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Secrets of the Obscure general feedback [Merged]

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6 hours ago, Teknomancer.4895 said:

Please add a crafting mats slot for Essences of Despair to make them depositable. Not thrilled by the idea of more crafting mats that can't be deposited, my bank storage is cluttered with more than enough of that kind of thing already. Please allow us to store crafting mats where they belong.

As far as I know they're supposed to be depositable, so I'd guess that'll be a fix in a patch soon.

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1 minute ago, Wheezy.2846 said:

As far as I know they're supposed to be depositable, so I'd guess that'll be a fix in a patch soon.

I hope soon, the game already sorts them into the craftsman bags when picked up so they're partially ready. It's just that there's nowhere in material storage to put any of the 3 new kinds of Essence (Despair/Greed/Triumph).

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Please make the abandoned skyscale nests function like resource nodes instead of the single-use whatevers they are now, so that they don't vanish as soon as one player interacts with them! Failing that, increase their respawn speed by a massive factor, so they aren't nonexistent for long stretches of time. Since launch, I have only encountered exactly three nests despite rather intensively searching for them at the known spawn sites.

Starting a collection should NOT be competitive, and the allegedly "streamlined" skyscale acquisition method is a failure if the thing you need to start the process is nearly impossible to obtain. Since you used this as one of the selling points of this expansion (almost the only reason I bought the thing tbh), it needs to be functional and attainable. It is neither of those things.

This expac has turned out to be just one bait & switch after another.

Edited by Teknomancer.4895
minor add
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You took what I loved about the game, the OLD dailies, and completely and utterly screwed it up beyond recognition

Forcing me into 3 'choices' (they aren't choices since I HAVE to do THOSE 3), many of which are incredibly lame (escort 10 dolyaks, really?!?) or take ridiculous time (dolyaks again a good example).

The whole 6th rune vs relic fiasco.

Gawd I could go on, I'm not sure I'll play anymore honestly, they broke so much about the game I enjoyed.

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I don't dislike the expansion, but I kind of have the same feeling I get when I buy a bag of chips: Get it home and tear it open only to find it holds far less than I expected. While renown hearts and karma vendors aren't a huge part of a map, their absence is felt. There are only two zones, so why no renown hearts? 

Also, decoupling the elite spec weapons so anyone can use them, without a massive rework, seems like an odd decision. Why do that? Why design weapons specifically for one spec to use and then release them for all the other specs? What did you think was going to happen? A broken feature that doesn't really work isn't a feature. Personally, I think ditching elite specs entirely wasn't a good idea. People like them and it gives players a different way to play the game. In an mmo that relies so much on farming and repetition, having a new spec or class or whatever every few years (not necessary to do it every year) might be a good way to help the game stay somewhat fresh. That being said, eliminating e-specs without something fun and useful to take its place isn't a good look. The new weapons aren't out, the old e-spec weapons are mostly broken and useless for anything other than the intended spec (with a few exceptions). E-specs don't always have to serve some sort of utilitarian purpose (giving a class a different role). Having a new, fun "class fantasy" is still a considerable addition to the game.

Take SPectre, for example. A thief class with a ghostly theme, wells that draw in spirits and shadow magic? Yes please! A Spectre with a rifle? YES PLEASE!

Skywatch Archipelago is a nice, big map, but Amnytas feels sort of... tacked on. Like it's just there to support the meta and that's it. There isn't all that much to do and it isn't all that interesting of a place to be. Years and years ago (it might have been a promotional video for when GW2 was first coming out) whoever was talking in the video mentioned GW2 maps being large, and maintaining a sense of scale. Amnytas isn't very big or interesting. 

SPeaking of scales, another issue I have is with the focus on skyscales. THey're kind of unwieldy and awkward to fly, and dedicating an entire expansion to feature the mount isn't my favorite idea. I know other people like it and thats nice. Yay for them. The reason I dislike it is less about the flying of skyscales and more about how it removes one of the best systems you have ever developed: the mounts! 

THe mounts in this game are fun. Really fun. Hitting the gas on a roller beetle and blasting off across the map is still one of the most fun experiences in any MMO I've ever had. Focusing an expansion on one single mount, whichever one it is, is limiting. And I really, really hope there isn't going to be some god-awful underwater expansion with that horrid skimmer. Ick. 

