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SotO Is so good and People need to stop complaining

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On 8/24/2023 at 11:29 PM, Sylvyn.4750 said:

Considering most of the DPS players I've talked to are going with Relic of the Thief as it is clearly meta compared to the rest of the power relics, how does that really give us much of a choice, since most of the other relics are way below it in value?  Reminds me of how skyscale rose to the top of the mount heap...if you had to chose just one for the rest of the life of the game, do you really have a choice?

I would argue that the other relics are not below Thief's in value. For some builds it is not BIS.

Thief is just better than scholars previous iteration.

Power did get the short end of the stick with it's effects though in terms of their being mostly bland...easily comparable and/or inconsequential.

Supports in contrast have ALOT of diversity in choices right now.

Mercy (Revive oriented) Monks (Raw Healing) Mabon's (Boon Support) Lhyrs (Protection) Antitoxin and Troopers (Condition Cleansing)...and then you have the other things like Pack, or Unseen Invasion that aren't strictly support oriented but can fulfill a certain niche that make them useful like in WvW where group superspeed is a thing.

So ya your comment here...it's just way to over-generalized but that's what happens when you give a knee-jerk reaction to changes. What you should focus on is like i said maybe 6 times so far in this thread, are the relic effects and creating critique's of the poorly designed relic effects, and point out the well-designed relic effects, so that anet can understand WHAT they need to be looking at in terms of how to change mechanics so that the exact thing you mention in your comment is no longer a thing.

Edited by JusticeRetroHunter.7684
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So this thread started with a poster telling us to shut up complaining about SOTO, despite the numerous well described issues. The poster then went on to tell us how brilliant it is, and how much they are enjoying it.....without giving a single reason why, or a single example of what's good about it.

Sums it up, really. We can describe and define the failures of this expansion pretty easily. And I believe we are justified in being severely disappointed with what we've been served up. But try and bring this up and you get white knights like this poster coming to tell you that you aren't allowed to complain because everything is sunshine and unicorns.

Seriously, if ANET don't understand what's wrong, and why it's wrong, and what they need to do to fix it, how are they going to get any better? (Assuming that they want to, of course). The alternative is that we don't say anything, we just walk away from a game we don't enjoy any more, and you can bet your boots ANET will react if that happens. But again, without knowing WHY it's happening, do you have any faith that they'll respond the right way?

Criticism is good, as long as it's constructive. Saying it's garbage is as pointless and the thoughts of the original poster here. Saying specifically what the problems are needs to be encouraged.

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2 minutes ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

So this thread started with a poster telling us to shut up complaining about SOTO, despite the numerous well described issues. The poster then went on to tell us how brilliant it is, and how much they are enjoying it.....without giving a single reason why, or a single example of what's good about it.

Sums it up, really. We can describe and define the failures of this expansion pretty easily. And I believe we are justified in being severely disappointed with what we've been served up. But try and bring this up and you get white knights like this poster coming to tell you that you aren't allowed to complain because everything is sunshine and unicorns.

Seriously, if ANET don't understand what's wrong, and why it's wrong, and what they need to do to fix it, how are they going to get any better? (Assuming that they want to, of course). The alternative is that we don't say anything, we just walk away from a game we don't enjoy any more, and you can bet your boots ANET will react if that happens. But again, without knowing WHY it's happening, do you have any faith that they'll respond the right way?

Criticism is good, as long as it's constructive. Saying it's garbage is as pointless and the thoughts of the original poster here. Saying specifically what the problems are needs to be encouraged.

And within 20 seconds of posting this, I get a "confused" emoji. It's getting to be like a badge of honour around here.

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Speaking of taking away players choice and offering less alternatives, why so few mastery points? And why so many of them locked behind an inappropriately high number of randomly occurring quests in each subzone?

Remember, when GW-2 was all about respecting players time?

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9 hours ago, Kranlor Greyhelm.8417 said:

And within 20 seconds of posting this, I get a "confused" emoji. It's getting to be like a badge of honour around here.

Exactly. What happened to me as well.  Fanboys are out in force at this time apparently.

Edited by Xentera.4560
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Oh it's a good expansion. The forums itself is a portion of the playerbase and based on my interactions with a good chunk of the players in-game (EU Server) so far, they really enjoy SoTO.

