago, KryTiKaL.3125 said:

For sure, but the loss of something like that is going to exacerbate or at least make more apparent Warrior's issues with its lack of boon access.

I actually just want my Runes of Strength and the Wurm back to how they where previously, even if that has to involve the new Relics.

It's not only an issue on Warrior for me either. Losing Wurm's 6th bonus hurts a lot on my Guardian, Thief and non-condition Elementalists.

Edited by Fueki.4753
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The only main useful weapon ive found is Dagger on Berserker, the burst skill is AOE with no target cap, the damage is almost on par with Arc Divider and removes 2 boons on each target hit.

You can already guess what warrior is really lacking for this expansion (since the mobs appear to have rapid movement and bolt around quite abit) a decent ranged option for mainhand. When you make a lil sidestep over and have a look at the necromancer, on scourge they have now gained access to pistol mainhand and are able to pump out from what ive seen 3 different damaging condi's up to 30 stacks each. Necromancers midrange has sky rocketed through the roof for surviability and damage, yet warrior is still stuck playing the same playstyle since 2013, locked to melee.


Please please please Anet, make the mainhand pistol for the EoD elite spec as an afterthought, but do not make it a melee weapon, Warrior will be the only class in the game without a one handed ranged weapon. All while Guardian and Elementalist is about to gain a second ranged mainhand weapon.


Honestly Bladesworns pistol would have been more suited to be on the mainhand slot opening up the lesser used niche offhand weapons to use with the pistol, offhand locks you to Sword, Axe or Dagger.

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