In my opinion, designing maps so that they can be traversed with multiple types of mounts, and including areas where people can use their griffon, roller beetle, or raptor or whatever is better than limiting the landscape to a single mount. Also, flying destroys the scale of the map and makes travel boring. Look what WoW did with their flying. They've lamented its implementation for a long time, and had to steal dragon riding from you folks to make it palatable. Don't make the same mistake. Leave skyscale travel a choice, not a necessary mount. 

I like the new metas, and I look forward to the additional story bits and new maps. All in all, I give this part of the release a 5/10. It's nice to get new content, but this content is a little... thin. Not as much substance as previous releases. However, as time goes on and subsequent releases come out, it's likely that my assessment will improve. I eagerly anticipate the new core weapons as well as (I hope) a huge balance patch to make the recently de-coupled e-spec weapons work better. 


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I’ve enjoyed the story and the new maps.  I too have been drawn to the many reused assets but my goodness, GW2 have a lot to play with, and they’ve been implemented in lots of fun ways.  
Metaverses are a bit overplayed, but I kind of do want to see Rata Novus not destroyed and if Balthazar won.  Draknar’s light was a nice surprise. 
I like that we started in some olds maps, and I hope that continues.  It gave me some of the feeling back from 2012.  I found myself thinking on, and even dreaming, of these new maps, Skywatch in particular.

I’d say I got 12 hours of original content doing the story and maps.  I could put the game down satisfied at times.  I wasn’t rushing to kill a world eating dragon like.
There are a couple more typos in this expansion than I’ve noticed before. (All of 3, 2 in the Wizards tower.)  maybe a consequence of all the new stuff to read, which was a treat.

But yes, the core “features” of the expansion are at odds with what I enjoyed.  I hate seeing the “rift sense” flying into a wall, and yes, it does seem to have you crossing the entire map when you do.  Seeing multiple people close a rift is a fun moment though.

The relic system is bad at launch.  I can appreciate removing the effects from stats but so many effects are lost and some of the new ones are so niche.  (Shadowstep and deception boost {mirage approves, am using})

I’d like to see rune of the soulbeast bonus restored.  Relic of the citadel stun on elite - I’m having trouble thinking of elite skills that synergizes with it and not overwrite this effect.

I’m quite happy getting emotes and mount skins from Wizard Vault.  I otherwise have my daily AP capped, and before if I didn’t care for the daily task, I skipped it, and perhaps that remains unchanged.

Enjoyed the story and the map content and design.  Can sell me an expansion on that alone.  In fact the features were a detractor.


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I enjoy the new expansion ... but to be honest, I'm also a bit disappointed with it:

There are no new elite specialisations. I was very excited about the weaponmaster training, because I thought it makes leveling a character more fun - but no, it's only available for level 80 characters.

There's not even an interesting new feature. HoT had the glider and ley lines, in PoF we got seven mounts. In EoD there were skiffs and fishing and a Jade Tech Waypoint and a new mount. And in SoO we just got an object that guides us to the next rift.

But rifts aren't even fun events, we had the same type of event multiple types in other expansions. And what annoys me most about them is that as a reward we get 3 different materials that can't even be deposited to the material storage, so they clutter up the inventory.

Many old assets were reused, many events (even though some of them are quite fun) were simply copy-pasted from older maps. Even the new ranger pet is just a sand shark with lighting around it.

At least the story and the music is very good and it's also nice to see Zojja again after such a long time. And personally I really like the Wizard Vault.

Edited by franzi.8513
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You can never have enough "general feedback" - in my opinion. Another thing I noticed which I forgot to mention: They seem to make crafting less important. New recipes (motivation stuff) available to all professions and you have "assisted crafting" for certain stuff. That way they can let you get it with being able to keep it bound. If the NPC can sell it - not the trading post. Small incentive to level your crafting cause it is cheaper to craft it yourself.

They should have kept a stricter focus. Though crafting is not that fun it would not be too bad to force people to max out their professions and maybe different ones. For the real good stuff.

On the other hand: The research notes? That would not have been necessary. Imo they should be kept strictly to EoD stuff. Nobody wants them here. Astral ward, wizars - all magic? No! Still science and the scientific (non-magical) research from the EoD ... needd for Kryptis motivations lol. At least make a trade-in vendor. 1 of the cheapest essence (from T1 rift) to let that convert into 10 research notes. Would be nice to be able to farm research notes and a lot of other changes have been with the philosophy to make older stuff easier available to new players that want to catch up.