That said it doesn't take away the fact that there are indeed terrible game design issues that need to be addressed. Just because the expanion is good doesn't mean it has no bad elements to it. What the majority of people here are addressing are those terrible game design elements ANet made. I personally enjoy the expansion but even I know something like WV is terribly executed.

The fact that if I hit something and it doesn't count towards my progression in Dailies when someone else kills the mob for example is a terrible design choice. Or that my Dailies are completely different to someone else's that we can't even progress it together and such. And that's just WV, there are other elements outside of that with issues.

It's a good, enjoyable expansion but it does have some glaring issues and design elements that need to be revised

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This thread title though. Imagine if the world worked like one single person liking something so somehow no one is allowed to dislike it. 

"stop complaining" like its somehow a demand for people to stop having an opinion that differs. Like we not allowed to be individuals. 

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On 8/23/2023 at 9:53 PM, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

It's the same thing every expac. People get hype, buy it, play it, and then when things change they cry. "Oh I don't like it its new and it ruins the game". No, nothing they've done has ruined the game. Your builds aren't all special anymore? Ooof I guess? I also worked hundreds of hours on builds. I'll work on them some more to see what works! Dailies changed? Who cares? The new system is cool, I like it, and it doesn't feel bad. So many people mad about changes THEY TOLD US ABOUT. They told us and y'all are mad? SotO is SO GOOD. EoD was SO GOOD. Why can't people play the game without complaining about every last thing. Every expac I have to block SO many people. Because instead of letting us enjoy the game, SOME are determined to ram into our brains that Anet is bad and its all garbage. AGREE TO DISAGREE. It's been amazing and I can't wait to see what comes next. Shush haters. Let Anet pump out more garbage if thats what this is because I'm loving it all 😄
Thank you Anet for your hard work and dedication to this game. For some of us, we see you and that love. I feel bad for those who worked on it, who were excited about it and now are seeing the hate. PLEASE see this message from me as a love letter if you would and know that there are those who love this game and play it too. 

You are right in one thing: There are tons of people ingame screaming the game is doomed. That is indeed off putting.

But now, to counteract the doom talkers that spam every source they can find, you also (likely unwillingly) attack the people that gave Feedback and Constructive Critisism. 

Read back your text really slowly... You never EVER made a distinction between Complaining and Feedback.
You only ramble about how "super perfect amazing 100% perfect" this expac is.

In the past, a lot of changes came due to Feedback that made the game better for me AND you.

But you, you want people to shut up and act like everything is perfect. 
I love the product, I have trust in ArenaNet, but I sure am not a fanboi. I will always give feedback and always will tell what I like AND dislike.

I do not need to declare love to ArenaNet. After concerns I had pre launch, I DID buy the expac. 
I DID say after launch I found it money well spend. 
I did also give feedback and told the things I do NOT like. 

Look around on the forums.

ArenaNet often ASKS for feedback. Should I stay silent then, should we stop giving feedback? 

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The expansion in general.is amazing, great job on it! My only feedback would be that the dailies should offer the same freedom and choices as the old system, and they shouldn't be random for everyone. Other than that, I'm blown away by the expansion, Greatsword/Shortbow Herald is super fun to play!


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On 8/23/2023 at 12:53 PM, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

SOME are determined to ram into our brains that Anet is bad and its all garbage.

It might be worth noting that you have to choose to seek out and read negative commentary about the expac. If you feel it is being forced into your brain, you are the one doing the forcing. So, if you have a preoccupation with the negatives of the expac, perhaps you arent enjoying it as much as you claim.

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On 8/24/2023 at 7:51 PM, Zoid.2568 said:

What is so good about this expansion?

Story. Honestly, it's likely the best story they did so far for GW2 (or at least very, very close to it). Unfortunately, a good story alone does not make a good expansion. Everything else about SotO is either mediocre, bad, or outright broken.

Maps get a pass (and some of the narrative story tied to them is really great) on the overall design and aestethics. Events however are an issue - they are either bugged (saw a ton of events that routinely stall and bug out), or pretty much unrewarding. I.E. we're not yet in the second week, and i have already seen champion boss events on first map being left untouched by pretty much everyone. Which means it will be hard to complete achievements connected to doing all events in the future (those champs are for the most part not soloable - or at least not soloable for 95% of the active game population).

Meta rewards value is almost completely based on the weapons you can get from those. Which is fine now, because they are heavily overpriced on tp, but once those prices go down, the reward value will sink to ground levels.

Rifts are... another major issue. Boring, designed for heavy, repeated grind, offer practically nothing of value except the special currency which is mostly used for legendary armor, but not anything else. Their farming require flying across whole map (with rift potentially being already closed when you arrive), which means most of the time is spent on moving, not on actual events. And there's the issue with Motivations. I don't think i need to go into detail here, but making the item you need to open higher tier rifts, and (even  more importantly) get full reward from said rifts, require the very same currency that is the primary goal of farming those rifts in the first place to be an examlple of well-thought design.

Then there are another two major system changes introduced with SotO - Relics and daily system change. Again, i won't be going into details, as i have been extensively commenting on those in many other, dedicated threads, but in my opinion the best we can say about those system is that they were released way too early, in extremely unfinished state and still need a ton of work and finetuning to be considered to be passable (much less good).

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On 8/24/2023 at 4:00 AM, Rubi Bayer.8493 said:

@LolzImSquishy.4978 I'm really glad you're enjoying SotO! I want to thank you for sharing that you like the expansion--the good feedback is necessary to hear so we know what people like and want more of, plus I'm gonna be real honest: It's fun to read. 🙂 

Criticism is absolutely needed as well though--it's part of how we keep making the game better and better--so I also want to thank those of you who are taking your time to constructively outline what you want to see improved, and let you know that I am continuing to read through a lot of feedback and pass it to various teams. I appreciate all of you who are contributing constructively! 

why did you remove my way to enjoy the game tho? I loved my golemancy rune and to get some daily reward to goof around. Did I not give enough money or what? Why did you take away my enjoyment of the game?

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Relics are soooo boring right now compared to all interesting 6th rune bonuses we’ve lost. 

Dailys are just broken, no alternative if u get broken mini dungeon for example.

2 maps with poor meta rewards and one of the most boring grind activity “rift”.

Soto is completely unfinished, unpolished and badly released addon. No one should be “happy”. Just relog already Anet employee and go do your job to make Soto at least playable.

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On 8/23/2023 at 8:53 PM, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

It's the same thing every expac. People get hype, buy it, play it, and then when things change they cry. "Oh I don't like it its new and it ruins the game". No, nothing they've done has ruined the game. Your builds aren't all special anymore? Ooof I guess? I also worked hundreds of hours on builds. I'll work on them some more to see what works! Dailies changed? Who cares? The new system is cool, I like it, and it doesn't feel bad. So many people mad about changes THEY TOLD US ABOUT. They told us and y'all are mad? SotO is SO GOOD. EoD was SO GOOD. Why can't people play the game without complaining about every last thing. Every expac I have to block SO many people. Because instead of letting us enjoy the game, SOME are determined to ram into our brains that Anet is bad and its all garbage. AGREE TO DISAGREE. It's been amazing and I can't wait to see what comes next. Shush haters. Let Anet pump out more garbage if thats what this is because I'm loving it all 😄
Thank you Anet for your hard work and dedication to this game. For some of us, we see you and that love. I feel bad for those who worked on it, who were excited about it and now are seeing the hate. PLEASE see this message from me as a love letter if you would and know that there are those who love this game and play it too. 

People will be mad about news of upcoming changes because whether you are told about it or not still results in changes people may not like/want. People will be mad and complain because it gives a false sense of a possibility that it may divert Anet's future endeavours into treating the game in ways they don't feel fits.

As for the rest of your post, it's all about *I like it so shut up - your opinions aren't valid* so the entirety of your post is actually meaningless stirring.

You seem very amped up in your post, caught up in the excitement of an expansion - an expansion that costs more and gives less, off of the back of EoD's limited number of post living world episodes.

I'm sure upcoming subscriptions would be welcomed with open arms by you.

A word of advice for those talking in game who don't echo your opinions, you can actually just ignore them or continue to block them. Don't engage. Discussions rarely sway opinions and arguments do so even less.

I'm glad you enjoy it though, while I continue to avoid the expansion and focus on other games, occasionally catching up here and there with GW2's abundant, albeit fragmented (and sometimes barren), content.