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More feedback: Can we please get better tooltips, particularly on relics. I shouldn't have to buy something to figure out more information on it. Like Relic of the Flock: Grant barrier to yourself and nearby allies after you use a healing skill. Cool! How much barrier?

Relic of the Chronomancer: Gain quickness when using a well skill. How much quickness? How much X of Y am I getting on these? Some of them have nice tooltips, like Aristocracy: A very specific 3% condition duration for 8 seconds when inflicting weakness or vuln, max 5, ICD 1 sec. This is a good tooltip, it shows me exactly what I'd be getting! 

Next, stat combinations. This game has been out for how long now and while I understand wanting to limit certain types of builds, there still feels like there are some stat combos missing. Particularly for condi, it feels like those builds get pidgeon holded into taking a lot of defensive stats, or power stats - particularly in PvE, if you want to do condi damage but also something else (like a lot of condi + alac/quick builds), ritualist is good but you end up with a ton of vitality. In sPvP, condi amulets seem to always have a ton of power or precision on them, neither of which I want. I'm currently trying to make a power-less condi setup that doesn't go past 25k health and it's impossible! Everything always comes with vitality or power (or some power stat, like precision). I just want a condi damage, expertise, healing power, conc set. Or condi/exp/healing would be fine. Maybe these already exist and I'm just blind, but I haven't found a setup I like yet.

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New daily system is far better than old one. (but dailies feels unbalanced, some PvE can be done in litteraly 10 seconds, while some are really painful to complete (like mini-dungeon kurzick))

Less value ? What are you smoking ? the daily chest gives you 1 gold + 35 new currency daily. The legendary chest is 300gold value, the first 90gold cost only 360 new currency.


The two strikes are bad, so easy, you don’t have to understand mecanics to do it first/second try, horizontal progression doesn’t mean horizontal difficulty. If you restart the strikes difficulty every year(/expansion), just give up on strikes. They’re so easy I don’t even want to waste my time on it.


 No that the story is bad but I don’t feel any reason to play it. Maybe cause I played too much RPG and I’m not impressed by how the story is told and feel like it’s just empty and lifeless.


At the end, I don’t want to be disrespectfull but for 25€ I could buy a full game during steam sales that give me 10 times more of everything. If I look in MMO, TESO or Destiny 2, it feels like bigger value on expansion (maybe i’m wrong)

I really love the improvement on the game with update but to me, this is not an expansion. It’s a 25€ for keep the game updated.


PS : really like the new activities, disappointed by rifts that just are bounties-event with new currency that add nothing more than unecessary complexity. Disapointed by the fact there is no dungeon to explore with friends (heavy story oriented and puzzling), no real innovation. New maps are kinda cool but feel empty quite fast. New weapons for every class seems cool but it just break the balancing for somes classes and being useless for other : it just replace weak weapons on build : Necro condi has no reason to play something else than Pistol and Torch. Every condi build will run the best set, every power build will run the best. It just made weaker weapon useless cause : who will play Hammer to CC when CC are already on everything ?


To me, the game is close to its end if they don’t find ways to make horizontal progression interesting.

PS2 : english is not my native langage and I wrote this while criticism come to my head. I hope it’s understandable (and will help as a constructive opinion)

Edited by Ultima.5280
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It’s time to give my feedback on SotO.

The good:

1) Map aesthetics. Although there is a lot of reused assets, map designers have done a good job and created enjoyable and beautiful map to explore. Guys that design the visuals are talented, that’s the only part of gw2 I’ve never had any issues with.

2) The setting. I’ve enjoyed the demonic/mist theme.

3) Wizards vault. Although it has some issues atm, the overall idea is great.

4) A few characters were well designed (Peitha, Cerus, Mabon, Frode). Please don’t ruin them in the future. I don’t want to see a demon lady with “emotional damage” issues.


The bad:

1) Relics. Not only this change destroyed a chunk of my builds (for example aristocracy runes based cele weaver) by removing 6th piece bonus from runes, but relic system didn’t actually address the “more options” problem. In a day people have come up with the best rune/relic combo for power, condi, support builds. So, the main problem remains. And the worse part is legendary runes HAVE lost their value. If before the expac I would use legendary runes to swap bonuses in each build depending on the needed 6th piece, now I can safely say you can get 1-3 rune sets (one of each: power, condi, support) per a character to safely dismiss the need to get any other runes in the future. Legendary runes lost a decent chunk of their value, that is not debatable.

2) Weaponmaster training. Most of the elite spec locked weapons were designed for a specific elite spec. For example the weaker elite spec like tempest was boosted by warhorn. And warhorn had to be better than other weapons for that reason. Now that all of the weapons are available regardless of elite spec, you simply pick THE BEST weapon for each role (condi, power, support) and stick to it. We even have some hilarious situations like the best weapons for any elementalist build (condi, power, healer) is sword/wh. Why bother with other weapons? Anet should have adjusted weapons before the expac went live (and no, nerfing warhorn was not the answer cause its still clunky to use). So, this coupled with relic and rune system made builds more linear and less fun. Balance team should really look into redesigning a lot of weapons atm.

3) Masteries. Most of the masteries like updraft/lay-line usage is useful when you first explore the map, but they are locked at that point. And when you actually explored the map and unlock the masteries they are no longer needed. Sure, they still have an impact on SotO and other maps, but seeing a mechanic that you want to use, but can’t cause its being locked by a grind is demoralizing at best.

Same goes for the arcane chest masteries. The reward for the first meta is arcane chest that you can’t open until you level ur mastery. Its not a good design. It doesn’t feel that you get something as a bonus when you level this mastery up, but rather that you are being punished by not having it.

4) Rifts. An interesting concept, but it doesn’t work in its current form. You basically do 3 thing over and over again: ping for a rift, defeat some trash mobs, defeat a boss. Rinse and repeat. And crafting these tokens to get bonus loot and higher tiers of rifts is kinda expensive. You need to readjust this asap.

5) Story. Although I enjoyed the start of the story – it gave me this “diablo like” experience when you first meet Cerus, but down the road it all went down to “emotions this” and “emotions that”. Just like Gyala. Can we please get a more mature writing here. Both the Wizards Court an Astral Ward are militarized organizations who literary fight demons and yet they break down when one of their comrades dies. The only reasonable character with appropriate reaction is Frode. When his daughter went MIA, he replied with “we all knew what we were going into”. Yes, they knew. Every single one of them knew that they could die any minute. That’s why organizations like this have ranks and hierarchy so that if a commander dies there is always a guy who can get into his place and lead the organization onward. That’s how every decent organization works. People who work under this pressure change, they become hardened by it. Yet I’ve not seen anything like it here. All the characters are literary “emotional damaged” constantly.

6) Politics in the game. Guys, I know you care for a lot of different people here, but can you stop throwing modern world “politics” in Tyria again? Commander is not “They”. When you create a character its specifically said: male/female. And up until this moment you addressed the main character as a “commander” which was a decent decision. Now you have an option to call main character “wayfinder”. I know there is a thing with this agenda in USA, but here in EU and in many other regions we don’t have this kind of problems, don’t force this on us. Or better of just design a toggle in the options so that everyone can choose if they want to get addressed as a he/she or any other way. Same goes for poor old Issgarren. That one line in the story made me kinda facepalm myself.

7) Metas. They are simply unrewarding. That is all. The overall design is decent.

8. Dailies. Cmon, putting that overbugged echovald dungeon as a daily was pure evil. You need to avoid this kind of content since I’ve spent literary a day trying to do the daily. 17 maps had bugged dungeon before I’ve found a working one.

9) Buggs. Many events in new maps bug out (for example the escort event in kaineng part of archipelago). It’s not acceptable.

10) Green shards/ancient tokens. Okay. The least you could have done is to timely inform players that after the expac goes live these shards/tokens will turn into pumpkin. I’ve personally lost some money on green shard conversion. A two-three week notice would have made a difference.


Overall, it doesn’t actually feel like an expansion. More like a paid living world content. A few things done right, loads of potential that can be expanded on if you tune it well, and a lot of things done wrong. Is it worth 25 euros? I believe so. Will I buy the next expansion, sadly no. Guild wars 2 is turning into a generic mmo with daily routine, soft FOMO, immature story (I’m just not interested in teenage level of storytelling where every character is being “emotionally damaged” constantly. I’m a bit too old for this. I’ve recently replayed the core story, and it was done way better.), boring builds, etc.