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I just find the amount of content too small to call this an expansion. or even mini expansion. Maybe after the entire year cycle it will be an expansion but cutting a meal up into 5 pieces and giving you one piece now and the next in 3 months doesn't make it a "meal" The 2 maps are really well made design and layout wise, if kind of small. There is very little to do in them though and after a few days I have done every event many times, and still have a lot of mastery to grind. Can you guys please make it easier to grind SOTO mastery outside  of SOTO. The entire world of guild wars is HUGE but having to stay in this very small and now very boring mini box to grind mastery xp is kind of a problem when there's so little variety in the zones.

Edited by maceojc.2756
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I have really been enjoying the SotO campaign now that I've finally had time to start it.  The story missions have been fun and well-designed so far.  Of particular note was the initial camp spying mission, I usually hate ANet stealth missions but one in the camp was nicely balanced with good mechanics (e.g. using a costume to blend in, and resetting the suspicion bar by hiding in bushes)..

The first map is very beautiful and fun to navigate.  I need to look into the details of the map metas but I've been able to take part and have fun doing them. The storyline is very interesting and it is great to see more exploration of the world's existing lore.  The alternate-reality/fractal concept is very interesting, and it would be intriguing to see more realities.

I still have to see how the new mechanics work out, but overall I'm glad I bought this expansion and I hope ANet continues in this style with them.



it's awesome to see all the Deldrimor dwarves!


Edited by DoctorOverlord.8620
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Glad YOU like it. Maybe you can help. Treachery. Cerus with Ranger Untamed with Hammer and Bow. How do you break his bar? Nothing seems to work. Tryed everything for maybe 45 min. Cerus sister showed up to res me over and over and I tried everything. I can't seem to scratch the sucker.

Thanks a whole bunch.

BTW I have seen that other classes seem to beat him.  I know it can be done. Guess I'll just replay the whole story on my mech or vindicator and see if I have better luck.

Edit: Redid my build and was able to get to the place where (Suppression) appeared and then I could finish it. Somehow I never saw that before. Used Demon sigils and dropped untamed to get break bar on pet Aether shark. Not sure if that helped or not. Checkpointed maybe 2 doz times. Just seems too hard. Not challenging, just brutal, sadistic even.

Edited by windyweather.1238
Finished it
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On 8/24/2023 at 3:53 AM, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

It's the same thing every expac. People get hype, buy it, play it, and then when things change they cry. "Oh I don't like it its new and it ruins the game". No, nothing they've done has ruined the game. Your builds aren't all special anymore? Ooof I guess? I also worked hundreds of hours on builds. I'll work on them some more to see what works! Dailies changed? Who cares? The new system is cool, I like it, and it doesn't feel bad. So many people mad about changes THEY TOLD US ABOUT. They told us and y'all are mad? SotO is SO GOOD. EoD was SO GOOD. Why can't people play the game without complaining about every last thing. Every expac I have to block SO many people. Because instead of letting us enjoy the game, SOME are determined to ram into our brains that Anet is bad and its all garbage. AGREE TO DISAGREE. It's been amazing and I can't wait to see what comes next. Shush haters. Let Anet pump out more garbage if thats what this is because I'm loving it all 😄
Thank you Anet for your hard work and dedication to this game. For some of us, we see you and that love. I feel bad for those who worked on it, who were excited about it and now are seeing the hate. PLEASE see this message from me as a love letter if you would and know that there are those who love this game and play it too. 

Nice try, I just don't hate it, but 'SO GOOD' isn't what I would use, its just a platform to sell you more small "expansion" at full expansion price.

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Buying something that is full price which is unfinished, half-cooked, half-boiled, and incomplete is not acceptable at all. This is the hard truth FACT! You think this is a complain? Imagine buying a Happy Meal to your kids and saying, the toy will be delivered to them after 6 months. 