Edited by soulknight.9620
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On 8/23/2023 at 5:23 AM, Knighthonor.4061 said:

We knew the new weapons wasn't coming until first quarter.  It's a mini expansion. Aka Living World aka Saga by a new name and no longer free. It was as expected. I just hope we get big expansions in between mini expansions, that include new classes , new elite specs, player housing, etc. That hasn't been made clear

If this is a mini expansion why is it only 17% cheaper than a regular expansion? If this is indeed mini, it should have a mini price. Like 5 or 10 euros.

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I just started SotO and I'm disappointed so far. I won't repeat what others have already said but one little thing jumped out at me as unfathomable laziness -- the floating orbs of magic energy in Skywatch Archipelago look EXACTLY the same as Volatile Magic. They even sound the same.

I mean, come on. At least change the hue and modulate the sound effect. Help us pretend we have something new.

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SOTO is good for an expansion. It sets the scene for, hopefully, things to come because there were only two maps (not including Wizard's Tower which is a commercial hub). However I loved what maps there were and the amazing graphics. I did like the end game where you battled the boss but it didn't go on and on pointlessly like some other end boss fights. Good touch.

I note that people gripe about the wizard's vault. It's basically a good idea because of the reward structure. What is bad is it takes away some of the fun of the old daily structure. For example, you were occassionally asked to participate in events in Dragon's Stand. Without those dailies I could wait there normally hoping enough people would turn up to start the event - just to be disappointed and move on. Daily events were good. Or, for example, how many times would you be asked to do a particular jumping puzzle and a friendly mesmer would be there to help out. It gave you a sense of community feel.

The daily now seems to be focussed on places I didn't want to go to (Canta - boring) or doing things like break an opponents defiance bar or kill x amount of enemies etc. I don't care about the gold award reduction, it was the fun element and there were options. For instance, if you did not want do Flaming Tendrils you could do events in Fields of Ruin.

Re: the Skyscale path. It would have been nicer if the new features were added as a bonus to those who already have a Skyscale - after all we did some hard graft to get one. So for those who have just started you get the normal Skyscale in SOTO and then get the new features. For those of us that have a Skyscale you start adding the additional features to your existing masteries. Kind of a reward for long service and loyalty.

So a general thumbs up for SOTO but with some major reservations.

Edited by Thormano.7806
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I have already gotten used to the Wizard's Vault's achievement system and think it's okay.

The biggest gripe I have is with Relics being inconsistent ("on using an elite skill" does not work with some elite skills, "on using a healing skill" doesn't work with all healing skills) and with the many bugs the patch brought upon us.

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OP, idk what you're complaining about re: Skyscale masteries; they literally are doing exactly what you want with the new tree.  Did you not see that table during pre-release that shows what all the SotO masteries do to upgrade Skyscale for veteran players?

I agree about the Daily.  And yet this could be so easily solved by just adding 1 or 2 more Daily tasks as options; 6/4 for the chest instead of 4/4.  The Weekly literally already does this (8/6 for the chest); why not do the same for the Daily???


9 minutes ago, Khaos.6479 said:

They need to remove the 1300 limits from the wizard's vault. Don't even know why they did that in the first place ?

Maybe to make you actually use your kitten reward points instead of hoarding them the same way you hoard Laurels?  🙄

Arenanet wants you to actually feel rewarded for the effort you put into getting AA's.  That sense of reward isn't gonna happen if you don't spend it on anything.

Edited by Gambit.9501
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On 8/23/2023 at 5:22 PM, Kelly.7019 said:

I don't know why we have to click on the daily after we complete it.

I know this is a little thing but I liked getting bouncy chests for the dailies. We still had to click them but not from a notification. It was a fun bouncy chest. Clicking an ugly UI just doesn't have the same appeal.

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On 8/23/2023 at 4:12 PM, Tuna Bandit.3786 said:

Bit of feedback for the design team:

There is this mechanic where an orange circle appears on your feet and starts to fill up, a warning that you need to be ready to dodge in time.

This looks way too similar to the circle that appears on Sandstorm Shroud on Healscourge, pretty much same color and same animation. This must have missed quality control?

that might be good to post in the bugs section or report in-game as a bug

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On 8/27/2023 at 12:09 PM, VoodooChurch.6513 said:


Also, decoupling the elite spec weapons so anyone can use them, without a massive rework, seems like an odd decision. Why do that? Why design weapons specifically for one spec to use and then release them for all the other specs?



Because players have been asking for this ever since the first elite specs were released.

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I've barely tried the new maps (been on a vacation till Friday), so can't comment on them.