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I wish I could enjoy this community more ;-; Instead, I have to deal with a bunch of people who complain about things they don't think about, they just have strong feelings about. My post was meant to be general. Telling people, I'm tired of the hate. Tired of this happening EVERY expac. I didn't lay it all out because I don't need to. The information about the entire expansion is out there. From what I have experienced and seen; the updates are better for the game. There has been literal math to prove it's better. You have more choice, more value for your time put in, better rewards, and more tasks to pay attention to so you're not sitting around. I don't mind complaints where complaints are due but that's not what we're seeing here. We're seeing people mad because of "change". Change isn't bad, if anything its always better. I've read all the pages here and I only seem to see a few different people agreeing with me somewhat. Others say it's bad, half cooked, rushed, poorly thought out, not even an expansion, there are many things they need to change and fix and yadda yaddas. Once again, I feel as though NO ONE was reading game updates. I've further confirmed this theory by asking some in game people and they were like "no updates about any of this are you kidding huh what" when there was....so...Nothing was a surprise for me. I knew what to expect and its coming out like I expected. Pieces at a time, slowly, with lots of new system changes. Again, like they TOLD us. I say its amazing and I hate all the negative feedback because that's what I think, and I hold to be true. And I do know others like me too. What I think, is this update might push out those who say they like the game and "play the game" but who only log on once a day for their dailies and have no idea what's going on. In a way I hope it does. There is no other "FACT" than that most (not all) people that play mmos are not the kind to give helpful feedback. It's just "I hate it change it or I'm uninstalling". This thread has also shown me that people will do more to die on their hill of "it's bad" than even try to reason with the fact that this new system is amazing. Interesting reactions from folks all around. @Rubi Bayer.8493 thank you for responding to this, HONESTLY shocked tbh. To be clear, yeah I agree. Criticism is great when its helpful. But that's my whole point. Right now none of it seems to be the "I want to help so here's some things I noticed" type of comments. I keep seeing people say that you guys are lazy, you don't care about the game anymore, they feel cheated by you guys, you're money hungry now, you ruined their gameplay, you took away their rewards, they hope y'all lose your jobs, what have you. And I can't stand by and see people hate on a whole company for .....literally nothing. So please PLEASE. Don't try and go out of your way to help people like I've seen in chats. Where they want to send in tickets to complain about dailies, they want daily rewards just "given to them" because they "don't have time to complete it", or they can't do it because it's "too hard". People are being crazy right now. I appreciate your response nonetheless. Sorry to see so many people hating on your guys' amazing work 🙂

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On 8/23/2023 at 2:10 PM, flyingplanet.6912 said:

Many actually did. Most of them quit the game silently so you just never hear their complaints. Those who complain are minority.

That's me. I just came in to see what the overall feelings were so far. I've been playing since launch and bought all the other expansions but after end of dragons I decided to wait and see. Can't bring myself to buy it and can't seem to bring myself to play anymore. I guess I've left. Like a few other older games I used to play, I sometimes check in to see what's going on.

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1 hour ago, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

We're seeing people mad because of "change". Change isn't bad, if anything its always better.

Change isn’t good or better too. Change is change. Let’s look in “new” relic system. We’ve lost all 6th runes unique bonuses to get some of them back (mostly less interesting and simple ones) and a few (really a few) new ones for a new gear slot. What does it change really? Less builds, more complicated character gearing/building and nearly zero real profit in character strenght or QoL. It is just change for a change in todays state, what it will or could be in future we don’t know. But now it is just unfinished game mechanic. And we knew that story and new maps will be unfinished (I mean we didnt get all new maps at release), no new weapons , but getting completely “raw” relics system? It’s a mess.

1 hour ago, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

. Where they want to send in tickets to complain about dailies, they want daily rewards just "given to them" because they "don't have time to complete it", or they can't do it because it's "too hard".

Or they get daily which is in bugged mini dungeon and cannot be done at all. And there is NO alternative. And they miss daily reward. Is it “lazy”? Or “too hard”? Or may be devs dont know that Cantha mini dungeons are bugged for years? And there were not a single post or ticket about it? They fixed them? Oh my, no. But I’m sure they at least didnt use known bugged as hell content in daily system! Oh my, no! Here we go again!

What I want to say - ppl have all the reasons to be mad. When you buy unfinished content it doesn’t mean you buy it in beta state with even released part so unpolished and badly done it shouldnt be released at all. No one pushed and rushed the release date except devs themselves. It wasn’t mandatory to be so early. But we’ve got what we’ve got. 