The Wizard's Vault: less flexibility and more tedium in comparison with the old system. Bonus negative points for having a separate panel which always takes two seconds to load, instead of being integrated into the hero panel. An almost pure downgrade.

Relics: it completely destroyed some builds, and most of the new effects seem poorly designed. Plus, it's a middle finger to the owners of legendary runes. Again, an almost pure downgrade.

Features that I was actually excited about: coming soon (tm).

I had mixed feelings about HoT, I adored PoF and EoD. I at least liked most of the free updates. I can honestly say I hate SotO. Which is unfortunate because I still love GW2 to death, and I want it to be the best game possible.

To quote Gordon Ramsay: "It's raw!" It should have stayed in the oven for a few more months.

Edited by Hachimaro.6234
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I like the ability to choose:

- choose which dailies and/or weeklies to do from those provided (still would like more daily choices) -- or choose not to do any

- choose which rewards to get

- choose to no longer get revive orbs, repair cannisters, or boosters/merchants/etc that just sit in inventory or bank

I don't do crafting on my alt accounts, and today I bought an ascended weapon for one. The only ascended gear they get is what drops randomly (and is decent) or from laurels, so I like the ability to choose ascended gear for those characters, even though they don't really need it.

Edited by DeanBB.4268
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23 hours ago, Spiral.3724 said:

I just started SotO and I'm disappointed so far. I won't repeat what others have already said but one little thing jumped out at me as unfathomable laziness -- the floating orbs of magic energy in Skywatch Archipelago look EXACTLY the same as Volatile Magic. They even sound the same.

I mean, come on. At least change the hue and modulate the sound effect. Help us pretend we have something new.

It's one thing to recycle assets, but SoTo is abusive. When we do some events of the second map, we have special abilities that are the same as the power of IBS, and of a fractal.

They have recycled everything they have, even the icons of the "new" SoTo fish.

I hope you guys are working hard on the new project because in this expansion the events are mostly boring and the Strikes are worse than IBS

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My feedback/first impression on the expansion so far:

Overall I liked the story and I grew fond of some characters quickly (although there was a certain dramatic point in the story I could have done without). Peitha and some other demons spoke a bit too slowly in my opinion though lol. The maps are definitely very beautiful.  I am personally in general not that fond of the Skyscale (Never was - I prefer the Raptor) but maybe this changes with time. I did love the vertical design and the updrafts in HoT after all.

I am somewhat upset about the changes made with the dailies though. While the new rewards are nice, I quite frankly don't understand why the choice of dailies is limited the way it is. Why not have all game mode dailies available like before, but just let give only three of the count for the reward? I am one of those players who'd do WvW dailies very now and then when I felt like it but this is probably not going to happen anymore. Also I dislike the "tutorial dailies" / dailies you can do while playing, like "dodge X times" or "do X combo fields". I often treated dailies like  "mini quests". Something to do if I'm tired after work and want to play just a little bit. Dailies I do automatically while doing other stuff take that "mini quest" aspect away, if that makes any sense.

As to the rifts I am unfortunately already bored of them after just doing the onces required for the story.  So rift hunting isn't for me. They are just too repetitive for my liking.

As to the relics:  I have 30+ max level characters, many of them having more than one build/armor set. So when I think about having to revisit every single build/armor/rune set a second time ... I am getting tired just thinking about it SIGH. So I will take my time with that. I find it confusing why some classes seem to have dedicated relics, while others don't (Ranger - my main class). And I will really miss my rock dog 😞.

I also don't quite see the point why I am "supposed" to do the Skyscale collection again. While I actually enjoyed doing the original saddle collection (I am probably a minority in that regard), it was VERY long and I don't quite see the point of a long and expensive saddle collection a second time. And from a story telling perspective this new achievements make no sense in any way when you already have the "original" Skyscale unlocked: I already have a skyscale saddle, I don't need a second one. The NPCs around us seem to have no shortage on saddles. Finding abandoned eggs for someone else to hatch .. fine. But crafting a second saddle? No.

And please, please tune down the tutorial pop ups:  At his point I hit the Esc key out of reflex whenever a tooltip pops up again - and miss those that are actually useful. I don't need to be reminded about leylines or updrafts very single time I look at one sideways. One reminder is enough.  I have no opinion yet about the rest of the expansion since I haven't played that far yet.

Edited by aikatara.3462
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