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4 hours ago, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

I wish I could enjoy this community more ;-; Instead, I have to deal with a bunch of people who complain about things they don't think about, they just have strong feelings about. My post was meant to be general. Telling people, I'm tired of the hate. Tired of this happening EVERY expac. I didn't lay it all out because I don't need to. The information about the entire expansion is out there. From what I have experienced and seen; the updates are better for the game. There has been literal math to prove it's better. You have more choice, more value for your time put in, better rewards, and more tasks to pay attention to so you're not sitting around. I don't mind complaints where complaints are due but that's not what we're seeing here. We're seeing people mad because of "change". Change isn't bad, if anything its always better. I've read all the pages here and I only seem to see a few different people agreeing with me somewhat. Others say it's bad, half cooked, rushed, poorly thought out, not even an expansion, there are many things they need to change and fix and yadda yaddas. Once again, I feel as though NO ONE was reading game updates. I've further confirmed this theory by asking some in game people and they were like "no updates about any of this are you kidding huh what" when there was....so...Nothing was a surprise for me. I knew what to expect and its coming out like I expected. Pieces at a time, slowly, with lots of new system changes. Again, like they TOLD us. I say its amazing and I hate all the negative feedback because that's what I think, and I hold to be true. And I do know others like me too. What I think, is this update might push out those who say they like the game and "play the game" but who only log on once a day for their dailies and have no idea what's going on. In a way I hope it does. There is no other "FACT" than that most (not all) people that play mmos are not the kind to give helpful feedback. It's just "I hate it change it or I'm uninstalling". This thread has also shown me that people will do more to die on their hill of "it's bad" than even try to reason with the fact that this new system is amazing. Interesting reactions from folks all around. @Rubi Bayer.8493 thank you for responding to this, HONESTLY shocked tbh. To be clear, yeah I agree. Criticism is great when its helpful. But that's my whole point. Right now none of it seems to be the "I want to help so here's some things I noticed" type of comments. I keep seeing people say that you guys are lazy, you don't care about the game anymore, they feel cheated by you guys, you're money hungry now, you ruined their gameplay, you took away their rewards, they hope y'all lose your jobs, what have you. And I can't stand by and see people hate on a whole company for .....literally nothing. So please PLEASE. Don't try and go out of your way to help people like I've seen in chats. Where they want to send in tickets to complain about dailies, they want daily rewards just "given to them" because they "don't have time to complete it", or they can't do it because it's "too hard". People are being crazy right now. I appreciate your response nonetheless. Sorry to see so many people hating on your guys' amazing work 🙂

That's a LOT of words to say "I can't point to anything good about this expansion, but please stop giving specific examples of problems because I don't like it".

There are a lot of issues with what they've given us. Feedback on what those problems are might, just might, lead to solutions being put in place. Sitting back and staying quiet would probably mean that ANET thinks everything is fine and they'll leave it as it is. If this expansion ever gets any fixes, it will be because of the people pointing out the issues. Not people wishing we could all pretend it was sunshine and lollypops.

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On 8/23/2023 at 3:28 PM, LolzImSquishy.4978 said:

If they complain the way I've seen EVERYONE complain, and its really so bad and they are that mad, then go play another game? WoW has options for people 😄

Most have.

Anet announced in 2018 that the game sold over 5,000,000 copies. This game does not have 1/10th that number playing and they have sold millions more copies since then. You know who does have millions of player that PAY to play? WoW. Players like you are the worst kind. You dismiss complaints as being meaningless yet those are the reasons why this game is not the biggest game there is, with the most players, with more money being made by the company to make the game bigger, faster.

No game is perfect, all can be improved and the best way Anet can do that is by removing posts like yours so they can focus on posts that actually matter.

Raph Koster (UO, SWG, EQ2 developer), speaking at a Games Developer Conference "Everyone who dislikes your work is right.

This is the hardest pill to swallow. I’ve never gotten a piece of feedback that was wrong. You see, you can’t deny a player their unique experience. Whatever they felt, was true. For them. And something in your work triggered it. It is useless, and worse, actually self-defeating, to attempt to deny the critique. Sure, there are sometimes reviews that seem spiteful, unfair, and the rest. But the vast majority of the time, people are giving their honest reaction.

People make games for different reasons. Some do it just because it is fun. Some do it as a form of personal expression. Some have a message to get across, and some are out to make money to put food on the table. Whatever your goal is, doing it better is held in common. That sense of craftsmanship is the common ground that unites us all. Do what you do better, serve the work better, and you get to do it again. That means there are two aspects of your work that you want to hear about the most. What you did right, and what you did wrong."

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